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Medication Class Mechanism of Action Dosage Range Side Effects Nursing Implications/ Teaching Generic Name

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PO (Adults): 5-10 mg Assessment
GENERIC NAME Inhibits the transport once daily; CNS: headache, Monitor blood pressure
Therapeutic: of calcium into antihypertensive in dizziness, fatigue. and pulse before therapy,
amlodipine myocardial and fragile or small CV: peripheral edema, during dose titration, and
vascular smooth patients or patients angina, bradycardia, periodically during therapy.
TRADE NAME (S) muscle cells, resulting already receiving hypotension, palpitations. Monitor ECG periodically
Norvasc in inhibition of other during prolonged therapy.
excitation-contraction antihypertensives-- GI: gingival hyperplasia, Monitor intake and output
coupling and initiate at 2.5 mg/day, nausea. ratios and daily weight.
THERAPEUTIC subsequent increase as Derm: flushing. Assess for signs of CHF
EFFECT contraction. required/tolerated (up (peripheral edema,
to 10 mg/day) as an rales/crackles, dyspnea,
antihypertensive weight gain, jugular venous
Systemic vasodilation Additive hypotension
therapy with 2.5 distention). .
resulting in decreased Condition For mg/day in patients may occur when used Angina: Assess location,
blood pressure. concurrently with
Which Med Is with hepatic duration, intensity, and
Coronary vasodilation fentanyl, other
Ordered For This insufficiency. precipitating factors of
resulting in decreased antihypertensives,
PO (Geriatric patient's anginal pain.
frequency and severity Patient. nitrates, acute ingestion
of attacks of angina. Hypertension of alcohol, or quinidine.
Antihypertensive-- Advise patient to take
Initiate therapy at 2.5 Antihypertensive medication as directed,
mg/day, increase as effects may be ↓ by even if feeling well. Take
required/tolerated (up concurrent use of missed doses as soon as
to 10 mg/day); nonsteroidal anti- possible unless almost time
antianginal--initiate inflammatory agents. for next dose; do not double
therapy at 5 mg/day, May ↑ risk of doses. May need to be
increase as neurotoxicity with lithium. discontinued gradually.
required/tolerated (up Advise patient to avoid
to 10 mg/day). Drug-Food: large amounts (6-8 glasses
Grapefruit juice ↑ of grapefruit juice/day)
serum levels and effect. during therapy.
Instruct patient on correct
technique for monitoring
pulse. Instruct patient to
contact health care
professional if heart rate is
<50 bpm.
Caution patient to
change positions slowly to
minimize orthostatic
May cause drowsiness or
dizziness. Advise patient to
avoid driving or other
activities requiring alertness
until response to the
medication is known.
Instruct patient on
importance of maintaining
good dental hygiene and
seeing dentist frequently for
teeth cleaning to prevent
tenderness, bleeding, and
gingival hyperplasia (gum
Instruct patient to avoid
concurrent use of alcohol or
OTC medications,
especially cold
preparations, without
consulting health care
Advise patient to notify
health care professional if
irregular heartbeats,
dyspnea, swelling of hands
and feet, pronounced
dizziness, nausea,
constipation, or
hypotension occurs or if
headache is severe or
Caution patient to wear
protective clothing and use
sunscreen to prevent
photosensitivity reactions.
Advise patient to inform
health care professional of
medication regimen before
treatment or surgery. .
Angina: Instruct patient
on concurrent nitrate or
beta-blocker therapy to
continue taking both
medications as directed
and to use SL nitroglycerin
as needed for anginal
Advise patient to contact
health care professional if
chest pain does not
improve or worsens after
therapy, if it occurs with
diaphoresis, if shortness of
breath occurs, or if severe,
persistent headache
Caution patient to
discuss exercise
restrictions with health care
professional before
exertion. .
Encourage patient to
comply with other
interventions for
hypertension (weight
reduction, low-sodium diet,
smoking cessation,
moderation of alcohol
consumption, regular
exercise, and stress
management). Medication
controls but does not cure
Instruct patient and
family in proper technique
for monitoring blood
pressure. Advise patient to
take blood pressure weekly
and to report significant
changes to health care
Mild to Moderate Assess cognitive function
GENERIC NAME Inhibits Alzheiner's Disease CNS: headache, (memory, attention,
Therapeutic: anti- acetylcholinesterase PO (Adults): 5 mg abnormal dreams, reasoning, language, ability
donepezil thus improving once daily; after 4-6 depression, dizziness, to perform simple tasks)
Alzheimer's agents
cholinergic function by wk may increase to 10 drowsiness, fatigue, periodically during therapy.
TRADE NAME (S) making more mg once daily (dose insomnia, syncope, Administer Mini-Mental
acetylcholine available. should not exceed 5 sedation (unusual). Status Exam (MMSE)
Aricept, Aricept mg/day in frail, elderly CV: atrial fibrillation, initially and periodically as a
ODT females). hypertension, screening tool to rate
hypotension, vasodilation. cognitive functioning.
Condition For Severe Alzheimer's Administer Clock
THERAPEUTIC Which Med Is Disease GI: diarrhea, nausea, Drawing Test initially and
EFFECT Ordered For This PO (Adults): 10 mg anorexia, vomiting, periodically as a screening
once daily (dose weight gain (unusual). tool to measure severity of
Patient. should not exceed 10 GU: frequent urination. dementia.
May temporarily Alzheimer’s Disease mg/day). Derm: ecchymoses. Monitor heart rate
lessen some of the
Metab: hot flashes, periodically during therapy.
dementia associated
weight loss. May cause bradycardia.
with Alzheimer's
MS: arthritis, muscle
disease. Enhances
cramps. Emphasize the
cognition. Does not
importance of taking
cure the disease.
donepezil daily, as directed.
Missed doses should be
Exaggerates muscle
skipped and regular
relaxation from
schedule returned to the
following day. Do not take
Interferes with the
more than prescribed;
action of
higher doses do not
increase effects but may
↑ cholinergic effects of
increase side effects.
Inform patient/family that
May ↑ risk of GI
it may take weeks before
bleeding from NSAIDs.
improvement in baseline
Quinidine and
behavior is observed.
ketoconazole ↓
Caution patient and
metabolism of donepezil. caregiver that donepezil
Rifampin, may cause dizziness.
carbamazepine, Advise patient and
dexamethasone, caregiver to notify health
phenobarbital, and care professional if nausea,
phenytoin induce the vomiting, diarrhea, or
enzymes that metabolize changes in color of stool
donepezil and may ↓ its occur or if new symptoms
effects. occur or previously noted
Drug-Natural: Jimson symptoms increase in
weed and scopolia may severity.
antagonize cholinergic Advise patient and
effects. caregiver to notify health
care professional of
medication regimen before
treatment or surgery.
Emphasize the
importance of follow-up
exams to monitor progress;
atypical antipsychotics may
be used as an adjunct to
improve behavior.
Binds to an enzyme PO (Adults): Assessment
GENERIC NAME on gastric parietal cells GERD/erosive CNS: dizziness, Assess patient routinely
Therapeutic: in the presence of esophagitis--20 mg drowsiness, fatigue, for epigastric or abdominal
Omeprazole acidic gastric pH, once daily.Duodenal headache, weakness. pain and frank or occult
antiulcer agents
preventing the final ulcers associated with CV: chest pain. blood in the stool, emesis,
TRADE NAME (S) transport of hydrogen H. pylori--40 mg daily GI: abdominal pain, acid or gastric aspirate.
ions into the gastric in the morning with regurgitation, Lab Test
Losec, Prilosec, lumen. clarithromycin for 2 constipation, diarrhea, Considerations: Monitor
Prilosec OTC, wk, then 20 mg once flatulence, nausea, CBC with differential
daily for 2 wk or 20 mg vomiting. periodically during therapy.
twice daily with Derm: itching, rash. May cause ↑ AST, ALT,
Condition For clarithromycin 500 mg Misc: allergic reactions. alkaline phosphatase, and
THERAPEUTIC Which Med Is twice daily and bilirubin.
EFFECT Ordered For This amoxicillin 1000 mg May cause serum gastrin
twice daily for 10 days concentrations to ↑ during
Patient. Omeprazole is
(if ulcer is present at first 1-2 wk of therapy.
Diminished GERD metabolized by the
beginning of therapy, Levels return to normal
accumulation of acid in CYP450 enzyme system
continue omeprazole after discontinuation of
the gastric lumen with and may compete with
20 mg daily for 18 omeprazole.
lessened other agents metabolized
more days); has also Monitor INR and
gastroesophageal by this system.
been used with prothrombin time in patients
reflux. Healing of ↓ metabolism and may
clarithromycin and taking warfarin.
duodenal ulcers. ↑ effects of Rx antifungal
metronidazole. Gastric
ulcer--40 mg once Instruct patient to take
am, digoxin,
daily for 4-6 wk. medication as directed for
flurazepam, triazolam,
Reduction of the risk the full course of therapy,
of GI bleeding in even if feeling better. Take
disulfiram, phenytoin,
critically ill patients--40 missed doses as soon as
tacroilimus, and
mg initially, then remembered but not if
another 40 mg 6-8 hr almost time for next dose.
May interfere with
later, followed by 40 Do not double doses.
absorption of drugs
mg once daily for up to May cause occasional
requiring acidic gastric
14 days.Gastric drowsiness or dizziness.
pH, including esters of
hypersecretory Caution patient to avoid
ampicillin, iron salts,
conditions--60 mg driving or other activities
once daily initially; digoxin, requiring alertness until
may be increased up cyanocobalamine, and response to medication is
to 120 mg 3 times ketoconazole. known.
daily (doses >80 Has been used safely Advise patient to consult
mg/day should be with antacids. health care professional
given in divided May ↑ risk of bleeding before taking any Rx, OTC,
doses); OTC-- 20 mg with warfarin (monitor or herbal products with
once daily for up to 14 INR/PT). omeprazole.
days. Advise patient to avoid
PO (Children >2 yr alcohol, products containing
and <20 kg): 10 mg aspirin or NSAIDs, and
once daily. foods that may cause an
PO (Children >2 yr increase in GI irritation.
and ≥20 kg): 20 mg Advise patient to report
once daily. onset of black, tarry stools;
PO (Children): diarrhea; abdominal pain;
Alternative dosing--1 or persistent headache to
mg/kg/day given once health care professional
or divided twice daily promptly.
(range of doses in the
literature: 0.2-3.5
Adjunctive therapy of
duodenal ulcers
associated with H.
pylori--15-30 kg: 10
mg BID; >30 kg: 20
mg BID.
Inhibits platelet Recent MI, Stroke, or Assessment
GENERIC NAME aggregation by Peripheral Vascular Incidence of adverse Assess patient for
Therapeutic: irreversibly inhibiting Disease reactions similar to that of symptoms of stroke,
Clopidogrel the binding of ATP to PO (Adults): 75 mg aspirin peripheral vascular
antiplatelet agents
platelet receptors. once daily. CNS: depression, disease, or MI periodically
TRADE NAME (S) dizziness, fatigue, during therapy.
Condition For Acute Coronary headache. Monitor patient for signs
Plavix Syndrome EENT: epistaxis. of thrombotic thrombocytic
Which Med Is PO (Adults): 300 mg Resp: cough, dyspnea. purpura (thrombocytopenia,
Ordered For This initially, then 75 mg CV: chest pain, edema, microangiopathic hemolytic
THERAPEUTIC once daily; aspirin 75- hypertension. anemia, neurologic
EFFECT 325 mg once daily GI: GI BLEEDING, findings, renal dysfunction,
PVD (Peripheral should be given abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever). May rarely occur,
Vascular Disease) concurrently. dyspepsia, gastritis. even after short exposure
Decreased occurrence
of atherosclerotic Derm: pruritus, purpura, (<2 wk). Requires prompt
events in patients at rash. treatment.
risk. Hemat: BLEEDING, Lab Test
NEUTROPENIA, Considerations: Monitor
THROMBOTIC bleeding time during
THROMBOCYTOPENIC therapy. Prolonged
PURPURA. Metab: bleeding time, which is
hypercholesterolemia. time- and dose-dependent,
MS: arthralgia, back pain. is expected.
Monitor CBC with
Misc: fever, differential and platelet
hypersensitivity reactions. count periodically during
therapy. Neutropenia and
thrombocytopenia may
rarely occur.
May cause ↑ serum
abciximab, eptifibatide,
bilirubin, hepatic enzymes,
tirofiban, aspirin,
total cholesterol, nonprotein
NSAIDs, heparin,
nitrogen (NPN), and uric
acid concentrations.
thrombolytic agents,
Instruct patient to take
ticlopidine, or warfarin medication exactly as
may ↑ risk of bleeding. directed. Take missed
May ↓ metabolism and doses as soon as possible
↑ effects of phenytoin, unless almost time for next
tolbutamide, tamoxifen, dose; do not double doses.
torsemide, fluvastatin, Advise patient to notify
and many NSAIDs. health care professional
Drug-Natural: ↑ promptly if fever, chills, sore
bleeding risk with anise, throat, or unusual bleeding
arnica, chamomile, or bruising occurs.
clove, fenugreek, Advise patient to notify
feverfew, garlic, ginger, health care professional of
ginkgo, Panax ginseng, medication regimen prior to
and others. treatment or surgery.
Instruct patient to avoid
taking OTC medications
containing aspirin or
NSAIDs without consulting
health care professional.
Children ≤12 yr should Assessment
GENERIC NAME Therapeutic: Inhibits the not receive >5 GI: HEPATIC FAILURE, Assess overall health
antipyretics, doses/24 hr without HEPATOTOXICITY(OVE status and alcohol usage
Acetaminophen synthesis of
nonopioid analgesics notifying physician or RDOSE). before administering
prostaglandins that
other health care GU: renal failure (high acetaminophen. Patients
may serve as
TRADE NAME (S) professional. doses/chronic use). who are malnourished or
mediators of pain
Hemat: neutropenia, chronically abuse alcohol
and fever, primarily
Tylenol PO (Adults and pancytopenia, are at higher risk of
in the CNS.
Children > 12 yr): leukopenia. Derm: rash, developing hepatotoxicity
Has no significant
325-650 mg q 4-6 hr urticaria. with chronic use of usual
THERAPEUTIC anti-inflammatory or 1 g 3-4 times daily doses of this drug.
EFFECT properties or GI or 1300 mg q 8 hr (not Assess amount,
toxicity. Drug/Drug:
to exceed 4 g or 2.5 frequency, and type of
Chronic high-dose
Analgesia. Antipyresis g/24 hr in patients with drugs taken in patients self-
acetaminophen (>2
hepatic/renal medicating, especially with
g/day) may ↑ risk of
impairment). OTC drugs. Prolonged use
bleeding with warfarin
Condition For PO (Children 1-12 of acetaminophen
(PT should be monitored
yr): 10-15 mg/kg/dose increases the risk of
Which Med Is regularly and INR should
q 4-6 hr as needed adverse renal effects. For
not exceed 4).
Ordered For This (not to exceed 5 short-term use, combined
Hepatotoxicity is
doses/24 hr). doses of acetaminophen
Patient. additive with other
PO (Infants): 10-15 and salicylates should not
Pain, as needed. hepatotoxic
mg/kg/dose q 4-6 hr exceed the recommended
substances, including
as needed (not to dose of either drug given
exceed 5 doses/24 alone. .
Concurrent use of
hr). Pain: Assess type,
PO (Neonates): 10-15 location, and intensity prior
isoniazid, rifampin,
mg/kg/dose q 6-8 hr to and 30-60 min following
rifabutin, phenytoin,
as needed. administration.
barbiturates, and
Rect (Adults and Fever: Assess fever;
carbamazepine may ↑
Children > 12 yr): note presence of
the risk of
325-650 mg q 4-6 hr associated signs
as needed or 1 g 3-4 (diaphoresis, tachycardia,
liver damage (limit self-
times/day (not to and malaise).
medication); these agents
exceed 4 g/24 hr). Lab Test
Rect (Children 1-12 will also ↓ therapeutic Considerations: Evaluate
yr): 10-20 mg/kg/dose effects of acetaminophen. hepatic, hematologic, and
q 4-6 hr as needed. renal function periodically
Rect (Infants): 10-20 Concurrent NSAIDs ↑ during prolonged, high-
mg/kg/dose q 4-6 hr the risk of adverse renal dose therapy.
as needed. effects (avoid chronic May alter results of blood
Rect (Neonates): 10- concurrent use). glucose monitoring. May
15 mg/kg/dose q 6-8 Propranolol ↓ cause falsely ↓ values when
hr as needed. metabolism and may ↑ measured with glucose
effects. oxidase/peroxidase
May ↓ effects of method, but probably not
lamotrigine and with hexokinase/G6PD
zidovudine. method. May also cause
falsely ↑ values with certain
instruments; see
manufacturer's instruction
Increased serum
bilirubin, LDH, AST, ALT,
and prothrombin time may
indicate hepatotoxicity. .
Toxicity and Overdose:
If overdose occurs,
acetylcysteine (Acetadote)
is the antidote.

Advise patient to take

medication exactly as
directed and not to take
more than the
recommended amount.
Chronic excessive use of >
4 g/day (2 g in chronic
alcoholics) may lead to
hepatotoxicity, renal or
cardiac damage. Adults
should not take
acetaminophen longer than
10 days and children not
longer than 5 days unless
directed by health care
professional. Short-term
doses of acetaminophen
with salicylates or NSAIDs
should not exceed the
recommended daily dose of
either drug alone.
Advise patient to avoid
alcohol (3 or more glasses
per day increase the risk of
liver damage) if taking more
than an occasional 1-2
doses and to avoid taking
concurrently with salicylates
or NSAIDs for more than a
few days, unless directed
by health care professional.

Pedi: Advise parents or

caregivers to check
concentrations of liquid
preparations. Errors have
resulted in serious liver
damage. Have parents or
caregivers determine the
correct formulation and
dose for their child (based
on the child's age/weight),
and demonstrate how to
measure it using an
appropriate measuring
Inform patients with
diabetes that
acetaminophen may alter
results of blood glucose
monitoring. Advise patient
to notify health care
professional if changes are
Caution patient to check
labels on all OTC products.
Advise patients to avoid
taking more than one
product containing
acetaminophen at a time to
prevent toxicity.
Advise patient to consult
health care professional if
discomfort or fever is not
relieved by routine doses of
this drug or if fever is
greater than 39.5°C (103°F)
or lasts longer than 3 days.

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