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Beacon Week 9

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PICT Model School

Beacon – Week 9 (21st June - 26th June)

2021 - 2022
Grade – 8
Subject Topic Learning Integration of Guided Independent Assessments Resources
Objectives Technology Practice Practice Required
English Ls 3- The Selfish To be able to read the https://en.wikipedia. Page No 20 - Q Page no - 24 Date: Thursday, 24th Supplementary
Giant text and answer the org/wiki/The_Happy 1 to 5 Comprehension June 2021. Reader,
(Supplementary questions _Prince_and_Other_ Check - Q 1 to 5 Handout 6,
Reader) Tales Exercise - Q 1 Grade/Section: Learning log,
and 2. Concept 8 Sapphire dictionary,
Question of 8 Topaz writing
Session 1 in 8 Garnet materials.
Handout 6.

Poem 4 - The Last To be able to read the https://www.britanni What is the Page no - 75 - Honeydew
Date: Friday, 25th
Bargain poem. analyse the title theme of the Working with textbook,
June 2021.
(Honeydew of the poem (how a bindranath-Tagore poem? the poem - Q 1 Handout 6,
textbook) child offering nothing to 5, Learning log,
can be the bargain https://www.masterc Concept dictionary,
8 Emerald
that makes the Question of writing
speaker a free man) at-is-a-rhyme-scheme Session 2 in materials.
Review of
To be able to evaluate -learn-about-10-differ Handout 6.
the theme/message of ent-poetry-rhyme-sc
the poem that power, hemes#10-different-r
MCQ Online
money and beautiful hyme-schemes
things cannot win us
happiness; justify how
innocence and
Practice Worksheet
simplicity is the key to
happiness; and
Post date: Tuesday,
discuss the value of
22nd June 2021
freedom and why it is
Post Time: 9.00 am
To be able to identify
Close / Due date:
the poetic device used
Friday, 25th June
in the poem
Close Time: 11:59
Multiple Learners will be able None None None Assignment - Honeydew
Assessment - 3 to: WS 3 will be textbook,
Ls 3 - The Read the text and available in the Supplementary
Glimpses of the infer its meaning English Channel of Reader,
Past and your respective Handout 4, 5 and
Grammar- Direct Read the poem and Team. 6,
& Indirect Speech infer its meaning Learning log,
Poem 3 - dictionary,
Macavity: The Identify the poetic writing
mystery cat device in the poem materials.
Textbook) Identify the direct and
Ls 3 - The selfish indirect speech
(Supplementary Change direct to
Reader) reported speech using
correct reported verb

Math Parallelogram Learners will be able None Exercise 3.3 Exercise 3.3 Date: Thursday, 24th NCERT Textbook,
and diagonals of to deduce and apply Q.No. 4 and 6 Q.No. 8 June,2021 Notebook,
a parallelogram properties of a Learning log and
parallelogram Grade/Section: 8 writing material

Date: Saturday, 26th

Some Special Learners will be able None Examples from Exercise 3.4 NCERT Textbook,
parallelogram to deduce and apply NCERT Q.No. 4 and 6 Notebook,
properties of a textbook Learning log and
Grade/Section: 8
square,rhombus and a writing material
8 Garnet
Online Classify the polygons None None None NCERT Textbook,
Assessment 4 into concave and Date: Friday, 25th Notebook,
convex June,2021 Learning log and
Chapter 3 - Apply the angle sum writing material
Understanding property to the Grade/Section: 8
Quadrilateral polygons Emerald
Find the sum measure
of exterior angles of a Review of
polygon Assignment
Identify different
kinds of polygons MCQ Online
based on their Assessment?
Science Chapter 11 - Learners will be able None Numericals on NCERT None NCERT textbook,
(Physics) Force and to discuss about pressure textbook Q.No. Notebook,
Pressure pressure and identify 9 and 10 Learning log and
its effect writing material

Science MA 2 : Chapter None None None MCQ Online NCERT Textbook,

(Chemistry) .4: MAterial : Assessment MA 2 Learning log,
Metal and Chemistry
Non-Metal Date: Wednesday, note-book, HO 3
23rd June 2021 and 4, Writing
8 Emerald

Date: Thursday, 24th

June 2021

8 Topaz
8 Garnet

Date: Friday, 25th

June 2021

8 Sapphire

Practice Worksheet
Post date: Tuesday,
22nd June 2021
4.00 pm

Due date:
Saturday, 26th June
2021 11:59 pm

Assignment -
WS 2 will be
available in the
Chemistry channel
Science Chapter 2. To be able : None Exercise Exercise Assignment- NCERT Textbook,
(Biology) Microorganism : List examples of (NCERT (NCERT Practice Worksheet Biology
Microorganism : diseases in humans, textbook ) - Q.3 textbook ) - Q.8 -2 note-book,
Friends or Foe plants and animal ( 3) ( 4) Post date: Learning log, HO
Sub- Topic : 2.4 . caused by Thursday, 24th June 3 , Writing
Harmful microorganisms in 2021 material
Microorganism order to explain the 4.00 pm
harmful effects of
microorganisms Due date:
Monday, 28th June
Describe how 2021
mosquitoes spread 11:59 pm
malaria and dengue to
explain the role of Assignment -
carriers in spreading WS 2 will be
communicable available in the
disease Biology channel

Chapter 2. To be able : None Exercise None NCERT Textbook,

Microorganism : To list various (NCERT Biology
Microorganism : methods of preserving textbook ) - Q.2 note-book,
Friends or Foe (d), (e) and (f) Learning log, HO
food in order to
Sub- Topic : 2.5 . ( 3) 4 , Writing
Food demonstrate the material
Preservation restriction of growth
of microorganism

Chapter 2. To be able to illustrate None Exercise Exercise NCERT Textbook,

Microorganism : the process of fixing (NCERT (NCERT Biology
Microorganism : the nitrogen back in textbook ) - Q.2 textbook ) - Q.6 note-book,
Friends or Foe (f) ( 3) ( 4) Learning log, HO
the soil to explain the
Sub- Topic : 2.6 . 4 , Writing
Nitrogen Fixation role of material
microorganisms in
increasing the fertility
of soil

Social History: Learners will be able None None None Assignment NCERT History
Science Ls-4: to explain the Practice textbook,
Tribals,Dikus and disappearing tribal Worksheet-3 Learning log and
livelihoods, threat to Writing Material
The Vision of a life, danger to jhum Post date: Friday,
Golden Age cultivation 25th June 2021
4:00 pm
Topic:How Did
Tribal Groups Due date:
Live? Monday, 28th June
Topic: How Did Learners will be able None History History 2021 NCERT History
Colonial Rule to describe the textbook, page textbook, page 11:59 pm textbook,
Affect Tribal breaking of tribal 49 and 50 to be 50 to be solved Learning log and
lives? social order and discussed in the notebook Assignment will be Writing material,
traditional functions available in the Outlined Political
due to forest laws Social Science Map of India
channel of the
Political Science: Learners will be able None None None respective divisions NCERT Political
Ls-3: Why Do We to describe the Science textbook,
Need a relation between the Learning log and
Parliament? ideas of participation Writing material
in decision-making
and the need for all
governments to have
the consent of their

Learners will be able

to explain role of
citizens in India to
participate in decision
making and control
the government

Learners will be able

to evaluate the
reflection of society in
the Parliament in form
of presence of people
from different

Hindi (II) पाठ-5 चिट्ठियों की छात्र निबंध पठन के None वसंत- वसंत- MCQ Online पाठ्य-पस्ु तक -वसंत
माध्यम से संवाद पष्ृ ठ संख्या 27 प्र - पष्ृ ठ संख्या 27 प्र Assessment - लर्निंग लॉग,
ू ी दनि
ु या 1 -2 ,3 Day: Thursday उत्तरपस्ति
ु का, लेखन
Date: 24th June 2021 सामग्री
पाठ-वाचन माध्यमों की विकास यात्रा
के बारे में जानेंगे Grade:8th
Online दीवानों की हस्ती पाठ पर None None None Sapphire/Garnet/ पाठ्य-पस्ु तक -वसंत
Assessment आधारित कार्यपत्र हल Topaz लर्निंग लॉग,
करें गे| उत्तरपस्ति
ु का, लेखन
Review of सामग्री

Marathi पाठ ४. आपण सारे १) विद्यार्थी पाठातील None कार्यपस्ति

ु का कार्यपस्ति
ु का MCQ Online मराठी सल ु भभारती
(II) एक कठीण शब्द स्पष्ट Assessment 3 पाठ्यपस्ु तक,
करतील. Day: Thursday कार्यपस्ति
ु क,
२) विद्यार्थीपाठाद्वारे Date: 24th June 2021 Notebook,
अवयवांचे महत्त्व स्पष्ट Learning log,
करतील Grade:8th writing material
३) विद्यार्थीकल्पकतेने व Section:Emerald/
सजृ नात्मकतेने लेखन Sapphire/Garnet/
करतील. Topaz

Online १) विद्यार्थी पाठातील None None None Review of मराठी सल ु भभारती

Assessment कठीण शब्द स्पष्ट Assignment पाठ्यपस्ु तक,
No-3 करतील. कार्यपस्ति
ु क,
२) विद्यार्थीपाठाद्वारे Notebook,
पाठ ४. आपण सारे अवयवांचे महत्त्व स्पष्ट Learning log,
एक करतील writing material
३) विद्यार्थीकल्पकतेने व
सजृ नात्मकतेने लेखन

Sanskrit सदै व परु तो निधेहि छात्रा: समास व्याकरण None व्याकरण लेखनकार्यं Date: Thursday 24th Text book,
(II) चरणं नियमान ् ज्ञास्यन्ति नियमानां चर्चा June, 2021. workbook,
वाक्ये उपयोजयिष्यन्ति Grammar book,
च| Grade/Section: 8 Notebook,
Sapphire /Garnet/ learning log and
Emerald /Topaz writing material
सदै व परु तो निधेहि छात्रा: नत
ू न शब्दान ् None व्याकरण लेखनकार्यं Text book,
Review of
चरणं उपयज् ु य वाक्यानि नियमानां चर्चा workbook,
MA रचयितंु समर्था: Grammar book,
भविष्यन्ति | Notebook,
MCQ Online learning log and
Assessment writing material
छात्रा: समास व्याकरण
नियमान ् ज्ञास्यन्ति
पन वाक्ये उपयोजयिष्यन्ति
ु रावत्ति
ृ ः
डिजीभारतम ् च|

छात्रा: व्याकरण
नियमान ् ज्ञास्यन्ति
वाक्ये उपयोजयिष्यन्ति

German Schreiben To identify and apply None None None None Hallo Deutsch 3,
(II) imperative and to Notebook,
form sentences using Learning Log,
cases accordingly. Writing material
Modal verben To comprehend and
identify modal verbs
and to learn to apply
them in the

Helfen + dativ To comprehend the None None None Hallo Deutsch 3,

use of the verb Notebook,
Learning Log,
Gesund & To give health tips Writing material

French Pronominal To recall and apply None Apprenons le Apprenons le Date: Thursday, 24th Apprenons le
(II) Verbs the pronominal verbs français 4 livre français 4 livre, June, 2021 français 4 livre,
Pg. 37 Q.12, cahier cahier,Notebook,
To identify and apply
Negative and Q.15 Pg.35 Q.7 Grade/Section: & writing
la forme négative et
Interrogative Emerald / Sapphire material
form interrogative des
/ Topaz
verbes pronominaux
Interrogation To form questions Review of
using the types of Assignment
MCQ Online
Les expressions To identify with and None Apprenons le Apprenons le Assessment Apprenons le
négatives apply the negative français 4 livre, français 4 livre, français 4 livre,
Online cahier cahier French Practice cahier,
expressions for Worksheet-2
Assessment Notebook, &
making sentences will be uploaded writing material
Leçon 2 Jeanne on the French
d’Arc channel on
Post Date:
Thursday, 24th
June 2021
Open / Post Time:
8:00 am

Date of
Saturday, 26th
June 2021
upto 11:59 PM

Hindi (III) कहानी की शरु

ु आत, विद्यार्थी पढ़ने से पहले None कार्यपत्र 5.3 पष्ृ ठ कार्यपत्र 5.4 पष्ृ ठ Date:Wednesday, XSEED Content
मध्य और अंत, कहानी का अनम ु ान लगा संख्या 24 संख्या 25 23rd June,2021 Book,Notebook,
ब्लॉक- 5 जादईु पाएँगे Learning Log &
आम विद्यार्थी कहानी पढ़कर Grade/Section:8 III Writing Material.
कहानी के मख्ु य Emerald/Sapphire/
तत्वों,उसके पात्रों, Garnet/ Topaz
घटनाओं को पहचानकर
बता पाएँगे Review of
Online छात्र पठि त पाठ के None None None XSEED Content
Assessment-4 आधार पर उत्तर लि खने MCQ Online Book,Notebook,
ब्ब्लॉक4- कहानी के में सक्षम होंगे| Assessment Learning Log &
मख्ु य विचार, Writing Material.

पाठ4: जब मिले
बीरबल अकबर से

ब्लॉक-6 बझ
ू ोतो विद्यार्थी पहे लियों को None कार्यपत्र 6.1 पष्ृ ठ कार्यपत्र 6.2 पष्ृ ठ XSEED Content
जाने, पढ़कर उनके उत्तर बता संख्या 27 संख्या 28 Book,Notebook,
विशेषण शब्दों का पाएँगे
Learning Log &
प्रयोग Writing Material.
विद्यार्थी विशेषण शब्दों
को छाँटकर लिख पाएँगे
Marathi Online १. विद्यार्थी निसर्गातील None None None Date: Wednesday, मराठी सल ु भभारती
(III) Assessment विविध गोष्टी व त्यांचे 23rd June 2021 पाठ्यपस्ु तक व
महत्त्व स्पष्ट करतील. कार्यपस्ति
ु का,
कविता ८. Grade/Section: 8, Notebook,
कोणापासन ू काय २. विद्यार्थी निसर्गाकडून Emerald, Sapphire, Learning Log &
घ्यावे घ्यायचे गण ु यावर आपले Garnet, Topaz Writing Material
स्वमत व्यक्त करतील व
त्यांचे लेखन करतील. Review of
३. विद्यार्थी कवितेवर
आधारित व्याकरण MCQ Online
स्पष्ट करतील. Assessment

Practice Worksheet

कथालेखन विद्यार्थी दिलेल्या None कथालेखन पाठवाचन मराठी सल ु भभारती

Post Date & Day:
चित्राच्या साहय्याने Wednesday, पाठ्यपस्ु तक व
कथालेखन करतील. 23rd June 2021 कार्यपस्ति
ु का,
9.00 am Notebook,
Learning Log &
Due Date: Saturday, Writing Material
26th June 2021
चित्रसंदेश विद्यार्थी चित्राचे None चित्रसंदेश लेखन लेखन उजळणी मराठी सल ु भभारती
निरीक्षण करतील व Grade / Section: पाठ्यपस्ु तक व
त्यापासनू मिळणारा 8, Emerald, कार्यपस्ति
ु का,
संदेश स्पष्ट करतील. Sapphire, Garnet, Notebook,
Topaz Learning Log &
Writing Material
Assignment will be
available in the
Marathi III Lang

Sanskrit Multiple नतू नान ् शब्दान ् ज्ञात्वा None None None Date: 21st June, 2021 Text book,
(III) Assessment-3 वाक्ये उपयोजयन्ति|| workbook,
छात्रा: पाठं पठित्वा क्त्वा- Grade/Section: 8, Grammar book,
वर्धमान ् महावीर: ल्यप ् प्रत्ययं निरीक्ष्यन्ति Emerald, Sapphire, Notebook,
अधोरे खयन्ति च| Garnet, Topaz learning log and
छात्रा: संवादं पठित्वा writing material
क्रियापदानि चिन्वन्ति
अधोरे खयन्ति च| None लेखनकार्यम ्
पनु रावलोकनम ् पाठ्यपस्
ु तकचर्चा Review of
-ग्राम्यजीवनम ् छात्रा: लङ्लकारं दृष्ट्वा , Assignment
पन ु रावलोकनं - लङ् रूपं रचयन्ति| लेखनकार्यम ्
लकार-रूपाणि MCQ Online
पन ु रावलोकनं - लट्
ृ छात्रा: लट्
ृ लकारं दृष्ट्वा Assessment
लकार-रूपाणि रूपं रचयन्ति|
Assignment -
None ु तकचर्चा लेखनकार्यम ्
पाठ्यपस् Practice Worksheet
Text book,
पन ु :स्मरणम ् :- छात्रा: लङ्लकार-विषये , workbook,
WS1 will be
व्यवहारज्ञानं चर्चन्ति तथा च शब्दान ् लेखनकार्यम ् uploaded in the
Grammar book,
श्रेष्ठतरम ् पठन्ति |शब्दे षु साम्यं Sanskrit III
चिन्वन्ति | Language Channel
learning log and
writing material
on ,
छात्रा: लङ्लकारं दृष्ट्वा
Post Date: Monday,
रूपं रचयन्ति |
June 21st ,2021 at
छात्रा: पाठं पठित्वा
9:00 am Date of
लङ्लकार-प्रत्ययं Submission:
निरीक्ष्यन्ति Thursday, 24st June
अधोरे खयन्ति च| 2021 11:59 pm
ु :स्मरणम ् :- नतू नान ् शब्दान ् ज्ञात्वा None पाठ्यपस्
ु तकचर्चा लेखनकार्यम ् Text book,
वर्धमान ् महावीर वाक्ये उपयोजयन्ति|| , workbook,
छात्रा: पाठं पठित्वा क्त्वा- लेखनकार्यम ् Grammar book,
ल्यप ् प्रत्ययं निरीक्ष्यन्ति Notebook,
अधोरे खयन्ति च| learning log and
writing material

German Wiederholung Recapitulate Noneq Noneq None None Hallo Deutsch 2,

(III) Akkusativ und Notebook,
Negation Learning Log,
Writing material

Wiederholung To recapitulate None None None Hallo Deutsch 2,

vocabulary based on Notebook,
the topics. Learning Log,
To write and speak Writing material
on one topic.

Meine To listen to the None None None Hallo Deutsch 2,

Schulsachen pronunciations of the Notebook,
words & repeat the Learning Log,
words. Writing material
Meine To categorize the
Schulsachen objects according to
the articles

French Construire un To identify the None Apprenons le Apprenons le Date: Saturday, 26th Apprenons le
(III) dialogue ou un vocabulary, verbs français 3 livre, français 3 livre, June, 2021 français 3 livre,
text and grammar and cahier cahier cahier,
apply them to Grade/Section: Notebook, &
construct a Emerald / Sapphire writing material
dialogue/text / Topaz/ Garnet

Grammar To recall the rules of None Apprenons le Apprenons le Review of Apprenons le

various grammar français 3 livre, français 3 livre, Assignment français 3 livre,
topics and give cahier cahier cahier,
examples MCQ Online Notebook, &
Assessment writing material
Recapitulation To recall, identify the None Apprenons le Apprenons le
French Practice
Apprenons le
and grammar vocabulary with its français 3 livre, français 3 livre, français 3 livre,
articles cahier cahier cahier,
will be uploaded
Notebook, &
on the French
Vocabulary and To apply the writing material
channel on
verbs vocabulary in Post Date:
sentences using Wednesday , 23rd
Online correct articles June 2021
Assessment Open / Post Time:
Il est français 4:00 pm

Date of
Saturday, 26th
June 2021
upto 11:59 PM
ICT Chapter 3 : Learners will be able Page nos. 49 to Read the None ICT Textbook,
Website to .com/watch?v=5CxX 52 textbook Page ICT Notebook,
Designing Describe different hyhT6Fc nos. 49 to 52 ICT Learning
elements of website Log,
designing like Writing Material
spacing, Multimedia

Describe features of
a good User Interface
Explain the
difference between
User Experience
Designer and User
Interface Designer

Chapter 3 : Learners will be able https://www.feelingp Page nos. 53 to Read the ICT Textbook,
Website to 58 textbook Page ICT Notebook,
Designing Explain guidelines to s-of-good-web-desig nos. 53 to 58 ICT Learning
create a good n/ Log,
website design Writing Material
-Illustrate steps for
web hosting

Subject Objectives Activities Integration Assessments Resources Required
Wellness Critical Thinking Skills Interactive Session PPT None HO 3, Activity Sheet
Learners will be able to: 3
Analyze the importance of critical
thinking skills.

Apply different methods of

critical thinking skills in their day
to day lives.

Fitness Learners will be able to perform Khelo India Fitness Test None Assignment of Khelo India Khelo India Fitness
khelo india fitness test final Fitness Online Report Card
assessment Assessment -1 Learning log
will be uploaded on the Writing material
Yoga-Physical Education

Section- Emerald
Tuesday, 22th June 2021 at
1.00 pm
Date of Submission
Tuesday, 22th June 2021 at
upto 11.59pm

Section- Garnet
Tuesday, 22th June 2021
at 2.15 pm

Date of Submission
Tuesday, 22th June 2021 at
upto 11.59pm

Section- Sapphire
Wednesday, 23th June 2021
at 1.00pm

Date of Submission
Wednesday, 23th June 2021
upto 11:59pm

Section- Topaz
Friday, 25th June 2021 at

Date of Submission
Friday, 25thJune 2021 upto
11.59 pm


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