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Pre Eclampsia Drug Stufy

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Drug Name Drug Action Adverse effect/Side Nursing Nursing

effects assessment/Pt. Responsibility

1.Hydralazine HCL
Indications: CNS:dizziness,drowsiness, -Monitor blood pressure
a. Brand Name: Apresoline -Management of heart headache; and pulse frequency
hcl failure to patients. during initial dose
b. Generic name: CV:tachcardia,angina,arrhyt adjustment report
Hydralazine Action: hmias, significant changes.
c. Classifications: -Vasodilator w/effects on edema,orthostatic -Monitor frequency of
Therapeutic: vasodilatorsboth arteries and hypotension prescription refills to
Pharmacologic: veins,and hydralazine,a determine adherence.
vasodilators predominantly arterial GI:diarrhea,nausea,vomiting -Lab test consideration:
vasodilators. If symptoms of systemic
d. Dose/Route: PO(Adults): 1 - Therapeutic effect: DERM:Rashes lupus erythematosus
tab TID ,may be increased to Improved occur obtain a CBC and
2 tab TID survival,increase time to ANA titer.
hospitalization and
decrease symptoms of
f. Frequency: heart failure.

2.Magnesium Sulfate
Indication: Treatment of CNS:drowsiness. Hypermagnesemia,hyop
a. Brand Name: magnesium hypertension. calcemia,anuria,heat
sulfate Anticonvulusant Resp: decreased RR. block,active labor within
b. Generic name: associated 2 hrsof delivery
c. Classification: w/eclampsia,pre- CV:arrhythmias,bradicarrdia
Therapeutic: mineral and eclampsia or acute ,hypotension; Use Causiously:any
electrolyte replacement nephritis. degree of renal
Pharmacologic: GI:diarrhea;MS:muscle insufficiency
minerals/electrolytes Action: Essential for the weakness.;
activity of many
d. Dose/Route: IV,IM (adults) enzymes.Plays an DERM:flushing,sweating.
Eclmapsia/Pre-eclampsia— important role in the
4-5 by IV infusion, neurotransmission and Metab:hypothermia
concurrently w/ up to 5 g IM muscular excitability.
in each buttocks;then4-5 g
IM q 4 hr by IV infusion Therapeutic Effect:
followed by 1 -2 g/hr Replacement in
continous infusion. deficiency states.
e. Frequency: Resolution of eclampsia.

3. Dexamethasone
Suppresion of CNS:depression,euphoria,h Asses involves systems
a.Brand Name inflammation and eadache,increased before and periodically
:dexamethasone intensol modification of the intracranial pressure therapy
b. Generic Name: normal immune - Monitor intake
Dexamethasone response. Replacement CV:hypertension and ouputs ratio
c. Classification: therapy in adrenal and daily weights
Corticosteroids insufficiency GI:anorexia,nausea, - Cerebral edema:
vomiting assess patient for
d.Dose/Route:PO,IM,IV; MS:muscle wasting, changes in level
(antiniflamatory—0.75-9 md osteoporosis of consciousness
dailr in divided doses q 6 -12 and headache
hours. during therapy.
- Airway edema or
extubation---0.5-2 mg/kg
daily divided q 6hr. beginning
24 hr. prior to extubation and
continoue for 24 hr
-Cerebral edema—10 mg
IV ,then 4 mg IM or IV q 6 hr
until maximal response
achieved ,then swithch to PO
regimen and tape over 5-7

4. Methyldopa
Indication: management -monitor BP and pulse
a. Brand Name: methldopa of moderate to severe CNS: sedation frequency during initial
b: Generic nae: methyldopa hypertension dose adjustmenyt and
c:Classification: GU:erectile dysfunction periodically during
Action : Lowering of therapy.
Therapeutic:antihypertensive blood pressure EENT: nasal stuffiness -assess patient for
s depression or other
Pharmacologic:centrally mental status
acting antiadrenegics -monitor temp during
therapy.Drug therapy
d.Route/Dosage: PO (adults) may occur shortly after
250-500 mg 2-3 times a inhalation of therapy
day ;may be increased q2
days as needed;usual
maintenance dose is 500mg
—2g/day (not to exceed

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