Ae302 A
Ae302 A
Ae302 A
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) What is degrees of freedom? Explain the relevance in designing a controller with (10)
an example?
b) Explain with example about a process with dead time. (5)
2 a) Explain Linearization of an equal percentage valve into linear valve. (5)
b) With the help of a neat sketch illustrate a pressure control loop diagram. (5)
c) Explain the different types of scaling. (5)
3 a) With a neat diagram explain the elements of process dynamics. (10)
b) Compare SLPC and MLPC. (5)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) What are the goals that determine the best tuning constants? (10)
b) Describe the method for fine tuning of controller with example. (5)
5 a) Explain feedback-feed forward control with suitable example. (8)
b) Draw the block diagram and examine the importance of cascade control using an (7)
6 a) Explain how correlation could be used for tuning controller with an example. (10)
b) What do you mean by the term Backlash? How can it be removed? (5)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) What are the different tuning methods for multi-loop control system? (5)
b) What is RGA? Mention the importance of RGA for predicting interaction in (5)
multivariable control system.
c) Explain the multi Loop control Performance through decoupling. (10)
8 a) Explain in detail about internal model control. (10)
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