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Mr3492 Esp Model QN Paper

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Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology

Chikkarayapuram, Near Mangadu, Chennai – 600 069.

Academic Year 2022-2023 / Even Semester
Model Examination
Branch : B.E-Mechatronics / IV Semester Date: 22.05.2023
Subject Code : MR3492 Marks: 100
Subject Name : Embedded Systems and Programming Time: 3 Hrs
Part – A (10 X 2 = 20)
1. List the various categories of the 8051 instructions. Give examples of the instructions for each group.
2. Compare CISC and RISC processors.
3. Define Assembler.
4. What is meant by SPI bus?
5. How is keyboard interfaced with micro controller?
6. Define RTC interfacing.
7. What are the modes of ARM 7.
8. Define thumb state registers.
9. What is meant by SoC?
10. Define GPIO.
Part – B (5 X 13=65)
11. a) Discuss and explain the architecture of 8051 with a neat block diagram. (13)
b) Define I/O ports of 8051 .Explain in detail about Architecture and functions of I/O ports
of 8051 Micro controller with neat diagram. (13)
12. a) Discuss about the following interfacing
(i) CAN (6)
(ii) I2C(7)
b) Draw and discuss about the TMOD register format and explain the different operating modes
of timer in 8051.(13)
13. a)(i) Prepare an assembly language program to multiply the given numbers 48H and 30H (6)
(ii) Write an assembly language program to interface D/A converter to generate saw-tooth
b)Explain with a neat diagram the closed loop control of servo motor using micro controller(13)
14. a) (i) Explain the various data operations involved in ARM 7. (7)
(ii)Illustrate the concept of data operation in ARM processor. (6)
b)State the difference between thumb and ARM instructions. Describe any of the eight thumb I
instructions. (13)
15. a)Explain the architecture of BCM2711 SoC in detail with neat block diagram.(13)
b)Explain in detail about how BCM2711 used in embedded design.(13)
Part – C (1 X 15= 15)
16. a)How does one interface 16x2 LCD display using 8051. (15)
b)Explain in detail about various addressing modes of 8051 Micro controller with neat diagram.(15)
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology
Chikkarayapuram, Near Mangadu, Chennai – 600 069.
Academic Year 2022-2023 / Even Semester
Model Examination
Branch : B.E-Mechatronics / IV Semester Date: 22.05.2023
Subject Code : MR3492 Marks: 100
Subject Name : Embedded Systems and Programming Time: 3 Hrs
Part – A (15 X 2 = 30)
1. How is the Program memory organized in an 8051 Micro controller?
2. What is the use of ALU?
3. Define Compiler.
4. What is meant by CAN bus?
5. Explain hand shaking and what re the hand shaking signals?
6. Lable the use of ISR and PR registers in 8259.
7. Define pipelining in ARM7.
8. Explain the register set of ARM7.
9. Define Single Board Computer (SBC)
10. Define RTOS.
Part – B (5 X 13 = 65)
11. a) What is meant by instruction? Briefly explain the all instruction set of 8051(13)
b) i) Explain in about Addressing Modes of 8051. (8)
ii)Write short notes on stack operation of 8051 Micro controller. (5)
12. a)Discuss about the following interfacing
(i) Bluetooth (6)
(ii) Wi-fi(7)
b)Explain in detail about the hardware and software support provided by 8051 for serial
communication. (13)
13. a)Explain in different modes of operation by serial port inn8051 in detail with its associated
b) Write an assembly language program to interface traffic light controller with 8051.(13)
14. a) With neat sketch explain the bus architecture of ARM Processor.(13)
b) Explain in detail about functional block diagram of ARM architecture. (13)
15. a) Explain in detail about
(i) GPIO
(ii) RTOS languages
b) Briefly explain about the RTOS which is used in BCM2711 SBC(13)
Part – C (1 X 15= 15)
16. a) Explain how the internal timers are used to generate time delay by using 8051 micro controller.
b)Write an assembly language program of HEX to ASCII conversion for ARM processor.(15)

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