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Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (2019 Scheme)

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Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (2019 Scheme)

Course Code:BMT204
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks) Marks
1 Elaborate the sensitivity of an instrument. (3)
2 Illustrate the ‘resolution’ in terms of voltage measurement. (3)
3 Design an appropriate DC bridge to find out the unknown resistance. (3)
4 Describe the working of a stepper motor. (3)
5 Discuss the concept of medical isolation amplifier. (3)
6 Mention the abbreviation of VCO and explain it. (3)
7 Explain briefly about quantization noise. (3)
8 Write a short note on ‘hold circuit’. (3)
9 Discuss the concept of LCD. (3)
10 Mention the applications of DSO. (3)
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)

Module -1
11 a) Explain the ‘Propagation of errors’ using appropriate example. (8)
b) Describe the PMMC mechanism with suitable diagram. (6)
12 a) Mention a few examples for (6)
(i) Electric units
(ii) Magnetic units
(iii) SI units
b) Elaborate the conversion of units on the basis of temperature. (8)
Module -2
13 a) Illustrate the working principle of Wein bridge with diagram. (7)
b) Describe the following in detail: (7)
(i) DC shunt motor (ii) DC series motor

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14 a) Write short notes on (7)

(i) Servo motor
(ii) Piezoelectric motor
b) Elaborate the features of (7)
(i) Synchronous motor
(ii) Three-phase induction motor
Module -3
15 a) With the help of block diagram explain in detail about PLL and its various (10)
b) Briefly mention the applications of PLL in medical instruments. (4)
16 a) Illustrate the working of two Op-amp ECG amplifier with appropriate diagram. (8)
b) Elaborate the safety standards in medical instruments. (6)
Module -4
17 a) Illustrate the sampling theorem with suitable diagrams and equations. (10)
b) Define Nyquist rate. (4)
18 a) Discuss the concept of (10)
(i) Tracking converters
(ii) Integrating converters
b) Compare the features of DAC and ADC. (4)
Module -5
19 a) Discuss the method of voltage and current measurement using CRO. (10)
b) Explain the working of Digital spectrum analyser. (4)
20 a) Write short notes on (10)
(i) Strip chart recorder
(ii) X-Y recorder
b) Briefly mention the construction of CRO. (4)

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