Question Paper Code: X10375: Reg. No
Question Paper Code: X10375: Reg. No
Question Paper Code: X10375: Reg. No
(Regulations 2017)
Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks: 100
PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
PART- B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
11. a) Design a model train controller with suitable diagram and explain. (13)
b) Demonstrate the goal of design methodology in detail. (13)
12. a) Classify the ARM instruction set and explain any one type of instruction set
with example. (13)
b) Discuss about the types of stacks and subroutines supported by ARM processor. (13)
13. a) With the help of a flow chart describe the basic compilation process. (13)
b) Outline the Program level energy and power analysis and optimization. (13)
PART- C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
b) Illustrate video accelerator using UML methodology, from design flow analysis
to architectural design. (15)