Reg No.: - Name: - : Marks
Reg No.: - Name: - : Marks
Reg No.: - Name: - : Marks
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of a PLC device. (10)
b) What are PLCs? List and explain advantages of using a PLC device. (5)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) With neat diagram, explain the architecture of a DDC system. (7)
b) With a neat diagram, explain the architecture and basic functions of a SCADA (8)
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A G192001 Pages:2
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) List and explain the various functions of a operator interface in a DCS. (10)
b) Enumerate the guideline for human factor in designing operator interface of DCS. (5)
c) Define the significance of low level operator interface (LLOI) in DCS. Explain (5)
any one LLOI.
8 a) Write notes on (8)
i) PHA
ii) HaZOp
b) Draw and explain the architecture of safety instrument system with neat diagram. (7)
c) Define risk. Write notes on risk management. (5)
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