s13068 019 1529 1 PDF
s13068 019 1529 1 PDF
s13068 019 1529 1 PDF
and Arantes
Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Biotechnology for Biofuels
A review on commercial‑scale
high‑value products that can be produced
alongside cellulosic ethanol
Oscar Rosales‑Calderon and Valdeir Arantes*
The demand for fossil derivate fuels and chemicals has increased, augmenting concerns on climate change, global
economic stability, and sustainability on fossil resources. Therefore, the production of fuels and chemicals from alter‑
native and renewable resources has attracted considerable and growing attention. Ethanol is a promising biofuel that
can reduce the consumption of gasoline in the transportation sector and related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising feedstock to produce bioethanol (cellulosic ethanol) because of its abundance
and low cost. Since the conversion of lignocellulose to ethanol is complex and expensive, the cellulosic ethanol price
cannot compete with those of the fossil derivate fuels. A promising strategy to lower the production cost of cellulosic
ethanol is developing a biorefinery which produces ethanol and other high-value chemicals from lignocellulose. The
selection of such chemicals is difficult because there are hundreds of products that can be produced from lignocel‑
lulose. Multiple reviews and reports have described a small group of lignocellulose derivate compounds that have
the potential to be commercialized. Some of these products are in the bench scale and require extensive research
and time before they can be industrially produced. This review examines chemicals and materials with a Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) of at least 8, which have reached a commercial scale and could be shortly or immediately inte‑
grated into a cellulosic ethanol process.
Keywords: Cellulosic ethanol, Bioproducts, Commercial production, Biorefinery, Biofuel, Lignocellulose, Bio-based
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Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 2 of 58
renewable energy policies in the transportation sector fermented theoretically into 172.0 gallons of bioethanol,
increased from 56 in 2012 to 66 by 2015 [7]. Similarly, the and that one ton of arabinan or xylan yields 1.14 tons of
annual world production of bioethanol increased from five-carbon sugars that could be fermented theoretically
13.0 billion gallons in 2007 to about 25.6 billion gallons in into 176.0 gallons of bioethanol, the theoretical global
2015 [7]. Despite these efforts, Brazil and the USA are the production of ethanol from lignocellulosic materials
only countries that produce large quantities of bioethanol, (rice straw, corn stover, wheat straw, pulp, etc.) can reach
7.1 and 14.7 billion gallons of ethanol per year, respec- -442 billion liters per year [12]. Due to its complex com-
tively [8]. Bioethanol is currently produced from sugar- position (30–60% cellulose, 20–40% hemicellulose and
or starch-containing feedstocks. Sugar/starch derivate 15–25% lignin), conversion of cellulosic materials to eth-
bioethanol is defined as first-generation (1G) bioethanol anol is more challenging than for sugar/starch-feedstocks
[9]. A general 1G bioethanol process is shown in Fig. 1. [13]. Therefore, even when the cost of lignocellulose is
While the 1G bioethanol process is relatively simple, its lower than that of the sugar/starch crops, the produc-
main disadvantage is the high price of the sugar/starch tion cost of cellulosic ethanol is too high to be competi-
feedstocks, which accounts for 40 to 70% of the total etha- tive [14, 15]. Consequently, efforts to develop efficient
nol cost [10]. To achieve competitive costs and increase and cost-effective technologies that reduce bioethanol’s
production, the supply of cheap raw materials is required. production cost have been made in the last decades.
Cellulosic biomass, or lignocellulose, is considered the After years of research and development, various cellu-
most promising feedstock for producing bioethanol, due losic ethanol pilot and demonstration plants have started
to its availability, low cost, and the fact that it does not operations [16].
compete with food production as sugar/starch feedstocks In 2012, Beta Renewables started up operations at
do. In agreement with the 1G bioethanol definition, the first industrial cellulosic ethanol plant in the world.
bioethanol produced from lignocellulose is named sec- By 2015, the 40 MMgy plant, located in Crescentino,
ond-generation (2G) bioethanol or cellulosic ethanol [11]. Italy, was reported to operate on a daily basis, shipping
Considering that one ton of glucan, galactan, or man- cellulosic ethanol to Europe [17]. After this success,
nan yields 1.11 tons of six-carbon sugars, which could be Beta Renewables was planning to build more cellulosic
• 1,2-butanediol • Lacde
• 1,3-propanediol • Lysine
• 1,4-butanediol • Polylacc acid
• 2,3-butanediol • Polytrimethylene
• Acetone-butanol-ethanol terephthalate
• Furfural • Propylene Glycol
• Furfuryl alcohol • Sorbitol
• Glutamic acid • Squalene
• Isobutanol • Succinic acid
• Itaconic acid • Terpenes
• Lacc acid • Xylitol
Sugar feedstock
(sugarcane, sugar beets)
Fermentaon • Acetaldehyde
• Acec acid
• Acec anhydride
Starch feedstock • Ethyl acetate
Extracon Hydrolysis • Ethyl Lactate
(corn, wheat)
• Ethyl tert-butyl ether
Separaon Ethanol
• Ethylene
• Ethylene glycol
• Ethylene-propylene-diene
Hexose and • Polyethylene
Lignocellulose C5 & C6
Pretreatment Hydrolysis Pentose • Polyethylene glycol
( sugarcane bagasse) Fermentaon
Solid residues Electricity
Producon of bioethanol
Commercialized bioproducts
• Microfibrillated
Fig. 1 Process diagram to produce bioethanol from sugar and starch feedstocks, and lignocellulose including biochemicals and biomaterials with
potential to be produced alongside bioethanol (red lines)
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 3 of 58
ethanol plants in India, USA, Brazil, and China. How- boost the investment on cellulosic ethanol, technolo-
ever, Beta Renewables was sold in 2018 to pay off debts gies that reduce the production costs must be developed
from its bankrupt parent company, Mossi Ghisolfi and industrially demonstrated. The biorefinery concept,
Group [18]. DuPont started producing cellulosic ethanol in which biomass is converted to biochemicals and bio-
at its 30-MMgy plant in Nevada, USA. With the merge materials, such as benzene, microfibrillated cellulose,
of Dow Chemical and DuPont, questions about DuPont’s toluene, xylene, styrene, or cumene [30], is a promising
cellulosic ethanol investment raised. While DuPont con- strategy to reduce production costs. Even so, the large
tinued building commercial relationships with feedstock number of possible combinations of feedstock, pre-
growers and producing cellulosic ethanol [19], in 2017, treatment options, conversion technologies, and down-
DowDuPont announced that it intends to sell its cellu- stream processes, makes difficult the evaluation of these
losic biofuels business and its first commercial cellulosic technologies. Various authors have reviewed promis-
ethanol plant in Nevada, USA. The company found a ing chemicals that can be produced from lignocellulose.
buyer for the 30-million-gallon plant, VERBIO Verein- Nonetheless, most of the technologies behind these
igte BioEnergie AG, a German company that produces chemicals are under development and their commercial
renewable natural gas [20]. In 2015, Abengoa celebrated feasibility is uncertain. Thus, this review focuses on the
the opening of a 25 MMgy cellulosic ethanol plant in compelling analysis of commodity chemicals that can be
Hugoton, Kansas, USA. However, in 2016, after experi- produced alongside cellulosic ethanol and that are at a
menting financial difficulties, Abengoa declared its cellu- manufacturing level.
losic bioethanol plant in bankruptcy [21]. In contrast, in
2014, Raizen started up operations at its 40 MMgy cel- Production of cellulosic ethanol
lulosic ethanol plant [22]. Raizen’s estimated minimum Feedstock
ethanol selling price ($2.17 per gallon) is the lowest Biomass is a renewable resource that is appropriate to
among the current operating cellulosic plants [23]. While produce ethanol and chemicals. Lignocellulose is the
Raizen reported plans to export cellulosic ethanol to most promising biomass feedstock because of its avail-
Europe, the company announced reductions in its cellu- ability and lowcost [31, 32]. For example, the sugarcane
losic ethanol investment due to low gasoline prices [24]. and corn price have been reported to be $60.9/ton [33]
In 2014, GranBio started up a cellulosic ethanol plant and $185.9/ton [34], while sugarcane bagasse and corn
with a capacity of 20 MMgy in Brazil. However, the plant stover prices have been estimated to be $36.38/ton [35]
suspended operations in 2016 due to technical difficul- and $58.50/ton [36], respectively. In contrast to the pro-
ties in the pretreatment stage and resumed operations duction of bioethanol from starch, cellulosic biomass is
in 2019 [25, 26]. In 2017, Enviral (Slovakia) acquired a not used as a food source. The primary drivers of ethanol
license to use Clariant’s sunliquid technology (Switzer- prices are the cost of corn grain and the gasoline prices.
land) in a commercial-scale plant for the production of In the past 10 years, ethanol prices have fluctuated in
ethanol from agricultural residues. The planned plant correlation with gasoline or corn grain prices. When corn
will be integrated into the Enviral’s facility at Leopoldov, grain was relatively inexpensive and petroleum prices
Slovakia, and will have an annual production capacity were increasing, ethanol was traded based on gasoline
of 50 ktons (15 million gallons per year, MMgy) [27]. In prices. As ethanol began to consume a larger percentage
2014, POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels, a 50/50 joint ven- of corn grain production, its price increasingly moved
ture between Royal DSM (Netherlands) and POET, LLC in sync with corn grain prices. The correlation between
(USA), opened its Project Liberty facility in Emmets- corn grain and ethanol prices is expected to decline
burg, Iowa, USA. The cellulosic ethanol facility was set once substantial volumes are produced from cellulosic
to produce 20 MMgy of ethanol and then ramp up to feedstock [37]. Despite these advantages, the complex
25 MMgy [28]. In 2017, the company achieved a major structure of lignocellulose makes its processing challeng-
breakthrough by announcing that Project Liberty was ing and expensive. For example, the price of sugars was
running pretreatment at 80 percent uptime. Moreover, reported to be $282.5/ton [38], while minimum selling
POET-DSM announced the construction of an on-site price of sugars produced from corn stover was estimated
enzyme manufacturing facility and ramped up biomass to $587.3/ton [35].
purchasing in anticipation of increasing production lev- Examples of lignocellulose include agricultural wastes
els for 2018 [29]. (corn stover, wheat or rice straw), sugarcane bagasse,
Regardless of all these efforts, the global new invest- wood (hardwood or softwood), grass, municipal waste,
ment in biofuels continues to decline. In 2015, the and dedicated energy crops (miscanthus and switch-
global new investment in biofuels power capacity fell by grass) [39]. Lignocellulose is composed of lignin, poly-
35%, in relation to 2014, to USD 3.1 billion [7]. Thus, to saccharides, such as cellulose and hemicelluloses, and
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 4 of 58
pectin, proteins, ash, salts, and minerals [40]. Cellulose, a microorganism ferments sugars into ethanol, and (4) a
the main component, consists of chains of glucose linked separation stage to obtain fuel grade ethanol [53].
by β-1,4 linkages. These chains form crystalline micro- Within the cellulosic ethanol process, the conver-
fibrils, which are highly recalcitrant to degradation, sion of biomass to sugars is the main barrier to achieve
and amorphous domains, which are easily decomposed cost-effective production of cellulosic ethanol. The
[41, 42]. Unlike cellulose, hemicellulose is not chemi- polysaccharides are buried within ordered and tightly
cally homogeneous as it is composed of polymerized packed cellulose microfibrils, embedded in a matrix
monosaccharides (glucose, mannose, galactose, xylose, of hemicelluloses and lignin. Thus, the one major bot-
arabinose, 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid, and galactu- tleneck to efficient enzymatic hydrolysis is the limited
ronic acid residues). Hemicelluloses, the second most access of enzymes to the polysaccharides [54, 55]. In
common polysaccharides in nature, represent about addition, lignin non-specifically adsorbs and inhibits
20–35% of lignocellulosic biomass [43]. Xylan is the cellulases, the enzymes in charge of depolymerizing cel-
most abundant hemicellulose in lignocellulosic biomass lulose to glucose [49, 56–59]. Thus, a pretreatment stage
and contains mainly β-d-xylopyranosyl residues linked which exposes cellulose, increasing access to enzymes,
by β-1,4-glycosidic bonds [44]. Lignin, the third major is needed. Multiple pretreatment technologies, such as
component, acts as a binder between plant cells, and it steam explosion (SE), dilute sulfuric acid (DA), organo-
is strongly resistant to biological degradation. Lignin is solv, ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), and liquid hot
an aromatic macromolecule with a complex and diverse water (LHW), have been developed in the past years [60].
structure, which monomer units appear to repeat ran- Organosolv pretreatment uses organic solvent normally
domly [45]. The proportion of these three components in at 100–200 °C for short period to separate cellulose and
lignocellulose varies substantially depending on the type produce unaltered lignin [61]. SE and DA pretreatments
of biomass and harvest time [40, 46–50]. effectively hydrolyze a large portion of hemicellulose, as
In contrast to the production of bioethanol from well as disrupt lignin, while increasing cellulose digest-
starch, cellulosic biomass is not used as food source. The ibility. The AFEX process pretreats biomass with anhy-
primary drivers of ethanol prices are the cost of corn drous liquid ammonia at high pressure and moderate to
grain and the gasoline prices. In the past 10 years, etha- high temperatures. In the AFEX process, the pressure is
nol prices have fluctuated in correlation with gasoline or rapidly released, disrupting the biomass structure and
corn grain prices. When corn grain was relatively inex- resulting in the partial decrystallization of cellulose. The
pensive and petroleum prices were increasing, ethanol effectiveness of the pretreatment technologies and enzy-
was traded based on gasoline prices. As ethanol began to matic hydrolysis depends on the type of lignocellulose
consume a larger percentage of corn grain production, its and operating conditions used. For example, the rate and
price increasingly moved in sync with corn grain prices. extent of the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocel-
The correlation between corn grain and ethanol prices lulose decline with increasing pretreatment slurry con-
is expected to decline once substantial volumes are pro- centration [62, 63].
duced from cellulosic feedstock [37]. The enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose is the main
barrier to produce feasible 2G bioethanol. Enzymatic
Cellulosic ethanol process hydrolysis is advantageous when compared to acid
The conversion of lignocellulose to ethanol is challeng- hydrolysis, the chemical alternative, as it requires less
ing, mainly due to the resistant nature of lignin to deg- energy, milder operating conditions, and it is less cor-
radation, the inefficient breakdown of cellulose and rosive and toxic [64–66]. During enzymatic hydrolysis,
hemicellulose, the variety of sugars released from the cellulase and hemicellulase enzymes depolymerize cellu-
carbohydrate polymers, and the cost for storage, trans- lose and hemicellulose to hexoses (mannose, glucose, and
port, and collection of low-density lignocellulosic feed- galactose) and pentoses (xylose and arabinose), respec-
stock [51]. The production of lignocellulosic ethanol tively. The three major groups of cellulases involved in
starts with the collection and transportation of ligno- the hydrolysis reaction are as follows: endoglucanase
cellulosic feedstock to the plant site, where, depending (endo 1,4-d-glucanase or E.C. which attacks ran-
on the feedstock, it is fed to a preprocessing step (e.g., domly regions of low crystallinity to create free chain-
grinding, milling) to the feedstock particle size [52]. As ends, exoglucanase or cellobiohydrolase (1,4-β-d glucan
shown in Fig. 1, bioethanol production from lignocellu- cellobiohydrolase or E.C., which releases cel-
lose typically comprises four major steps: (1) a pretreat- lobiose from the free chain-ends of crystalline regions,
ment step to make polysaccharides more accessible, (2) and β-glucosidase (E.C. that hydrolyzes the
an enzymatic hydrolysis process to break down polysac- released cellobiose to glucose [49, 64, 65, 67–69]. Due
charides to simple sugars, (3) a fermentation step where to hemicellulose complexity and the large number of
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 5 of 58
enzymes required to hydrolyze it, synergy studies have to the viable production of cellulosic ethanol. Hence,
only identified a few interactions between hemicellu- fermentation research has focused on identifying wild or
lases and substrates [40]. Endo-xylanases (EX) cleave the genetically engineered yeast and bacteria capable of fer-
xylan backbone at internal β-1,4 xylosidic bonds, while menting both hexoses and pentoses at productive yields
β-xylosidases hydrolyze short xylooligomers to xylose. [129–134]. Despite the promising results obtained from
Past studies have evaluated the hydrolytic efficiency of engineered organisms, there are issues that need to be
cellulases produced by various microorganisms [70–77]. addressed, for example, incomplete pentose conversion,
Cellulases produced from Trichoderma reesei and Asper- low reaction rates, and low microorganism tolerance to
gillus niger are the most extensively studied [69, 78–87]. ethanol and inhibition by compounds produced during
Multiple compounds formed or released during the pre- pretreatment [39, 135].
treatment and hydrolysis stage, such as 5-HMF and vanil- In the final stage of the process, ethanol is separated
lin, inhibit the enzymatic hydrolysis. Moreover, a factorial and concentrated to obtain fuel grade ethanol. Ethanol
design and analysis of variance on the enzymatic hydroly- can be recovered from the fermentation broth by distil-
sis of dilute acid pretreated corn stover showed that high lation, adsorption, or filtration using an entrainer, molec-
sugar concentrations (130 g/L) have a major inhibitor ular sieves, or membranes [136–139]. The solid residue
effect on the enzymatic hydrolysis [88]. To improve the obtained from the distillation stage is normally proposed
hydrolysis yield, the private sector and academia have to be used as a solid fuel to produce heat and steam for
studied the supplementation of chemicals, enzymes, and the process [35, 140, 141]. However, these residues may
proteins to boost cellulases performance and inhibitors be suitable to produce more valuable products [142, 143].
[79, 113, 119, 120], and Cellic® CTec3 [121, 122] from
treatment. Plants deploy inhibitors to protect themselves
against pathogens that utilize cellulases to gain access to
Novozymes. Recent studies have focused on non-hydro- the plant cells. Some of these inhibitors include hemi-
lytic enzymes, such as polysaccharide monooxygenases cellulose’s hydrolysis products, pectin and its hydrolysis
(LPMOs), which enhance hydrolysis by reducing enzyme products (uronic acids), and phenolic compounds (gallic
supplementation [123]. LPMOs are copper-dependent acid, trans-cinnamic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, syrin-
enzymes capable of breaking glycosidic bonds in poly- galdehyde, and vanillin) [144]. For example, acetic acid
saccharides, such as cellulose, xyloglucan, glucoman- is formed from the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in hemi-
nan, xylan, starch, and chitin [124]. LPMOs are believed cellulose, while formic and levulinic acids are generated
to oxidize crystalline cellulose, creating more reducing/ during the degradation of sugars. Similarly, furfural and
non-reducing ends for cellulases to attack [125]. Replac- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) are formed by dehy-
ing a fraction of supplemented cellulases with LPMOs dration of pentoses and hexoses, respectively, under ther-
has been shown to increase the hydrolysis yield of steam- mal and acidic conditions [81]. Arora et al. [145] reported
exploded birch by 25–30% [126]. Despite the apparent that furfural and 5-HMF reduce glucose recovery by 5 to
advantages of LPMOs, aldonic acids which are produced 81% after enzymatic hydrolysis. Production of inhibitors
during the oxidation of polysaccharides by LPMOs can also varies depending on the pretreatment applied, for
inhibit enzymes and microbes [127]. More research is example, acetic acid, furfural, and 5-HMF are produced
needed to determine if LPMOs are advantageous for the in the DA pretreatment, but are not generated by the
production of bioethanol. The enzymatic hydrolysis pro- AFEX pretreatment [146]. In accordance, with the above,
cess has been scaled up and used in the industrial-scale van der Pol et al. [147] reported that the synergetic effect
plants operated by Beta Renewables, Abengoa, POET, of coumaric acid, formic acid, and acetic acid, formed
Raizen, GranBio, and DuPont [17, 19, 21, 128]. during the alkaline pretreated lignocellulose, is a key
The next stage in the cellulosic ethanol process is the inhibitory parameter in the enzymatic hydrolysis, while
fermentation stage, in which sugars produced during furfural is a key inhibitor formed in the acid pretreatment
enzymatic hydrolysis or solubilized during the pretreat- of lignocellulose.
ment stage are converted to ethanol by microorganisms. The strength of the inhibition or deactivation effect
The lack of organism that efficiently converts all the hex- depends on the type of enzyme, the microorganism from
oses (glucose, galactose, and mannose) and pentoses sug- which the enzyme is derived, and the type and concen-
ars (xylose and arabinose) to ethanol is another obstacle tration of the inhibitory compounds present. Kumar and
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 6 of 58
Wyman reported that xylobiose and higher xylooligom- Cellulose S.A., a Brazilian company, and its technology
ers inhibit the enzymatic hydrolysis, while xylose, xylo- is underdeveloped [157]. Another promising product
biose, and xylotriose presented progressively greater derivate from lignocellulose is bio-oil. In 2012, Fibria
effects on hydrolysis rates [90]. Consistently, Ximenes paid US$20 million to become a partner of Ensyn, a USA
Fig. 2 Process diagram for the production of second-generation bioethanol from lignocellulose. Production routes to produce biochemicals from
glucose that are industrially produced (red lines)
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 8 of 58
selectivity of 1,2-BDO achieved by the addition of cerium catalyst under high pressure (90 bar) [186]. In contrast,
into the catalysts ranged from 0 to 2.9% (carbon basis). Shell uses ethylene oxide obtained via oxidation of eth-
The conversion yield and selectivity to sorbitol varied ylene. Ethylene oxide is transformed in a hydroformyla-
depending on the amount of cerium added and the cata- tion process to 3-hydroxypropanal, like DuPont’s process,
lyst preparation method used. but at very high pressure (150 bar). 3-Hydroxypropanal
In 2004, Global Biochem (HK, China) and Interna- is extracted and subjected to hydrogenation using nickel
tional Polyol Chemicals, Inc. (IPCI), from OR, USA, built as a catalyst, under high pressure [187]. In DuPont’s pro-
and started operation of a plant capable of producing cess, the yield does not exceed 65%, while Shell’s process
2200 tonnes of EG, 5200 tonnes of 1,2-BDO, and other achieves a yield of 80%. As ethylene oxide has a lower
polyols from 10,000 tonnes of sorbitol per year [178]. In price than acrolein, Shell’s process is economically more
recent years, Global Biochem is producing a number of favorable. Prices for 1,3-PDO are suggested to be around
corn-based polyols: EG, 1,2-PG, 1,2-BDO, 2,3-butanediol $1.76/kg (2008) [188] and, $2.20/kg (2005) [189], and
(2,3-BDO), and bio-based resins at the province of Jilin, $1.45/kg [190].
China [179]. Due to poor market condition, Global Bio- Recent interest in the production of bio-based mate-
chem suspended most of its polyols production in March rials via biological process has boosted the research on
2014, but continued to sell its polyol chemicals inventory. microbial 1,3-PDO. While there are multiple micro-
Global Biochem announced that by making a provision of organisms capable of fermenting sugars to glycerol or
polyol chemicals in 2015, the polyol chemicals segment glycerol to 1,3-PDO, none can directly ferment sugars to
recorded gross profit of approximately $0.5 million (2015: 1,3-PDO [191]. Thus, an approach to generating micro-
$2.2 million), with a gross profit margin of 79.6% (2015: bial 1,3-PDO is through the use of two organisms, one
27.7%) during 2016 [180]. The technology to generate that ferments sugars to glycerol and another that ferment
1,2-BDO from sorbitol is technically mature, and while glycerol to 1,3-PDO. Haynie and Wagner [192] patented
it is possible to enhance the hydrogenolysis selectivity a process for the conversion of carbohydrates to 1,3-PDO
and yield via catalyst optimization, the production of 1,2- using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for glycerol production
BDO is limited by the price of fossil-based polyols and and a range of organisms for the conversion of glycerol
market demand. Production of 1,2-BDO alongside cellu- to 1,3-PDO. As sugars, such as glucose, are typically less
losic ethanol is technically possible. However, the intro- expensive than glycerol, research has been focused on the
duction of a process to produce sorbitol from hydrolyzed development of biological approaches to directly convert
sugars is required. Alternatively, 1G and 2G bioethanol sugars to 1,3-PDO. One approach involves the co-fer-
could be co-produced in a biorefinery arrangement, as mentation of glycerol and sugar. Since glucose represses
shown in Fig. 2, allowing the use of the glucose stream, the 1,3-PDO pathway in native 1,3-PDO producers and
generated from the starch/sugar biomass, to produce glucose fermenters do not ferment glycerol to 1,3-PDO,
sorbitol and 1,2-BDO. genetically engineered organisms capable of co-ferment-
ing glycerol and glucose are being developed. To achieve
1,3‑Propanediol this goal, three strategies are being considered. The first
Also known as trimethylene glycol, 1,3-propanediol (1,3- strategy involves the introduction of the gene that allows
PDO) has promising properties for synthetic reactions, the formation of glycerol from sugars or intermediates
particularly as a monomer for the polycondensation of glycolysis into a strain that produces 1,3-PDO from
reaction to produce polyesters, polyethers, and polyure- glycerol. For example, the expression of the glycerol-
thanes. The global value of the 1,3-PDO market was USD 3-phosphatase that converts glycerol-3-phosphate to
310 million in 2014 and it is likely to reach USD 620 mil- glycerol, into other microorganisms, would link the glu-
lion by 2021 as shown in Table 1 [181]. Global 1,3 pro- cose metabolism and 1,3-PDO formation [193, 194].
panediol market demand was 146 kilo tons in 2014 and In the second approach, genes that allow conversion
is expected to reach 225.9 kilo tons by 2022 [182, 183]. of glycerol to 1,3-PDO are introduced into a bacterium
In 1995–1996, after Shell and DuPont commercialized producing glycerol from sugars. Nakamura et al. [195]
a 1,3-PDO-based polyester (polytrimethylene tereph- developed a recombinant S. cerevisiae by integrating
thalate, PTT), 1,3-PDO evolved from a fine to a bulk GDHt and PDOR gene of K. pneumoniae into the chro-
polymer [184]. DuPont produced 1,3-PDO through the mosome of S. cerevisiae. The recombinant S. cerevisiae
pro-Degussa technology, at Wesseling, Germany, which fermented glucose to 1,3-PDO achieving a final concen-
uses acrolein obtained via the catalytic oxidation of pro- tration of 0.53 g/L. The third approach involves the intro-
pylene [184, 185]. Acrolein is hydrated at moderate tem- duction of both genes into an organism which could not
perature and pressure to 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde convert glucose to glycerol nor glycerol to 1,3-PDO. For
which is then hydrogenated to 1,3-PDO over a rubidium example, Chotani et al. [196] developed a strain of E. coli
Table 1 Summary of the chemicals and materials analysed
Compound Classic production Bio-based route Price (per ton) Market (per year) Market volume Uses Challenges
route (tonnes per year) for integration
1,2-Butanediol Catalytic or steam Hydrogenation of $2666 [174] $4 billion [174] 1.5 million [174] Production of adhesive Relies on the successful
cracking of gas sorbitol [176] resins or as a solvent, production sorbitol
(ethane, propane, coolant, refrigerant,
butane) and/or hydraulic fluid, or
naphtha [175] fine chemical raw
material. [173]
1,3-Propanediol Pro Degussa’s technol‑ Fermentation of sugars $1450 [190] $310 million [181] 146,000 [182] Production of polyes‑ Separation and purifica‑
ogy [184, 185], [198, 199, 203] ters, polyethers, and tion of the cellulosic
hydrogenation of polyurethanes [182, sugars stream
3-hydroxypropional‑ 183] Optimization of microor‑
dehyde [186] ganism
1,4-Butanediol Reppe process [198], Hydrogenation of SA $2660 [205] $5690 million [538] 2 million [205] Manufacture of poly‑ Relies on SA
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
hydrogenation, and [209], and fermenta‑ mers, solvents, and Optimization of microor‑
hydrolysis [206, 208] tion of sugars [210] chemicals. [206, 207] ganism and catalysts
2,3-Butanediol Chlorohydrination and Catalytic hydrogena‑ $10,000 to 50,000 $43 billion [220, 221] 32 million [220, 221] Production of printing Separation and purifica‑
hydrolysis [539] tion [223] and fer‑ [222] inks, perfumes, fumi‑ tion of the cellulosic
mentation of sugars gants, moistening sugars stream
[225–229] and softening agents
(2019) 12:240
Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenation or Oxidation of ethanol $1005 [540] $1.26 billion [250] 1.28 million [541] Manufacture of acetic Competitive prices
oxidation of ethanol, [252, 255] acid, perfumes, against fossil-based
addition of water dyes, and drugs, as a equivalent
to acetylene, partial flavoring agent and
oxidation of hydro‑ as an intermediate
carbons, and direct in the metabolism of
oxidation of ethylene alcohol [249]
Acetic acid Carbonylation with Rh- Catalytic oxidation of $617 [162] $8373 million [162] 8.3 million [161] Applications include: Separation and purifica‑
catalyzed Monsanto ethanol [261, 263], foam rubber, wood tion of the cellulosic
or Ir-catalyzed Cativa fermentation of gluing, emulsifiers, sugars stream
process [258] ethanol or sugars cement coatings, Competitive prices
[264] and desalination against fossil-based
membranes [142] equivalent
Acetic anhydride AcOH dehydration AcOH dehydration $797 [542] $635.9 million [543] 2.7 million [269] Use in the prepara‑ Relies on AcOH
[270], acetone crack‑ [270] tion of modified Competitive prices
ing [271], acetalde‑ food starch and against fossil-based
hyde oxidation [272], acetylation of equivalent
and methyl acetate monoglycerides, and
carbonylation [273] in the manufacture
of pesticides and
herbicides [268]
Page 9 of 58
Table 1 (continued)
Compound Classic production Bio-based route Price (per ton) Market (per year) Market volume Uses Challenges
route (tonnes per year) for integration
Acetone Thermal decomposi‑ Fermentation of sugars $1210 [205] $7700 million [162] 6.1 million [544] Production of acrylic Produced alongside
tion of calcium [277] and ABE pro‑ plastics, signs, ethanol and butanol
acetate, dehydroge‑ cess [264, 281] lighting fixtures and Addressed inhibitors
nation of isopropyl displays, and Bisphe‑ and toxic compounds
alcohol or cumene nol A (BPA), and as a
oxidation [264, 277] solvent in multiple
products, such as
paints, cleaning
fluids, and adhesives
Butanol Oxo reaction of propyl‑ ABE process [264, 281] $1463 [205] $4200 million [162] 3.4 million [545] Use in the manufac‑ Produced alongside
ene [280] ture of adhesives, ethanol and acetone
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
Ethyl tert-butyl ether Catalytic reaction of Catalytic reaction of $856–906 [552] $2.13 billion [553] 3 million [553] Use as gasoline addi‑ Relies on isobutene and
fossil based isobu‑ fossil based isobu‑ tive [321] ethanol
tene and ethanol tene and bioethanol Future demand
[324, 325] [324, 325] [327] Competitive prices
against fossil-based
Ethylene Steam cracking of Dehydration of etha‑ $1370 [162, 205] $140,000–203,000 mil‑ 146.5 million [554] Use to manufacture Relies on ethanol
hydrocarbons [142] nol [328] lion [162, 205] plastics, e.g., HDPE, Depends on the ethanol
LDPE, LLDPE, PVC, price and stock
and PET [161]
Ethylene glycol Hydrolysis of ethylene Hydrogenation of $1144 [205] $28.58 billion [555] 34.8 million [555] Manufacture of Relies on sorbitol
oxide. [142, 336] sorbitol [337] antifreeze, hydraulic Competes against fossil-
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
Ethylene propylene From fossil based From bio-based $2000 [556] $4203 million [556] 1.32 million [557] Use in the automo‑ Relies on ethylene
diene monomer ethylene using ethylene using tive, construction Requires favorable rub‑
Ziegler–Natta olefin Ziegler–Natta olefin industry, and in the ber market
polymerization [346] polymerization [346] manufacture of oil
additives [342]
Furfural – Acid hydrolysis of $2200 [351] $625.5 million [287] 270,000 [198] Apply in the produc‑ High degradation of cel‑
pentosan [353] tion of specialist lulose during furfural
adhesives, and as fla‑ processing
vor compound [350], Further R&D needed
it is a key bio-based
platform chemical
that can be used to
replace oil-based
chemicals [142]
Furfuryl alcohol – Hydrogenation of $1500 [558] $376.9 million [558] 300,000 [559] Use as an additive or Relies on furfural
furfural [162] solvent in the pro‑ Successful separation of
duction of resins, as a pentose- and hexose-
chemical intermedi‑ sugars
ate to manufacture
lysine, vitamin C,
lubricants, and dis‑
persing agents [362]
Page 11 of 58
Table 1 (continued)
Compound Classic production Bio-based route Price (per ton) Market (per year) Market volume Uses Challenges
route (tonnes per year) for integration
Glutamic acid – Fermentation of sugars $1400 [560] $8.5 million [561] 200,000 [142] Use as thickener, Volatility of corn and
[142, 373] humectant, cryopro‑ coal prices
tectant, drug carrier, Separation and purifica‑
biodegradable fibers, tion of the cellulosic
highly water absorb‑ sugars stream
able hydrogels,
biopolymer floc‑
culants, and animal
feed additives [372]
Isobutanol Hydrogenated of Fermentation of $1530 [205] $775.0 million [562] 500,000 [205] Precursor of various Separation and purifica‑
butyraldehyde [386], sugars, [389] and isobutyl esters, tion of the cellulosic
LP OxoSM Process consolidated chemical intermedi‑ sugars stream
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
Lysine Fermentation of sugars [161, 426, 427] $1200 [566, 567] $745.2 million [568] 1.7 million [423] As supplement to Removal of inhibitors in
optimize animal the cellulosic sugars
growth [422] stream
Microfibrillated cel‑ – Successive refining – $232 million [569] 10,000 [440, 449] Use in the manufac‑ Large energy consump‑
lulose follow by enzymatic ture of nanocom‑ tion
hydrolysis and posites, packaging,
homogenization coating, and disper‑
[435] sion technology
[436, 439]
Polyethylene Dehydration of fossil Dehydration of bio $1676 [162, 205] $163 billion [570] 200,000 [162, 338] Manufacture of plastic Relies on ethylene
based ethanol to based ethanol to bags, plastic films, production
ethylene and subse‑ ethylene and subse‑ geo-membranes, Price difference
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
quent polymeriza‑ quent polymeriza‑ bottles, and tubes between fossil and
tion [454] tion [454] [162, 205] bio-based PE
Polyethylene glycol Anionic ring opening Polycondensation of $2000 [571] $150 million [572] 2.2 million [573] Suitable to produce Relies on the success of
polymerization of bio-based 1,3-PDO copolymers, e.g., bio 1,3-PDO
ethylene oxide [457], [199, 458] linear, branched, star- Development of effi‑
and polycondensa‑ shaped, and comb- cient microorganisms
(2019) 12:240
Sorbitol – Hydrogenation of $650 [162] $107 million [162] 164,000 [162] Used as sweetener, Separation and purifica‑
glucose [142, 471, thickener, humec‑ tion of the cellulosic
472], fermentation of tant, excipient, and sugars stream
fructose and glucose dispersant in food, Isolation of glucose from
[488], and one-pot cosmetic, and tooth‑ the cellulosic sugars
conversion [489] paste [142] stream
Squalene Extracted from shark Fermentation of glu‑ $250,000 [503] $ 166.1 million [580] 2400 [504] Applications in the Isolation of glucose and
liver oil [505] cose [506, 510] manufacture of fine removal of inhibitors
chemicals, magnetic
tape, emollient
in cosmetics and
pharmaceuticals, as
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels
well as an additive in
animal feed [503]
Succinic acid Hydrogenation of Fermentation of sugars $2500 [514] $131.73 million [581] 50,000 [582] Niche applications Develop of efficient
maleic anhydride or [514, 518] such as personal care and inhibitor resistant
maleic acid [198] products and food strain
additives to large Isolation of glucose
volume applications
(2019) 12:240
such as biopolymers,
plasticizers, polyu‑
rethanes, resins, and
coatings [162]
Terpenes Extracted or steam Microbial fermentation $7000 [583] $650 million [523] 247,100 [583] Used to create fine Isolation of glucose and
distilled [522], as a [524, 525] perfumes, to refine removal of inhibitors
by-product of naph‑ the flavor and aroma
tha or oil cracking of food and drinks,
in the production of and to produce
ethylene [524] medicines of plant
origin [522]
Xylitol Hydrogenation of Fermentation of xylose $3900 [162] $624 million [162] 190,900 [584] As a diabetic sweet‑ Efficient isolation of
xylose [529] [532] ener xylitol is used in xylose from the cel‑
the food (confection‑ lulosic sugar stream
eries and chewing
gums), odontologi‑
cal, and pharmaceu‑
tical sectors [162]
Page 14 of 58
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containing genes from Saccharomyces and K. pneumo- processes that generate a clean stream of glucose from
niae for glycerol and 1,3-PDO production, respectively. the hydrolyzed stream, as shown in Fig. 2. An alternative
Cellulosic biomass price is lower than the price of approach would involve the development of engineered
sugar/starch biomass, and thus, technologies for the con- microorganisms capable of generating 1,3-PDO from a
version of cellulosic hydrolyzed sugars to 1,3-PDO are mixture of sugars.
being investigated. Xin et al. [197] fermented lignocel-
lulosic hydrolysate (glucose, xylose, and arabinose) with 1,4‑Butanediol
glycerol using Clostridium diolis DSM 15410 strain. The As a bulk chemical, 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BDO) is used in
results showed that co-fermentation of hydrolyzed sugars the manufacture of polymers, solvents, and chemicals.
and glycerol increased the yield of 1,3-PDO by 22% com- 1,4-BDO is a large volume chemical that has a global
pared with the fermentation of glycerol alone. Comparing market approaching two million tons per year. 1,4-BDO
the fermentation of glycerol with corn stover hydrolysate has a price of $2660 per tonne (2010–2014) [205], and
and with a mixture of sugars, mimicking the sugar profile is also used in the manufacture of automotive plastics,
of corn stover hydrolysate, showed that the hydrolysate sneakers, soccer balls, and spandex for apparel [206, 207].
by-products do not have obvious negative effects on the About 45% of the world’s 1,4-BDO is converted to tet-
1,3-PDO biosynthesis. Thus, production of 1,3-PDO rahydrofuran (THF), and approximately 25% of produced
using lignocellulose hydrolysate and glycerol has great 1,4-BDO is used to manufacture polybutylene tereph-
potential for developing a cellulose-based biorefinery. thalate (PBT). The next largest application of 1,4-BDO
As mentioned, 1,3-PDO is currently manufactured by is the production of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), which
Shell and DuPont via chemical synthesis. In contrast, is used as a solvent and intermediate in the synthesis of
DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products have produced micro- herbicides [198].
bial 1,3-PDO from corn derivate sugars since 2006 at a The first commercial route to 1,4-BDO, the Reppe
63,500-kilotonne per year (ktpy) 1,3-PDO plant in Lou- process, has two stages. In the first stage, formaldehyde
don, Tennessee, USA [198, 199]. Four years later, DuPont and acetylene react to form 1,4-butynediol which is then
Tate & Lyle Bio Products increased the plant capacity hydrogenated in the second stage to produce 1,4-BDO
by 35% [200, 201]. More recently, in 2018, DuPont Tate [198]. In 1979, Mitsubishi Chemical, in Japan, developed
& Lyle declared that due to the strong market demand a non-acetylenic route based on the oxidative acetoxy-
for renewably sourced propanediol, the company imple- lation of butadiene with acetic acid, followed by hydro-
mented an expansion project to increase the plant capac- genation and hydrolysis to1,4-BDO [208]. In 1990, Arco
ity by another 25% which is expected to be completed in Chemical developed a route to 1,4-BDO from propylene
mid-2019 [201, 202]. In DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products’ oxide (PO). This process begins with the isomerization
process, 1,3-PDO is generated via fermentation of corn of PO to allyl alcohol, followed by hydroformylation with
sugar by a genetically modified and nonpathogenic strain synthesis gas (H2 + CO) to 4-hydroxybutyraldehyde. In
of E. coli K-12 (Fig. 2). After fermentation, E. coli K-12 the last step, 4-hydroxybutyraldehyde is hydrogenated
is deactivated with a high-temperature water stream in a to 1,4-BDO [208]. In the mid-1990s, Davy Technology,
heat exchanger. The fermentation biomass is then sepa- developed a route to 1,4-BDO in which maleic anhydride
rated out through a series of membrane separation steps. (MAN) is converted to its methyl or ethyl diester. The
1,3-PDO is separated using a three-step process involv- diester is then hydrogenated to 1,4-BDO. Similarly, BP
ing: (i) ion exchange to remove charged impurities (ii) Chemical developed a process in which MAN is directly
evaporation to remove water, and (iii) four distillation hydrogenated to 1,4-BDO and THF [206, 208]. The larg-
stages to remove impurities [203]. Production of bio- est producers of 1,4-BDO include BASF, Dairen Chemi-
based 1,3-PDO requires 40% less energy than the typical cal Corp., Lyondell Basell, Ashland (formerly ISP), and
petroleum-based route, giving the bio-based route a sig- Xinjiang Markor Chemical Industry. 1,4-BDO is mainly
nificant advantage [198]. In France, METabolic EXplorer produced from fossil feedstocks (coal, oil, or natural gas)
is producing 1,3-PDO at a pilot scale by fermenting raw by processes that are energy-intensive and GHG emit-
glycerol from vegetable or recycled oils [204]. In a 2G ters. Therefore, an environmentally friendly process for
ethanol process, 1,3-PDO could be produced using a 1,4-BDO production has been under development.
portion of the hydrolysate stream generated. For this The bio-based 1,4-BDO manufacture process takes
approach to succeed, the impact of the by-products gen- place via hydrogenation of succinic acid (SA) or direct
erated during the pretreatment and hydrolysis stages fermentation of sugars using metabolic engineered
must be mitigated. Moreover, to integrate the mature strains, as shown in Fig. 2. Hydrogenation of SA to 1,4-
1,3-PDO technology into a cellulosic ethanol process, it BDO occurs via a two-step hydrogenation reaction.
would be necessary to implement separation/purification SA is first transformed into γ-Butyrolactone (GBL) by
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 16 of 58
hydrogenation, and then 1,4-BDO or THF is formed 1,4-BDO by manufacturing more than 5 million pounds
through hydrogenation of GBL. The catalytic perfor- of 1,4-BDO in 5-week. In 2013, BASF licensed the Geno-
mance of various noble metals such as Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, matica technology to produce renewable polymers [198].
and Re, has been investigated. To enhance 1,4-BDO pro- In 2015, Genomatica and Cargill announced a collabora-
duction, Re-based bimetallic catalysts, such as Re–Pt/C, tion to accelerate the manufacture of bio-based 1,4-BDO
Re–Pd/C, Re–Pd/TiO2, and Re–Ru/C, have been tested [216]. While the production of 1,4-BDO via fermentation
[209]. Production of 1,4-BDO via fermentation is attrac- is environmentally attractive, further optimization and
tive due to the mild operating conditions required by the research are required to achieve a commercial produc-
bioprocess. Nonetheless, 1,4-BDO is not a compound tion. Therefore, production of bio-based 1,4-BDO is most
produced naturally by any known microorganism. Thus, likely going to be first manufactured via the hydrogena-
microorganisms need to be modified to produce bio- tion of bio-based SA. Nonetheless, the investment made
based 1,4-BDO. E. coli has been engineered to generate by multiple companies, such as DuPont, Genomica, Davy
bio-based 1,4-BDO at high levels from a variety of differ- Process Technology, to produce SA via fermentation
ent carbohydrate feedstocks. An example of a success- [218], shows the interest of the industry to pursue bio-
ful metabolic engineering project is the production of logical pathways. Therefore, co-production of 1,4-BDO
1,3-PDO in E. coli, developed by Genencor and DuPont, and 2G ethanol is technically viable, and its commerciali-
which has been commercialized. Yim et al. [210] engi- zation would depend on the optimization of microorgan-
neered a strain of E. coli capable of producing 18 g/L of ism and catalysts to produce first SA and consequently
1,4-BDO. The organism produced 1,4-BDO from glu- 1,4-BDO, respectively.
cose, xylose, sucrose, and biomass-derived mixed sugar
streams demonstrating that a metabolic engineering 2,3‑Butanediol
approach to strain design can allow the production of val- 2,3-Butanediol (2,3-BDO) or 2,3-butylene glycol is an
uable biochemicals via fermentation. Burgard et al. [207] isomer of butanediol which is used to manufacture print-
engineered an E. coli strain that produces 1,4-BDO from ing inks, perfumes, fumigants, moistening and softening
dextrose, sucrose, and cellulosic biomass sugars. The agents, explosives, plasticizers, foods, and pharmaceu-
engineered E. coli operated over 50 runs at a commer- ticals [219]. 2,3-BDO can be dehydrated to methyl ethyl
cial scale to produce over 3629 tonnes of bio-1,4-BDO. ketone, an excellent organic solvent for resins and lac-
Technologies to develop novel strains and processes are quers, and to butadiene for the manufacture of synthetic
continuously improving, and thus, production costs are rubber. Moreover, 2,3-BDO can be dehydrogenated into
expected to decrease. acetoin and diacetyl which are flavoring agents used in
Myriant and BioAmber are working with different dairy products, margarines, and cosmetics. Commer-
catalyst companies to develop processes to produce 1,4- cially, the key downstream products of 2,3-BDO have a
BDO. In 2012, BioAmber (USA) scaled up its hydro- global market of ~ 32 million tonnes per annum, valued
genation catalyst technology under license from DuPont at ~ $43 billion [220, 221]. The cost of 2,3 BDO has been
and converted multi-ton quantities of bio-SA into 100% reported to be $10,000 to 50,000 per ton [222]. During
bio-based 1,4-BDO, THF, and GBL [211, 212] BioAmber the World War II, the shortage of 1,3-butadiene boosted
planed to build a 100 ktpy 1,4-BDO plant in North Amer- the 2,3-BDO research, culminating with the pilot-scale
ica [198]. BioAmber produced bio-based SA at its plant manufacture of 2,3-BDO and its conversion to 1,3-buta-
in Pomacle, France [198], and Sarnia, Canada [213]. using diene [219]. Nonetheless, the development of less expen-
glucose from agricultural sugars [214]. However, BioAm- sive pathways to produce 1,3-butadiene from petroleum
ber closed its succinic plant in 2018 due to bankruptcy stopped the 2,3-BDO research.
[215]. LCY Biotechnology (USA) was approved by courts 2,3-BDO can be produced by catalytic hydrogena-
in Canada and the USA to acquire the bio-based succinic tion of saccharides with hydrogen at elevated pressures
plant [211]. Myriant (USA) partnered with Davy Process and temperatures, Fig. 2. Hirth et al. [223] reported that
Technology Ltd. (UK) to license a process to produce by increasing temperature to approximately 225 °C or
1,4-BDO using Myriant’s bio-SA [216]. Myriant officially higher, selectivity can be shifted toward C2, C3, C4, and/
changed its name to GC Innovation America on August or C6 polyols, such as 1,3-PDO, glycerin (1,2,3-propan-
1, 2018, stating its continuing compromise to the produc- etriol), 2,3-BDO, 1,4-BDO, 1,2-ethanediol, and option-
tion of biochemicals [217]. In 2008, Genomatica (USA) ally further partially hydrogenated sugar alcohols in
presented a fermentation route to 1,4-BDO using E. coli smaller quantities. Recently, microbial production of
and commodity sugars as feedstock. By 2013, Genom- 2,3-BDO has attracted attention as a promising tech-
atica, in partnership with DuPont Tate & Lyle, demon- nology to achieve a low-carbon economy and an envi-
strated the technical viability of producing microbial ronmentally friendly industry [224]. Research on the
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 17 of 58
biochemical production of 2,3-BDO has focused on the butadiene is a by-product of the ethylene manufactur-
fermentation of glucose [225–228], and sucrose [229]. ing, the supply of butadiene has been restricted and
Among the multiple microorganisms capable of accu- large price fluctuations have occurred over the past years
mulating 2,3-BDO, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Paeniba- [198]. As a result, the demand for bio-derived 2,3-BDO
cillus polymyxa, are among the most efficient [230]. Due for the production of butadiene has increased. Despite
to the changing and volatile prices of starch sugars [37, the advantages of microbial 2,3-BDO, more research and
231], research on microbial 2,3-BDO has explored alter- industrial efforts are needed to scale-up this technology.
native raw materials such as lignocellulose [232–235] Production of 2,3-BDO via hydrogenation of sugars is
and glycerol [236, 237]. For example, Cao et al. [238] pre- an immediate available technology that can improve the
treated corn cob with dilute ammonia (10%) to remove economic viability of cellulosic bioethanol. Even though
lignin and alkaline extractives. The pretreated substrate more information on process design, operating condi-
was hydrolyzed using dilute hydrochloric acid (1%, w/v) tions, and market prices is necessary to determine the
and 80 g/L of corn cob cellulose (using only cellulose) viability of co-producing 2,3-BDO and cellulosic etha-
was fermented by Klebsiella oxytoca in a simultaneous nol, the catalytic hydrogenation of saccharides, used by
saccharification and fermentation (SSF). A concentra- Global Biochem, Zibo Shuangyu Chemical, and Cargill,
tion of 25 g/L and 7 g/L of Butanediol and ethanol were among others, is a mature technology capable of adding
produced, respectively, after 72 h. In 2010, Cheng et al. value to a cellulosic biorefinery.
[239] used Klebsiella oxytoca ACCC 10370 to produce
2,3-BDO from acid hydrolyzed and detoxified corn cob. Acetaldehyde
Cheng’s work is relevant because the hydrolysate com- Acetaldehyde is used in the manufacture of acetic acid,
position used (xylose, glucose, arabinose, cellobiose, perfumes, dyes, and drugs, as a flavoring agent and as an
galactose, mannose, and acetate) is similar to that of the intermediate in the metabolism of alcohol. It is an impor-
lignocellulose hydrolysate. Results showed that fermenta- tant raw material in the production of paint binders in
tion was inhibited by the high concentration of acetate. alkyd paints and plasticizers for plastics, and in the man-
Glucose, cellobiose, mannose, and galactose were not ufacture of construction materials, fire-retardant paints,
detected at the end of fermentation. In contrast, xylose explosives, and acetic acid [249]. Acetaldehyde market
achieved 97% consumption and arabinose was partially was valued at USD 1.26 billion in 2016 and is projected to
consumed (30%) [239]. A maximal 2,3-BDO’s concen- reach USD 1.80 billion by 2022 [250]. China is the world’s
tration of 35.7 g/l was obtained after 60 h of fed-batch largest consumer of acetaldehyde. In 2016, the country
fermentation. These results indicate that a fraction of accounted for almost half (45%) of global consumption
the hydrolysate produced during the 2G bioethanol pro- for acetaldehyde. India is the second largest consumer
cess may be suitable to generate 2,3-BDO. Nonetheless, accounting for about 14% of world consumption [250].
it is important to consider the impact of by-products Manufacture of acetaldehyde is carried out via the
on microorganisms. Lee et al. [240] showed that phe- dehydrogenation or oxidation of ethanol (Fig. 3), addition
nolic compounds are highly toxic, inhibiting cell growth of water to acetylene, partial oxidation of hydrocarbons,
and reducing 2,3-BDO production and enzyme activity. and direct oxidation of ethylene [251]. Fossil-based etha-
Similarly, furan derivatives and weak acids were shown to nol has been the preferred raw material for the produc-
have a detrimental impact on fermentation. In contrast, tion of acetaldehyde, whereas bio-based ethanol is used
no significant effects were reported for acetic acid and on a small scale [252]. In the dehydrogenation process,
formic acid. In line with this, Joo et al. [241] reported the ethanol vapor (260–290 °C) is passed over a catalyst con-
negative influence of furans and phenolic compounds on sisting of copper sponge or copper activated with chro-
2,3-BDO production and cell growth. Thus, strategies to mium oxide in a tubular reactor, achieving a conversion
enhance 2,3-BDO production, such as genetic engineer- of 25–50% per run [253]. Acetaldehyde is then washed
ing of 2,3-BDO producers [233, 242, 243] and develop- out from the exhaust gas with alcohol and water. Pure
ment of separation process, are needed [229, 244–246]. acetaldehyde is distillated while ethanol is separated from
Global Biochem is currently producing 2,3-BDO water and higher-boiling-point products to be fed back to
through the hydrogenation of corn-based sugar in the the reactor. The final acetaldehyde yield is about 90%, and
province of Jilin (Xinglongshan, Dehui, and Changchun), the by-products obtained include butyric acid, croton-
China [179, 247]. Other companies involved in the manu- aldehyde, and ethyl acetate [252]. In the oxidation pro-
facture of 2,3-BDO from corn are Novepha and Zhangji- cess, ethanol is oxidized catalytically with oxygen, or air
agang Glory Biomaterial, also in China [162, 248]. Due in the vapor phase in the presence of a catalyst, such as
to the abundance of shale gas, ethylene manufacturing copper, silver, and their oxides or alloys [253, 254]. Infor-
has shifted feedstock from naphtha to shale gas. Since mation about alternative processes for the production of
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 18 of 58
acetaldehyde can be found in the review written by Eck- an installed world capacity of 8.3 mtpy [161], a price of
ert et al. [252]. $617/tonne, and total sales of MM$8373 per year from
Biomass-based acetaldehyde is currently produced by which 10% comes from bio-based AcOH [162]. Industri-
Sekab, a Nordic producer of ethanol and ethanol deriva- ally, acetic acid is produced from methanol carbonyla-
tives, such as acetic acid and ethyl acetate. Sekab manu- tion using the Rh-catalyzed Monsanto or Ir-catalyzed
factures acetaldehyde from 1G and/or 2G bioethanol Cativa process [258]. The Monsanto process operates
via the catalytic oxidation of ethanol. The process takes under mild conditions (150–200 °C, 30–60 bar), using
place using renewable bioenergy in closed loop systems iodide rhodium catalyst. Monsanto delivers high selec-
[255]. Sekab reports that the difference in CO2 emis- tivity based on methanol (ca. 99%) and carbon monoxide
sions between fossil- and biomass-derived acetaldehyde (> 85%) [259]. In contrast, the Ir-catalyzed Cativa pro-
is significant, 5.7 kg and 0.75 kg CO2 per kg of produced cess uses iodo carbonyl ruthenium complexes or their
acetaldehyde, respectively [249]. Sekab operates a chemi- osmium analogues to promote the iridium-catalyzed
cal plant capable of producing 42 ktpy of acetaldehyde carbonylation of methanol to acetic acid [260]. Addi-
in Sweden [256, 257]. Sekab’s operations point to the tionally, AcOH may be produced in the liquid phase
maturity of the ethanol to acetaldehyde technology. Thus, from aqueous ethanol using supported gold catalysts
production of acetaldehyde can be implemented in the (Fig. 3). Christensen et al. [261] used a batch reactor at
cellulosic ethanol process as an integrated stage or stand- 180 °C and supported gold catalysts to achieve a selec-
alone plant operated by a third party. Co-production of tivity of 86% for AcOH. Similarly, Volodymyr et al. [262]
acetaldehyde and ethanol could add flexibility to a cellu- obtained AcOH from aqueous ethanol solutions over Cu/
losic biorefinery, allowing the adjustment on production ZnO–ZrO2–Al2O3 catalyst at 250–320 °C and atmos-
rates for each product, depending on the ethanol and pheric pressure. A selectivity of 80–90% and an ethanol
acetaldehyde selling prices. conversion of 60–80% were obtained while processing
14–37 mol % aqueous ethanol solutions. In the gas phase,
Acetic acid AcOH has been produced using a multi-component cata-
Acetic acid (AcOH) is a valuable compound used as raw lyst Mo0.61V0.31Nb0.08Ox mixed with TiO2 colloids. The
material in the production of multiple polymers. More multi-component catalyst achieved 95% selectivity to
than 65% of the acetic acid produced worldwide is con- AcOH at 100% ethanol conversion [263]. Catalytic pro-
verted to vinyl acetate or cellulose-based polymers, e.g., duction of AcOH can be carried out using either fossil-
vinyl acetate monomer (VAM), poly(vinyl acetate PVAc), or biomass-based ethanol. Biological routes to produce
ethylene and vinyl acetate (EVAc) or poly(vinyl butyral AcOH, such as the oxidative fermentation of ethanol
PVB). Some of these applications include foam rub- using Acetobacter or the direct fermentation of sugar to
ber, cable insulation, wood gluing, emulsifiers, cement AcOH, are still under development [264].
coatings, and desalination membranes [142]. AcOH has
Fig. 3 Process diagram for the production of second-generation bioethanol from lignocellulose. Production routes to produce biochemicals from
ethanol that are currently produced industrially (red lines)
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 19 of 58
Sekab currently produces 24 ktpy of AcOH from bio- acetate carbonylation reaction, methyl acetate is con-
based ethanol at a chemical plant in Örnsköldsvik, Swe- verted to Ac2O. The possible catalysts used in the methyl
den [256]. As mentioned earlier, Sekab produces 1G acetate carbonylation are rhodium chloride trihydrate,
and 2G ethanol that are used as raw material to produce methyl iodide, chromium metal powder and alumina
acetaldehyde, EA, and AcOH [257]. Jubilant Life Science support or nickel carbonyl complex with tri-phenyl phos-
manufactures bioethanol from sugarcane molasses at phine, methyl iodide and chromium hexa-carbonyl [273].
its facilities located in India (Uttar Pradesh and Maha- Industrially, only Jubilant Life Science, the seventh larg-
rashtra). Jubilant Life Science has an annual capacity est global manufacturer of Ac2O, produces bio-based
of 52,000 tonnes of ethanol that is sold and used in the acetic anhydride. At Jubilant Life Science’s facilities in
production of value-added end-products such as AcOH Gajraula and Nira, India, 1G ethanol is used to gener-
[265]. In 2004, Songyuan Ji’an Biochemical Co., Ltd., built ate AcOH which is then transformed to A c2O [274]. In
a plant capable of producing 150 ktpy of AcOH from 2007, Jubilant reported that the Gajraula’s plant oper-
bioethanol [266]. Since then, the company was restruc- ated at 80,000 tonnes/year acetic acid plant and 33,000
tured as Songyuan Laihe Chemicals Co., Ltd., and is now tonnes/year acetic anhydride [275]. More recently, in
focused on the production of microbial butanol [267]. 2018, it was reported that Jubilant was planning to bring
Using a patented biocatalytic process, ZeaChem gener- onstream a 50,000 tonne/year acetic anhydride project in
ates cellulosic sugars that are converted to 2 and 3 carbon 2019. This would translate to an additional production
organic acids and acetates, such as AcOH and propi- of 65,000 tonnes/year of acetic acid. To produce Ac2O
onic acid, at its demonstration scale facility in Board- in a cellulosic ethanol biorefinery, it would be necessary
man, Oregon, USA [266]. Similar technologies could be to first convert 2G ethanol to AcOH. As either fossil- or
introduced into a cellulosic ethanol process to convert biomass-based ethanol can be used to generate AcOH,
a portion of the hydrolysate to AcOH. Nonetheless, the the economic viability of producing bio-based Ac2O
technological and economic viability of these technolo- would depend on the capacity of the oil and gas industry
gies needs to be proved. A more immediate alternative, to cover the growing demand of A c2O and other ethanol
a fraction of the ethanol produced in a cellulosic ethanol derivatives, as well as on the production cost of bio-based
process could be converted to AcOH through a chemical ethanol.
catalytic reaction, adding flexibility to produce different
product rates and adapt to market changes. Acetone–butanol–ethanol
Acetone is a largely manufactured chemical with total
Acetic anhydride market sales of MM$7700/year, in 2015, from which
Acetic anhydride ( Ac2O) is an esterification agent used in 3.2% of the produced acetone is obtained from biomass
the preparation of modified food starch and acetylation and $5.75 billion in 2016 [162]. Acetone, $1210/tonne
of monoglycerides. In the agrochemical industry, AcOH (2010–2014) [205], is an intermediate feedstock in the
is used as a solvent and as a key ingredient to manufac- production of acrylic plastics, signs, lighting fixtures and
ture pesticides and herbicides [268]. The global acetic displays, and bisphenol A (BPA), which is a raw material
anhydride market reached a volume of 2.7 million tons in in the manufacture of polycarbonate and epoxy resins.
2018 and is further expected to reach a volume of around Acetone is also used as an intermediate in pharmaceuti-
3.4 million tons by 2024 [269]. cals and as a solvent in multiple products, such as paints,
The AcOH dehydration process was one of the first cleaning fluids, nail polish remover, and adhesives [276].
processes used to generate Ac2O. This process involves The first processes used to produce acetone were based
the pyrolysis of AcOH to ketene and water with subse- on the thermal decomposition of calcium acetate or the
quent trapping of the ketene gas with added AcOH to fermentation of corn starch or molasses. The large avail-
generate Ac2O (Fig. 3) [270]. Alternatively, A c2O can be ability of propylene in the 1960s led to the development
manufactured via acetone cracking, in which acetone of acetone routes based on the dehydrogenation of iso-
is cracked to ketene which later reacts with AcOH to propyl alcohol or cumene oxidation [277]. Today, nearly
form Ac2O [271]. Another option is via acetaldehyde 90% of the acetone is produced via cumene oxidation.
oxidation, in which oxygen or air is employed to oxidize In this process, benzene reacts with propylene in the
acetaldehyde in the presence of cobalt acetate catalyst presence of phosphoric acid-based catalysts or zeolite
promoted by copper acetate. The peracetic acid obtained catalysts to generate cumene [264]. Cumene is then oxi-
from this reaction reacts with AcOH to generate Ac2O dized to cumene hydroperoxide, which is then cleaved
[272]. Methyl acetate carbonylation is the most successful in the presence of sulfuric acid to phenol and acetone.
coal-based chemical process. In this process, AcOH and The decarboxylative ketonization of AcOH, catalyzed by
methanol generate methyl acetate. Through the methyl several dispersed metal oxides (e.g., CeO2, MgO, MnO2,
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 20 of 58
CdO, and La2O3), is an alternative for the production of [292]. Considering that the lignocellulosic-derived hydro-
acetone [278, 279]. lysate can be rich in hemicellulose derived sugars, it is
Butanol has a total market sales of MM$3750 to important to develop pentose sugar-resistant organisms.
MM$4650 per year, in which 20% of the market is made This approach was demonstrated in China by Songyuan
up of bio-based butanol [162]. Butanol price has been Laihe Chemicals, which operates a 600-tpy pilot plant
reported to be around $1463 per tonne (2010–2014) capable of fermenting sugars contained within the hemi-
[205]. Butanol is used in the manufacture of adhesives, cellulose fraction of corn stover [282]. Cathay Industrial
sealant chemical, paint additives, coating additives, Biotech, with facilities in Shandong and Jilin, China, is
plasticizer, and cleaning products [280]. The main com- currently developing cellulosic inhibitor-resistant strains
mercial source of 1-butanol is n-butyraldehyde, which is capable of fermenting both hexo- and pento-sugars [293].
produced from the Oxo reaction of propylene. The mix- Another challenge for the ABE fermentation is the effi-
ture of n- and iso-butyraldehyde obtained from the Oxo cient and economic recovery of products. Since concen-
reaction is either separated, or the mixture of isomeric tration of ethanol at a commercial scale is typically 5–9%
aldehydes is hydrogenated directly and the n- and iso- [294], and the final concentration of products after ABE
butanol product separated by distillation [280]. fermentation is 2–4% [294], costs of separation and puri-
Alternatively, acetone, butanol, and ethanol can be fication have an important impact on the process’ feasi-
co-produced via the fermentation of sugars in a pro- bility. Solvent recovery using conventional distillation is
cess known as acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) process robust and proven, but energy intensive. Thus, non-con-
[264, 281]. The ABE fermentation is carried out in two ventional methods are required to reduce energy require-
stages: In the growth stage, acetic and butyric acids are ments and associated costs. The integration of the solvent
produced, while the second stage is characterized by acid recovery and fermentation stage is an attractive strategy
re-assimilation into ABE solvents. Carbon dioxide and to reduce costs but also to relieve butanol toxicity. There-
hydrogen are by-products of the ABE fermentation [282]. fore, the gas stripping is a technique that can be applied
One of the most important strains used in the ABE pro- for in situ butanol recovery during the ABE fermentation,
duction is the Clostridium genus, for example, C. aceto- alleviating the end-product inhibition and improving
butylicum, C. beijerinckii, C. saccharoacetobutylicum, C. both solvent titer and productivity [294]. Other meth-
aurantibutyricum, and C. sporogenes [283]. C. beijerinckii ods for solvent recovery include liquid–liquid extraction,
and C. acetobutylicum are reported as the most efficient adsorption, pervaporation, reverse osmosis, and aqueous
and promising species for commercial and bench applica- two phase separation [282, 287].
tions. These microorganisms can ferment un-hydrolyzed ABE production using Solventogenic clostridia was one
starch and a wide range of simple sugars [284–286]. The of the first large-scale industrial microbial processes for
main barrier to feasible ABE fermentation is the fact that chemical production. In 1950–1960s, the ABE process
more than 5.4 tonnes of corn is required to produce one ceased completely in Europe and North America due to
ton of butanol [287]. In a conventional plant, corn starch the cheaper petrochemical synthesis method. In China,
accounts for up to 79% of the overall solvent production ABE process was in operation until the end of the last
cost, while energy requirements contribute to 14% of the century when butanol prices dropped [295]. Nonetheless,
overall cost [288]. Therefore, challenges for ABE fermen- due to unstable oil prices and increasing environmental
tation include the need for cheaper feedstocks, improve- problems, production of biobutanol is resurging. China
ment in microorganisms’ performance, development of leads efforts to re-commercialize the ABE fermenta-
more sustainable solvent recovery, and water recycle pro- tion process. In 2008, the annual production of solvents
cesses. Extensive research on the use of low-cost ligno- in China was around 210,000 tonnes. In the last decade,
cellulose as feedstock in the ABE process is being carried multiple companies in Asia, such as Cathay Industrial
out. An important barrier to the efficient ABE fermen- Biotech, Jiangsu Lianhai Biological Technology, Laihe
tation of lignocellulose derivate sugars is the inhibitory Rockley Bio-Chemicals, Lianyungang Lianhua Chemi-
effect of compounds present in the lignocellulose hydro- cals, Shi Jinyan, Songyuan Ji’an Biochemical, Tongliao
lysate, e.g., hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, and lignin ZhongKe, and Tianyuan Starch Chemical, have produced
derivatives [287, 289]. Moreover, butanol is highly toxic bio-based acetone and butanol [162]. In 2014, Cathay
to the fermenting microorganisms [290]. Thus, a variety Industrial Biotech, a major player in the biofuel and bio-
of fermentative microbes and strategies to improve strain chemical industry, announced a project to build a 200-
tolerance to inhibition are being investigated [291]. For ktpy microbial butanol plant with acetone, ethanol, corn
example, an iterative process of genetic diversification starch, and particle feed as by-products [296]. However,
followed by selection was applied to find a mutant yeast in 2015, Cathay Industrial Biotech abandoned its ini-
from Pichia stipitis with increased tolerance to pentose tial public offering (IPO) plans and idled its bio-butanol
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 21 of 58
production in China [297]. Unfortunately, with the recent can be produced via esterification of ethanol with acetic
drop in oil prices and the relatively high corn starch acid (Fisher esterification), directly from ethanol by dehy-
prices, multiple biobutanol plants that started opera- drogenation, via the dimerization of acetaldehyde in the
tions in 2008 have stopped production [267]. In contrast, presence of aluminum, sodium alkoxide, or solid bases
Lignicell Refining Biotechnologies continued operat- like alkaline earth oxides (Tishchenko reaction) [302].
ing a 40 ktpy biobutanol plant in Songyuan, China, by The dehydrogenation of ethanol is attractive because
switching its feedstock from corn starch to lignocellu- large amounts of ethanol are expected to be available as
lose (mixed corn stover and corn cob), as shown in Fig. 4. feedstock in the near future. In this reaction, EA is syn-
This is the only commercialized lignocellulosic bio-based thesized from liquid ethanol using a Cu/Cr2O3 catalyst
butanol and acetone plant in the world [267]. In 2014, at 220 °C and 15 atm. The selectivity to EA is > 95% with
Green Biologics acquired the assets of Central MN Eth- H2 as the only by-product [303]. Published studies have
anol Co-op LLC in Little Falls, MN, USA, including a evaluated the use of alternative catalysts: copper/copper
65-ktpy ethanol plant. The plant was adapted to produce chromite, and copper metal supported and/or promoted
approximately 30 ktpy of acetone and butanol using corn by different oxides such as A l2O3, Cr2O3, ZnO, Z
rO2, and
starch and has the flexibility to utilize wood-based lig- SiO2 [303–307]. Depending on the adopted catalyst and
nocellulosic feedstocks [298]. While the production of operating conditions, acetaldehyde or EA is obtained as
butanol from lignocellulose has reached industrial scale, main products. Other by-products, mainly derived from
its profitability, in the long run, remains to be proven. acetaldehyde, may be generated [306].
Nonetheless, ABE fermentation remains one of the most Industrially, EA is mainly produced from either oil- or
promising biological processes, especially in a biorefin- fossil-based ethanol. Nonetheless, in India, Dhampur
ery frame. A key characteristic of the ABE fermentation Sugar Mills Limited produces refined sugar, bioethanol,
is that acetone, butanol, and ethanol are produced at a biochemicals, and energy from sugarcane at a commer-
ratio of 1:6:3, respectively, using C. acetobutylicum [287]. cial scale [308]. Dhampur Sugar Mills Limited owns and
Therefore, the integration of the ABE fermentation into operates five integrated sugarcane complexes located in
a cellulosic ethanol process switches the idea that 2G India (Dhampur, Asmoli, Mansunpur, Rajpura, and Meer-
bioethanol would be the foundation of a lignocellulose- ganj) which generate 300,000 litres of 1G ethanol and 140
based biorefinery. As a result, an extensive market analy- tonnes of EA per day [309]. In Örnsköldsvik, Sweden,
sis would be required to define which biochemical would Sekab operates a chemical plant capable of producing
be the most profitable. 42,000 tonnes of acetaldehyde, 36,000 tonnes of EA, and
24,000 tonnes of AcOH annually [256]. SEKAB manu-
Ethyl acetate factures EA using 1G and/or 2G ethanol as raw material
The chemical ethyl acetate (EA) is an organic compound [257]. Recently, Helm AG signed an offtake agreement
used in the production of inks, adhesives, car care chemi- for the sale and marketing of bio-based EA produced
cals, plastic, and as synthetic fruit essence, flavor and per- at Greenyug’s planned facility in Columbus, Nebraska,
fume in the food industry [299]. The world production of which will be owned and operated by Greenyug’s sub-
EA increased by more than 80% between 2004 and 2011 sidiary, Prairie Catalytic LLC [310]. Furthermore, Jubilant
and went beyond 3.2 million tonnes in 2013. The global Life Science, Laxmi Organic, and Zeachem are produc-
market for EA is growing at about 4–5% per year [300], ing bio-based EA [161, 162, 311]. A large number of EA
with a price of $1434–1507 per tonne in the US [301]. EA manufacturers and industrial players interested in the
Fig. 4 Process diagram for the production of acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) from lignocellulosic biomass. 2G ethanol process stages (black lines)
and integrated ABE stages (red lines)
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 22 of 58
production of EA from bioethanol, indicate that the tech- was reported that all EL is currently produced from eth-
nology to manufacture EA from ethanol is mature. Since anol and LA made from renewable sources (e.g., starch
bio-based EA is a chemical equivalent of the fossil-based or sugar) [198]. Typically, EL is synthetized through the
EA, its access to the market will be quick and with low esterification of ethanol and LA until equilibrium fol-
risks. However, for the bio-based EA industry to grow, lowed by EL removal by distillation. To overcome the
bio-EA’s production cost must be competitive with that equilibrium limitation, excess ethanol is added to shift
of fossil-based EA. At the current low oil prices, and rela- the equilibrium toward EL conversion [312]. Alterna-
tively high 1G bioethanol price, bio-based EA is attrac- tively, EL can be synthetized from ammonium lactate by
tive due to its environmental advantages. Consequently, coupling solvent extraction with esterification. Dimethyl
to expand the use of bio-based EA, its production cost sulfoxide, N-methyl pyrrolidine, and triethyl phosphate
needs to be reduced. Considering lignocellulose’s low are some of the solvents evaluated for the extraction
price, production of EA from cellulosic ethanol may offer esterification process [314]. Arkema (France) patented
economic advantages, especially if the production cost of two processes for the continuous production of EL: The
cellulosic ethanol is considerably reduced. Technically, first consists in extracting a mixture of EL, ethanol, water,
the process to generate EA could be implemented at the and different heavy products from the reaction medium
end of the 2G ethanol process, right after the separation at partial LA conversion rate. Subsequently, the mixture
stage. At this point, fuel grade bioethanol is available to is fed to a reduced-pressure flash separation, produc-
be dehydrogenated to EA, as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, EA ing an overhead stream that is processed in a fractional
could be integrated into a cellulosic ethanol process, or distillation column. An EL purity higher than 95% was
operated as a stand-alone process by a third party. Co- reported for this process [315]. The second patented pro-
production of EA and cellulosic ethanol could add flex- cess uses a continuous extraction of a near-azeotropic
ibility to the process by allowing adjustments on the water/ethanol gas mixture, which is then dehydrated
production rates depending on market changes. using molecular sieves. An EL purity higher than 97%
was claimed using this arrangement [316]. A process to
Ethyl lactate produce EL directly from cellulose using the mesoporous
Ethyl lactate (EL) is a lactic acid (LA) derivative with Zr-SBA-15 silicate catalyst in a supercritical mixture of
superior properties to many conventional petroleum- ethanol and water has been also reported. The process
based solvents such as toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, achieved a yield of around 33% of EL at optimal condi-
and N-methyl-pyrrolidone [198]. It can be blended with tions: 260 °C in supercritical 95:5 (w/w) ethanol/water
methyl soyate derived from soybean oil to create custom- solution [317].
tailored solvents for various applications. Selling prices Galactic (Belgium), which produces 45 ktpy of LA
produce EL is technically possible. However, 2G ethanol and readily applicable to a 2G ethanol process as shown
production is not currently viable, and while production in Fig. 3. Therefore, cellulosic ethanol can be used to gen-
of LA is technically advanced, further economic analyses erate bio-ETBE. Economic analyses, considering future
are needed to define its economic viability. Therefore, the market demand, are required to define the viability of
growing LA market and the successful replacement of producing ETBE in a cellulosic ethanol plant.
fossil solvents with EL will define the feasibility of manu-
facturing bio based EL. Ethylene
The importance of ethylene comes from the wide range
Ethyl tert‑butyl ether of high-volume plastics derived from it, e.g., polyeth-
In the 1970s, the severe environmental air pollution ylenes (high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density
related to the automotive emissions resulted in the regu- polyethylene (LDPE), and linear low-density polyethyl-
lation of the automobile exhaust compounds. Reduction ene (LLDPE)), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and polyethyl-
on exhaust compounds can be achieved by the reformu- ene terephthalate (PET) [161]. Ethylene, $1370 per tonne
lation of fuels using additives. Before the 1970s, tetra- (2010–2014), has a total market sale of MM$140,000–
ethyl lead was used as an antiknock agent to increase 203,000 per year, including bio-based ethylene (0.2% of
the octane rating. However, the use of tetraethyl lead total market) [162, 205]. The largest consumer of ethyl-
was terminated with the Clean Air Act of 1970 [319]. ene is polyethylene, e.g., HDPE and LDPE, while other
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) was then introduced into major consumers are mono ethylene glycol (MEG) and
gasoline [320]. In 1996, a US Geological Survey study polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In the early twentieth century,
reported that MTBE was frequently found in the urban ethylene was produced from ethanol, but, due to the
groundwater supplies sampled. Due to MTBE’s negative unbeatable price of oil, production shifted to the petro-
environmental impact, ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) was chemical route. Fossil-based ethylene is produced via the
then introduced as additive [321]. As a result, ETBE is steam cracking of hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, naph-
used as an additive in several European countries, includ- tha, or gas oil) at 750–950 °C [142]. About 99% of the
ing France, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Belgium global ethylene is synthesized using this method [328]. In
[322]. In 2010, Japan started blending 7% bio-ETBE into this reaction, the individual product yield depends on the
automobile fuel in accordance with the Kyoto Proto- feedstock used, for example, cracking ethane produces
col Achievement Plan [323]. ETBE production capacity almost no co-products, but cracking naphtha results in
increased from 1.8 million tonnes to 3.6 million tonnes substantial amounts of propylene, butadiene, and ben-
from 2005 to 2007 [322]. zene. While the steam cracking is a mature technology,
In the industry, ETBE is produced using liquid phase optimization opportunities are under development, e.g.,
isobutene and ethanol as the reactants and is usually cat- in 2014, ExxonMobil announced that it was directly
alyzed by macroporous sulfonic acid resins at a tempera- cracking crude oil in its Singapore-based steam cracker
ture below 80 °C under pressurized conditions of 6 atm. facility [329].
A series of separation processes are applied to obtain a Alternatively, ethylene can be produced via dehydration
single ethylene plant would be a considerable consumer a mature sugar industry, production of ethylene and 2G
of ethanol [161]. bioethanol from sugarcane bagasse may be more feasible
Braskem is the first commercial producer of ethylene and applicable.
from bioethanol. Braskem uses low cost sugarcane etha-
nol produced in Brazil to manufacture ethylene. In 2010, Ethylene glycol
Braskem commissioned a 200 ktpy plant to produce Ethylene glycol (EG) price has been reported to be
ethylene [331], which is distributed in the Asia-Oceania around $1144 per tonne (2010–2014) [205], and it is used
region by Toyota Tsusho, while Tetra Pak, Nestlé, and in the manufacturing of antifreeze in cooling and heating
Johnson & Johnson use Braskem’s ethylene in their prod- systems, hydraulic brake fluids, industrial humectants,
ucts and packaging [162]. Solvay Indupa uses sugarcane printer’s inks, stamp pad inks, and inks for ballpoint
to generate ethylene and bio-based PVC as final prod- pens, as well as in the synthesis of safety explosives,
uct. Solvay Indupa operates a 220 ktpy of PVC facility in plasticizers, synthetic fibers, and synthetic waxes [335].
Bahia Blanca, Argentina, and a 290 ktpy plant in Santo Moreover, mono ethylene glycol (MEG), a form of EG,
André, São Paulo, Brazil [332]. The Dow Chemical Com- can be co-polymerized with terephthalic acid to produce
pany and Mitsui operate a 350-ktpy ethanol to ethylene poly(ethylene)terephthalate (PET), which is commonly
plant in Brazil. Recently, Mitsui sold its entire shares of used for the production of plastic bottles and textile fib-
the Santa Vitória Açúcar e Álcool Ltda, a green chemicals ers. As Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi introduced PET
venture, to the Dow Chemical Company. bottles containing 100% renewable MEG, the demand
Taylor et al. [162] reported that in India and Brazil, for EG has increased, creating a specific market for bio-
where ethanol feedstocks are relatively inexpensive and based EG [161]. EG is manufactured via the hydrolysis
easily accessible, bio-ethylene production costs are close of ethylene oxide (EO). EO is produced by the oxidation
to those for fossil-based ethylene ($900–1100/tonne). of ethylene in the presence of oxygen or air and a silver
Bio-ethylene’s prices in Brazil and India (sugarcane) are oxide catalyst. The crude EG mixture produced from the
typically $1200/tonne, while in China (sweet sorghum hydrolysis of EO is fed to evaporators to remove water.
feedstocks) they are around $1700/tonne. In the USA and Fractional distillation under vacuum is used to separate
Europe (mainly corn), bio-ethylene costs were reported at MEG from diethylene glycol (DEG) and triethylene glycol
about $2000/tonne and $2600/tonne, respectively. More- (TEG) [142, 336].
over, ethylene produced from sugarcane is estimated to Alternatively, sorbitol can be hydrogenated, in the pres-
save about 60% of fossil energy and reduce by 40% the ence of a catalyst (e.g., Z rO2-supported bimetallic Pd–
GHG emissions compared to the petrochemical produc- Cu), to polyol products, such as ethylene glycol, as shown
tion. Bio-ethylene from corn and lignocellulose save less in Fig. 2 [337]. Currently, Global Biochem produces 2.2
energy and GHG emissions because the related processes ktpy of EG, as well as propylene and other polyols from
produce less electricity. If all bioethanol currently pro- corn starch-based sorbitol [178]. In India, India Glycols
duced for the transport sector (~ 61 million tonnes) were Limited has set up an EG plant in technical collabora-
converted to bio-ethylene, it would meet about 25% of tion with Scientific Design Inc, US [161, 338]. In 2013,
current global demand. Nonetheless, industrial sectors, Greencol Taiwan Corporation (GTC) completed a facility
such as the transportation fuels, the power generation, capable of producing 100 ktpy of bio-MEG in Kaohsiung,
and the chemical industry, might compete for the avail- Taiwan. Produced bio-MEG is supplied to PET manufac-
ability of biomass feedstock [333]. Thus, the development turers in Asia. GTC’s plant converts sugarcane bioetha-
of cheap and sustainable processes for the conversion of nol, supplied by Petrobras Biocombustível (143,000 m3/
lignocellulose is crucial to increasing the resources of year), to ethylene using Petron Scientech’s technology
sustainable biomass. Mohsenzadeh et al. [334] performed [336]. In China, Novepha Company Limited manufac-
an economic analysis on the conversion of starch derivate tures EG from corn bioethanol [336]. Thus, to convert
bioethanol to ethylene, concluding that the impurities sorbitol to EG in a cellulosic biorefinery, the hydrogena-
in the ethanol feed do not affect the quality of produced tion process to generate sorbitol from cellulosic sugars
ethylene, significantly. Thus, extensive purification steps needs to be implemented first. Additionally, pathways to
are not required. However, the economic evaluation produce EG directly from sugars are being investigated.
showed that the process is not profitable at the current Zhao et al. [339] reported a semi-continuous setup for
prices for raw materials and products. Since the cellulosic producing EG from aqueous glucose and dual-functional
bioethanol production is currently in the demonstration catalysts. Among the variety of tungsten-based catalysts
stage, the idea of immediately co-producing ethylene and tested, AMT–Ru/AC reached the highest EG yield (60%).
ethanol from lignocellulose, as shown in Fig. 3, appears Using a bifunctional nickel tungsten carbide cataly-
unattractive. However, in Brazil and India, which possess sis, Ooms et al. [340] converted concentrated glucose
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 25 of 58
solutions (up to 0.2 kg/L) to EG without loss in selectivity catalyst residue from the polymer is more difficult in the
by gradually feeding the sugar solution. The authors pro- slurry process. However, some reports suggest that the
posed that glucose is converted via a retro-aldol reaction amount of catalyst required in the slurry process is so
into glycol aldehyde, which is further transformed into low that catalyst removal is not necessary [345]. EPDM
EG by hydrogenation. The main by-products obtained is typically produced by solution polymerization using
were sorbitol, erythritol, glycerol, and 1,2-propanediol. the acidic catalyst system VOCl3 and EASC [344]. The
Recently, Braskem (Brazil) and Haldor Topsoe (Denmark) discovery of the cationization of the metal center, which
have signed a technological cooperation agreement to may enhance the ability of the M–C bond, gave birth to
develop a pioneering route to produce MEG from sugar. the cationic Ziegler–Natta. Today, the Ziegler–Natta ole-
The agreement calls for the construction of a demonstra- fin polymerization is still under intense research in the
tion plant in Denmark, with operation slated to begin in academic and industrial sectors [346].
2019. The project is based on the conversion of sugar into Since 2011, the German specialty chemicals group
MEG at a single industrial unit, via the Monosaccharide Lanxess produces the world’s first bio-based EPDM rub-
Industrial Cracker (MOSAIK), a solution for cracking ber under the name Keltan Eco [347]. Lanxess uses the
sugars to an intermediary product which can be further Keltan ACE technology, a catalyst process that reduces
converted to MEG using Haldor Topsoe’s patented pro- the amount of energy required for production, does not
cesses and catalysts. The overall goal of the partnership need catalyst extraction, produces no catalyst waste, and
is the start-up of a commercial plant in 2023 [341]. While has the advantage of eliminating chlorine residues which
conversion of cellulosic derivate sugars to EG is in an enhance EPDM’s heat aging properties [343, 348]. Keltan
early stage, it is a promising technology to generate value Eco is made of ethylene derived from Brazilian sugarcane
added compounds from lignocellulose. supplied by Braskem [342]. In 2016, Lanxess reported
concerns on the global slowdown and specifically on the
Ethylene propylene diene monomer Brazilian downturn in car production, which has had a
Ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) is mainly negative impact on the tire production and in the rubber
used in the automotive and construction industry, as well supplier to the industry. In response, Lanxess reported
as in the manufacture of oil additives [342]. According to that its facility at Triunfo, Brazil, now mainly produces
Lanxess, approximately 5 kg of EPDM rubber is used in a emulsion styrene butadiene rubber (ESBR) [349]. Tech-
car. EPDM is characterized by very low density, and good nologies to convert ethanol to ethylene and ethylene to
resistance to heat, oxidation, chemicals, and weathering, EPDM have reached commercial scales. Therefore, the
as well as offering good electrical insulation. Moreover, production of EPDM from cellulosic ethanol can be
due to the growing automotive and construction indus- immediately implemented (Fig. 3). Nonetheless, based
tries in China, the demand for EPDM rubber in China, on the latest Lanxess’ actions and the rubber market
is expected to grow by 5 to 7% annually over the next state, production of EPDM is currently not economically
4 years [343]. favorable.
EPDM has been manufactured using vanadium-based
Ziegler–Natta catalyst systems. In the 1950s, Ziegler and Furfural
Natta discovered the ability of a mixture of a transition Furfuran is used in the recovery of lubricants from
metal salt mixed with alkyl aluminum to perform olefin cracked crude, in the production of specialist adhesives,
homo- and copolymerization. Conventionally, EPDM and as a flavor compound [350]. Furthermore, furfural
and ethylene propylene methylene (EPM) copolymers is a key bio-based platform chemical that can be used to
are produced in solution or slurry using Ziegler–Natta replace oil-based chemicals such as furan, furfuryl alco-
catalysts, such as vanadium oxytrichloride (VOCl3), hol, hydroxy furans, furoic acid, 2(5H)-furanone, furfuryl
Vanadium acetylacetonate [V(acac)3], and vanadium amine, difurfuryl diamines, furanacrylic acid, furylidene
tetrachloride (VCl4), in combination with an alumin- ketones, methyl furan, 2-hydroxymethyl-5-vinyl furan,
ium-based co-catalyst such as diethyl aluminumchloride and 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl) furan [142]. In 2014, the
(DEAC) and/or ethylaluminum sesquichloride (EASC) price of furfural was reported to be around $2198/tonne
and/or ethylaluminum dichloride (EADC) [344]. In the [351, 352]. Since furfural is not produced from fossil
solution process, the gaseous monomer (ethylene) is feedstocks, current production methods from biomass
added under pressure to an organic solvent such as hex- do not displace production from petroleum [198]. Fur-
ane, while the EPDM stays in solution as it forms. By fural is produced by acid hydrolysis of the pentosan con-
contrast, in the slurry or suspension process, the reac- tained in woody biomass [353]. The major raw materials
tion takes place in a solvent in which the resultant EPDM for the industrial production of furfural are corncobs and
is not soluble. It has been reported that removing the sugarcane bagasse. The solid residues, mainly lignin and
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 26 of 58
cellulose, are dried and used as fuel [354]. The first indus- of furfural from sugarcane bagasse applying a distillation
trial production of furfural was carried out via a batch process for the separation stage at its facility in Sezela,
process developed by the Quaker Oats Company in the South Africa [357]. Furfural demand in the USA is not
early 1920s in Iowa, USA [353]. The current technologies expected to grow significantly: thus, the primary market
used for furfural production have not been improved sig- driver for furfural in the USA may be in the production of
nificantly since the 1980s [355]. Furfural plants operate at jet and diesel fuel blendstocks [198].
less than 50% yield, need a lot of steam, generate plenty of Until now, the joint production of bioethanol and fur-
effluent, and have a high operating cost. Hence, produc- fural has not been possible because 40 to 50% of cel-
tion in the developed world has declined, while produc- lulose degrades during the furfural process. However,
tion in developing regions is increasing, for example, the pathways to co-produce furfural and 2G ethanol are cur-
simple low cost Chinese plants [350]. As a result, China rently under development. For example, Vedernikovs
is the world’s main producer of furfural, in which fur- et al. [358] achieved furfural yields of 75% by injecting
fural is produced from corncobs in the Northern prov- small amounts of strong acid and applying salts to ensure
inces. Many small plants and several large ones exist, differential catalysis of hydrolysis and dehydration reac-
particularly in the Shandong Province [350]. The other tions. By applying a two-step hydrolysis process, cellulose
two major commercial producers are Illovo Sugar from degradation was reduced, providing enough material to
the Republic of South Africa and Central Romana from sustain bioethanol co-production. Nevertheless, the pro-
the Dominican Republic [162]. The typical furfural pro- cess’ high temperatures may reduce enzymatic hydroly-
cess has two stages: reaction and purification. Biomass is sis yields. Additionally, furfural carryover could inhibit
treated in a dilute acid process to generate a pentosane- fermentation. On the other hand, the former Canadian
rich solid [350]. Treated biomass is fed to a series of reac- company Lignol Energy Corporation, acquired by the
tors to be hydrolyzed to pentose sugars which are then Brazilian Fibria Celulose SA., applied an ethanol–orga-
dehydrated to furfural using sulfuric acid as the catalyst. nosolv process to fractionate wood chips and produce
Subsequently, the vapor stream from the reactor, which furfural from pentoses and other valuable chemicals from
consists of furfural (about 6 wt%), by-products (4 wt%), the extracted lignin. The downside of using ethanol as a
and water, is liquefied to make secondary steam before solvent was that it resulted in low furfural concentrations
being purified [353]. The purification stage is carried out [359]. Therefore, alternative solvents must be explored
using a distillation process that is very energy intensive to maximize furfural production [355]. In a recent study,
due to the heterogeneous azeotrope between furfural and Farzad et al. [360] performed an economic analysis of the
water (35.46 wt% furfural) [356]. Despite its disadvan- production of ethanol, ethanol-lactic acid, and ethanol-
tages, distillation is still used to generate around 80% of furfural. In this analysis, furfural was produced in the
the furfural supply, mainly due to its low capital invest- presence of hydrochloric acid catalyst from the hemi-
ment, easy implementation, and inexpensive raw materi- cellulose fraction isolated in a pretreatment process.
als [353]. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was added to extract furfural in
Global production of furfural is estimated in 270 ktpy, a two-phase reaction–separation system. The organic
with three nations accounting for 90% of production: solid phase is separated from the aqueous phase by a
China (accounting for about 70% of the production), the downstream decanter and sent to the distillation stage
Dominican Republic, and South Africa [198]. Westpro for product recovery. The study showed that co-produc-
modified the batch Chinese Huaxia Furfural Technol- tion of ethanol–lactic acid had the highest profitability.
ogy that was largely used to produce furfural. Westpro’s In contrast, the furfural production through a biphasic
process uses fixed-bed reactors and continuous dynamic process contributed significantly to the environmen-
refining, which achieves high yields of furfural, includ- tal burdens and cost, making it imperative to improve
ing by-products, at low production costs [350]. Huaxia/ the yield of furfural while avoiding solvent consumption
Westpro plants operating in China consume 25–35 tons [360]. Research on the production of furfural from cellu-
of steam per ton of furfural at about a 50% yield of theo- losic biomass is undergoing. In 2014, Cai et al. [361] used
retical pentosan content. These plants are estimated to metal halides with tetrahydrofuran (THF) to enhance
make $1–2 million in profits each year with a significant the co-production of furfural and 5-HMF from biomass,
by-products contribution to revenue [350]. In 1975, Cen- achieving high yields of furfural (95%) and 5-HMF (51%).
tral Romana expanded its furfural plant, based on sugar- More recently, Nhien et al. [353] evaluated a hybrid puri-
cane bagasse, to a total capacity of 41 ktpa (La Romana, fication process that combines extraction and distilla-
Dominican Republic). Later in 1995, Central Romana tion to produce furfural from cellulosic biomass. In this
obtained a plant in Geel, Belgium, to produce furfuryl study, the authors evaluated various extracting solvents
alcohol from furfural [357]. Illovo Sugar produces 20 ktpy and their economic impact on the process. The results
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showed that butyl chloride is the most suitable solvent as almost total conversion: however, these catalysts cannot
it saves up to 19.2% of the total annual cost and reduces be reused [368–370].
total CO2 emissions by 58.3% when compared to the tra- TransFurans Chemicals is the leading manufacturer
ditional distillation process. The most immediate oppor- of furfuryl alcohol. It operates the world’s largest furfu-
tunity to co-produce ethanol and furfural would be via ryl alcohol facility (Geel, Belgium) with an annual output
the 1G ethanol industry. Since the most common feed- of 40,000 tonnes. This hydrogenation plant has operated
stock for the commercial production of furfural is corn since 1972, supplying foundry resin manufacturers with
cobs and sugarcane bagasse, solid residues from corn furfuryl alcohol derivate from furfural produced from
ethanol facilities and sugar mills could be converted to sugarcane bagasse at Central Romana Corporation’s facil-
furfural. In this scenario, cellulosic biomass can be hydro- ity [371]. Other furanic resins such as Biocarb and Biorez
lyzed to sugars which can be then converted to furfural. formulations and specialty furfural-based chemicals are
Nonetheless, for this pathway to succeeded, it is neces- also manufactured by TransFurans Chemicals [368, 371].
sary to develop efficient processes to separate pentose In China, Zibo Shuangyu Chemical produces 5 ktpa of
from hexose sugars. Another pathway to produce furfural furfuryl alcohol applying the liquid-phase hydrogenation
from cellulosic biomass is via the mentioned single-phase method [371]. Since the furfural market is expected to
conversion of biomass to furfural. While this strategy can reach nearly $1.1 billion by 2021 from $625.5 million in
reduce capital costs, further research and development 2016 [287], research on furfuryl alcohol is also expected
is needed to validate and scale up this technology. Thus, to increase. Nonetheless, production of furfuryl alcohol
the furfural and cellulosic ethanol integration will not be through the commercialized furfural hydrogenation in a
immediate, since it requires extensive research, optimi- cellulosic ethanol process is limited by the successful sep-
zation, and detailed techno-economic analyses to define aration of pentose and hexose sugars. While production
routes to reduce costs. of furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural integrated into a 2G
bioethanol process, it can be implemented into a biore-
Furfuryl alcohol finery that produces 1G ethanol and uses the residual cel-
Furfuryl alcohol is widely employed in the chemi- lulosic waste to generate 2G ethanol and/or furfural, and
cal industry as an additive or solvent in the production consequently furfuryl alcohol, in separated processes,
of resins, as a chemical intermediate to manufacture adding flexibility to the entire biorefinery.
lysine, vitamin C, lubricants, and dispersing agents as
well as food additives and ingredients [362]. Hydro- Glutamic acid
genation of furfural produces furfuryl alcohol, which Glutamic acid is used to produce C5 compounds and
may be further hydrogenated to tetrahydrofurfuryl alco- their corresponding polymers. The polymer form of
hol (THFA) [162]. World production of furfural is esti- glutamic acid, poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA), has been
mated at around 270 ktpa, of which 60–70% is used for successfully commercialized. γ-PGA is water-soluble,
the production of furfuryl alcohol [161]. Furfuryl alco- biodegradable, edible, and non-toxic toward humans and
hol can be produced from both vapor- and liquid-phase the environment. Therefore, γ-PGA and its derivatives
hydrogenation of furfural. The hydrogenation of furfural can be used as thickener, humectant, cryoprotectant,
is conducted at high temperature and pressure, employ- drug carrier, biodegradable fibers, highly water-absorb-
ing a Cu–Cr catalyst, which exhibits a moderate activity able hydrogels, biopolymer flocculants, and animal
toward furfuryl alcohol. Copper chromite has been used feed additives [372]. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is
in the furan industry for the selective hydrogenation of another largely commercialized glutamic acid derivate.
furfural to furfuryl alcohol for decades [363]. The selec- The sodium salt of l-glutamic acid is a popular flavor
tivity of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over copper chromite enhancer and an additive for foods [373]. Certain strains
pretreated at 300 °C was determined to be 70% [362]. of bacteria, such as Brevibacterium and Corynebacte-
Nonetheless, Cu–Cr catalyst’s greatest disadvantage is rium, can produce glutamic acid from different carbon
its high toxicity which causes severe environmental pol- sources: glucose, ethanol, and glycerol [142]. Glucose or
lution [363]. Therefore, the design of active and selective hydrolyzed starch is the usual carbon source [373]. The
catalytic systems presents great challenges and is being global production capacity of glutamic acid by 2015 was
actively studied [364, 365]. Hydrogenation of furfural in estimated to be around 200 ktpy, in which most of the
the liquid phase has been studied using catalyst based production was achieved through fermentation using
on Ni, Co, Ru, and Pd, optionally with a second metal the coryneform bacteria [142]. In an early study, Su and
or promoter to improve the activity and selectivity [366, Yamada [374] screened various microorganisms capable
367]. Catalysts based on Ni or Co modified with Cu, Fe, to producing l-glutamic acid from glucose and nitrogen
Ce, or heteropoly acids have reached 98% selectivity at sources. Five strains belong to the genus Brevibacterium
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 28 of 58
were found to have exceedingly high l-glutamic acid in 2009 [381]. The risks for these companies lie on the
productivity. In the 1950s, Dr. Kinoshita discovered volatility of corn and coal prices and the strict environ-
that Corynebacterium glutamicum is a superior amino mental control by the Chinese government. For example,
acid producer [375]. Since then, a number of fermenta- corn kernel accounted for 53% of Fufeng’s FY09 cost of
tion techniques have been used to produce glutamic sales [381]. Therefore, the use of cheaper raw materials
acid. Tatsuya et al. [376] described a continuous pro- may reduce the dependency of the glutamic acid indus-
cess that increased the production of l-glutamic acid by try on the corn sector. A solution to reduce this depend-
about twofold the productivity achieved by the fed-batch ency is through the use of hydrolyzed sugar derivate from
method (40 h culture time). The outcome of continuing lignocellulosic biomass. Das et al. [382] evaluated the
the cultivation for 40 h is such that the yield of l-glu- production of glutamic acid from pure glucose and palm
tamic acid was 56% and the productivity was 5 g/L/h. waste hydrolysate by fermentation with Brevibacterium
Moreover, when compared with the cell recycling culture lactofermentum ATCC 13869. Palm waste hydrolysate
method, the continuous process maintained the activity was prepared by enzymatic saccharification of treated
of producing l-glutamic acid for a longer time. Recent palm press fibers. The product yield obtained for pure
efforts to improve the glutamic acid fermentation process glucose was 70 g/L, whereas, for palm waste, hydrolysate
involve the development of immobilized cell reactors that was 88 g/L. The higher yield was attributed to the fact
allow microorganisms recycling. Amin and Al-Talhi [377] that this organism can convert sugars, other than only
entrapped C. glutamicum into carrageenan gel beads and glucose, present in the hydrolysate. While these results
used it in the batch, fed-batch, and continuous produc- are promising, research on the production of glutamic
tion of l-glutamic acid from nutritionally enriched sug- acid from lignocellulose is very limited. Thus, production
arcane molasses. However, repeated batch fermentation of glutamic acid could be integrated into the 1G ethanol
runs were unsatisfactory. The best results were obtained process, and into a 2G ethanol process, if glucose can be
when the immobilized cell bioreactor was operated in a efficiently separated from the hydrolysate (Fig. 2). Further
continuous mode, achieving up to 73 g/L of l-glutamic research and economic analyses are needed to scale up
acid with a yield of 75.7%. Despite the large efforts to technologies to produce cellulose-based glutamic acid.
enhance the fermentative process, the main limitation
to produce glutamic acid at a large-scale is the complex Isobutanol
and numerous downstream stages, such as precipitation, Isobutanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol or isobutyl alcohol,
conventional filtration, acidification, carbon adsorption, has a market of 500 ktpy, and it is used as a raw mate-
and evaporation. These treatments are essential to obtain rial for isobutyl acrylate, coating resins, isobutyl acetate,
high purity glutamic acid but highly costly. Thus, a mem- and paint thinners. Isobutanol has an estimated price of
brane-based process is envisioned to eliminate the need $1530 per tonne (2010–2014) [205] and it is used as a
for separate purification units and to reduce production precursor of various isobutyl esters, chemical intermedi-
costs [378]. ate, solvents for paints and coating, pharmaceuticals, and
The world’s largest MSG and xanthan gum producer, automotive paint cleaner additive [383]. In addition, isob-
Fufeng Group Limited, produces and auto supplies glu- utanol can be blended with gasoline in higher concen-
tamic acid for the production of MSG and xanthan gum trations and used in today’s cars and fuel infrastructure
at Shandong Province, Shaanxi Province, Inner Mongolia [384]. Since isobutanol can be generated from biomass, it
Autonomous Region, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous is an attractive alternative to bioethanol. Moreover, isob-
Region of the People’s Republic of China [379]. Fufeng utanol can also be converted into hydrocarbons to make
Group ferments cornstarch syrup to generate glutamic “green gasoline,” diesel, and jet fuel [385].
acid, threonine, starch sweeteners (maltose, and crystal- From the early 1940s until the early 1980s, isobutanol
lized glucose), and pharmaceutical amino acids. In 2015, was produced via the hydroformylation of propylene
the Fufeng Group produced 767 and 955 ktpy of glu- to butyraldehyde, which was further hydrogenated to
tamic acid and MSG, respectively [380]. In the same year, isobutanol using a cobalt catalyst system. Different iso-
Fufeng Group also announced a new technology for the meric ratios of butanol were obtained depending on the
production of MSG, which reduces the consumption of pressure, temperature, and type of catalyst used. Disad-
sugar and liquid ammonia. By 2009, the top eight MSG vantages of this process include poor conversion, low
producers (Fufeng, Meihua, Lianhua, Linghua, Xinle, selectivity, and high operating pressures [386]. Aiming
Yipin, Sanjiu, and Aosang) held about a 49% share of the to solve these issues, the “low-pressure Oxo” process
MSG market and a 70% share of the glutamic acid mar- (LP OxoSM process) was developed at the beginning
ket. Fufeng, Meihua, and Lianhua had 35.6% of the MSG of 1971 by Johnson Matthey’s Process Technologies
market and 51.2% of the glutamic acid market in China with its license partner The Dow Chemical Company.
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Using rhodium-based catalysis, the LP OxoSM process [393]. Since 2011, Gevo operates a biorefinery at South
offered major economic advantages and technical sim- Hampton Resources’ facility in Silsbee, Texas, USA. In
plicity. About two-thirds of the world’s butyraldehyde this facility, Gevo converts isobutanol into hydrocarbon
are now produced via the LP OxoSM process [387]. An products such as jet fuel, isooctane, and ingredients for
alternative process for the production of isobutanol was polyester. The facility has an input capacity of approxi-
the Reppe carbonylation, in which propylene, carbon mately 5–10 thousand gallons of isobutanol per month
monoxide, and water react under pressure in the pres- [394]. During 2011, Gevo announced a ground-break-
ence of a catalyst. This reaction generates a mixture of ing agreement with The Coca–Cola Company to create
butyraldehyde and isobutyraldehyde, this last compound renewable paraxylene from plant-based isobutanol [395].
is reduced to isobutanol. Due to its high operating cost, As a result, in 2013, Gevo added the capability to produce
this process was not commercialized, [387]. Since 1-pro- paraxylene to its biorefinery. Moreover, Gevo reported
panol, isobutanol, and n-butanol have higher energy den- a revenue of $5.6 millions and a gross loss of $3.8 mil-
sity and lower hygroscopicity than ethanol, these alcohols lion in 2017. The company described plans to convert its
are attractive as gasoline additives or substitutes. How- biorefinery, which produce approximately 100,000 gal-
ever, no native organisms have been identified to produce lons of isobutanol, to exclusively produce isobutanol and
these alcohols in substantial quantities [388]. A synthetic hydrocarbon products [396]. Butamax Advanced Bio-
approach to producing higher alcohols from non-fer- fuels (Wilmington, DE, USA), a joint venture of BP and
mentative pathways in Escherichia coli has been devel- DuPont, developed a bio-isobutanol technology to con-
oped. For example, Atsumi et al. [389] used an E. coli vert sugars from various biomass feedstocks such as corn
strain (JCL260) as a host for isobutanol synthesis. Genes and sugarcane [397]. Butamax has purchased Nesika
involved in the by-product formation from pyruvate were Energy (Scandia, KS, USA), which operated a corn-based
deleted in JCL260 to increase pyruvate availability for ethanol plant in Scandia, Kan, USA. Butamax plans to
isobutanol synthesis. As a result, 22 g/L of isobutanol was convert part of the Scandia facility to make isobutanol
produced in 112 h with a yield of 86% of the theoretical and the facility is expected to be in place by 2019 [397].
maximum. Isobutanol production can be limited by vari- Gevo has adapted its technology to convert cellulosic
ous factors depending on the selected strain and process. sugars derived from wood waste into renewable isobu-
Since isobutanol is toxic to the cell, improving the micro- tanol (Fig. 2), which is then further converted into Gevo’s
organism’s tolerance is a primary concern to achieve high Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) fuel. The Northwest Advanced
product titers [388]. An isobutanol-tolerant E. coli strain Renewables Alliance (NARA) in WA, USA, supplied the
(SA481) was evolved from JCL260 and showed superior sugars that were derived from forest residuals to Gevo,
growth characteristics compared to the JCL260 strain which produced cellulosic isobutanol at its demonstra-
when cultivated at 6 and 8 g/L of isobutanol [390]. In tion facility in St. Joseph, MO, USA. Next, isobutanol was
addition to E. coli, isobutanol has been produced using further converted to ATJ in Gevo’s biorefinery in Silsbee,
C. glutamicum through CO2 fixation via photosynthesis TX, USA [397]. Co-production of ethanol and isobutanol
[391]. An alternative approach that is under development from lignocellulose is possible; however, its economic
is the consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) where microor- viability is to be demonstrated. While Gevo’s technology
ganisms hydrolyse and ferment sugars into biofuel within to produce isobutanol from corn starch-based sugars is
a single process. Minty et al. [392] developed synthetic commercially available and under optimization [393], the
fungal–bacterial consortia for biosynthesis of valuable production of cellulosic isobutanol is at a demonstration
products from lignocellulosic feedstocks. The authors scale. Thus, production of cellulosic isobutanol requires
achieved titers up to 1.88 g/L of isobutanol and yield up further optimization before it can be commercialized.
to 62% of theoretical maximum. Further exploration of
microbial cellulose utilization is necessary to develop and Itaconic acid
upscale the CBP system. Itaconic acid, also known as methyl succinic acid, is a
In September 2010, Gevo (Englewood, CO, USA) granulated light-yellow powder that has the potential to
acquired a facility located in Luverne, Minnesota, USA, be a key building block for deriving commodity and spe-
and subsequently retrofitted it to produce isobutanol. The cialty chemicals. Itaconic acid is mainly used in the pro-
plant operates in a side-by-side mode, producing both duction of lubricant additives, surface active agents, dye
ethanol and isobutanol. Gevo produces isobutanol by intermediates, plastics, synthetic rubber and resins, and
fermentation and is currently optimizing its technology. chemical fibers. With an estimated price of $1900/tonne,
Gevo expects the earnings before interest, taxes, depre- the global itaconic acid market in 2015 was 41 ktpa with
ciation, and amortization (EBITDA) profit margin for sales of $79 million [162]. As only a few end-use appli-
isobutanol to be approximately $0.50 to $1.00 per gallon cations with high-volume markets have been identified,
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 30 of 58
but not developed until recently, itaconic acid has only a itaconic acid, in reality, most of them have closed down
niche market [163]. Itaconic acid can potentially replace their production due to the low demand and became
acrylic acid (in the superabsorbent polymers), acetone only distributors of itaconic acid [213]. Except for Chi-
cyanohydrin (in the production of methyl methacrylate), nese producers, the Indian manufacturer Alpha Chemika
maleic anhydride (in the production of unsaturated is also a leader of the market, with a capacity of 8 ktpy
polyester resin), and sodium tripolyphosphate (in the [213].
production of phosphate-free detergent builders) [213]. The highest itaconic acid yield is obtained when glucose
The most promising application for itaconic acid is in is used as a substrate. However, to reduce the production
the production of methyl methacrylate (MMA), which cost of itaconic acid, alternative low-cost raw materials
is the most important ester of methacrylic acid and it is should be considered. Cheaper materials than glucose,
also the monomer for polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) such as starch, molasses, hydrolysates of corn syrup or
polymers and copolymer. If the price of itaconic acid wood, have been investigated to produce biochemicals.
was competitive with the price of acetone cyanohydrin, However, the literature on the conversion of cellulosic
it could be the preferred raw material for the MMA pro- sugars to itaconic acid is very limited. Jiménez-Quero
duction. The projected market for itaconic acid is esti- et al. [405] reported a maximum itaconic acid yield of
mated in 408 ktpa with a value of $567.4 million for 2020, 0.14% when performing a liquid-state fermentation of
a feasible scenario for MMA production. If the price of corn cob hydrolysates (1.9% total glucose) using A. ory-
itaconic acid is not competitive for MMA production, the zae. The authors reported that two strains of A. terreus
market size of itaconic acid in 2020 will not exceed 197 (named DSM 826 and DSM 62071) could not grow at all
ktpy with a value of $315 million [213]. in wheat bran and corn cobs hydrolysates. In contrast, a
Itaconic acid was first produced by distillation of citric yield of 0.11 mg itaconic acid per gram of biomass (corn
acid. However, since the 1960s, itaconic acid has been cobs), the highest reported in the literature for simultane-
produced by fermentation of carbohydrates, mainly ous solid-state fermentation without sugar supplements,
commercially produced using Aspergillus terreus via was achieved using A. oryzae [406]. Considering the ita-
submerged fungal fermentation, Fig. 2 [398]. Glucose is conic acid’s niche market, the fact that downstream con-
widely used in the production of itaconic acid. Fermenta- version to MMA is not yet commercial, the need to lower
tion of other sugars to itaconic acid results in low yields: production costs, and the required research to use cel-
18%, 31%, and less than 1% using arabinose, xylose, and lulosic sugars, the production of itaconic acid as part of
lactose, respectively [399]. Fermentation times for ita- a 2G ethanol process is not attractive. Similar to the 1,2
conic acid generation range from 2 to 14 days, with an butanediol case, a biorefinery that generates 1G and 2G
optimum of 7 days at around 37 °C [400–402]. Intensive bioethanol may beneficiate from using a fraction of the
research to reduce the production cost of itaconic acid sugar-based crops (e.g., corn starch or sugarcane molas-
is undergoing. Yahiro et al. [403] mutated the A. ter- ses) to produce itaconic acid.
reus strain IFO6365, capable of producing 82 g/L of ita-
conic acid within 6 days of fermentation. Li et al. [398] Lactic acid
expressed the CAD gene from A. terreus in A. niger to Lactic acid (LA) is a carboxylic acid that has been exten-
produce itaconic acid using A. niger. However, the per- sively studied and successfully commercialized. It is
formance of the genetically modified microorganism was present in many foods both naturally or as a product
found not to be beneficial for itaconic acid production. of microbial fermentation, for example, in yogurt, but-
Itaconic acid fermentation using immobilized micro- termilk, sourdough breads, and other fermented foods
organisms has also been investigated. By immobilizing [407]. LA has also been used in the food and beverage
A. terreus on polyurethane foam, Vassilev et al. [404] sector as a preservative and pH adjusting agent. In the
obtained an average yield of 15.1 g/L itaconic acid in four pharmaceutical and chemical industries, it is used as a
repeated batch fermentations. solvent and a starting material in the production of lac-
In the past, itaconic acid was mainly manufactured in tate ester [161]. By 1990, LA’s worldwide production
the USA, China, Japan, and France. Cargill and Pfizer volume was approximated to 40 ktpy, while the current
were market leaders, while French Rhodia and Japanese worldwide production (including polymer uses) is esti-
Iwata Chemicals had strong market positions. Currently, mated to be around 120 ktpy. LA’s price depends on the
the main producers of itaconic acid are in China: Qing- market and ranges between $1.30 and $2.30/kg [407].
dao Kehai Biochemistry (global leader), Alpha Chemika, LA can be produced via fermentation of glucose and
Zhejiang Guoguang Biochemistry, and Jinan Huaming sucrose by lactic acid bacteria, as shown in Fig. 2, or
Biochemistry. Nonetheless, WEASTRA reported that chemical synthesis, which have been used for commer-
even when Chinese companies claim to be producers of cial production in the past. In the chemical synthesis,
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 31 of 58
hydrogen cyanide is added to acetaldehyde in the pres- with a capacity of 100 ktpy [161]. Recently, Total Chemi-
ence of a base at high pressures in the liquid phase to cals (Houston, USA) and Corbion Purac formed a 50/50
generate lactonitrile. The crude of lactonitrile is recov- joint venture, Total Corbion PLA, to produce and mar-
ered by distillation and hydrolyzed, either by concen- ket polylactic acid (PLA) polymers. Total Corbion PLA
trated H2SO4 or by HCl, to LA and ammonium salt. planed to build a PLA polymerization plant with a capac-
Next, LA is esterified with methanol to produce methyl ity of over 75 ktpy at Corbion’s site in Thailand, which
lactate, which is distilled and hydrolyzed with water in already has a lactide monomer production unit [410]. At
the presence of an acid catalyst to produce methanol and the end of 2018, Total Corbion PLA announced the start-
a high tolerance to inhibitors and the ability to produce vacuum sublimation to remove water and acid impurities
optically pure L-lactic acid after the interruption of ldhD [418].
gene achieving a high titer of L-lactic acid (215 g/l) by Commercially, Total Corbion PLA, a joint venture
85 g/L of lysine within 28 h. More recently, Becker et al. and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde [433]. The downside is that
[428], developed a strain of C. glutamicumand by meta- C. glutamicum wild type is unable to utilize the pentose
bolic engineering of the wild type. By implementing 12 sugars xylose and arabinose. Therefore, research on the
defined genome-based changes in genes encoding central utilization of cheaper carbon resources, such as lignocel-
metabolic enzymes, the engineered C. glutamicum strain lulose, has explored the use of engineered microorgan-
was able to produce lysine with a yield of 0.55 g per gram isms capable of using pentoses, which account for about
of glucose, a titer of 120 g/L lysine, and a productivity of one-fourth to one-third of lignocellulosic hydrolysates
4.0 g/L/h in fed-batch culture. Research on lysine-pro- [434]. Gopinath et al. [432] prepared a recombinant pen-
ducing microorganisms is in constant growth and with tose-utilizing strain derived from the l-lysine-producing
the development of new genetic techniques, more effi- C. glutamicum strain DM1729. The recombinant strain
cient microorganisms are expected to be developed. grew to higher biomass concentrations and produced
Industrial production of lysine involves the fermenta- more l-lysine than the control strains, which utilized
tion process and downstream processing. The most com- only the glucose fraction. Glucose was co-utilized with
monly raw materials used to produce lysine are cane arabinose and xylose by the recombinant strain when
molasses, beet molasses, sucrose, and dextrose (from the substrates were present as pure chemicals and when
hydrolyzed starch). One of the routes used for the down- present in acid hydrolysates from agricultural residues.
stream process comprises vacuum filtration, evaporation, The recombinant strain produced up to 6.14 ± 0.3 g/L
and spray drying. Alternatives for downstream process- l-lysine on media containing rice straw or wheat bran-
ing vary depending on the lysine final preparation. In acid derived hydrolysate. These results revealed the
the past, the fermentation broth was separated by ion potential use of agricultural waste materials as alterna-
exchange, followed by addition of HCl, evaporation, and tive feedstock for lysine production. Growth and sub-
drying [422]. The resulting crystalline lysine-HCl is less strate utilization were slower in media based on the acid
hygroscopic than the corresponding sulfate salt and was hydrolysates, which might be explained by the pres-
the major lysine form produced [425]. However, different ence of growth inhibitors. Therefore, a more immediate
lysine preparations have been manufactured: liquid lysine route to implement lysine production into a cellulosic
(50% purity), granulated lysine sulfate (40–50% purity), or biorefinery would be by reducing the inhibitors in the
liquid lysine sulfate (20–30% purity) [422]. Evonik is the hydrolyzed. This can be achieved through a detoxifica-
only company that produces and markets all four essen- tion process involving the adsorption of inhibitors onto
iolys®, a source
fied acid pretreatment liquor to generate lysine using a
(l-tryptophan) [429]. Evonik produces B mutant strain of C. glutamicum. At 72 h of fermentation,
of l-lysine, in its 280 ktpy plant in Nebraska, USA, using the engineered C. glutamicum grown on detoxified pre-
iolys® in
agricultural products as raw material [429]. In 2016, treatment liquor producing 4.39 g/L l-lysine. Thus, pro-
Evonik commissioned a new plant to produce B duction of lysine as part of a cellulosic ethanol process,
the Brazilian town of Castro in the state of Paraná. The similar to the itaconic acid case (Fig. 1), could be carried
new plant has an annual production capacity of 80,000 out by two routes: using glucose derivate from molasses
tonnes and started to operate in 2017 [430]. Like other and/or starch or from cellulose. To efficiently convert cel-
bio-based chemical processes, carbon source repre- lulosic derivate sugars to lysine, a detoxification process
sents the major cost in the production of lysine. During must be implemented, which will increase the capital
fermentation, C. glutamicum uses glucose from starch cost of the venture. Therefore, detailed economic analy-
hydrolysis or fructose and sucrose from molasses. Almost ses and optimization of separation/purification processes
all studies on the metabolic production of lysine have are required to determine the potential benefits of pro-
been focused on glucose. Therefore, most of our knowl- ducing lysine from cellulosic sugars.
edge about the physiology of C. glutamicum is based on
the metabolism of glucose [431]. C. glutamicum can grow Microfibrillated cellulose
aerobically on a variety of sugars (e.g., glucose, fructose, Cellulose can be converted to different micro- and nano-
sucrose, ribose, or maltose), alcohols (myo-inositol and structures with a variety of physical properties, depend-
ethanol), or organic acids (acetate, propionate, pyru- ing on the origin of cellulose and production method.
vate, L-lactate, citrate, and L-glutamate) as sole or com- Cellulose particles with at least one dimension in the
bined carbon and energy sources [432]. Moreover, this nanoscale (1–100 nm) are referred to as nanocellulose
microorganism has shown to withstand pretreatment- [435–437]. Osong et al. noted, in a review about micro-
derived inhibitors like furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural, fibrillated and nanofibrillated cellulose, that there is still
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 34 of 58
a lot of confusion regarding the terminology and nomen- Thus, while pretreatments may reduce energy demand,
clature of nanocellulose [438]. Depending on the pro- post-treatments, mainly surface chemical modification,
duction conditions, nanocellulose from biomass can be are performed to endow MFC with new properties or
classified into two categories: (i) cellulose nanocrystals to conserve their intrinsic characteristics. The MFC sur-
(CNC) or cellulose whiskers, and (ii) microfibrillated cel- face chemical modification can include treatments such
lulose (MFC) and nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC)—some- as physical adsorption, molecular grafting, or polymer
times also referred to as MFC due its micrometer range grafting [435].
length, or cellulose nanofibers. Due to various terminolo- In the industrial sector, Borregaard (Norway), through
gies used to describe cellulose nanomaterials, various its proprietary technology, Exilva, constructed the world’s
organizations have initiated a process to standardize the first commercial-scale production facility for Exilva MFC
nanocellulose terminology. Nonetheless, this work has in Sarpsborg, Norway. The plant has a capacity of 10,000
not been finalized yet. tons of 10% paste (1000 dry tons) per year and started
MFC was introduced in 1983 when cellulose with operation in 2016. The factory uses Norwegian spruce as
lateral dimensions in nanometer range was produced raw material. Additionally, Borregaard operates a dem-
by passing a softwood pulp aqueous suspension sev- onstration plant with a capacity of 45-63 tons of 10%
eral times through a high-pressure homogenizer. Dur- paste per year [440, 449]. FiberLean Technologies, a Joint
ing this process, networks of nanofibrils are produced Venture between Imerys (France) and Omya (Switzer-
coating, and dispersion technology [439]. In the paper MFC, equivalent to 40 ktpy of F
industry, the addition of MFC in with papermaking sus- ite [440]. FiberLean MFC is claimed to be established
pensions improves the overall strength of paper, reduces and proven to be a cost-efficient way for papermakers
its porosity, and decreases density [436]. MFC’s applica- to become more competitive [440]. Kruger Biomaterials
tions in polymer reinforcement and anti-microbial films Inc., a Canadian company, operates, since 2014, a com-
are expected to hit the market soon, and thus, the overall mercial plant in Trois-Rivières, Canada, with an annual
The solid residues produced after the enzymatic hydrol- ethanol plant, production of lignocellulose-based MFC is
ysis of lignocellulose during the production of 2G ethanol an attractive and short-term opportunity to increase 2G
are normally proposed to be burned to produce steam ethanol’s profitability.
and energy. Nonetheless, these residues contain a con-
siderable amount of recalcitrant cellulose, and thus, they Polyethylene
may be suitable as a raw material to produce MFC, as Polyethylene (PE) is primarily used in plastic bags, plastic
shown in Fig. 5. Moreover, extraction of MFC from these films, geo-membranes, bottles, and tubes. Moreover, PE
solid residues are expected to be smoother than from raw is also used in the automobile and pharmaceutical indus-
materials as these residues have been already pretreated tries with a reported price of $1676 per tonne (2010-
and hydrolyzed. This concept has been explored in vari- 2014) in northwestern Europe [162, 205]. Its mechanical
ous publications where MFC was obtained from 2G properties depend significantly on variables such as the
bioethanol’s solid residue. For example, Zhu et al. [452] extent and type of branching, crystal structure, and
used commercial enzymes to fractionate the less recalci- molecular weight. The main types of PE are high-density
trant amorphous cellulose from a bleached kraft eucalyp- PE (HDPE), low-density PE (LDPE), and linear low-den-
tus pulp, resulting in a highly crystalline and recalcitrant sity PE (LLDPE) [161].
cellulose (RC). The RC is difficult to hydrolyze to sugars Polyethylene is usually made by dehydrating ethanol
but very suitable for producing nanocellulose through to ethylene and subsequently polymerizing the ethylene
mechanical homogenization. The hydrolyzed sugars were (Fig. 3). Fossil ethylene is derived from either modify-
fermented to ethanol with an efficiency of 92%. Enzymat- ing natural gas or from the catalytic cracking of crude
ically fractionated fibers were refined to nanocellulose oil [454]. PE from renewable raw materials can be made
with a diameter of about 20 nm and lengths of 500 nm by dehydrating bioethanol to ethylene, and subsequently
or longer, defined by the authors as nanofibrillated cellu- polymerizing the ethylene. Therefore, biomass such as
lose (NFC). The produced nanocellulose had an average sucrose, starchy, and lignocellulosic feedstock can be
fiber length of about 200 µm, and was used to generate used to produce bio-based PE [455]. Fossil PE has a pro-
nanocellulose films which were optically transparent duction volume of 88 million tonnes, while production
and with opacity as low as 12%. The films were mechani- of bio-based PE is about 200,000 tonnes [162, 338]. As a
cally strong and stiff, with tensile strengths and moduli drop-in equivalent, bio-based PE has an identical chemi-
of approximately 10 and 6 times higher than those of cal structure to fossil PE. Therefore, bio-based PE can be
the film made from fibers that had not been nanofibril- recycled using the current waste separation system, and
lated. In another study, Herzele et al. [453] isolated MFC processed into new bio-based PE products using conven-
derived from bleached pulp and from pulp, termed tional technologies [162]. A study on the production of
microfibrillated lignocellulose (MFLC), with high resid- bioplastics, such as polyethylene, from bioethanol-based
ual lignin content. The microfibrillated material was used ethylene concluded that the ethanol conversion and the
as filler to produce cellulose-reinforced polycaprolactone reaction selectivity have a direct impact on the produc-
nanocomposite film. Overall, the performance of MFLC tion cost [334, 455]. While bio-based PE production
filler resulted in more favorable nanocomposite tensile costs are not available publicly, the cost of bio-based PE
performance than the MFC derived from bleached pulp. is expected to depend on the production costs of bioeth-
While the technical feasibility of producing MFC from anol and biomass feedstock prices. Bio-ethylene cost in
2G ethanol’s solid residues has been demonstrated at Brazil and India is typically $1200/tonne (from sugar-
bench scale, demonstration plants and economic analy- cane) and, in China (using sweet sorghum), is around
ses are required to assess the true benefit of co-producing $1700/tonne. In contrast, in the USA, bio-ethylene cost
MFC. Since the process to produce MFC is technically (from corn) is reported at about $2000/tonne, and in
mature, and because it can be easily integrated into a 2G Europe (from sugar beet) around $2600/tonne [162]. In
a recent techno-economic analysis of a bio-ethylene plant at 120–180 °C under an inert nitrogen reactor blanket
using lignocellulose as feedstock, Mohsenzadeh et al. (Fig. 2) [458]. Since 2008, DuPont has manufactured
[334] concluded that impurities in the ethanol feed have polyether polyol liquid glycols (PEGs) using bio-based
no significant effect on the quality of the produced bio- 1,3-PDO as feedstock. DuPont’s 1,3-PDO is produced
ethylene. However, the economic evaluation showed that via corn sugar fermentation using a genetically modi-
the process is not profitable at the current raw materials fied E. coli developed by DuPont in partnership with Tate
and products’ prices. & Lyle. DuPont’s commercial 1,3-PDO plant (140 ktpy
the monofunctional impurities (e.g., ethanol or acetic which will use Corbion Purac’s lactides as raw material
acid) limit the molecular weights achievable. However, [162]. A joint venture between Galactic and Total Pet-
the use of highly pure lactic acid and reduction of the rochemicals, Futerro operates a 1.5 ktpa demonstration
water formed azeotropically during the polycondensa- plant in Escanaffles, Belgium, which produces various
tion can lead to high molecular weight PLA [461]. Mitsui PLAs [162]. Synbra Technology (Netherlands) devel-
Toatsu Chemicals (Japan) developed an azeotropic distil- oped, together with Sulzer Chemtech (USA) and Corbion
lation process using a high-boiling-point solvent to drive Purac (Netherlands), a cost-effective polymerization pro-
the removal of water in the direct esterification process cess for high-quality PLA from a biorenewable resource.
to obtain high molecular weight PLA [462]. By contrast, Applying this technology, Synbra Technology operates
Cargill-Dow, a venture between Dow Chemical and Car- a 5 ktpa PLA resin plant in the Netherlands since 2011
gill, produces PLA by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) and a 1 ktpa PLA pilot plant in Switzerland. Synbra Tech-
PTT). The production of PTT by Shell oil was based on of converting sugar mixtures [163]. Another route to
the 1,3-PDO obtained by the hydroformylation of ethyl- produce PG is via hydrogenation of LA or lactates. This
ene oxide. In contrast, DuPont and Tate & Lyle produced process is based on hydroperoxidation chemistry or chlo-
F at its plant in Kinston, North Carolina, USA, using 1,3- rohydrin process which involves the use of hypochlorous
PDO derivate from renewable sources (corn sugar) [469]. acid. Introduction of ruthenium on activated carbon as
DuPont remains in the PTT business, while Shell Oil the catalyst for the hydrogenation reaction resulted in
exited the businesses for both 1,3-PDO and PTT [199]. 95% conversion of LA and a PG’s selectivity higher than
In 2013, the Shenghong Group (China) started the con- 90% [142].
struction of a 50 ktpy biological PDO and 20 ktpy PTT Glycerol is a by-product in the conversion of fats and
plant in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, and is currently manu- oils to fatty acids or fatty acid methyl esters for biodiesel
facturing 1,3-PDO and PTT [470]. PTT is emerging as an production. Due to the fast growth of the biodiesel indus-
application segment and accounted for 71.8% of the total try, glycerol has been overproduced worldwide. As a
1,3-PDO’s market volume in 2014 [470]. As the industry result, the amount of glycerol produced via fermentation
moves toward replacing conventional polyesters with of sugar, hydrogenation of carbohydrates, or hydroper-
PTT, the demand for 1,3-PDO and PTT will increase. oxidation of LA is not relevant. Both industry and aca-
Nonetheless, PTT production from lignocellulosic mate- demia are concentrated on the development of routes for
rials would be possible only if 1,3-PDO is successfully conversion of glycerol to other chemicals and polymers
manufactured as part of a biorefinery at low costs. [142]. Conversion of glycerol into a family of derivatives,
including EG, PG, acetol, and LA via catalytic hydrogen-
Propylene glycol olysis is by far the most successful route to produce PG.
Propylene glycol (PG), or 1,2-propanediol, is used in the In this reaction, glycerol is reduced at 200 psi H2 and
production of unsaturated polyester resins, coolants and 200 °C, over a copper chromite catalyst, resulting in PG’s
antifreeze, hydraulic and brake fluid, aircraft de-icing selectivity of nearly 90% at 65% conversion [473].
fluid, heat transfer fluids, paints, and coatings [142]. Fur- Dow Chemicals currently operates a PG plant with a
thermore, PG is safe for human consumption, and thus, capacity of 254 ktpy in Stade, Germany [474]. In 2012,
it is used in the production of fragrances, cosmetics, per- Dow Chemicals established a PG plant in Thailand, where
sonal care products, food, flavorings, pet food/animal propylene oxide (PO) from the adjacent hydrogen perox-
feed, and pharmaceutical formulations [161]. PG price in ide to propylene oxide (HPPO) facility is converted to PG
northwestern Europe was reported to be around $1530/ [475]. In 2012, BASF and Oleon inaugurated a PG unit
tonne (2010-2014) [205], and its market is expected to capable of producing more than 20 ktpy of glycerin-based
grow at about 4.5% annually [198]. PG can be produced PG at Ertvelde, Belgium [476]. The Pacific Northwest
by hydrating propylene oxide (PO), hydrogenolysis of National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington,
glycerol over mixed-metal catalysts, hydrogenolysis of USA, developed a process using rhenium-promoted cata-
xylitol or lactic acid (LA), or hydrocracking of sorbitol. lysts which was later licensed by ADM (Chicago, USA)
Historically, PG has been produced by hydrating propyl- for scale-up and commercialization [198, 476]. ADM
ene oxide. In this process, the hydration reaction occurs manufactures PG in a 100 ktpy facility (Decatur, Illi-
in excess of water at 120 °C–190 °C and 21 atm. The nois, USA), where glycerol produced during the conver-
resulting stream contains a mixture of mono-, di-, and sion of vegetable oils to biodiesel is used as raw material
tri-propylene glycols. Excess water is removed in evapo- [477–479]. In China, Global Biochem manufactures 5.2
rators and drying towers. Finally, glycols are purified ktpy of PG using bio-based sorbitol as feedstock [178].
using high vacuum distillation [198]. Due to their simi- Due to the overproduction of the glycerol and maturity
lar properties, bio-based PG is a drop-in replacement for of the glycerol PG technology, the bio-based PG industry
conventional PG. Since glucose can be converted to sorb- is expected to be based on glycerol. If the bio-PG market
itol through hydrogenation [142, 471, 472], production of is consolidated, co-production of PG from lignocellulose-
PG via hydrocracking of sorbitol could be integrated into based sorbitol could be possible; however, it would have
a cellulosic ethanol process (Fig. 2). In 2004, Global Bio- to compete with the large and mature glycerol-based PG
chem and IPCI demonstrated the production of EG, pro- producers. Industrial production of cellulose-based PG
pylene glycol, and other polyols from sorbitol at a pilot will be only possible if the conversion of lignocellulose-
plant located in China [178]. An alternative route for based sugars to sorbitol or xylitol is viable.
producing PG is via hydrogenolysis of xylitol. While rea-
sonable yields of EG (80%) and PG from xylitol have been Sorbitol
reported, the main challenge for this process is to iden- Sorbitol is a six-carbon sugar alcohol that is largely
tify a low-cost xylose stream or develop a process capable used as sweetener, thickener, humectant, excipient,
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 39 of 58
and dispersant in food, cosmetic, and toothpaste [142]. efforts, fermentative routes are unlikely to replace in the
Sorbitol is an attractive compound because a wide range short term the technically mature catalytic hydrogena-
of functional derivatives can be produced from it. For tion process, unless efficient organisms capable of fer-
example, almost 15% of the world sorbitol is used for the ment mixtures of sugars, in short times, are developed.
industrial production of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) via fer- Another approach, denominated one-pot conversion,
mentation [480, 481]. Through the cyclodehydration of involves the direct production of sorbitol from cellu-
sorbitol, 1,4-sorbitan and 3,6-sorbitan intermediates are lose. Fukuoka and Dhepe [489] tested Pt or Ru catalysts
generated; afterward, the dehydration of these intermedi- under hydrogenolysis conditions in water to produce
ates yields isosorbide. Other commercial derivatives from sorbitol from cellulose. The catalyst Pt/γ-Al2O3 resulted
sorbitol are PG, EG, glycerol, 1,4-sorbitan, and 2,5-anhy- in the highest yield (25% to sorbitol and 6% to manni-
drosugars [163]. More information about the conver- tol) at 190 °C and 49 atm H2 [489]. The authors proposed
sion of sorbitol to polymers can be found in the review that cellulose is hydrolyzed by in situ generated acid sites
performed by Isikgor et al. [142] Additionally, pathways to form glucose, which is then immediately reduced to
for the conversion of sorbitol to gasoline-range alkanes sorbitol over the metal catalyst. Another pathway to gen-
are under development. In a novel process, called aque- erate polyols from cellulose involves a two-step process
ous phase hydrodeoxygenation (APHDO), the hydroxyl where the reaction takes place in hot water using Ru/C
groups of sorbitol are hydrogenated over a bifunctional catalyst. The high temperature and pressure (245 °C and
metal-acid catalyst (e.g., Pt/SiO2–Al2O3) at 225 °C under 59 atm H2) generate H+ from water, which, in a second
the pressure of 3.96 MPa and then dehydrated into unsat- step, hydrolyzes cellulose. The reaction achieved a 29.6%
urated species, followed by successive hydrogenation and yield of sorbitol [490]. A recent approach involves the use
reforming into liquid alkanes (C5–C6) with a selectivity of ionic liquids (ILs) which completely dissolves cellulose,
of 58–89% [482, 483]. Further research to develop low- facilitating the hydrolytic depolymerization [106]. By
cost catalysts and increase yields is needed to commer- using a heterogeneous Pt or Rh catalyst with a homoge-
cialize the production of fuels from sorbitol [482–485]. neous Ru complex in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chlo-
Sorbitol is manufactured by several companies with a ride under H2 pressure, Ignatyev et al. [491] achieved full
total production volume of 164 ktpy, with a price of $650/ cellulose conversion and 51% − 74% selectivity to sorbi-
tonne, and sales of MM$107 per year [162]. Sorbitol is tol. While promising, the use of ILs is challenging due to
produced almost exclusively from biomass, mainly from ILs’ high boiling points and the fact that they decompose
corn, cassava, and wheat. In this process, starch biomass at elevated temperatures, hindering separation by distil-
is converted to glucose through enzymatic hydrolysis. lation. Thus, the use of ILs is limited by the development
Later, the hydrogenation of glucose takes place, as shown of an efficient separation system. Another downside of
in Fig. 2, at 130–150 °C with H 2 at pressure ranging from ILs is their corrosive nature against the commonly used
39 to 118 atm in the presence of a nickel or ruthenium stainless steel equipment. Therefore, the one-pot tech-
catalyst (e.g., Raney nickel) [142, 471, 472]. The commer- nology needs further research to be integrated into a cel-
cial process is based on batch technology which allows lulosic ethanol process.
the complete conversion of glucose and ensures the ful- Roquette Freres is the largest sorbitol producer that,
fillment of the strict food industry requirements [163]. together with Cargill and Ingredion Incorporated, gener-
Since the commercial production of sorbitol is widely ates over 70% of the total market volume of sorbitol [142].
acid in nearly quantitative yields using Zymomonas mobi- Recently, Roquette Freres has focused on the commer-
lis. The authors concluded that biotechnological produc- cialization of sorbitol’s derivatives, such as P
tion of sorbitol may be economically possible in at least isosorbide [493]. Cargill also produces sorbitol using
some countries with low price biomass, such as sugar- the catalytic hydrogenation of maize-based glucose.
cane. Ladero et al. [488] reported that resting cells of an Sorbitol is offered by Cargill as a free-flowing crystalline
engineered Lactobacillus plantarum produced sorbitol powder and as aqueous solutions for food and pharma-
from glucose with high efficiency (61 to 65% conversion), ceutical applications [494]. Cargill produces sorbitol at
closed to the maximal theoretical (67%). Despite the various facilities: Castelmassa, Italy; Krefeld, Germany;
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Blair, Cedar Rapids, Dayton, Eddyville, Memphis, and Traditionally, shark liver oil was used to produce
Wahpeton, USA; and Martorell, Spain [495]. Ingredion squalene. Since deep-sea sharks have large reserves of
Incorporated produces sorbitol at its facility in Maple- squalene, these sharks were caught specifically for their
ton, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Stockton, USA; liver oil. With the introduction of deep-sea shark fishing
Guadalajara, Mexico City, and San Juan del Rio, Mexico; quotas for the Northeast Atlantic in 2006, squalene prices
as well as eleven plants in south America: Argentina, Bra- increased, and shark-based squalene became 20–30%
zil, Chile, Colombia and Peru [495]. While the process to more expensive than plant-based squalene. As a result,
convert glucose to sorbitol is mature and may offer eco- Unilever and L’Oreal replaced the use of shark-based
nomic benefits to a cellulosic biorefinery, its integration squalene with a plant-based version [505]. The first plant-
into a cellulosic ethanol process faces some challenges. based precursor dedicated to sterol biosynthesis, in the
Sorbitol could be produced from hydrolyzed glucose and/ isoprenoid pathway, is squalene. At standard conditions,
or unfermented glucose. In the cellulosic ethanol pro- squalene is consumed for the synthesis of ergosterol,
cess, these streams contain multiple sugars (xylose, ara- however; its levels in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
binose, galactose, mannose), oligomers, furfurals, lignin, are elevated in hypoxia or heme deficiency [506]. The
proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates (e.g., cellulose, xylan), pathway of squalene production in Saccharomyces spp.
organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and microorgan- starts with the synthesis of mevalonate from acetate, and
isms that may have a detrimental impact on the catalyst. then mevalonate is converted to two activated isoprenes.
Therefore, a series of separation/purification processes Later, condensation of six activated isoprene units forms
such as hydro-cyclone systems, filter presses, or ion squalene and finally conversion of squalene to the 4-ring
exchange columns may be needed to be implemented lanosterol [503]. Mantzouridou et al. [507] reported the
[496]. The separation/purification equipment required accumulation of squalene in yeast cells under semian-
would depend on the kind of pretreatment, enzymes, aerobic conditions (1.6 mg/g dry biomass), which was 40
and fermentation microorganism used, as well as on the times higher than that reported under anaerobic condi-
purity of the sugar stream entering the hydrogenation tions (0.04 mg/g dry biomass). Other microorganisms
reactor. Since the individual hydrogenation of sugars have been reported to produce similar squalene accu-
has been studied and modeled in the past (xylose [497, mulation size. Fan et al. [508] reported an accumulation
498], arabinose [499, 500], galactose [499], and man- of squalene of 0.53 mg/g dry biomass using the Auran-
nose) [501], sugars may be isolated and hydrogenated. To tiochytrium mangrovei FB3 through medium optimi-
implement this option, economic analyses are required zation and the treatment with terbinafine, an inhibitor
to determine the most efficient and low-cost separation of squalene monooxygenase in the sterol biosynthetic
technologies. Alternatively, the mixture of hydrolyzed pathway. Yue et al. [509] reported a maximum squalene
sugars could be hydrogenated in a single step. However, content of 1.17 mg/g dry biomass reached during the
it is noteworthy that very few studies have explored the next 3 h after methyl jasmonate treatment (12.32 g/L) at
hydrogenation of sugar mixtures [499, 500, 502]. For 48 h of cultivation using the microalga Schizochytrium
example, Wisniak and Simon [502] reported that mix- mangrovei. A larger squalene production (70.32 mg/g
tures of glucose–fructose hydrogenate at a slower rate dry biomass) was reported by Chang et al. [510] using an
than each reagent alone. Thus, further research is needed oleaginous yeast strain, Pseudozyma sp. JCC 207, grown
to understand the impact of sugars ratio on the hydro- under microaerobic conditions. Since the Pseudozyma
genation reaction rates and selectivity, as well as to select species is not included in the qualified presumption
optimal conditions and catalyst type to maximize yields. of safety, a list published by the European Food Safety
Authority, the optimization of squalene production is
Squalene expected to focus on S. cerevisiae [511].
Squalene is produced in human skin and has excellent Amyris Inc. manufactures and sells commercial quan-
moisturizing properties. It has wide applications in the tities of squalene to cosmetic ingredient buyer Soliance
manufacture of fine chemicals, magnetic tape, and low- (France). Amyris uses an engineered microbe in its fer-
temperature lubricants, as well as an antistatic agent mentation facility in Brazil to produce farnesene and by-
and emollient in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It is products such as squalene from up to two million tons
also used as an additive in animal feed. A 500 mg cap- of crushed sugarcane per year [512]. In 2012, Amyris
sule of squalene was reported to cost 0.125 US$ in 2001 started operations at its plant in Brotas, Brazil, supply-
[503]. Squalene market size was estimated at 2400 tons in ing 10% of the global squalane market. Amyris increased
2014, as per the latest research report by Global Market the plant production volume in 2013, covering 18% of the
Insights, Inc [504]. market [513]. Amyris has selected Dowell C&I Co., Ltd.,
a supplier of ingredients for the personal care industry,
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 41 of 58
as its exclusive distributor of Neossance™ Squalane in the planned commercial-scale processes. Microorganisms
Republic of Korea [512]. One of the main barriers in the for the production of succinic acid have been studied,
production of squalene is the low production yield [511]. e.g., rumen bacteria such as Actinobacillus succinogenes,
As a result, margins are compromised and further pro- Mannheimia succiniciproducens, Basfia succiniciprodu-
cess optimization is required. The economic viability of cens, and other microorganisms such as E. coli, Anaero-
producing squalene from lignocellulosic glucose may be biospirillum succiniciproducens, C. glutamicum, and S.
compromised by the potential inhibition of the pretreat- cerevisiae [514]. More information on the use of meta-
ment by-products on the microorganisms, and thus, the bolically engineered microorganisms for the production
cost of the separation–purification equipment that may of SA can be found in a recent review performed by Ahn
be required to generate a clean glucose stream from the and co-workers [515]. Commonly used feedstocks are
hydrolyzed stream (Fig. 2). Since squalene has a high refined sugars (sucrose, glucose, and fructose), starch,
price per volume, only a small fraction of the hydro- sugar beet, and cane molasses. Due to their low cost,
lyzed sugars would be required for its production and to recent efforts are focused on the use of second-genera-
increase the gains of the venture. Thus, economic analy- tion feedstocks, such as waste streams from agriculture,
ses are needed to balance the expenses on separation and forestry, and paper milling. A major disadvantage of this
purification costs and the gains of selling squalene. strategy is the required process to release sugars from
lignocellulose, as well as the impurities and sugar deg-
Succinic acid radation products generated during pretreatment and
Succinic acid (SA) applications range from high-value hydrolysis, which can act as inhibitors [517]. Using corn
niche applications such as personal care products and stalk enzymatic hydrolysate as a substrate and E. coli,
food additives to large-volume applications such as Hodge et al. [518] produced a concentration of 57.8 g/L
biopolymers, plasticizers, polyurethanes, resins, and of SA. In contrast, a lower SA concentration (42.2 g/L)
coatings [162]. In 2012, fossil-based succinic acid pro- was obtained when softwood hydrolysate was used as
duction was approximated in 40 ktpy with a market the substrate. Therefore, hydrolyzed streams need to be
value of $100 million. Bio-based succinic acid has a cur- treated accordingly to reduce the impact of inhibitors
rent market price of approximately $2860/tonne, while in the fermentation stage. On the other hand, obstacles
the fossil-based equivalent is valued at around $2500/ in the recovery and purification of SA are being solved
tonne. As a platform chemical, SA’s market is expected to using downstream processes such as vacuum distillation,
increase to a size of > 700 ktpy by 2020 [514]. SA is also a single reactive extraction, and crystallization, in which
precursor of numerous chemicals such as adipic acid (a purity as high as 99.5% is achievable [519].
precursor for Nylon X), 1,4-BDO (a precursor for polyes- Several companies have started the large-scale fermen-
ters and Spandex), tetrahydrofuran (an important solvent tative production of SA applying different producing
and a precursor for poly[tetramethylene ether] glycol), strains. In 2008, BioAmber, a joint venture between US-
N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP, an important solvent in based DNP Green Technology and the French research
chemical and lithium-ion battery industries), 2-pyrro- consortium Agro-Industrie Recherches et Développe-
lidone (a precursor for pharmaceuticals and vinylpyrro- ments, developed a SA plant in Pomacle, France, with an
lidone), and other green solvents and chemicals [515]. annual capacity of 2000 tonnes [198]. They constructed
Fossil-based succinic acid has predominantly been pro- a 30 ktpa plant (with 20 ktpa expansion plans) in Sarnia,
duced through the hydrogenation of maleic anhydride or Canada, with joint venture partner Mitsui & Co [213].
maleic acid. Maleic anhydride and maleic acid are manu- BioAmber has developed licensing agreements with Car-
factured from the oxidation of n-butane, a direct product gill to adopt a yeast microorganism that is tolerant to
from petroleum refining or natural gas processing [198]. low pH environments and able to utilize a range of lig-
Current petroleum-based SA manufacturers include the nocellulosic feedstocks (Fig. 2) [218]. Recently, BioAm-
Dutch company DSM; Israel-based Gadiv Petrochemi- ber reported that sales of bio-SA in the first quarter of
cal Industries; Japanese companies Mitsubishi Chemical 2017 increased 46% when compared to the same quarter
Corp., Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, and Nippon Shokubai; of 2016, reaching $2.1 million. The company is planning
numerous producers in China including Anqing Hexing to build a second BioAmber facility in North America.
Chemical and Anhui Sunsing Chemicals; and smaller The decision on whether locate the second plant in the
producers in India [516]. Bio-based succinic acid is pro- USA or Canada is expected to be made during the third
duced through low pH yeast or bacterial fermentation quarter of 2017 [520]. Reverdia, a joint venture between
of biomass-derived intermediates including commod- Roquette and DSM, was established in 2008. In 2012, the
ity sugars, glycerol, and lignocellulosic sugars (Fig. 2). company started a 10 ktpy SA production facility in Cas-
Commodity sugars are the feedstock for the current and sano Spinola, Italy. The facility uses a S. cerevisiae yeast
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 42 of 58
strain, Biosuccinium™, which is tolerant to low pH fer- (C5 hemiterpene), farnesene (C15 Sesquiterpenes), arte-
mentation [198, 218]. The company reported that this misinin (C15 sesquiterpenes), citral (C10 monoterpenes),
process has reduced GHG emissions because it gener- carotenoids (C40 tetraterpenes), menthol (C10 monoter-
ates very little waste [521]. BASF/Corbion-Purac joint penes), Camphor (C10 monoterpenes), and cannabinoids
venture, Succinity, isolated a new member of the family [524].
Pasteurellaceae from bovine rumen and named it Basfia Terpenes can be manufactured from petrochemi-
succiniproducens. This natural producer has a high yield cal sources and from terpene feedstocks. For example,
of 0.75 mol of SA per mol of glucose and has been opti- isoprene is produced as a by-product of naphtha or oil
mized through metabolic flux analysis and subsequent cracking in the production of ethylene. Terpenes are also
metabolic engineering. A 10 ktpy facility came online extracted in small quantities from natural sources. The
in mid-2014 at the Corbion Purac site in Montmeló, downside of these methods is that they are expensive and
Spain [198]. Succinity has plans for a second large-scale non-environmental-friendly [524]. Given the demand for
50 ktpa facility, the final investment decision for which terpenes, more economical and eco-friendly methods to
will be made following a successful market introduc- produce terpenes are needed. However, these methods
tion of the Montmelo plant [162]. Myriant, which is not must use inexpensive and non-toxic feedstocks [525].
a joint venture, partnered with ThyssenKrupp Uhde to Therefore, microbial fermentation is a potential alterna-
commercialize bio-SA. In 2013, the partnered compa- tive for the production of terpenes. Terpenes are involved
nies scaled and produced succinic acid from commod- in bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, and they are produced
ity sugar feedstocks at the ThyssenKrupp Uhde site in by some trees. Nonetheless, not all bacteria can produce
Leuna, Germany. Myriant utilizes a genetically modified terpenes and/or their precursors as metabolic products
E. coli for succinic acid production. This strain is report- [524]. As a result, microorganisms that comprise one or
edly utilized in the 14 ktpy SA facility that came online in more polynucleotides coding for enzymes in a pathway
Lake Providence, Louisiana, USA, in June 2013 [162]. The that catalyze the conversion of a carbon source to one
company reported plans to expand the capacity of this or more terpenes have been developed. Chen and co-
facility to 77 ktpy by late 2015. In agreement with China workers [524] developed a carboxydotrophic acetogenic
National BlueStar, Myriant agreed to scale up a 100 ktpy recombinant microorganism capable of producing one
SA facility in Nanjing, China, but a targeted date has not or more terpenes and/or precursors thereof and option-
been announced [198]. The advances in efficient down- ally one or more products by fermentation of a substrate
stream process, reduced feedstock cost, reduced GHG comprising CO (any gas containing a level of carbon
emissions, and the large potential market size have raised monoxide). Garcez Lopes and Slovic [525] patented a
hopes for higher earnings and profits in SA production genetically modified microorganism able to ferment
in the future. As a result, an active research is currently a carbon source (sugarcane juice, hydrolyzed starch,
being performed to develop an efficient and inhibitor- hydrolyzed lignocellulosic materials, glucose, sucrose,
resistant strain that can generate SA from lignocellu- fructose, or glycerol in any form or mixture thereof ) to
lose-derived sugars. The possibility of an integrated a terpene, such as isoprene and/or farnesene, and co-
biorefinery, producing 2G ethanol and SA is within reach product [525]. The authors reported a ratio of grams of
with a proper optimization. the produced isoprene and a co-product to grams of the
fermentable carbon source of 0.01–0.98.
Terpenes Founded in 2005, Allylix has developed a fermenta-
Terpenes are responsible for the pleasant smell and phar- tion-based technology platform derived from glucose to
macological activities of conifer wood, palm trees, citrus produce renewable specialty chemicals, primarily ter-
fruits, eucalyptus, lemongrass, lilies, peppermint spe- penes, and their derivatives. Allylix (San Diego, USA)
cies, and many other plants or parts of those. Terpenes focused on the gene cloning, metabolic engineering,
are extracted or steam distilled. These extracts and steam protein engineering, fermentation development, and
distillates, known as ethereal or essential oils are used to purification methods for manufacturing organic chemi-
create fine perfumes, to refine the flavor and the aroma of cals. Allylix commercially produced terpene-based fla-
food and drinks, and to produce medicines of plant ori- vors and fragrances: nootkatone, a grapefruit fragrance,
gin (phytopharmaca) [522]. Terpenes and terpene deriva- and valencene, an orange fragrance. Moreover, other
tives represent a $650 million global market, according low-cost terpene-based compounds are planned for
to Allylix [523]. Terpenes structure follows a general commercialization, e.g., Epivone (epi-beta-vetivone)
principle: 2-methylbutane residues build up their carbon for use in fragrance applications [523]. By 2014, Evolva
skeleton [522]. About 30,000 terpenes are known in the (Switzerland) acquired Allylix, with plans to market the
literature, some examples of terpenes include isoprene compounds nootkatone and valencene [526]. Since over
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 43 of 58
1 million kilos of oranges are needed to extract 1 kilo (NiO–TiO2), in the liquid-phase catalytic hydrogena-
of valencene, production of valencene via fermentation tion of xylose to xylitol. The effect of NiO additive in the
provides a more sustainable, economical, and reliable catalyst Ru/(NiO–TiO2) was reported to enhance the
supply chain [526]. The Evolva’s most valuable asset is conversion, yield, and selectivity to xylitol. At high tem-
nootkatone, which has potential in the > $1 billion insect- perature (140 °C), the conversion of xylose was increased
repellent market [527]. Isobionics (Netherlands) has also to an optimum level, but xylose to xylitol selectivity
developed yeast strains capable of producing nootka- decreased due to the formation of by-products. In con-
tone and valencene, and signed a distribution agreement trast, the hydrogenation of hydrolysate sugars from sug-
with DSM in 2014 [528]. At this stage, it is not possible arcane bagasse using a ruthenium (Ru 2%/C) catalyst at
to know if Evolva or Isobionics has a cost advantage, mild conditions (80 °C and 20 atm), resulted in the trans-
but Isobionics/DSM might be blocked from the insect formation of 87% of monosaccharides into polyols, and
repellent market, since Allylix filed in August 2013 a 91% of the total xylose into xylitol (high selectivity, 98%),
worldwide patent [527]. Patented engineered modified after 3 h [530]. There is no major technical barrier asso-
microorganisms were reported to be capable of ferment- ciated with the production of xylitol via hydrogenation
ing lignocellulosic-derived sugars. However, details on [163]. The main bottleneck for conversion of lignocel-
their efficiency or inhibitors resistance were not reported. lulosic biomass to xylitol is the lack of efficient and low
Since public literature on the fermentative production of cost technologies for conversion of biomass into pentose
terpenes is limited, and successfully engineered microor- sugars, for example, the high costs of pretreatment, sep-
ganisms are patented, it is difficult to draw a conclusion aration, and purification processes, as well as expensive
on the potential manufacture of terpenes from lignocel- alkaline/acid catalysts and corrosive-resistant equipment.
lulose. However, production of terpenes from glucose is Other barriers include the degradation of hemicellulosic
already available; thus, if glucose can be separated from components and the generation of inhibitory/toxic com-
the hydrolysate stream, terpenes can be produced from pounds [52].
lignocellulose as shown in Fig. 2. Alternatively, xylan can be hydrolyzed into xylose and
fermented into xylitol. Xylan consists of the main chain
Xylitol of xylopyranosyl residues linked by b-1,4-glycosidic
A sugar alcohol, or polyol, xylitol is an attractive diabetic bonds. Its enzymatic hydrolysis mainly requires endo-
sweetener which has similar taste to sucrose but contains b-1,4-xylanase (EC that cleaves b-1,4-glycosidic
40% fewer calories. Xylitol has applications in the food bonds to produce xylooligosaccharides and b-xylosidase
(confectioneries and chewing gums), odontological (anti- (EC, which, in turn, cleaves small xylooligosac-
cariogenicity, tooth rehardening, and remineralization), charides to produce xylose [531]. Several microorganisms
and pharmaceutical sectors [162]. In 2015, xylitol mar- have been developed to convert xylose to xylitol. Misra
ket was estimated at $624 million per year with a price of and co-workers [532] adapted a strain of C. tropicalis to
$3900 per tonne [162]. produce xylitol from detoxified corncob hemicellulosic
The traditional production of xylitol involves direct hydrolysate. The results showed that the strain resulted
chemical hydrogenation of xylose derived from xylan in a 1.22-fold increase in xylitol yield and a 1.70-fold
over a catalyst such as nickel, ruthenium, and rhodium enhancement in volumetric productivity, compared to
at high pressure and temperature, as shown in Fig. 6, the parent C. tropicalis strain. Lignocellulose is attractive
process A [529]. Yadav et al. [498] evaluated the activ- as a feedstock due to its low cost, abundance, and the fact
ity of a Ru catalyst on a NiO-modified TiO2 support, Ru/ that it is a renewable material. To lower the production
Fig. 6 Process diagram for the production of 2G ethanol and integrated process options for the production of xylitol from (red line): xylose and
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 44 of 58
cost of xylitol, separation and detoxification processes Technology Co. (6 ktpy), Tangyin Hung Industrial Co. (2
must be optimized or avoidED. For example, detoxifica- ktpy), Thomson Biotech Pte. (10 ktpy), Yucheng Lujian
tion by ion-exchange resins or activated charcoal adsorp- Biological Technology Co. (16 ktpy), Zhejiang Huakang
tion removed totally or partly inhibitors, such as furfural Enterprise Co. (20 ktpy), and Shijiang Acid Chemical
and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). However, detoxi- Co. (10 ktpy) [530]. DuPont produces 2 ktpy of xylitol
fication introduces sugar losses (5 to 10%) and increases (branded as XIVIATM) via the DuPont Wood Based
production costs. Thus, Ping et al. [533] evaluated the (DWB) process at its facility in Thomson, USA [530]
fermentative production of xylitol from detoxified and [535]. DuPont claimed that the carbon footprint of DWB
non-detoxified corncob hemicellulose acid hydrolysate xylitol is 90% lower than the xylitol produced by the bio-
by Candida tropicalis CCTCC M2012462. The authors mass hydrolysis process (BHP), which is the conventional
reported that xylitol production with dilute acid hydro- industry standard used by many of DuPont’s competi-
lysate medium did not seem to influence specific xylose tors [536]. In the BHP process, corncobs are acid hydro-
reductase activity, the main enzyme in charge of convert- lyzed to generate a hemicellulosic hydrolysate, consisting
ing xylose to xylitol. Nonetheless, there was a decrease of solubilized sugars like glucose, xylose, and arabinose.
in xylitol productivity with non-detoxified hydrolysate, Xylose is extracted using a purification and filtration
which was attributed to the lower biomass concentration processes. Xylose is then converted to xylitol via hydro-
and lag-phase time. It appears that furfural and HMF, genation, Fig. 6, process A. Finally, xylitol is recovered by
produced during pretreatment, have a major detrimental separation and evaporation to yield crystallized xylitol.
effect on the specific cell growth rate and biomass for- In the DWB process, the xylose facility is integrated
mation. The authors concluded that the biomass growth with a pulp and paper plant. Pulp and paper plants pro-
rate is essential for xylitol production, and recommended duce a waste side stream, consisting of black liquor that
the development of yeast with tolerance to the inhibi- is usually combusted to generate heat and electricity.
tory compounds present in the hydrolysates. To reduce Alternatively, the DWB process uses these side streams
the number of stages and operating equipment, Guo et al. to generate xylitol. Since the xylose in this feedstock is
[529] constructed a novel C. tropicalis for the direct con- already hydrolyzed, the DWB process does not require
version of corncob xylan to xylitol. The b-1,4-xylanase a hydrolysis process. The remaining side stream with
gene (atn) and b-xylosidase gene (atl) from Aspergil- reduced xylose and energy content is then incinerated
lus terreus were used to engineere C. tropicalis/pAUR- for energy production. The DWB method was reported
atn-atl-3 (C. tropicalis PNL3) capable of co-expressing to require significantly less energy (85% lower), and has
endo-b-1,4-xylanase and b-xylosidase. The xylitol yields less impact on toxicity for both land (94% less) and water
obtained using the C. tropicalis PNL3 to ferment xylan (99% less), and has less impact on ozone layer depletion
and corncob hydrolysate were 77.1% and 66.9%, respec- (86% less) than the BHP.
tively. Therefore, the integrated pathway of xylitol pro- Integration of the 2G bioethanol and xylitol process
duction appears to be feasible and efficient. However, seems to be technically viable because the sugars derived
technological bottlenecks exist in the fermentability of from lignocellulose can be hydrogenated to xylitol.
lignocellulosic streams, for example, the costly separa- Hydrolyzed xylose can be hydrogenated to xylitol, while
tion of xylitol from the fermentation broth, detoxification hexose sugars could be used to produce sorbitol, which
process, and low conversion yields [162]. may be converted to polyols. As mentioned earlier, the
In the mid-1950s, Roquette (France) developed a pro- barriers to viable production of lignocellulosic xylitol are
cess for manufacturing xylitol. In this process, starches the high cost of the lignocellulose to sugars conversion
are hydrolyzed to glucose and subsequently hydrogenated and the separation–purification of sugars and products.
to sorbitol which is then transformed to xylitol, maltitol, In 2016, S2G BioChem, a Canadian developer of natural
mannitol, and arabinitol (Fig. 6, process B) [530]. Xylitol biotechnology conversion processes, announced that it
lignocellulosic xylitol is a promising technology that and implementation of such microorganisms and cata-
could be a reality, particularly as part of a cellulosic lysts may not be immediate. The second barrier is related
biorefinery. to the fact that commercial technologies were devel-
oped to convert starch/molasses derivate sugar streams,
Conclusions high in glucose concentration, to chemicals. Most of the
Publications on the production of valuable bioproducts commercialized technologies are not designed to man-
have reviewed dozens of promising bio-based chemicals age sugar mixtures, such as the cellulosic hydrolysate
and materials that are on the bench, pilot plant, demon- which contains pentose and hexose sugars. As a result,
stration, or industrial stage. While most of the reported the design of microorganisms and catalysts capable of
biochemicals are on the bench and pilot plant stage, some converting multiple sugars is needed to maximize pro-
compounds have passed the demonstration stage, called duction yields. An alternative approach to co-producing
“valley of death,” reaching the commercial production. sugar-based chemicals and cellulosic ethanol is integrat-
2G bioethanol is a promising biofuel that has reached the ing the 1G and 2G bioethanol processes. In this arrange-
demonstration stage. However, the production cost of 2G ment, cellulosic ethanol could cover the ethanol demand,
bioethanol needs to be reduced to compete commercially while starch/molasses derivate sugars could be used to
with fossil fuels. This can be achieved by producing valu- produce chemicals by applying available technologies.
able materials and/or chemicals alongside 2G bioethanol. First-generation bioethanol is currently used to manu-
Thus, commercial technologies to produce biochemicals facture various compounds such as ethyl acetate, eth-
from sugars and ethanol can be implemented into the ylene, ethylene glycol, or acetic acid. Since the ethanol
cellulosic ethanol process. While technologies for the stream produced in the 2G ethanol process has no major
production of biochemicals have been successfully indus- impurities, commercialized technologies for the con-
trialized, the production of some of these biochemicals version of ethanol to biochemicals can be immediately
has stopped due to their non-competitive prices against integrated. By using a portion of the produced 2G etha-
fossil-based chemicals. Since the high cost of sugar- and nol to manufacture valuable chemicals, the 2G ethanol
starch-based feedstock has a major detrimental effect process can easily adapt to market changes by adjusting
on the production cost of biochemicals, the use of low- production rates. Since the 2G ethanol process is in the
cost cellulosic biomass as feedstock is being developed. demonstration stage, the conversion of cellulosic ethanol
Therefore, the production of biochemicals using cellu- to chemicals can add value to lignocellulose and increase
lose-based sugars or ethanol can improve the biochemi- the 2G bioethanol feasibility. Technologies for the con-
cals and bioethanol’s commercial competitiveness. version of ethanol to chemicals are considered mature
Sugars produced during the pretreatment of biomass and can be immediately applied. While techno-economic
and enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated biomass can be analyses are needed to determine the viability of produc-
converted into a wide range of chemicals such as 1,3-pro- ing chemicals from cellulosic ethanol, market analyses
panediol, acetone, n-butanol, itaconic acid, or xylitol. are crucial to assessing the market value and size of the
Thus, a portion of the hydrolysate stream generated in selected biochemicals.
the 2G bioethanol process can be used to manufacture Production of microfibrillated cellulose represents
biochemicals. However, two major barriers impede the a unique opportunity for the 2G bioethanol industry
immediate integration of the sugar-to-biochemicals because the solid residue produced after the hydrolysis
technologies into the 2G bioethanol process. The first is of pretreated lignocellulose, which is normally burned
the presence of by-products, generated during the pre- to produce steam and electricity, can be converted into
treatment stage, which has a detrimental effect on the a more valuable component. Microfibrillated cellulose
microorganisms and catalysts used to convert sugars to has applications in polymer reinforcement, and thus,
chemicals. Therefore, separation and purification tech- its market is expected to grow in the next decade. Since
nologies that remove detrimental compounds must be the production process of microfibrillated cellulose has
optimized and introduced into the 2G bioethanol pro- been successfully scaled up, it can be immediately inte-
cess to generate a relatively pure sugars stream. However, grated into the 2G bioethanol process. Co-production of
the development of such technologies requires exten- microfibrillated cellulose is an attractive opportunity to
sive research and their implementation will increase the increase the 2G bioethanol’s profitability, especially con-
capital and operating costs. Another option to reduce sidering the microfibrillated cellulose’s large number of
the negative effect of by-products on the 2G bioethanol potential applications and market value.
process is developing inhibitor-resistant microorganisms The technologies reviewed in this work have been
and/or catalysts. Nonetheless, successful development scaled up to industrial scale and can be integrated into
Rosales‑Calderon and Arantes Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:240 Page 46 of 58
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