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Computer Networks Mcqs

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Computer Networks MCQs

Constitution Of India, Law And Engineering / Indian Tradition, Culture And Society (Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University)

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Computer Networks
Course Outcome ( CO)
At the end of course , the student will be
able to understand
Explain basic concepts, OSI reference model, services and role of each layer of OSI model and
CO 1
TCP/IP, networks devices and transmission media, Analog and digital data transmission

CO 2 Apply channel allocation, framing, error and flow control techniques.

Describe the functions of Network Layer i.e. Logical addressing, subnetting & Routing
CO 3

CO 4 Explain the different Transport Layer function i.e. Port addressing, Connection Management,
Error control and Flow control mechanism.

CO 5 Explain the functions offered by session and presentation layer and their Implementation.

CO6 Explain the different protocols used at application layer i.e. HTTP, SNMP, SMTP, FTP,

Unit Topic

Introductory Concepts: Goals and applications of networks, Categories of networks,

Organization of the Internet, ISP, Network structure and architecture (layering principles,
I services, protocols and standards), The OSI reference model, TCP/IP protocol suite, Network
devices and components.
Physical Layer:
Network topology design, Types of connections, Transmission media, Signal transmission and
encoding, Network performance and transmission impairments, Switching techniques and
Link layer: Framing, Error Detection and Correction, Flow control (Elementary Data Link
II Protocols, Sliding Window protocols).
Medium Access Control and Local Area Networks: Channel allocation, Multiple access
protocols, LAN standards, Link layer switches & bridges (learning bridge and spanning tree
Network Layer: Point-to-point networks, Logical addressing, Basic internetworking (IP, CIDR,
ARP, RARP, DHCP, ICMP), Routing, forwarding and delivery, Static and dynamic routing,
III Routing algorithms and protocols, Congestion control algorithms, IPv6.
Transport Layer: Process-to-process delivery, Transport layer protocols (UDP and TCP),
Multiplexing, Connection management, Flow control and retransmission, Window management,
IV TCP Congestion control, Quality of service.
Application Layer: Domain Name System, World Wide Web and Hyper Text Transfer
V Protocol, Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol, Remote login, Network management, Data
compression, Cryptography – basic concepts.

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Solved MCQ
1. Unit-1 ………………………………………………..……………………………….3

2. Unit-II……………………………………………………...……….…………...…….8

3. Unit-III..……………………………………………………...…………..….....…... 16

4. Unit-IV...………………………..…….………………………………………..…….23

5. Unit-V..…………………………………………………..……….....................…….28

Practice Sets ……………………………………….………………………….……….35

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1. Which processes does TCP, but not UDP, b. Hub/switch

use? c. PDC
a. Windowing d. Router
b. Acknowledgements Answer: Option(b)
c. Both a and b 7. In OSI network architecture, the dialogue
d. Destination Port control and token management are
Answer: Option(c) responsibility of
a. session layer
2. SMTP is a protocol used in which layer? b. network layer
a. Application c. transport layer
b. Network d. data link layer
c. Physical Answer: Option(a)
d. Transport
Answer: Option(a) 8. In OSI network architecture, the routing is
performed by
3. Terminators are used in which topology? a. network layer
a. Bus b. data link layer
b. Star c. transport layer
c. Ring d. session layer
d. token ring Answer: Option(a)
Answer: Option(a)
9. Which of the following performs
4. In which topology, if a computer’s network modulation and demodulation?
cable is broken, whole network goes down. a. fiber optics
a. Ring b. satellite
b. Star c. coaxial cable
c. Bus d. Modem
d. token ring Answer: Option(d)
Answer: Option(c)
10. The process of converting analog signals
into digital signals so they can be processed by
5. For large networks, which topology is used? a receiving computer is referred to as
a. Bus a. modulation
b. Tree b. demodulation
c. Ring c. synchronizing
d. Mesh d. Digitizing
Answer: Option(b) Answer: Option(b)

6. What is the central device in star topology? 11. The protocol data unit (PDU) for the
a. STP server application layer in the Internet stack is?

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connected to the switch running 10Mbps half-

a. Datagram duplex as well. Find the bandwidth does each
b. Frame host have to the server?
c. Message a. 100 kbps
d. Segment b. 1 Mbps
Answer: Option(c) c. 2 Mbps
d. 10 Mbps
12. Which protocol does switch use at the Answer: Option(d)
layer 2 for finding MAC address?
17. While transferring files between server and
a. ICMP client, if the transmission rates along the path
b. UDP is 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, 40Mbps. The
c. ARP throughput is usually
d. TCP a. 20Mbps
Answer: Option(c) b. 10Mbps
c. 40Mbps
d. 50Mbps
13. Which OSI layer adds a trailer during Answer: Option(b)
encapsulation of data?
18. Which is the additional layer to OSI model
a. Layer 3 when compared with TCP IP model?
b. Layer 4 a. Application layer
c. Layer 2 b. Presentation layer
d. Layer 5,6,7 c. Session layer
Answer: Option(d) d. Session and Presentation layer
Answer: Option(d)
14. Which of the following term describes
PDU encapsulated at Transport Layer? 19. Maximum data transfer rate of the optical
fiber is……….?
a. Frame a. 50 kbps
b. Packet b. 1000 kbps
c. Data c. 1000 Mbps
d. Segment d. None of the these
Answer: Option(d) Answer: Option(c)

15. Which protocol does HTTP (Hyper Text 20. A list of protocols used by a system, one
Transfer Protocol) - use for transferring web protocol per layer, is called ________
pages at the Transport layer a) protocol architecture
a. IP b) protocol stack
b. UDP c) protocol suite
c. TCP d) protocol system
d. ARP Answer: Option(b)
Answer: Option(c)
21. Connector RJ-45 contains?
16. There are 10 users plugged into a hub a. Two pins
running 10Mbps half-duplex.and a server b. Four pins

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c. Eight pins a. A thin coaxial cable

d. Ten pins b. A twisted pair cable
Answer: Option(c) c. A microwave link
d. A fiber optical cable
22. Which is not the legitimate transmission Answer: Option(c)
directions listed here?
a. Simplex 28. HTTP stands for?
b. Half Duplex a. Hyper terminal tracing program
c. Full Duplex b. Hypertext tracing protocol
d. Double Duplex c. Hypertext transfer protocol
Answer: Option(d) d. Hypertext transfer program
Answer: Option(c)
23. Which layer provides interface between
network support layers and user support 29. Find the best suitable topology for large
layers? businesses which must capable to control and
a. session layer coordinate the operation of distributed branch
b. data link layer outlets?
c. transport layer a. Ring
d. network layer b. Local area
Answer: Option(c) c. Hierarchical
d. Star
24. A set of rules that governs data Answer: Option(d)
communication is called
a. Protocols 30. Which mode of Communication occurs
b. Standards between a computer and a keyboard.
c. RFCs a. Automatic
d. Servers b. Half-duplex
Answer: Option(c) c. Full-duplex
d. Simplex
Answer: Option(d)
25. Which one is not a network topology?
a. Star 31. How many layers are present in the Internet
b. Ring
protocol stack (TCP/IP model)?
c. Bus
d. Peer to Peer a. 5
Answer: Option(d) b. 7
c. 6
26. Full form of OSI
a. open system interconnection d. 10
b. operating system interface Answer: Option(a)
c. optical service implementation
32. The number of layers in ISO OSI reference
d. open service Internet
Answer: Option(a) model is __________
a. 5
27. Identify the non suitable medium for 802.3 b. 7

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c. 6 c. Transport layer
d. 10 d. Link layer
Answer: b Answer: b
33. Which of the following layers is an addition 38. In OSI model, when data is sent from device
to OSI model when compared with TCP IP A to device B, the 5th layer to receive data at
model? B is _________
a. Application layer a. Application layer
b. Presentation layer b. Transport layer
c. Session layer c. Link layer
d. Session and Presentation layer d. Session layer
Answer: d Answer: d
39. In TCP IP Model, when data is sent from
34. Application layer is implemented in _______ device A to device B, the 5th layer to receive
a. End system data at B is ____________
b. NIC a. Application layer
c. Ethernet b. Transport layer
d. Packet transport c. Link layer
Answer: a d. Session layer
35. Transport layer is implemented in _________ Answer: a
a. End system 40. In the OSI model, as a data packet moves from
b. NIC the lower to the upper layers, headers are
c. Ethernet _______
d. Signal transmission a. Added
Answer: a b. Removed
36. The functionalities of the presentation layer c. Rearranged
include ____________ d. Randomized
a. Data compression Answer: b
b. Data encryption 41. Which of the following statements can be
c. Data description associated with OSI model?
d. All of the mentioned a. A structured way to discuss and easier
Answer: d update system components
37. Delimiting and synchronization of data b. One layer may duplicate lower layer
exchange is provided by __________ functionality
a. Application layer
b. Session layer

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c. Functionality at one layer no way a. mechanical specifications of

requires information from another electrical connectors and
b. electrical specification of
d. It is an application specific network transmission line signal level
model c. specification for IR over
optical fiber
Answer: c
d. all of the mentioned
42. The physical layer is concerned with Answer: Option(d)
___________ 47. In asynchronous serial
a. bit-by-bit delivery communication the physical layer
b. process to process delivery provides ___________
c. application to application delivery a. start and stop signalling
d. port to port delivery b. flow control
Answer: Option(a) c. both start & stop signalling
43. Which transmission media provides and flow control
the highest transmission speed in a d. only start signalling
network? Answer: Option(c)
a. coaxial cable
b. twisted pair cable 48. The physical layer is responsible for
c. optical fiber _____
d. electrical cable a) line coding
Answer: Option(c) b) channel coding
c) modulation
44. Bits can be sent over guided and d) all of the mentioned
unguided media as analog signal by Answer: Option(d)
___________ 49. The physical layer translates logical
a. digital modulation communication requests from the
b. amplitude modulation ______ into hardware specific
c. frequency modulation operations.
d. phase modulation a. data link layer
Answer: Option(a) b. network layer
c. trasnport layer
45. The portion of physical layer that d. application layer
interfaces with the media access Answer: Option(a)
control sublayer is called 50. A single channel is shared by multiple
___________ signals by _____
a. physical signalling sublayer a. analog modulation
b. physical data sublayer b. digital modulation
c. physical address sublayer c. multiplexing
d. physical transport sublayer d. phase modulation
Answer: Option(a) Answer: Option(c)
51. Wireless transmission of signals can
46. The physical layer provides be done via ___________
__________ a. radio waves
b. microwaves

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c. infrared
d. all of the mentioned
Answer: Option(d)

c. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol),
1. The two sublayers of a Data Link layer are d. All the above
a. LLC Logical Link Control Layer Answer: Option(d)
b. MAC Medium Access Control Layer
c. Both A and B
d. Data Layer 5. Which is the protocol that maps varying IP
Answer: Option(c) addresses to the Physical MAC Address of a
machine in a LAN network?
a. ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request)
2. The functions of a Logical Link Layer b. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
(LLC) are c. SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
a. Error control d. PLIP (Parallel Line Internet Protocol)
b. Flow control Answer: Option(b)
c. Creating and managing the
communication link between two 6. Which protocols adopted the standards of
devices with the help of the Transport HDLC (High Level Link Control) protocol?
layer. a. X.25 protocol as LAPB (Link Access
d. All the above Procedure Balanced, V.42 protocol as
Answer: Option(d) LAPM (Link Access Procedure for
b. Frame Relay protocol as LAPF (Link
3. The types of data services offered by an Access Procedure for Frame Relay)
LLC (Logical Link Control) layer are c. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital
a. Connectionless which is fast and Network) protocol as LAPD (Link
unreliable Access Procedure on D channel)
b. Connection Oriented which is slow d. All the above
and reliable Answer: Option(d)
c. Both A and B
d. None 7. The Dialup connections to access the
Answer: Option(c) internet uses ___ protocol.
a. PPP (Point to Point protocol)
b. X.25 protocol
4. Choose the Protocols working in the Data c. PLIP protocol
Link Control Layer of OSI model below. d. None
a. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Answer: Option(a)
Frame Relay
b. HDLC (High Level Data Link 8. Automatic repeat request error management
Control), SDLC (Synchronous Data mechanism is provided by ________
Link Control) a. logical link control sublayer
b. media access control sublayer
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c. network interface control sublayer 14. Which of the following is the multiple
d. application access control sublayer access protocol for channel access control?
Answer: Option(a) a. CSMA/CD
9. Header of a frame generally contains c. Both CSMA/CD & CSMA/CA
a. synchronization bytes d. HDLC
b. addresses Answer: Option(c)
c. frame identifier
d. all of the mentioned 15. The technique of temporarily delaying
Answer: Option(d) outgoing acknowledgements so that they can
be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is
called ____________
10. Which sublayer of the data link layer a. piggybacking
performs data link functions that depend upon b. cyclic redundancy check
the type of medium? c. fletcher’s checksum
a. logical link control sublayer d. parity check
b. media access control sublayer Answer: Option(a)
c. network interface control sublayer
d. error control sublayer 16. Which of the following uses a very thin
Answer: Option(b) glass or plastic fiber through which pulses of
light travel?
11. CRC stands for __________
a. cyclic redundancy check a. Cat 1
b. code repeat check b. Optical fiber
c. code redundancy check c. Twisted pair
d. cyclic repeat check d. Coax
Answer: Option(a) Answer: Option(b)

17. When does the station B send a positive

12. When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been acknowledgement (ACK) to station A in Stop
changed during the transmission, the error is and Wait protocol?
called _____
a. random error a. only when no error occurs at the
b. burst error transmission level
c. inverted error b. when retransmission of old packet in a
d. double error novel frame is necessary
Answer: Option(b) c. only when station B receives frame
with errors
13. Which of the following is a data link d. all of the above
protocol? Answer: Option(a)
a. ethernet
b. point to point protocol 18. Which consequences are more likely to
c. hdlc occur during the frame transmission in
d. all of the mentioned StopandWait ARQ mechanism?
Answer: Option(d)
a. Loss of frame or an acknowledgement

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b. Delay in an acknowledgement a. NRM

c. Normal operation b. ABM
d. All of the above c. Both a & b
Answer: Option(d) d. None of the above
Answer: Option(b)
19. Which provision can resolve / overcome 23. Which category of HDLC frames
the shortcomings associated with duplication undergoes error and flow control mechanisms
or failure condition of Stop and Wait by comprising send and receive sequence
Automatic Repeat Request protocol especially numbers?
due to loss of data frames or non reception of a. Uframes
acknowledgement? b. Iframes
c. Sframes
a. Provision of sequence number in the d. All of the above
header of message Answer: Option(c)
b. Provision of checksum computation
c. Both a & b 24. Which type of Sframe in HDLC exhibit the
d. None of the above correspondence of last three bits [N(R)] by
Answer: Option(a) defining the negative acknowledgement
(NAK) number with the code value of '01'?
20. Which ARQ mechanism deals with the
transmission of only damaged or lost frames a. Receive ready
despite the other multiple frames by increasing b. Receive not ready
the efficiency & its utility in noisy channels? c. Reject
d. Selective Reject
a. GoBackN ARQ Answer: Option(c)
b. Selective Repeat ARQ
c. StopandWait ARQ
d. All of the above 25. Which among the following represents the
Answer: Option(b) objectives/requirements of Data Link Layer?

21. Which feature of Go Back N ARQ a. Frame Synchronization

mechanism possesses an ability to assign the b. Error & Flow Control
sliding window in the forward direction? c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
a. Control Variables Answer: Option(c)
b. Sender Sliding Window
c. Receiver Sliding Window 26. When does the station B send a positive
d. Resending of frames acknowledgement (ACK) to station A in Stop
Answer: Option(b) and Wait protocol?

22. Which operational mode/s of HDLC a. only when no error occurs at the
support/s the balanced configuration by transmission level
governing point to point link connectivity in b. when retransmission of old packet in a
addition to the primary as well as secondary novel frame is necessary
functions performed by the station? c. only when station B receives frame
with errors

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d. all of the above b. 2

Answer: Option(a) c. 2.5
27. For pure ALOHA, the maximum channel d. 5
utilization is Answer: Option(b)
a. 100% 32. Let G(x) be the generator polynomial used
b. 50% for CRC checking. What is the condition that
c. 36% should be satisfied by G(x) to detect odd
d. 18% number of bits in error?
Answer: Option(d) a. G(x) contains more than two terms
b. G(x) does not divide 1+x^k, for any k
28. The program used to determine the round not exceeding the frame length
trip delay between a workstation and a c. 1+x is a factor of G(x)
destination address is d. G(x) has an odd number of terms
Answer: Option(c)
a. Tracert
b. Traceroute 33. In Ethernet when Manchester encoding is
c. Ping used, the bit rate is:
d. Pop a. Half the baud rate.
Answer: Option(b) b. Twice the baud rate.
c. Same as the baud rate.
29. What is the difference between the d. None of the above
Ethernet frame preamble field and the IEEE Answer: Option(a)
802.3 preamble and start of frame Delimiter
fields? 34. In a token ring network the transmission
speed is 10^7 bps and the propagation
a. 1 byte speed is 200 metres/micro second. The 1-
b. 1 bit bit delay in this network is equivalent to:
c. 4 bit a. 500 metres of cable.
d. 16 bit b. 200 metres of cable.
Answer: Option(a) c. 20 metres of cable.
d. 50 metres of cable
30. Which of the following approaches to Answer: Option(c)
switching share networks resource?
35. The message 11001001 is to be transmitted
a. Circuit switching using the CRC polynomial x^3 + 1 to
b. Packet switching protect it from errors. The message that
c. Both A and B should be transmitted is:
d. None of these a. 11001001000
Answer: Option(b) b. 11001001011
c. 11001010
31. Determine the maximum length of the d. 110010010011
cable (in km) for transmitting data at a rate of Answer: Option(b)
500 Mbps in an Ethernet LAN with frames of 36. The distance between two stations M and N
size 10,000 bits. Assume the signal speed in is L kilometers. All frames are K bits long.
the cable to be 2,00,000 km/s. The propagation delay per kilometer is t
a. 1 seconds. Let R bits/second be the channel

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capacity. Assuming that processing delay is d. 512

negligible, the minimum number of bits for Answer: Option(c)
the sequence number field in a frame for 40. How many 8-bit characters can be
maximum utilization, when the sliding transmitted per second over a 9600 baud
window protocol used is: serial communication link using
asynchronous mode of transmission with
one start bit, eight data bits, two stop bits,
and one parity bit ?
a. 600
b. 800
c. 876
a. A d. 1200
b. B Answer: Option(b)
c. C 41. Consider a CSMA/CD network that
d. D transmits data at a rate of 100 Mbps (108 bits
per second) over a 1 km (kilometre) cable
Answer: Option(c) with no repeaters. If the minimum frame size
37. A bit-stuffing based framing protocol uses required for this network is 1250 bytes, what
an 8-bit delimiter pattern of 01111110. If the is the signal speed (km/sec) in the cable?
output bit-string after stuffing is a. 8000
01111100101, then the input bit-string is b. 10000
a. 0111110100 c. 16000
b. 0111110101 d. 20000
c. 0111111101 Answer: Option(d)
d. 0111111111 42. Which one of the following statements is
Answer: Option(b) FALSE?
38. Station A uses 32 byte packets to transmit a. Packet switching leads to better
messages to Station B using a sliding utilization of bandwidth resources than
window protocol. The round trip delay circuit switching.
between A and B is 80 milliseconds and the b. Packet switching results in less
bottleneck bandwidth on the path between A variation in delay than circuit
and B is 128 kbps. What is the optimal switching.
window size that A should use? c. Packet switching requires more per
a. 20 packet processing than circuit
b. 40 switching
c. 160 d. Packet switching can lead to
d. 320 reordering unlike in circuit switching
Answer: Option(b)
Answer: Option(b)
39. Suppose the round trip propagation delay for
a 10 Mbps Ethernet having 48-bit jamming 43. Which of the following statements is TRUE
signal is 46.4 ms. The minimum frame size about CSMA/CD
is a. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN
a. 94 runs CSMA/CD protocol
b. 416 b. Ethernet is not based on
c. 464 CSMA/CD protocol

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c. CSMA/CD is not suitable for Answer: Option(b)

a high propagation delay
network like satellite network 47. The minimum frame size required for a
d. There is no contention in a CSMA/CD based computer network
CSMA/CD network running at 1 Gbps on a 200m cable with a
Answer: Option(c) link speed of 2 × 108m/s is
44. A sender uses the Stop-and-Wait ARQ a. 125 bytes
protocol for reliable transmission of frames. b. 250 bytes
Frames are of size 1000 bytes and the c. 500 bytes
transmission rate at the sender is 80 Kbps d. None of these
(1Kbps = 1000 bits/second). Size of an Answer: Option(b)
acknowledgement is 100 bytes and the
transmission rate at the receiver is 8 Kbps.
The one-way propagation delay is 100 48. Suppose that the one-way propagation delay
milliseconds. Assuming no frame is lost, the for a 100 Mbps Ethernet having 48-bit
sender throughput is __________ jamming signal is 1.04 micro-seconds. The
bytes/second. minimum frame size in bits is:
a. 2500
b. 2000 a. 112
c. 1500 b. 160
d. 500 c. 208
Answer: Option(a) d. 256
Answer: Option(d)
45. In an Ethernet local area network, which one 49. Which of the following statement is False
of the following statements is TRUE ? about the efficiency of the given channel?
a. A station stops to sense the channel a. If we want to send big packets on the
once it starts transmitting a frame. channel, then Stop and Wait is good
b. The purpose of the jamming signal is choice.
to pad the frames that are smaller than b. If length of packet increases,
the minimum frame size. efficiency of channel also increases.
c. A station continues to transmit the c. Distance between sender and
packet even after the collision is receiver is directly proportional to
detected. efficiency of channel.
d. The exponential backoff mechanism d. Efficient might be less if capacity of
reduces the probability of collision channel is high
on retransmissions
Answer: Option(d) Answer: Option(c)

46. How many bytes of data can be sent in 15 50. Consider a link with packet loss probability
seconds over a serial link with baud rate of of 0.2. What is the expected number of
9600 in asynchronous mode with odd parity transmissions it would take to transfer 200
and two stop bits in the frame? packets given that the stop and wait protocol
a. 10,000 bytes is used?
b. 12,000 bytes a. 125
c. 15,000 bytes b. 250
d. 27,000 bytes c. 225

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d. 150 Answer: Option(b)

Answer: Option(b)

51. Which of the following devices takes data

sent from one network device and forwards
it to the destination node based on MAC 56. Match the following
address ?
a. Hub
b. Modem
c. Switch
d. Gateway
Answer: Option(c)
52. In Ethernet CSMA/CD, the special bit
sequence transmitted by media access
management to handle collision is called
a. Preamble
b. Postamble
c. Jam a. (1)
d. None of the above b. (2)
Answer: Option(c) c. (3)
d. (4)
53. Let C be a binary linear code with minimum Answer: Option(a)
distance 2t + 1 then it can correct upto _____
bits of error. 57. If the frame to be transmitted is 1101011011
a. t + 1 and the CRC polynomial to be used for
b. t generating checksum is x4+ x + 1, then what
c. t - 2 is the transmitted frame?
d. t / 2 a. 11010110111011
Answer: Option(b) b. 11010110111101
54. In CRC if the data unit is 100111001 and the c. 11010110111110
divisor is 1011 then what is dividend at the d. 11010110111001
receiver? Answer: Option(c)
a. 100111001101
b. 100111001011 58. What will be the efficiency of a Stop and
c. 100111001 Wait protocol, if the transmission time for a
d. 100111001110 frame is 20ns and the propagation time is
Answer: Option(b) 30ns?
a. 20%
55. A certain population of ALOHA users b. 25%
manages to generate 70 request/sec. If the c. 40%
time is slotted in units of 50 msec, then d. 66%
channel load would be Answer: Option(b)
a. 4.25
b. 3.5 59. Bit stuffing refers to
c. 350 a. inserting a 0 in user stream
d. 450 to differentiate it with a flag

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b. inserting a 0 in flag stream to

avoid ambiguity
c. appending a nipple to the flag
d. appending a nipple to the use
data stream
Answer: Option(a)

60. _______ can detect burst error of length less

than or equal to degree of the polynomial
and detects burst errors that affect odd
number of bits.
a. Hamming Code
b. CRC
c. VRC
d. None of the above
Answer: Option(b)

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Answer: Option(c)
1. The network layer is concerned with
__________ of data.

a. bits
b. frames 6. Which of the following routing algorithms
c. packets can be used for network layer design?
d. bytes a. shortest path algorithm
Answer: Option(c) b. distance vector routing
2. Which one of the following is not a function c. link state routing
of network layer? d. all of the mentioned
a. routing Answer: Option(b)
b. inter-networking 7. A subset of a network that includes all the
c. congestion control routers but contains no loops is called
d. error control ________
Answer: Option(d) a. spanning tree
b. spider structure
3. In virtual circuit network each packet c. spider tree
contains ___________ d. special tree
Answer: Option(a)
a. full source and destination address 8. Which one of the following algorithm is not
b. a short VC number used for congestion control?
c. only source address
d. only destination address a. traffic aware routing
Answer: Option(b) b. admission control
c. load shedding
d. routing information protocol
4. Which of the following is not correct in Answer: Option(d)
relation to multi-destination routing?

a. is same as broadcast routing 9. ICMP is primarily used for __________

b. contains the list of all destinations
c. data is not sent by packets a. error and diagnostic functions
d. there are multiple receivers b. addressing
Answer: Option(c) c. forwarding
d. routing
5. A 4 byte IP address consists of __________ Answer: Option(a)
10. The network layer contains which
a. only network address hardware device?
b. only host address
c. network address & host address a. Routers, Bridges
d. network address & MAC address b. Bridges only

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c. Bridges and switches d. The devices that operates at

d. Routers, Bridges and Switches network
Answer: Option(d) Answer: Option(d)
11. Network layer protocol exits in _________ 16. ICMP stands for __________

a. Host a. Internet Coordinate Message Protocol

b. Switches b. Internet Control Message Protocol
c. Packets c. Interconnect Control Message
d. Bridges Protocol
Answer: Option(a) d. Interconnect Coordinate Message
Answer: Option(b)
12. What are the common protocols associated 17. Packets will be transferred in how many
with the network layer? types?
a. Address Resolution Protocol a. 5 types
b. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol b. 4 types
c. Internet protocol c. 2 types
d. Neighbour Discovery Protocol d. 3 types
Answer: Option(c) Answer: Option(d)
18. RIP stands for ________
13. The network layer responds to request a. Reduced Information Protocol
from which layer? b. Routing Internet Protocol
a. Transport layer c. Routing Information Protocol
b. Data layer d. Reduced Internet Protocol
Answer: Option(c)
c. Application layer
19. DDP stands for _________
d. Session layer
Answer: Option(a) a. Datagram Delivery Protocol
b. Device Delivery Protocol
c. Datagram Device Protocol
14. The network layer issues request to which
layer? d. Device Datagram Protocol
Answer: Option(a)
a. Transport layer 20. Which level is the network layer in the OSI
b. Data layer model?
c. Application layer
d. Session layer a. Third level
b. Fourth level
Answer: Option(b)
c. Second level
d. Fifth layer
15. What are called routers? Answer: Option(a)
21. Which of the following is correct IPv4
a. The devices that operates at session address?
b. The devices that operates at data layer a.
c. The devices that operates at b.
application layer c. 300.142.210.64

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d. b. Masking
Answer: Option(d) c. Fragmenting
22. How many versions available of IP? d. Hopping
Answer: Option(a)
a. 6 version
b. 4 version
c. 2 version 28. Which field/s of ICMPv6 packet header
d. 1 version has/have a provision of minimal integrity level
Answer: Option(c) concerning to verification for ICMP
23. The term IPv4 stands for? messages?

a. Internet Protocol Version 4 a. Type

b. Internet Programming Version 4 b. Code
c. International Programming Version 4 c. Checksum
d. None of these d. All of the above
Answer: Option(a) Answer: Option(c)
24. Which of the following IP address class is
29. Which among the below stated datagram
a. Class A discard code fields in ICMP is/are generated if
b. Class B a router fails to forward a packet due to
c. Class C administrative filtering?
d. Class D
Answer: Option(d) a. Source Route Failed
25. Which form of byte assigning strategy is b. Communication Administratively
adopted in class B type of network Prohibited
corresponding to IP addresses? c. Host Precedence Violation
d. Precedence Cut-off in Effect
a. Network.Node.Node.Node Answer: Option(b)
b. Network.Network.Node.Node 30. What are the problems involved in an IP
c. Network.Network.Network.Node Fragmentation Process?
d. Network.Node.Node.Node
Answer: Option(b) A. Loss of any fragment results in
26. On which factors do the size of block rejection of all datagrams
depends in classless addressing? B. Management of buffer space is
essential to handle reassembly process
a. Nature & size of an entity C. No necessity of initializing the timer
b. Number of addresses after the reception of initial fragment
c. Availability of the address space D. Multiple attempts can be made to
d. All of the above recover ICMP error message due to
Answer: Option(a) connection-oriented IP service

a. A & B
27. The ability of a single network to span
multiple physical networks is known as b. C & D
______ c. B& C
a. Subnetting
d. A & D

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Answer: Option(a) 34. For which one of the following reasons

does Internet Protocol (IP) use the time-to-
31. In an IPv4 datagram, the M bit is 0, the live (TTL) field in the IP datagram header?
value of HLEN is 10, the value of total length
is 400 and the fragment offset value is 300. a. Ensure packets reach destination
The position of the datagram, the sequence within that time
numbers of the first and the last bytes of the b. Discard packets that reach later than
payload, respectively are that time
c. Prevent packets from looping
a. Last fragment, 2400 and 2789 indefinitely
b. First fragment, 2400 and 2759 d. Limit the time for which a packet gets
c. Last fragment, 2400 and 2759 queued in intermediate routers.
d. Middle fragment, 300 and 689 Answer: Option(c)
Answer: Option(c) 35. Which of the following statements is
32. Consider a source computer(S) transmitting TRUE?
a file of size 106 bits to a destination computer
(D)over a network of two routers (R1 and R2) a. Both Ethernet frame and IP packet
and three links(L1, L2, and L3). L1connects S include checksum fields
to R1; L2 connects R1 to R2; and L3 connects b. Ethernet frame includes a checksum
R2 to D. Let each link be of length 100 km. field and IP packet includes a CRC
Assume signals travel over each link at a speed field
of 108 meters per second. Assume that the link c. Ethernet frame includes a CRC
bandwidth on each link is 1Mbps. Let the file field and IP packet includes a
be broken down into 1000 packets each of size checksum field
1000 bits. Find the total sum of transmission d. Both Ethernet frame and IP packet
and propagation delays in transmitting the file include CRC fields
from S to D? Answer: Option(c)

a. 1005 ms
b. 1010 ms 36. Which of the following assertions is
c. 3000 ms FALSE about the Internet Protocol (IP)?
d. 3003 ms
Answer: Option(a) a. It is possible for a computer to have
multiple IP addresses
33. One of the header fields in an IP datagram b. IP packets from the same source to the
is the Time to Live (TTL) field. Which of the same destination can take different
following statements best explains the need for routes in the network
this field? c. IP ensures that a packet is discarded if
it is unable to reach its destination
a. It can be used to prioritize packets within a given number of hops
b. It can be used to reduce delays d. The packet source cannot set the
c. It can be used to optimize throughput route of an outgoing packets; the
d. It can be used to prevent packet route is determined only by the
looping routing tables in the routers on the
Answer: Option(d) way
Answer: Option(d)

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37. An organization is granted the block c. Reach agreement with other routers It needs to have 4 subnets. about the network topology
Which of the following is not an address of d. All of the above
this organization? Answer: Option(d)

b. 41. When a host on network A sends a message
c. to a host on network B, which address does
d. the router look at?
Answer: Option(d) a. Port
b. IP
38. An IP datagram of size 1000 bytes arrives c. Physical
at a router. The router has to forward this d. Subnet mask
Answer: Option(b)
packet on a link whose MTU (maximum
42. For n devices in a network, ________
transmission unit) is 100 bytes. Assume that
the size of the IP header is 20 bytes. The number of duplex-mode links are required
number of fragments that the IP datagram will for a mesh topology.
be divided into for transmission is : a. n(n + 1)
b. n (n – 1)
a. 10 c. n(n + 1)/2
b. 50 d. n(n – 1)/2
c. 12 Answer: Option(d)
d. 13 43. __________ is a bit-oriented protocol for
communication over point-to-point and
Answer: Option(d) multipoint links.
a. Stop-and-wait
39. In an IPv4 datagram, the M bit is 0, the
c. Sliding window
value of HLEN is 10, the value of total length
d. Go-back-N
is 400 and the fragment offset value is 300.
Answer: Option(c)
The position of the datagram, the sequence
44. In Challenge-Response authentication the
numbers of the first and the last bytes of the
claimant ________.
payload, respectively are
a. Proves that she knows the secret
a. Last fragment, 2400 and 2789 without revealing it
b. First fragment, 2400 and 2759 b. Proves that she doesn’t know the
c. Last fragment, 2400 and 2759 secret
d. Middle fragment, 300 and 689 c. Reveals the secret
Answer: Option(c) d. Gives a challenge
Answer: Option(a)
45. An organization is granted the block
40. Dynamic routing protocol enable routers to It needs to have 4 subnets.
Which of the following is not an address of
a. Dynamically discover and maintain
this organization?
b. Distribute routing updates to other

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d. d. 10 Mbps
Answer: Option(d)
51. Dynamic routing protocol enable routers to
46. A pure ALOHA Network transmits 200 bit a. Dynamically discover and maintain
frames using a shared channel with 200 routes
Kbps bandwidth. If the system (all stations b. Distribute routing updates to other
put together) produces 500 frames per routers
second, then the throughput of the system is c. Reach agreement with other routers
______. about the network topology
a. 0.384 d. All of the above
b. 0.184
c. 0.286 Answer: Option(d)
d. 0.58 52. The address of a class B host is to be split
Answer: Option(b) into subnets with a 6-bit subnet number.
47. IPv6 does not support which of the What is the maximum number of subnets
following addressing modes? and the maximum number of hosts in each
a. unicast addressing subnet?
b. multicast addressing a. 62 subnets and 262142 hosts.
c. broadcast addressing b. 64 subnets and 262142 hosts.
d. anycast addressing c. 62 subnets and 1022 hosts.
d. 64 subnets and 1024 hosts
Answer: Option(c)
Answer: Option(c)
48. What is IP class and number of sub-
networks if the subnet mask is 53. A network with bandwidth of 10 Mbps can
a. Class A, 3 pass only an average of 12,000 frames per
b. Class A, 8 minute with each frame carrying an average
c. Class B, 3 of 10,000 bits. What is the throughput of
d. Class B, 32 this network ?
a. 1 Mbps
Answer: Option(b) b. 2 Mbps
49. Which of the following is not a congestion c. 10 Mbps
policy at network layer? d. 12 Mbps
a. Flow Control Policy Answer: Option(b)
b. Packet Discard Policy 54. Suppose transmission rate of a channel is
c. Packet Lifetime Management Policy 32 kbps. If there are ‘8’ routes from source
d. Routing Algorithm to destination and each packet p contains
Answer: Option(a) 8000 bits. Total end to end delay in sending
50. A network with bandwidth of 10 Mbps can packet P is _____.
pass only an average of 15,000 frames per a. 2 sec
minute with each frame carrying an average b. 3 sec
of 8,000 bits. What is the throughput of this c. 4 sec
network? d. 1 sec
a. 2 Mbps Answer: Option(a)
b. 60 Mbps
c. 120 Mbps

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55. Which of the following routing technique / 59. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, which one of
techniques is / are used in distributed the following is NOT part of the IP header?
systems ? a. Fragment Offset
A. Fixed Routing b. Source IP address
B. Virtual Routing c. Destination IP address
C. Dynamic Routing d. Destination port number

Answer: Option(d)
a. A Only 60. In the network, the fourth
b. A and B only octet (in decimal) of the last IP address of
c. C only the network which can be assigned to a host
d. All A,B,C is ________
a. 158
Answer: Option(a) b. 255
56. Consider the given network implementation c. 222
scenario. For the given classful NID d. 223, the requirement is to create Answer: Option(a)
13 subnets. With given details, find the
range of first and last valid IP in 15th 61. Which one of the following fields of an IP
subnet. header is NOT modified by a typical IP
a. to router?
b. to a. Checksum
c. to b. Source address
d. Not of these c. Time to Live (TTL)
d. Length
Answer: Option(b) Answer: Option(b)

57. __________ do not take their decisions on 62. If a Company require 60 hosts then What is
measurements or estimates of the current the best possible subnet mask?
traffic and topology. a.
a. Static algorithms b.
b. Adaptive algorithms c.
c. Non - adaptive algorithms d.
d. Recursive algorithms Answer: Option(b)
Answer: Option(c)
63. The address resolution protocol (ARP) is
58. A subnet has been assigned a subnet mask used for
of What is the maximum a. Finding the IP address from the DNS
number of hosts that can belong to this b. Finding the IP address of the default
subnet? gateway
a. 14 c. Finding the IP address that
b. 30 corresponds to a MAC address
c. 62 d. Finding the MAC address that
d. 126 corresponds to an IP address
Answer: Option(c)
Answer: Option(d)

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1. Transport layer aggregates data from c. wins

different applications into a single stream d. sockwi
before passing it to ____________ Answer: Option(d)
6. An endpoint of an inter-process
a. network layer communication flow across a computer
b. data link layer network is called
c. application layer
d. physical layer a. socket
Answer: Option(a) b. pipe
2. Which of the following are transport layer c. port
protocols used in networking? d. machine
Answer: Option(a)
a. TCP and FTP
b. UDP and HTTP 7. Which one of the following is a version of
c. TCP and UDP UDP with congestion control?
d. HTTP and FTP
Answer: Option(c) a. datagram congestion control
3. User datagram protocol is called protocol
connectionless because _____________ b. stream control transmission protocol
c. structured stream transport
a. all UDP packets are treated d. user congestion control protocol
independently by transport layer Answer: Option(a)
b. it sends data as a stream of related
packets 8. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport
c. it is received in the same order as sent service access point.
order a. port
d. it sends data very quickly b. pipe
Answer: Option(a) c. node
4. Transmission control protocol ___________ d. protocol
a. is a connection-oriented protocol Answer: Option(a)
b. uses a three way handshake to 9. Transport layer protocols deals with _____
establish a connection
c. receives data from application as a a. application to application
single stream communication
d. all of the mentioned b. process to process communication
Answer: Option(d) c. node to node communication
5. Socket-style API for windows is called d. man to man communication
____________ Answer: Option(b)

a. wsock 10. Which of the following is a transport layer

b. winsock protocol?
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a. stream control transmission 17. Buffer overrun can be reduced by using

protocol what?
b. internet control message protocol a. Traffic control
c. neighbor discovery protocol b. Flow control
d. dynamic host configuration protocol c. Byte orientation
Answer: Option(a) d. Data integrity
11. What are the functions of the transport Answer: Option(b)
layer? 18. Transport layer can identify the symptoms
a. Multiplexing/ Demultiplexing of overload nodes using _________
b. Connection less Services a. Flow control
c. Connection oriented service b. Traffic control
d. Congestion control c. Byte orientation
Answer: Option(a) d. Data integrity
12. Which services are provided by transport Answer: Option(b)
layer? 19. Transport layer is which layer in OSI
a. Error control model?
b. Connection service a. Fourth layer
c. Connection less service b. Third layer
d. Congestion control c. Second layer
Answer: Option(a) d. Fifth layer\
13. TCP and UDP are called ________ Answer: Option(a)
a. Application protocols 20. Congestion control can control traffic entry
b. Session protocols into a telecommunications network, so to
c. Transport protocols avoid _________
d. Network protocols a. Congestive connection
Answer: Option(c) b. Connection collapse
14. Security based connection is provided by c. Congestive collapse
which layer? d. Collapse congestive
a. Network layer Answer: Option(c)
b. Session layer 21. FCP stands for _________
c. Application layer a. Fiber Channel Protocol
d. Transport layer b. Field Channel Protocol
Answer: Option(d) c. Fast Channel Protocol
15. TCP is the standard protocol with std no? d. Fiber Carrying Protocol
a. 5 Answer: Option(a)
b. 4 22. UDP packets are called as _________
c. 7 a. Segments
d. 3 b. Checksum
Answer: Option(c) c. Frames
16. Using which method in transport layer data d. Datagrams
integrity can be ensured? Answer: Option(d)
a. Checksum
b. Repetition codes 23._________ does not provide reliable end to
c. Cyclic redundancy checks end communication.
d. Error correcting codes a. TCP
Answer: Option(a) b. UDP

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c. Both TCP and UDP c. stop incoming traffic from a specific

d. Neither TCP nor UDP IP address but allow outgoing traffic
Answer: Option(b) to the same IP address
24. ARQ stands for __________ d. block TCP traffic from a specific
a. Automatic Repeat Request user on a multi-user system during
b. Automatic Request Repeat 9:00PM and 5:00AM
c. Application Repeat Request Answer: Option(d)
d. Application Request Repeat
Answer: Option(a) 29. Which of the following system calls results
25. The transport layer protocols used for real in the sending of SYN packets?
time multimedia, file transfer, DNS and email, a. socket
respectively are: b. bind
a. TCP, UDP, UDP and TCP c. listen
b. UDP, TCP, TCP and UDP d. connect
c. UDP, TCP, UDP and TCP Answer: Option(d)
d. TCP, UDP, TCP and UDP
Answer: Option(c) 30. In the slow start phase of the TCP
26. Which of the following transport layer congestion control algorithm, the size of the
protocols is used to support electronic mail? congestion window

a. SMTP a. does not increase

b. IP b. increases linearly
c. TCP c. increases quadratically
d. UDP d. increases exponentially
Answer: Option(c) Answer: Option(d)
27. Consider an instance of TCP’s Additive
Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) 31. Which one of the following uses UDP as
algorithm where the window size at the start of the transport protocol?
the slow start phase is 2 MSS and the a. HTTP
threshold at the start of the first transmission is b. Telnet
8 MSS. Assume that a timeout occurs during c. DNS
the fifth transmission. Find the congestion d. SMTP
window size at the end of the tenth Answer: Option(c)
a. 8 MSS 32. the maximum window size for data
b. 14 MSS transmission using the selective reject
c. 7 MSS protocol with n-bit frame sequence
d. 12 MSS numbers is:
Answer: Option(c) a. 2^n
28. A layer-4 firewall (a device that can look b. 2^(n-1)
at all protocol headers up to the transport c. 2^n – 1
layer) CANNOT d. 2^(n-2)
a. block entire HTTP traffic during Answer: Option(b)
9:00PM and 5 :0OAM 33. Which of the following is NOT true about
b. block all ICMP traffic User Datagram Protocol in transport layer?

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a. Works well in unidirectional Answer: Option(c)

communication, suitable for broadcast
information. 37. Suppose there are n stations in a slotted
b. It does three way handshake before LAN. Each station attempts to transmit
sending datagrams with a probability P in each time slot. The
c. It provides datagrams, suitable for probability that only one station transmits
modeling other protocols such as in IP in a given slot is _______.
tunneling or Remote Procedure Call
and the Network File System
d. The lack of retransmission delays a. nP(1 – P)n – 1
makes it suitable for real-time b. nP
applications c. P(1 – P)n – 1
d. nP(1 – P)n – 1
Answer: Option(b) Answer: Option(a)
34. Identify the correct order in which a server 38. What is the maximum size of data that the
process must invoke the function calls application layer can pass on to the TCP
accept, bind, listen, and recv according to layer below?
UNIX socket API a. Any size
a. listen, accept, bind recv b. 216 bytes - size of TCP header
b. bind, listen, accept, recv c. 216 bytes
c. bind, accept, listen, recv d. 1500
d. accept, listen, bind, recv Answer: Option(a)
Answer: Option(b)
39. An ACK number of 1000 in TCP always
35. Consider the following statements. means that
I. TCP connections are full duplex. a. 999 bytes have been successfully
II. TCP has no option for selective received
acknowledgment b. 1000 bytes have been successfully
III. TCP connections are message received
streams. c. 1001 bytes have been successfully
a. Only I is correct received
b. Only I and II are correct d. None of the above
c. Only II and III are correct Answer: Option(d)
d. All of I, II and III are correct
40. Suppose you are browsing the world wide
Answer: Option(a) web using a web browser and trying to
access the web servers. What is the
36. Generally TCP is reliable and UDP is not underlying protocol and port number that
reliable. DNS which has to be reliable uses are being used?
UDP because a. UDP, 80
a. UDP is slower b. TCP, 80
b. DNS servers has to keep connections c. TCP, 25
c. DNS requests are generally very d. UDP, 25
small and fit well within UDP Answer: Option(b)
d. None of these

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41. If link transmits 4000 frames per second

and each slot has 8 bits, the transmission 46. The maximum payload of a TCP segment
rate of circuit of this TDM is ______. is:
a. 64 Kbps a. 65,535
b. 32 Mbps b. 65,515
c. 32 Kbps c. 65,495
d. 64 MbpS d. 65,475
Answer: Option(c) Answer: Option(c)

42. Which algorithm is used to shape the bursty 47. Silly Window Syndrome is related to
traffic into a fixed rate traffic by averaging a. Error during transmission
the data rate? b. File transfer protocol
a. solid bucket algorithm c. Degrade in TCP performance
b. spanning tree algorithm d. Interface problem
c. hocken helm algorithm
d. leaky bucket algorithm Answer: Option(c)
Answer: Option(d)
48. SSL is not responsible for
43. Four channels are multiplexed using TDM. a. Mutual authentication of client &
If each channel sends 100 bytes/second and server
we multiplex 1 byte per channel, then the b. Secret communication
bit rate for the link is __________. c. Data Integrity protection
a. 400 bps d. Error detection and correction
b. 800 bps Answer: Option(d)
c. 1600 bps 49. Which of the following is not a field in
d. 3200 bps TCP header?
Answer: Option(d) a. Sequence number
44. A device is sending out data at the rate of b. Fragment offset
2000 bps. How long does it take to send a c. Checksum
file of 1,00,000 characters ? d. Window size
a. 50 Answer: Option(b)
b. 200 50. To guarantee correction of upto t errors, the
c. 400 minimum Hamming distance d min in a
d. 800 block code must be ________.
Answer: Option(c) a. t+1
45. The TCP sliding window b. t−2
c. 2t−1
a. can be used to control the flow of d. 2t+1
information Answer: Option(d)
b. always occurs when the field value is
c. always occurs when the field value is
d. occurs horizontally

Answer: Option(a)

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1. The ____ layer is the network dialog
controller. 6. The functionalities of the presentation layer
a. network include ____________
b. transport a. Data compression
c. session b. Data encryption
d. presentation c. Data description
Answer: Option(c) d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option(d)
2. The ____ layer establishes, maintains, and
synchronizes the interaction between 7. Encryption and decryption are functions of
communicating systems. which layer?
a. network a. transport
b. transport b. session
c. session c. application
d. presentation d. presentation
Answer: Option(c) Answer: Option(d)

3. The session layer lies between the 8. Which of the following layers of the OSI
______layer and the presentation layer. reference model is concerned with the syntax
a. network of data exchanged between application
b. transport entities?
c. data link a. Presentation layer
d. application b. Application layer
Answer: Option(b) c. Transportation layer
d. Session layer
4. The _____ layer lies between the session Answer: Option(a)
layer and he application layer.
a. network 9. In respect of OSI model, LANs implement
b. transport a. lower two layers
c. data link b. all seven layers
d. presentation c. upper five layers
Answer: Option(d) d. None of the above
Answer: Option(b)
5. The _____ layer uses data compression to
reduce the number of bits to be transmitted.
a. presentation 10. In OSI model, which of the following layer
b. network transforms information from machine format
c. data link into that understandable by user
d. application a. application
Answer: Option(a) b. session

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c. presentation c. Transport layer

d. physical d. Link layer
Answer: Option(c) Answer: Option(b)

11. Which network component/s is/are 16. Which of the following layers is an
involved in the Presentation layer of an OSI addition to OSI model when compared with
model? TCP IP model?
a. Gateway a. Application layer
b. Multiplexer & Oscilloscope b. Presentation layer
c. Amplifier & Hub c. Session layer
d. All of the above d. Session and Presentation layer
Answer: Option(a) Answer: Option(d)

12. Which OSI layer assumes responsibility 17. In the OSI model, as a data packet moves
for managing network connections between from the lower to the upper layers, headers are
applications? a. Added
a. Network layer b. Removed
b. Data link layer c. Rearranged
c. Application layer d. Randomized
d. Session layer Answer: Option(b)
Answer: Option(d)
18. Which of the following statements can be
13. The _______ layer ensures interoperability associated with OSI model?
between communicating devices through a. A structured way to discuss and easier
transformation of data into a mutually agreed update system components
upon format. b. One layer may duplicate lower layer
a. network c. Functionality at one layer no way
b. presentation requires information from another
c. transport layer
d. data link d. It is an application specific network
Answer: Option(b) model
Answer: Option(b)
14. In OSI model, when data is sent from
device A to device B, the 5th layer to receive 19. In OSI model, session layer is responsible
data at B is _________ for
a. Application layer a. Recovery
b. Transport layer b. Check pointing
c. Link layer c. Both a and b
d. Session layer d. None of the above
Answer: Option(d) Answer: Option(c)

15. Delimiting and synchronization of data 20. In which layer of OSI client send request
exchange is provided by __________ to the server?
a. Application layer a. Application layer
b. Session layer b. Presentation layer

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c. Session layer Answer: Option(d)

d. Transport layer
Answer: Option(c) 26. Which of the following is an application
layer service?
21. What is the main function of Session layer a. Remote log-in
in OSI model? b. File transfer and access
a. Defines how data is formatted c. Mail service
between the devices d. All of the above
b. Made physical connection between Answer: Option(d)
server and client
c. Both a and b 27. Which DNS client maps an address to a
d. None of the above name or a name to an address especially
Answer: Option(a) when required by a host?

22. Sometimes, Session layer is also called a. Resolver

______ layer b. Mapper
c. Primary Server
a. Virtual layer d. Secondary Server
b. Port layer Answer: Option(a)
c. Segmentation layer
d. Process layer 28. Which application-level protocol plays a
Answer: Option(b) crucial role in carrying out the data
definition and manipulation in addition to
23. In which layer of OSI session is first check X-500 features?
and then data is transmitted
a. TCP
a. Application layer b. LDAP
b. Presentation layer c. FTP
c. Session layer d. None of the above
d. Transport layer Answer: Option(b)
Answer: Option(c)
29. Which intermediaries are more likely to
24. Which of the following is the session layer get involved during the transfer function
protocol or service? of an e-mail system?
b. NetBIOS a. Storage and forwarding of e-mail for
c. PPTP certain addresses
d. SAP b. Act as gateways to other e-mail or
Answer: Option(c) messaging systems
25. TELNET, FTP, SMTP, Protocols fall in c. Both a & b
the following layer of OSI reference d. None of the above
model? Answer: Option(c)
a. Transport layer 30. Which among the below specified
b. Internet layer illustrations belongs to the category of
c. Network layer GUI based user agents?
d. Application layer

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a. mail d. OPTION
b. pine Answer: Option(c)
c. Outlook & Netscape 34. Which language in WWW specifies a
d. All of the above web's way by describing three-
Answer: Option(c) dimensional objects?
31. Which phase/s of POP3 allow/s an user b. VRML
agent to retrieve the messages as well as c. XML
to mark the messages for deletion d. UML
purpose? Answer: Option(b)
35. Which field of cookie in WWW
a. Authorization Phase represents the server's directory structure
b. Transaction Phase by identifying the utilization of part
c. Update Phase associated with server's file tree?
d. All of the above
Answer: Option(b) a. Domain
b. Path
32. Consider the assertions given below. c. Content
Which among them prove to be beneficial d. Secure
for Persistent HTTP connections? Answer: Option(b)

A. Reduction in latency over the sub- 36. Which among the below mentioned
sequent requests protocols provides a mechanism of
B. Pipeline-oriented connection over the acquiring an IP address without manual
requests and responses intervention in addition to plug and play
C. Increase in number of packets due to type of networking?
TCP opens
D. Prevention in opening and closing of a. BOOTP
some TCP connections b. DHCP
c. Both a & b
a. A & B d. None of the above
b. C & D Answer: Option(b)
c. A & C
d. B & B 37. Which of the following layers of the OSI
Answer: Option(a) model is responsible for user interaction?
a. Layer 4
33. Which URL method of HTTP performs b. Layer 5
similar function as that of PUT method c. Layer 6
only with an exception of request d.Layer 7
comprising a list of differences that Answer: Option(d)
exhibit the necessity to get implemented
in the existing file? 38. What occurs in the session layer?
a. Data compression and encryption
a. POST b. MAC address are handled
b. GET c. binary to decimal conversion
c. PATCH d.sessions are created

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Answer: Option(d) 44. In the SMTP herder field_____ is added

by the final transport system that delivers
39. Which of the following is/are the the mail.
important applications of the application a. Reply-to
layer? b. Return-path
a. Electronic mail c. Subject
b. World Wide Web d. From
c. USENET Answer: Option(b)
d.All of the above
Answer: Option(d)
40. The TCP/IP …………corresponds to the 45. In SMTP mail transaction flow, the
combined session, presentation, and sender SMTP establishes a TCP
application layers of the OSI model. connection with the destination SMTP
a. session layer and then waits for the server to send a
b. presentation layer ……….
c. application layer a. 220 service ready message
d. None of the above b. 421 service not available message
Answer: Option(c) c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
41. The ……… protocol is based on end-to- Answer: Option(c)
end delivery.
a. SMTP 46. In the MIME header field____describes
b. TCP how the object within the body is to be
c. IP interpreted.
d. SCTP a. content-type
Answer: Option(a) b. content-transfer-encoding
c. content-description
42. The well-known port of the SMTP server d. content-id
is ……. Answer: Option(a)
a. 110
b. 25 47. In the MIME header field, ____describes
c. 50 how the object within the body was
d. 20 encoded in order that it be included in the
Answer: Option(b) message using a mail-safe form.
a. content-type
b. content-transfer-encoding
43. In the SMTP header field_____ is a c. content-description
summary of the message being sent which d. content-id
is specified by the sender. Answer: Option(b)
a. Reply-to
b. Return-path 48. In a/an ………… of DNS resolver, the
c. Subject queried name server can return the best
d. From answer it currently has back to the DNS
Answer: Option(c) resolver.
a. Recursive queries
b. Iterative queries

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c. Reverse queries 54. The ASCII encoding of binary data is

d. Inverse queries called
Answer: Option(b) a. base 64 encoding
49. The TCP/IP _______ layer is equivalent b. base 32 encoding
to the combined session, presentation, and c. base 16 encoding
application layers of the OSI model. d. base 8 encoding
a. data link Answer: Option(a)
b. network
c. physical 55. Consider different activities related to
d.application email:
Answer: Option(d) m1: Send an email from a mail client to a mail
50. In TCP IP Model, when data is sent from m2: Download an email from mailbox server
device A to device B, the 5th layer to to a mail client
receive data at B is ____________ m3: Checking email in a web browser
a. Application layer Which is the application level protocol used in
b. Transport layer each activity?
c. Link layer a. m1: HTTP m2: SMTP m3: POP
d. Session layer b. m1: SMTP m2: FTP m3: HTTP
Answer: Option(a) c. m1: SMTP m2: POP m3: HTTP
d. m1: POP m2: SMTP m3: IMAP
51. Which layer provides the services to user?
a. application layer Answer: Option(c)
b. session layer
c. presentation layer 56. Identify the correct order in which the
d. physical layer following actions take place in an
Answer: Option(a) interaction between a web browser and a
web server.
52. Application layer protocol defines ____ 1. The web browser requests a
a. types of messages exchanged webpage using HTTP.
b. message format, syntax and semantics 2. The web browser establishes a TCP
c. rules for when and how processes send connection with the web server.
and respond to messages 3. The web server sends the requested
d.all of the mentioned webpage using HTTP.
Answer: Option(d) 4. The web browser resolves the
domain name using DNS.
53. Which one of the following allows a user a. 4,2,1,3
at one site to establish a connection to b. 1,2,3,4
another site and then pass keystrokes c. 4,1,2,3
from local host to remote host? d. 2,4,1,3
b. FTP Answer: Option(a)
c. Telnet
d. TCP 57. In one of the pairs of protocols given
Answer: Option(c) below, both the protocols can use
multiple TCP connections between the

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same client and the server. Which one is

that? 61. Which of the following protocols is used
a. HTTP, FTP by email server to maintain a central
b. HTTP, TELNET repository that can be accessed from any
c. FTP, SMTP machine ?
Answer: Option(a) b. IMAP
Answer: Option(b)
58. Which one of the following statements is 62. A packet filtering firewall can
NOT correct about HTTP cookies? a. deny certain users from accessing a
a. A cookies is a piece of code that has service
the potential to compromise the b. block worms and viruses from
security of an Internet user entering the network
b. A cookie gains entry to the user’s c. disallow some files from being
work area through an HTTP header accessed through FTP
c. A cookie has an expiry date and time d. block some hosts from accessing the
d. Cookies can be used to track the network
browsing pattern of a user at a
particular site Answer: Option(d)

Answer: Option(a) 63. Which of the following protocols is an

59. Which of the following is/are example(s) application layer protocol that establishes,
of stateful application layer protocols? manages and terminates multimedia
(i) HTTP sessions ?
(ii) FTP a. Session Maintenance Protocol
(iii) TCP b. Real - time Streaming Protocol
(iv) POP3 c. Real - time Transport Control Protocol
d. Session Initiation Protocol
a. (i) and (ii) only Answer: Option(d)
b. (ii) and (iii) only
c. (ii) and (iv) only 64. What is the size of the ‘total length’ field
d. (iv) only in IPv4 datagram?
a. 4 bit
Answer: Option(c) b. 8 bit
c. 16 bit
60. Which of the following protocol is used d. 32 bit
for transferring electronic mail messages Answer: Option(c)
from one machine to another?
a. TELNET 65. What is one advantage of setting up a
b. FTP DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) with two
c. SNMP firewalls?
d. SMTP a. You can control where traffic goes
in the three networks
Answer: Option(d) b. You can do stateful packet filtering

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c. You can do load balancing

d. Improve network performance
Answer: Option(a)

Practice Set
1. The computer network is D) Fiber Distributed Data Interface
A) Network computer with cable 8. Which of the following is an application
B) Network computer without cable layer service?
C) Both of the above
A) Network virtual terminal
D) None of the above
B) File transfer, access and management
2. FDDI used which type of physical
C) Mail service
D) All of the above
A) Bus 9. Which is the main function of transport
B) Ring layer?
C) Star
A) Node to node delivery
D) Tree
B) End to end delivery
3. FTP stands for
C) Synchronization
A) File transfer protocol d) Updating and maintaining routing tables
B) File transmission protocol 10. The .............. layer change bits onto
C) Form transfer protocol electromagnetic signals.
D) Form transmission protocol A) Physical
4. Ethernet system uses which of the
B) Transport
following technology.
C) Data Link
A) Bus D) Presentation
B) Ring 11. In mesh topology, relationship between
C) Star one device and another is ..............
D) Tree A) Primary to peer
5. Which of the following are the network B) Peer to primary
C) Primary to secondary
A) File service D) Peer to Peer
B) Print service 12. The performance of data communications
C) Database service network depends on ..............
D) All of the above A) Number of users
6. If all devices are connected to a central
B) The hardware and software
hub, then topology is called
C) The transmission
A) Bus Topology D) All of the above
B) Ring Topology 13. Find out the OSI layer, which performs
C) Star Topology token management.
D) Tree Topology A) Network Layer
7. FDDI stands for
B) Transport Layer
A) Fiber Distributed Data Interface C) Session Layer
B) Fiber Data Distributed Interface D) Presentation Layer
C) Fiber Dual Distributed Interface
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14. The name of the protocol which provides

virtual terminal in TCP/IP model is. Answers:
A) Telnet 1. C) Both of the above
B) SMTP 2. B) Ring
C) HTTP 3. A) File transfer protocol
15. The layer one of the OSI model is 4. A) Bus
5. D) All of the above
A) Physical layer
6. C) Star Topology
B) Link layer
7. A) Fiber Distributed Data
C) Router layer
D) Broadcast layer
8. C) Mail service
16. What is the name of the network
9. B) End to end delivery
topology in which there are bi-
10. A) Physical
directional links between each possible
11. D) Peer to Peer
12. D) All of the above
A) Ring
13. C) Session Layer
B) Star
14. A) Telnet
C) Tree
15. A) Physical layer
D) Mesh 16. D) Mesh
17. What is the commonly used unit for 17. B) Baud
measuring the speed of data 18. B) Half-duplex
transmission? 19. A) Attenuation
A) Bytes per second 20. A) FTP
B) Baud
C) Bits per second
D) Both B and C
18. Which of the communication modes
support two way traffic but in only once
direction of a time?
A) Simplex
B) Half-duplex
C) Three - quarter's duplex
D) Full duplex
19. The loss in signal power as light travels
down the fiber is called .............
A) Attenuation
B) Propagation
C) Scattering
D) Interruption
20. Which of the following TCP/IP protocols
is used for transferring files form one
machine to another.
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1. A network that needs human 7. Which of the following OSI
beings to manually route signals is layers correspond to TCP/IP's
called.... application layer?
A) Fiber Optic Network A) Application
B) Bus Network B) IP Address
C) T-switched network C) Session
D) Ring network D) All of the above
2. TCP/IP layer corresponds to
the OSI models to three layers. 8. Devices on one network can
A) Application communicate with devices on another
B) Presentation network via a .......
C) Session A) File Server
D) Transport B) Utility Server
3. Which of the transport layer C) Printer Server
protocols is connectionless? D) Gateway
A) UDP 9. A communication device that
B) TCP combines transmissions from several
C) FTP I/O devices into one line is a
D) Nvt A) Concentrator
4. Which of the following B) Modifier
applications allows a user to access C) Multiplexer
and change remote files without actual D) Full duplex file
transfer? 10. Which layers of the OSI
A) DNS determines the interface often system
B) FTP with the user?
C) NFS A) Network
D) Telnet B) Application
5. The data unit in the TCP/IP C) Data link
layer called a ..... D) Session
A) Message 11. Which of the following of the
B) Segment TCP/IP protocols is the used for
C) Datagram transferring files from one machine to
D) Frame another?
6. DNS can obtain the of A) FTP
host if its domain name is known and B) C) SNMP
vice versa. C) SMTP
A) Station address D) D) Rpe
B) IP address 12. In which OSI layers does the
C) Port address FDDI protocol operate?
D) Checksum A) Physical

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B) Data link 19. Which of the following is the

C) Network logical topology?
D) A and B A) Bus
13. In FDDI, data normally travel B) Tree
on .................. C) Star
D) Both A and B
A) The primary ring 20. Which of the following is/ are
B) The Secondary ring the drawbacks of Ring Topology?
C) Both rings A) Failure of one computer, can
D) Neither ring affect the whole network
14. The layer of OSI model B) Adding or removing the
can use the trailer of the frame for computers disturbs the network
error detection. activity.
A) Physical C) If the central hub fails, the
B) Data link whole network fails to operate.
C) Transport D) Both of A and B
D) Presentation
15. In a topology, if there are
n devices in a network, each device Answer
has n-1 ports for cables. 1. C) T-switched network
A) Mesh 2. A) Application
B) Star 3. A) UDP
C) Bus 4. C) NFS
D) Ring 5. D) Frame
16. Another name for Usenet is 6. B) IP address
A) Gopher 7. D) All of the above
B) Newsgroups 8. D) Gateway
C) Browser 9. C) Multiplexer
D) CERN 10. B) Application
17. The standard suit of protocols 11. A) FTP
used by the Internet, Intranets, 12. D) A and B
extranets and some other networks. 13. A) The primary ring
A) TCP/IP 14. A) Physical
B) Protocol 15. A) Mesh
C) Open system 16. B) Newsgroups
D) Internet work processor 17. A) TCP/IP
18. State whether the following is 18. A) True, True
True or False. 19. C) Star
i) In bus topology, heavy 20. D) Both of A and B
Network traffic slows down the bus
ii) It is multipoint configuration.
A) True, True
B) B) True, False
C) False, True
D) False, False

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c. Both A and B
1. Which of the following is not the layer d. None of the above
of TCP/IP protocol?
a. Application Layer
b. Session Layer 6. Which is not the Regional Internet
c. Transport Layer Registers (RIR) of the following?
d. Internetwork layer a. American Registry for Internet
2. address use 7 bits for the <network> Numbers (ARIN)
and 24 bits for the <host> portion of b. Europeans Registry for
the IP Internet Numbers (ERIN)
a. address. c. Reseaux IP Europeans (RIPE)
b. Class A d. Asia Pacific Network
c. Class B Information Centre (APNIC)
d. Class C 7. Match the following IEEE No to their
e. Class D corresponding Name for IEEE 802
3. addresses are reserved for standards for LANs.
multicasting. i) 802.3 a) WiFi
a. Class B ii) 802.11 b) WiMa
b. Class C iii) 802.15.1 c) Ethernet
c. Class D iv) 802.16 d) Bluetooth
d. Class E a. i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
4. State the following statement is true or b. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
false. c. i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
I. In class B addresses a total of d. i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a
more than 1 billion addresses 8. was the first step in the evolution of
can be formed. Ethernet from a coaxial cable bus to
II. Class E addresses are reserved hub managed, twisted pair network.
for future or experimental use. a. Star LAN
a. True, False b. Ring LAN
b. True, True c. Mesh LAN
c. False, True d. All of the above
d. False, False 9. is the predominant form of Fast
5. Which of the following statement is Ethernet, and runs over two pairs of
true? category 5 or above cable.
I. An address with all bits 1 is a. 100 BASE-T
interpreted as all networks or all hosts. b. 100 BASE-TX
II. The class A network is c. 100 BASE-T4
defined as the loopback network. d. 100 BASE-T2
a. i only 10. IEEE 802.3ab defines Gigabit
b. ii only Ethernet transmission over unshielded

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twisted pair (UTP) category 5, 5e or 6 I. A connection oriented protocol can

cabling known as .................... only use unicast addresses.
a. 1000 BASE-T II. The any cast service is included in
b. 1000 BASE-SX IPV6.
c. 1000 BASE-LX a. True, False
d. 1000 BASE-CX b. True, True
11. is a high performance fiber optic token c. False, True
ring LAN running at 100 Mbps over d. False, False
distances up to 1000 stations 17. implies that all subnets obtained from
connected. the same network use the subnet mask.
a. FDDI a. Static subnetting
b. FDDT b. Dynamic Subnetting
c. FDDR c. Variable length subnetting
d. FOTR d. Both B and C
12. Which of the following are Gigabit
Ethernets? 18. The most important and common
a. 1000 BASE-SX protocols associated TCP/IP
b. 1000 BASE-LX internetwork layer are.
c. 1000 BASE-CX i) Internet Protocol (IP)
d. All of the above ii) Internet Control Message Protocol
13. is a collective term for a number of (ICMP)
Ethernet Standards that carry traffic at iii) Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
the nominal rate of 1000 Mbits/s iv) Dynamic Host Configuration
against the original Ethernet speed of Protocol (DHCP)
10 Mbit/s. v) Address Resolution Protocol
a. Ethernet (ARP)
b. Fast Ethernet a. i, ii, iii, and iv only
c. Gigabit Ethernet b. ii, iii, iv and v only
d. All of the above c. i, iii, iv and v only
14. is another kind of fiber optic network d. All i, ii, iii, iv and v only
with active star for switching. 19. ........... is responsible for converting
a. S/NET the higher level protocol addresses to
b. SW/NET physical Network Addresses.
c. NET/SW a. Address Resolution Protocol
15. The combination of ........... and is b. Reverse Address Resolution
often termed the local address or the Protocol (RARP)
local portion of the IP Address. c. Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
a. Network number and host d. Internet Control Message
number Protocol (ICMP)
b. Network number and subnet 20. Which of the following is not a
number mechanism that DHCP supports for IP
c. Subnet number and host address allocation?
number. a. Automatic allocation
d. All of the above b. Static allocation
16. State whether true or false. c. Dynamic allocation

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d. Manual allocation

1. B) Session Layer
2. A) Class A
3. C) Class D
4. B) True, True
5. A) i only
6. B) Europeans (ERIN)
7. C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
8. A) Star LAN
9. B) 100 BASE-TX
10. A) 1000 BASE-T
11. A) FDDI
12. D) All of the above
13. B) Fast Ethernet
14. A) S/NET
15. C) Subnet... number.
16. B) True, True
17. A) Static subnetting
18. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v only
19. A) Address Protocol (ARP)
20. B) Static allocation

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1. Which server computer that is d. all of above
configured to serve file transfer and storage,
data migration, file updates
synchronization? 5. Which of the following is not email
a. FTP Server. service?
b. Database Server a. Hotmail
c. File Server b. Gmail
d. None of above c. Yahoo
d. None of above
2. Which of the following is responsible
for approving standards and allocating 6. Which of the following application is
resources in the Internet? required to read your email in
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Hotmail?
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) a. A computer with browser and internet
c. InterNIC connection
d. None of above b. Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook
c. Eudora Pro
3. Which body in Internet provides the d. All of above
registration services to Internet
community? 7. Tim Berners Lee is credited for the
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) creation of
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) a. Web email system
c. InterNIC b. world wide web
d. None of above c. File Transfer Protocol
d. All of above
4. Which of the following is considered a
broad band communication 8. Error control is needed at the transport
channel? layer because of potential errors occurring
a. coaxial cable _____.
b. fiber optics cable a. from transmission line noise
c. microwave circuits b. in routers

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c. from out-of-sequence delivery

d. from packet losses

9. Which of the following is not a

standard synchronous communication
d. PAS

10. The network layer, in reference to the

OSI model, provide
a. data link procedures that provide for the
exchange of data via frames that can be
sent and received
b. the interface between the X.25 network
and packet mode device
c. the virtual circuit interface to packet-
switched service
d. All of the above


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1. What is the powerful, centralized b. Internet Engineering Task Force
computer system that performs data (IETF)
storage and processing tasks on behalf c. InterNIC
of clients and other network devices ? d. None of above
a. Client
b. Host computer 5. Which body in Internet
c. Terminal provides the registration services to
d. Network Internet community?
a. Internet Architecture Board
2. A self-sufficient computer that (IAB)
acts as both a server and a client is b. Internet Engineering Task Force
known as (IETF)
a. Host c. InterNIC
b. Client d. None of above
c. Server
d. Peer 6. Who is responsible for
discussing and investigating the
3. A server computer that is operational and technical problems of
configured to serve file transfer and Internet?
storage, data migration, file updates a. Internet Architecture Board
synchronization is (IAB)
a. FTP Server b. Internet Engineering Task Force
b. Database Server (IETF)
c. File Server c. InterNIC
d. None of above d. None of above
4. Which of the following is 7. Which is the channel handle
responsible for approving standards moderate data volumes in transmission
and allocating resources in the rate between 110 to 9600 bps?
Internet? a. Narrowband channel
a. Internet Architecture Board b. Voice band channel
(IAB) c. Broadband channel

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d. None of abover 9.a

8. A high speed, high capacity 10.a
transmission medium that can carry
signals from multiple independent
network carrier is?
a. Narrowband channel
b. Voice band channel
c. Broadband channel
d. None of above

9. The internet was developed by

a. Department of Defense
b. Department of Electronics
c. Department of Commerce
d. None of above

10. A user can get files from

another computer by using
a. File Transfer Protocol
c. Internet Protocol
d. None of above


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1. A group of computers connected c. microwave transmission
together to communicate and share d. none of above
resources is known as
a. A computer network 5. The interactive transmission
b. A server of data within a time sharing system
c. A client may be best suited to
d. Authentication a. simplex lines
b. half-duplex lines
2. A high speed, high capacity c. full duplex lines
transmission medium that can carry d. biflex-lines
signals from multiple independent
network carrier is 6. Who owns and governs the
a. Narrowband channel Internet?
b. Voice band channel a. IAB
c. Broadband channel b. IETF
d. None of above c. InterNIC
d. None of above
3. A channel handle moderate
data volumes in transmission rate 7. Who is responsible for
between 110 to 9600 bps is discussing and investigating the
a. Narrowband channel operational and technical problems of
b. Voice band channel Internet?
c. Broadband channel a. Internet Architecture Board
d. None of above (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force
4. A form of wireless (IETF)
transmission in which signals are sent c. InterNIC
via pulses of infrared light d. None of above
a. radio networking
b. infrared transmission 8. Website is a collection of

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a. HTML documents
b. Graphics file
c. audio and video files
d. All of above

9. A network computer that

shares resources with and responds to
reqests from other computer is known
a. client
b. server
c. terminal
d. key

10. ____ protocol is built into

most popular e-mail products such as
Eudora and Outlook Express:
b. POP
d. FTP


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1. Which protocol is used to b. Client / Server Network

transfer web pages? c. Peer-to-Peer Network
a. TCP/IP d. All of above
c. POP3 7. Which of the following
d. HTTP network covers the largest
geographical area?
2. Which protocol is used to send a. PAN
email? b. LAN
a. SMTP c. MAN
b. POP d. WAN
c. HTTP 8. Router operates in which layer
d. FTP of OSI Reference Model?
a) Layer 1 (Physical Layer)
3. A self-sufficient computer that b) Layer 3 (Network Layer)
acts as both a server and a client is c) Layer 4 (Transport Layer)
known as d) Layer 7 (Application Layer)
a. Host
b. Client 9. Which of the following
c. Server performs modulation and
d. Peer demodulation?
a. fiber optics
4. What is the use of Bridge in b. satellite
Network? c. coaxial cable
a. to connect LANs d. modem
b. to separate LANs
c. to control Network Speed 10. The process of converting
d. All of the above analog signals into digital signals so
they can be processed by a receiving
5. A network model where there computer is referred to as:
is no server computer is a. modulation
a. Centralized Network b. demodulation
b. Client / Server Network c. synchronizing
c. Peer-to-Peer Network d. digitizing
d. All of above Answers
6. The network model is 2.a
sometimes called workgroup is 3.d
a. Centralized Network 4.a
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5.c 9.d
6.c 10.b

1. A computer circuit board installed in c. microwave transmission
a computer so that it can be connected to a d. none of above
a. NIC
b. Switch 7. A communications device that
c. RJ45 combines transmissions from several I/O
d. Hub devices into one line is a?
a. concentrator
2. A NIC card can be used for? b. modifier
a. FDDI c. multiplexer
b. Ethernet d. full-duplex line
c. Microwave
d. WiFi 8. UTP cable has ___ pair of wires in
3. Which of the following is unbound a. 3
transmission media? b. 4
a. UTP c. 5
b. Co-axial d. 6
c. Microwave
d. Fiber Optics 9. Which of the following might not be
present in a computer network?
4. Which of the following memories a. NIC
needs refresh? b. Switch
b. DRAM d. NOS
c. ROM
d. All of above 10. To connect two networks of similar
systems you will use a
5. What is the set of information that a. Bridge
defines the status of resources allocated to a b. Gateway
process? c. Router
a. Process control d. Any of above
b. ALU
c. Register Unit Answers
d. Process description 1.a
6. A form of wireless transmission in which 3.c
signals are sent via pulses of infrared light? 4.b
a. radio networking 5.d
b. infrared transmission 6.b

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7.c 9.c
8.b 10.a

Set -9
1. Which data communication method is c. 100 picowatts
used to transmit the data over a serial d. 10 miliwatts
communication link?
a. simplex
b. half-duplex 7. The synchronous modems are more
c. full-duplex costly than the asynchronous modems because
d. b and c a. they produce large volume of data
b. they contain clock recovery circuits
2. What is the minimum number of wires c. they transmit the data with stop and start
needed to send data over a serial bits
communication link layer? d. they operate with a larger bandwidth
a. 1
b. 2 8. Which of the following statement is
c. 4 correct?
d. 6 a. terminal section of a synchronous
3. Which of the following types of modem contains the scrambler
channels moves data relatively slowly? b. receiver section of a synchronous modem
a. wide band channel contains the scrambler
b. voice band challen c. transmission section of a synchronous
c. narrow band channel modem contains the scrambler
d. None of these d. control section of a synchronous modem
contains the scrambler
4. Most data communications involving
telegraph lines use: 9. In a synchronous modem, the digital-
a. simplex lines to-analog converter transmits signal to the
b. wideband channel a. equilizer
c. narrowband channel b. modulator
d. dialed service c. demodulator
d. terminal
5. A communications device that
combines transmissions from several I/O 10. Which of the following
devices into one line is a communications lines is best suited to
a. concentrator interactive processing applications?
b. modifier a. narrow band channel
c. multiplexer b. simplex lines
d. full-duplex line c. full duplex lines
d. mixed band channels
6. How much power (roughly) a light Answers
emitting diode can couple into an optical 1.c
fiber? 2.b
a. 100 microwatts 3.c
b. 440 microwatts 4.c

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5.c 8.c
6.a 9.a
7.b 10.c
1. The interactive transmission of data b. multiplexer
within a time sharing system may be best c. concentrator
suited to d. controller
a. simplex lines 6. Which of the following signal is not
b. half-duplex lines standard RS-232-C signal?
c. full duplex lines a. VDR
d. biflex-lines b. RTS
c. CTS
2. Which of the following statement is d. DSR
a. The difference between synchronous and 7. Which of the following statement is
asynchronous transmission is the clocking incorrect?
derived from the data in synchronous a. Multiplexers are designed to accept data
transmission. from several I/O devices and transmit a unified
b. Half duplex line is a communication line stream of data on one communication line
in which data can move in two directions, but b. HDLC is a standard synchronous
not at the same time. communication protocol.
c. Teleprocessing combines c. RTS/CTS is the way the DTE indicates
telecommunications and DP techniques in that it is ready to transmit data and the way the
online activities DCW indicates that it is ready to accept data
d. Batch processing is the prefered d. RTS/CTS is the way the terminal
processing mode for telecommunication indicates ringing
8. Which of the following is an
3. Which of hte following is considered a advantage to using fiber optics data
broad band communication channel? transmission?
a. coaxial cable a. resistance to data theft
b. fiber optics cable b. fast data transmission rate
c. microwave circuits c. low noise level
d. all of above d. all of above
9. Which of the following is required to
4. Which of the following is not a communicate between two computers?
transmission medium? a. communications software
a. telephone lines b. protocol
b. coaxial cables c. communication hardware
c. modem d. all of above including access to
d. microwave systems transmission medium

5. Which of the following does not allow 10. The transmission signal coding
multiple uses or devices to share one method of TI carrier is called
communication line? a. Bipolar
a. doubleplexer b. NRZ

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c. Manchester
d. Binary


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1. Why IP Protocol is considered as d. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links
unreliable? except the originated link
a. A packet may be lost
b. Packets may arrive out of order 7. The Internet is an example of
c. Duplicate packets may be generated a. Cell switched network
d. All of the above b. circuit switched network
c. Packet switched network
2. What is the minimum header size of d. All of above
an IP packet?
a. 16 bytes
b. 10 bytes 8. What does protocol defines?
c. 20 bytes a. Protocol defines what data is
d. 32 bytes communicated.
b. Protocol defines how data is
3. Which of following provides reliable communicated.
communication? c. Protocol defines when data is
a. TCP communicated.
b. IP d. All of above
c. UDP
d. All of the above 9. What is the uses of subnetting?
a. It divides one large network into several
4. What is the address size of IPv6 ? smaller ones
a. 32 bit b. It divides network into network classes
b. 64 bit c. It speeds up the speed of network
c. 128 bit d. None of above
d. 256 bit

5. What is the size of Network bits & 10. Repeater operates in which layer of
Host bits of Class A of IP address? the OSI model?
a. Network bits 7, Host bits 24 a. Physical layer
b. Network bits 8, Host bits 24 b. Data link layer
c. Network bits 7, Host bits 23 c. Network layer
d. Network bits 8, Host bits 23 d. Transport layer

6. What does Router do in a network? Answers

a. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links 1.d
b. Forwards a packet to the next free 2.c
outgoing link 3.a
c. Determines on which outing link a 4.c
packet is to be forwarded 5.a

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1. Each IP packet must contain c. Network bit - 18, Host bit -16
a. Only Source address d. Network bit- 12, Host bit - 14
b. Only Destination address
c. Source and Destination address
d. Source or Destination address 7. The last address of IP address
2. Bridge works in which layer of the a. Unicast address
OSI model? b. Network address
a. Appliation layer c. Broadcast address
b. Transport layer d. None of above
c. Network layer
d. Datalink layer

3. _______ provides a connection- 8. How many bits are there in the

oriented reliable service for sending messages Ethernet address?
a. TCP a. 64 bits
b. IP b. 48 bits
c. UDP c. 32 bits
d. All of the above d. 16 bits

4. Which layers of the OSI model are

host-to-host layers? 9. How many layers are in the TCP/IP
a. Transport, Session, Persentation, model?
Application a. 4 layers
b. Network, Transport, Session, b. 5 layers
Presentation c. 6 layers
c. Datalink, Network, Transport, Session d. 7 layers
d. Physical, Datalink, Network, Transport

5. Which of the following IP address

class is Multicast 10. Which of the following layer of OSI
a. Class A model also called end-to-end layer?
b. Class B a. Presentation layer
c. Class C b. Network layer
d. Class D c. Session layer
d. Transport layer

6. Which of the following is correct Answers

regarding Class B Address of IP address
a. Network bit -14, Host bit - 16 1.c
b. Network bit -16, Host bit -14 2.d

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3.a 8.b
4.a 9.a
5.d 10.d

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