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Beacon Week 4

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PICT Model School

Beacon – Week 4 (19th April - 24th April)

2021 - 2022
Grade – 8
Subject Topic Learning Integration of Guided Independent Assessments Resources
Objectives Technology Practice Practice Required
English Ls1- Supplementary To be able to read the https://www.biblio. Comprehension Questions under Date: Wednesday, Supplementary
Reader text, infer the com/rudyard-kipli check exercise on Page 21st April 2021 Reader,
How the Camel Got meaning and answer ng/author/104 questions- Q 1 no. 6 - Q1 to 4 learning log,
his Hump to 4 on Page no. Grade/Section: 8 dictionary,
the questions
3 and 5 Concept Question Topaz writing
To be able to in Handout 2 materials.
understand the
Date: Friday, 23rd
importance of April 2021
team-work and hard
work. Grade/Section: 8
Honeydew textbook To be able to read the http://scholarwork questions 1 and questions 3 and 4 Sapphire, Garnet. Honeydew
- Poem 2- poem, infer its 2 on Page no. - on Page no. - 35 textbook,
Geography Lesson meaning, evaluate its wcontent.cgi?articl 35 Review of Handout,
e=1296&context=e Assignment learning log,
central idea and
td dictionary,
answer the questions
MCQ Online writing materials
To be able to identify Assessment
the poetic device and poetryline/poetic-f
the rhyme scheme orms-and-devices
To be able to use a
dictionary to find
meanings of the
Test Wrapping of PR Learners will be able None None None Honeydew
1 to: textbook,
Read the text and Supplementary
Online Assessment - infer its meaning Reader,
1 Read the poem and Handout 1 and 2,
infer its meaning learning log,
Identify the poetic dictionary,
device in the poem writing
Use past and past materials,
participle forms of PR 1
verbs in past perfect
Use adjectives in
correct order
Write an informal
Write a diary entry

Math Chapter 1.Rational To be able to identify None NCERT Math None None NCERT Math
Numbers and apply the closure Textbook Pg. Textbook ,
and commutative no. 6 Try This Learning Log ,
Topic: property for rational Math Notebook,
Properties of numbers Writing
rational numbers material,Handout
Closure and 1
Associative To be able to identify None Concept None NCERT Math
property and apply the questions given Textbook ,
Associative property in Handout1 Learning Log ,
for rational numbers session 1 Math Notebook,
NCERT Math Writing
book Pg no. Try material,Handout
This 1
Distributive To be able to identify None Concept NCERT Math NCERT Math
Property and apply the questions in Textbook pg no.14 Textbook ,
distributive Handout 1 Ex-1.1 Q1 ,Q2 ,Q3, Learning Log ,
property in the session 2 Q4,Q8 Math Notebook,
multiplication of NCERT Math Writing material
rational numbers Textbook Pg. ,Handout1
no. 13 Try This
Pg. no. 14 Ex-
1.1 Q5,Q6,Q11

Science Ls-15 Some natural Learners will be able Solve Solve 9 in the None NCERT science
(Physics) phenomena differentiate the o0sf5FztI in the physics notebook textbook, physics
transfer of charge and physics note notebook,
-Transfer of charge discuss about the book learning log and
-The story of electric charges writing material.
lightning produced due to
Science Topic : L.3 : To be able to Types of plastics - NCERT Book : NCERT Book : Q.5, None NCERT Text
(Chemistry) Synthetic Fibre and Bing video Q.3 ( c ) , 6, 10 and 11 book, HO 2,
Plastics- -Differentiate Q.7 [] [] Chemistry
Sub - Topic : 3.4 between notebook,
-Plastics. thermoplastics and Learning log ,
3.5 - Plastic as thermosetting writing material
material of choice plastics

- Suggest the
characteristics of
plastic to explain its
suitability in a variety
of applications.

Science Topic : L.1 : Crop To be able to - Sowing - Bing NCERT Book : NCERT Book : Q.4. None NCERT Text
(Biology) production and - Analyse the quality video Q.1 ( c ) , ( b) [] book, HO 1,
Management - of seeds with respect [] Biology
Subtopic : 1.4 to their germinability notebook,
Sowing Learning log ,
-Compare the Metki/ Bengal
advantages of two gram - 3 spoon, a
major tools used for glass bowl, one
sowing to justify the glass of water
variety of agricultural writing material
practices used in the

Social History: To describe the None None None Date: Thursday, NCERT History
Science Ls-2: From trade to emergence of the 22nd April, 2021 textbook,
territory British on the Grade/Section: 8 Learning log and
Multiple Online Emerald Writing material
political horizon of
India, initially it came
Date: Friday, 23rd
as a trading company
April, 2021
Grade/Section: 8
To analyze the Sapphire
process of annexation 8 Topaz
of Indian states by the 8 Garnet
East India Company
using various Review of
strategies Assignment

MCQ Online
Geography: To describe the None None None Assignment NCERT
Ls-1: Resources meaning of resources Social Science Geography
Topic: Types of in terms of utility and Worksheet - 1 textbook,
resources value Learning log and
Post date: Friday, Writing material
23rd April 2021
8:00 am

Due date:
Monday, 26th April
2021 11.59 pm
Assignment will
be available in
the Social
Science channel
of the respective
Hindi (II) पाठ: 2 लाख की छात्र समाज में None कहानी से कहानी से None वसंत भाग-3,
चूड़ियाँ विद्यमान समस्याओं प्रश्न संख्या: 1और 2 प्रश्न संख्या: 3,4 और 5 लर्निंग लॉग,
का समाधान करने उत्तरपुस्तिका,
प्रश्नोत्तर 1 योग्य बनेंगे लेखन सामग्री

प्रश्नोत्तर 2 छात्र अपनी समझ None कहानी से आगे कहानी से आगे वसंत भाग-3,
के आधार पर पाठ से प्रश्न संख्या 1 प्रश्न संख्या 2 लर्निंग लॉग,
संबंधित प्रश्नों के उत्तरपुस्तिका,
उत्तर लिख पाएँगे लेखन सामग्री

व्याकरण छात्र पाठ में आए None भाषा की बात भाषा की बात वसंत भाग-3,
व्याकरण भाग के प्रश्न संख्या 1 प्रश्न संख्या 2 और 3 लर्निंग लॉग,
प्रश्नों को हल कर उत्तरपुस्तिका,
पाएँगे लेखन सामग्री

Marathi पाठ २. मी चित्रकार कसा विद्यार्थी पाठातील व्याकरण None कार्यपुस्तिका पान कार्यपुस्तिका पान Date: Thursday, मराठी सुलभभारती
(II) झालो ? स्पष्ट करून उपयोजन क्र.१४ क्र.१५ 22nd April, 2021 पाठ्यपुस्तक,
करतील. माझी आवडती कला या कार्यपुस्तिक,
विषयावर माहिती लेखन . Grade/Section: 8 Notebook,
Topaz/Garnet / Learning log,
Emerald / writing material
SEA Listening कथेचे श्रवण करून त्यावर None कथेवर आधारीत कार्यपुस्तिका पान Sapphire मराठी सुलभभारती
आधारीत विचारलेली विचारलेली क्र.१३ पाठ्यपुस्तक,
प्रश्नोत्तरे सोडवतील. कार्यपुस्तिक,
प्रश्नोत्तरे Review of Learning log,
व्याकरण विद्यार्थी उद्देश व विधेय सोडवतील. Assignment writing material
वाक्याचे प्रकार ३ व ४ यातील फरक स्पष्ट
करतील. MCQ Online
विद्यार्थी वाक्याच्रे प्रकार व उदाहरणे वहीत Assessment
त्यातील फरक स्पष्ट लेखन कार्य
विद्यार्थी वाक्यप्रकार
समजून घेऊन उपयोजन

MCQ Online विद्यार्थी पाठातील कठीण None None None मराठी सुलभभारती
Assessment - 1 शब्दांचा अर्थ व व्याकरण पाठ्यपुस्तक,
स्पष्ट करतील. कार्यपुस्तिक,
पाठ २. मी चित्रकार कसा विद्यार्थी निसर्गातील विविध Notebook,
झालो ? गोष्टींतून कला कशा निर्माण Learning log,
होतात ते समजून घेऊन writing material
स्पष्ट करतील.
विद्यार्थी स्वभाषेत स्वानुभव
लेखन करतील.

Sanskrit बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे छात्रा: नूतन शब्दान् उपयुज्य None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं Date: Thursday, Text book,
(II) श्रुता वाक्यानि रचयितुं समर्था: अभ्यासकार्यं 22nd April,2021 workbook,
भविष्यन्ति | Grammar book,
Grade /Section: 8 Notebook,
Sapphire/Emerald learning log and
/ Topaz/Garnet writing material
बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे छात्रा: बुद्धिबलस्य लाभान् None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं Text book,
श्रुता ज्ञास्यन्ति | अभ्यासकार्यं workbook,
Review of Grammar book,
Assignment Notebook,
learning log and
MCQ Online writing material
बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे छात्रा: अव्ययशब्दा: इति None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं Text book,
श्रुता व्याकरण नियमान् ज्ञास्यन्ति अभ्यासकार्यं workbook,
वाक्ये उपयोजयिष्यन्ति च | Grammar book,
learning log and
writing material
German Konjugationen To comprehend and None Textbook pg. Workbook pg. 4 None Textbook,
(II) identify verbs and 10, 11 workbook,
their conjugations Writing material,
Learning Log

Dativ To comprehend and None Textbook pg. Workbook pg. 4-6 Textbook,
Personalpronomen identify dative 11 workbook,
personal pronouns Writing material,
Learning Log

Kategorisieren To differentiate None Textbook pg. Workbook pg. 4-6 Textbook,

between accusative, 11 workbook,
nominative and Writing material,
dative personal Learning Log

French Grammar To recall, identify None Apprenons le None Multiple Apprenons le

(II) and apply the français 4 livre, Assessment français 4 livre,
cahier cahier,
grammar concepts
Date: Thursday, Notebook, &
22nd April 2021 writing material

None None None Grade/Section: 8

Grammar To discuss and Apprenons le
/Emerald /
Solve exercises comprehend the français 4 livre,
Sapphire// Topaz
concepts and get the cahier,
Notebook, &
doubts cleared from Review of
writing material
worksheet 1 Assignment

MCQ Online
Multiple To discuss and None None None Assessment Apprenons le
Assessment and comprehend the français 4 livre,
Doubt Clearing Assignment cahier,
concepts and get the French
Lecon 1 Notebook, &
doubts cleared Worksheet-1 writing material
Post date:
Monday, 19th April
8:00 am
Due date:
Wednesday, 21st
April 2021
11:59 pm

Grade : 8,
Sapphire, Garnet,

Assignment will
be available in
the French II
Lang channel

Hindi (III) ब्लॉक -1 ब्लॉक १ विद्यार्थी संज्ञा शब्दों None कार्यपत्र 1.3 पृष्ठ कार्यपत्र 1.4 पृष्ठ संख्या MCQ Online XSEED
कहानी के चित्र और व्यक्तिवाचक ,जातिवाचक संख्या 3 4 Assessment Contentbook,
सवांद और भाववाचक संज्ञा को ( Block 1) Workbook
छांटकर बता पाएँगे| (Volume 1),
३व्यक्तिवाचक Date: Notebook &
,जातिवाचक और Thursday,22nd Learning log
भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द April 2021
MCQ Online छात्र पूछे गए प्रश्नों के None None None XSEED
Assessment उत्तर अपनी समझ से Contentbook,
( Block 1) लिखेंगे | Workbook
Emerald, Topaz,
(Volume 1),
ब्लॉक -1 ब्लॉक १ Notebook &
कहानी के चित्र और Learning log
Review of
ब्लॉक . 2 विद्यार्थी कविता None कार्यपत्र 2.1 पृष्ठ कार्यपत्र 2.2 पृष्ठ संख्या XSEED
जीवन से जोड़ना पढ़कर उसे आगे संख्या 7 8 MCQ Online Contentbook,
शैली ;कविता बढ़ा पाएँगे|
Assessment Workbook
(Volume 1),
Notebook &
Learning log
Marathi MCQ Multiple १. विद्यार्थी कवितेच्या कवितागायन कवितालेखन MCQ Online मराठी सुलभभारती
(III) Assessment - आधारे यमक जुळणारे शब्द 7NQFSRyMOA Assessment पाठ्यपुस्तक व
स्पष्ट करतील. कार्यपुस्तिका,
कविता १. नाच रे मोरा Date: Thursday, Notebook,
नाच २ . विद्यार्थी मोर या पक्ष्याची 22nd April 2021 Learning Log &
माहिती लिहितील. Writing Material
Grade/Section: 8,
Sapphire, Garnet,
पाठ २. हत्तीचे कार्य १.विद्यार्थी कल्पनाशक्ती व None चित्रवर्णन, कार्यपुस्तिका पान क्र. ९ Topaz मराठी सुलभभारती
सृजनात्मकता यांचा वापर कार्यपुस्तिका पान वरील कथालेखन पाठ्यपुस्तक व
करून चित्राद्वारे गोष्ट क्र. ८ वरील Review of कार्यपुस्तिका,
निर्मिती करतील. कथालेखन Assignment Notebook,
Learning Log &
Assignment Writing Material
पाठ २. हत्तीचे कार्य १. विद्यार्थी अपूर्ण गोष्टीचा None कार्यपुस्तिका पान कार्यपुस्तिका पान क्र . Prerequisite मराठी सुलभभारती
शेवट कथन करतील व क्र ९ वरील १० व ११ Worksheet-1 पाठ्यपुस्तक व
कथा पूर्ण करतील. कथालेखन Post date: कार्यपुस्तिका,
Tuesday, 20th Notebook,
April 2021 Learning Log &
8:00 am Writing Material

Due date: Friday,

23rd April 2021
11:59 pm

Grade : 8,
Sapphire, Garnet,

Assignment will
be available in
the Marathi III
Lang channel

Marathi Practice
Post date: Friday,
23rd April 2021
8:00 am

Due date:
Monday, 26th April
11:59 pm
Grade : 8,
Sapphire, Garnet,

Assignment will
be available in
the Marathi III
Lang channel

Sanskrit पुनरावलोकनं - लङ् छात्रा: लङ्लकारं दृष्ट्वा None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं Date:Thursday, Text book,
(III) लकार-रूपाणि रूपं रचयन्ति| अभ्यासकार्यं 22nd April,2021 कालबोधिनी,
Grade /Section: 8 learning log and
Sapphire/Emerald writing material
पुनरावलोकनं - लृट् छात्रा: लृट्लकारं दृष्ट्वा None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं / Topaz/Garnet Text book,
लकार-रूपाणि रूपं रचयन्ति| अभ्यासकार्यं कालबोधिनी,
Review of learning log and
Assignment writing material
श्रवण-कौशल्य-अभ्यास: छात्रा: श्रुतिकाम् None पाठ्यपुस्तक लेखनकार्यं MCQ Online Text book,
(SEA – Listening श्रुण्वन्ति| अभ्यासकार्यं Assessment कालबोधिनी,
Practice) श्रुतिकाम् चिकीत्स्य Notebook,
नूतनान् शब्दान् उपयुज्य learning log and
प्रश्नान् उत्तरन्ति| writing material

German Die Begrüßungen To ask and answer None None None Date: Friday, 23rd Hallo Deutsch 2,
(III) one’s name with April, 2021 Notebook,
Sich vorstellen suitable greetings Learning Log,
To introduce oneself Grade /Section: 8 writing material
/ Topaz/Garnet
Welches Land ist To see the German None None None Hallo Deutsch 2,
das? map & its specialties
and talk about their Review of Notebook,
journey to Germany Assignment Learning Log,
Die Zahlen To revise the Writing material
numbers and to ask MCQ Online
one’s phone Assessment

MCQ Online Learners will be able None None None Hallo Deutsch 2,
Assessment to conjugate the Notebook,
Topic - Verb verbs and apply in Learning Log,
Conjugation - the sentences Writing material
regular & irregular

French Apply the To recall and identify None Apprenons le None None Apprenons le
(III) vocabulary the information on français 3 français 3 livre,
France and apply in Cahier Pg.6 Q.3, cahier,
the sentences Pg.7 Q.5 Notebook, &
writing material
Leçon 1 – La To read the text, None Apprenons le Apprenons le Apprenons le
rentrée identify and apply français 3 livre français 3 livre français 3 livre,
la grammaire regular ER, IR, RE Pg.14 I, II, III Pg.17 Q.6, Pg.18 cahier,
ending and the Pg.18 Q.7 Q.9 Notebook, &
irregular verbs Cahier Pg.11 Q.4, writing material
To recall and apply Q.7
the rules of negation

Les articles To recall and apply None Apprenons le Apprenons le Apprenons le

contractés et les the contracted français 3 livre français 3 Cahier français 3 livre,
adverbes de article Pg.17 Q.3, Q.4, Pg.9 Q. 1, Q.2 Pg.11 cahier,
quantités To recall and apply Q.5 Q.6 Notebook, &
the adverbs of writing material

ICT Multiple Learners will be able None None None Date: Monday, ICT Textbook,
Assessment on to 19th April 2021 ICT Notebook,
Block-1 Describe about Learning Log,
Technology- Today IOT(Internet Of Grade/Section: Writing Material
and Tomorrow Things) and 8-Topaz
applications of IOT
Date: Tuesday,
20th April 2021
Discuss about Grade/Section:
different Wearable 8-Sapphire
Date: Wednesday,
Discuss on 21st April 2021
Augmented Reality
and Virtual Reality Grade/Section:
Discuss on Robots,
its application and Date: Thursday,
steps while 22nd April 2021
building a robot
Chapter-2 Learners will be able https://www.yout None None 8-Garnet ICT Notebook,
Introduction to to identify the Learning Log,
CSS different types of =g0xNSmkKbdU Review of Writing Material
basic tags used in Assignment Software
HTML programming required:
and write a program MCQ Online Notepad,
for the same Assessment Browser

Subject Objectives Activities Integration of Resources Required
Visual Arts Learners will be able to construct and Elements of Art: Color Wheel None HO-1, Art sheet, Rounder,
color a color wheel Learners will start drawing and ruler, poster paints, black
painting the colour wheel with pen, pencil, water bowl,
primary, secondary and tertiary newspaper, waste cloth


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