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Drug Study Sa Pharma

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Drug Study

Patient’s Name/Initials:


Dx/Imp: S/P LTCS G2P2 (2002) PU delivered live baby boy, birth weight 2.2, BL 46 cm

Generic Patient’s Therapeutic Drug MOA Side Effect/s Drug Interaction/s Nursing
Name Dosage/Frequency Classification Indication: Adverse Effect/s Drug-to-Drug Responsibilities:
(Brand Date Pregnancy Category Contraindication: Food-to-Drug (I/C/D/ functions)
Name) Started/Ended/Shift Controlled-Substance -
ed Assessment/Monitori
-Health Teaching/
Paracetam 600 mg slow IV q6 Classification: MOA: Paracetamol produces Side Effects: Drug: Paracetamol •Assess patient’s
ol x 4 doses (Diluted Analgesic (Opioid), analgesia by raising the Skin rashes, may enhance the fever or pain: type of
(Aeknil) in PNSS to make Antipyretic threshold of the pain center in blood disorders activity of coumarin pain, location,
10 cc solution. Pregnancy Category C the brain and by obstructing and a swollen anticoagulants, but intensity, duration,
Started on impulses at the pain-mediating pancreas have the effect is not temperature, and
03/02/2020 chemoreceptors. The drug occasionally generally of clinical diaphoresis.
produces antipyresis by an happened in significance.
action on the hypothalamus; people taking the •Assess allergic
heat dissipation is increased as drug on a regular reactions: rash,
a result of vasodilation and basis for a long urticaria; if these
increased peripheral blood flow. time. occur, drug may
have to be
Indication: Used to relieve Adverse discontinued.
moderate to moderately severe reactions: Skin
pain, including pain after eruption, •Teach patient to
surgery. hematological recognize signs of
Contraindication: toxicity, chronic overdose:
Hypersensitivity to paracetamol methemoglobine bleeding, bruising,
or any of the other mia which can malaise, fever, sore
ingredients/components of the result in cyanosis, throat.
product. Severe and active and on long-term
hepatic impairment. use, renal • Advise patient that
drug is only for short
damage can term use and to
result. consult the physician
if giving to adults for
longer than 10 days.

Ketorolac 30 mg IV q6 x 4 Classification: MOA: Ketorolac, a pyrrolizine Side Effects: Drug: May •Assess onset, type,
(Kortezor) doses Pharmacotherapeutic: carboxylic acid derivative, is an Frequent (17%- decrease effects of location, duration of
Started on Nonsteroidal Anti- NSAID that reversibly inhibits 12%): Headache, antihypertensives, pain. Obtain baseline
03/02/2020 Inflammatory Drug (NSA cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (COX- Nausea, diuretics, Aspirin, renal/hepatic
ID) 1 and -2) enzymes, resulting in abdominal NSAIDs, other function tests.
Clinical: Analgesic, decreased formation of cramps, salicylates may •Monitor renal
Intraocular anti- prostaglandin precursors. It has dyspepsia. increase risk of GI function, LFT, urinary
inflammatory antipyretic, anti-inflammatory Occasional side effects, output.
Pregnancy Category C and analgesic properties. (9%=3%): bleeding. May •Monitor daily pattern
(First and Second Indication: Short term (<2 Diarrhea, nasal increase risk of of Bowel Activity
Trimester) days) management of moderate discomfort, bleeding with •Observe for occult
Pregnancy Category D to severe acute postoperative rhinalgia, increase heparin, oral blood loss
(Third Trimester) pain. lacrimation, throat anticoagulants, •Assess for
Contraindication: irritation, rhinitis, thrombolytics. May therapeutic
Hypersensitivity to ketorolac, transient stinging, increase response: relief of
aspirin or other NSAIDs. burning. concentration, risk pain, stiffness,
Intracranial bleeding, Rare (3%-1%): of toxicity of swelling; increase
hemorrhagic diathesis, high risk Constipation, lithium. May joint mobility;
of bleeding, concomitant use of vomiting, increase risk of reduced joint
probenecid or pentoxifylline, flatulence, methotrexate tenderness; improve
labor and delivery, stomatitis, ocular toxicity. grip strength.
breastfeeding, advance renal irritation, allergic Probenecid may •Monitor for bleeding
impairment, active peptic ulcer reactions, increase •Advised patient to
disease, chronic inflammation superficial ocular concentration. avoid aspirin and
of GI tract, GI bleeding/ infection, keratitis. Food: None known alcohol
Ulceration. Adverse Effects: •Report abdominal
Peptic Ulcer, GI pain, bloody stools,
bleeding, gastritis, or vomiting blood. If
severe hepatic GI upset occurs, take
reaction occur with food.
may occur in pts
with preexisting
renal impairment.
reaction occurs
Celecoxib 200mg 1 tab BID Classification: MOA: Inhibits cyclooxygenase- Side Effects: Drug: May • Assess onset, type,
(Celebrex) PO once on EL Pharmacotherapeutic: 2, the enzyme responsible for Frequent (5%- decrease location, duration of
NSAID prostaglandin synthesis. 16%): Diarrhea, antihypertensive pain
Clinical: Anti- Indication: Osteoarthritis, dyspepsia, effect of ACE •Inspect appearance
inflammatory Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile headache, upper inhibitors and of affected joints for
Pregnancy Category C Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acute respiratory tract angiotensin II immobility, deformity,
(First and Second Pain, Primary Dysmenorrhea, infection antagonists. skin condition
Trimester) Ankylosing Spondylitis. Occasional (less Fluconazole may •Assess for allergy to
Pregnancy Category D Contraindication: than 5%): significantly sulfa, aspirin or
(Third Trimester) Hypersensitivity to aspirin, Abdominal pain, increase NSAIDs
NSAIDS, sulfonamides. flatulence, concentration. May •Assess for
Treatment of perioperative pain nausea, backpain, increase lithium therapeutic response
in coronary artery bypass graft peripheral edema, concentration. •Advise patient if Gi
surgery. dizziness, Warfarin may upset occurs, take
insomnia, rash. increase risk of with food
Adverse Effects: bleeding. Aspirin •Advise patient to
Increase risk of may increase risk avoid aspirin, and
cardiovascular of celecoxib- alcohol.
events, Serious induced GI •Immediately report
potentially life ulceration, other GI chest pain, jaw pain,
threatening GI complication. sweating, confusion,
bleeding. Food: none known difficulty speaking,
one sided weakness.
Tramadol 50 mg slow IV q5 Classification: MOA: Binds to mu-opiods Side Effects: Drug: Alcohol, •Assess onset, type,
(Tramal) PRN for moderate- Pharmacotherapeutic: receptors and inhibits the Frequent (15%- other CNS location, duration of
severe pain Centrally Acting reuptake of norepinephrine and 25%): Dizziness, depressants may pain. Assess drug
synthetic opioid serotonin; causes many effects vertigo, nausea, increase CNS history, esp.
analgesic similar to the opiods. constipation, depression. carbamazepine,
Clinical: Analgesic Indication: Moderate to severe headache, Carbamazepine analgesics, CNS
Pregnancy Category C pain drowsiness. decreases depressants, MAOIs.
Contraindication: hypersensiti Occasional (5%- concentration/effec Review past medical
vity to tramadol or opioids or 10%): Vomiting, ts. CYP2D6
acute intoxication with alcohol, pruritus, CNS inhibitors, CYP2D6 history, Esp.
hypnotics, analgesics, opioids stimulation, inhibitors, triptans, epilepsy, seizures.
or other psychotropic medicinal asthenia, SSRIs, tricyclic •Monitor pulse, B/P,
products; in patients who are diaphoresis, antidepressants renal/ hepatic
receiving MAO inhibitors or who dyspepsia, dry may increase risk function.
have taken them within the last mouth, diarrhea. of seizures, risk of •Assist with
14 days (refer to Interactions); Rare (less than serotonin ambulation if
in patients with epilepsy not 5%): Malaise, syndrome. dizziness, vertigo
adequately controlled by vasodilation, Food: none known occurs.
treatment; for use in narcotic anorexia, •Palpate bladder for
withdrawal treatment. flatulence, rash, fluid retention.
blurred vision, •Monitor daily BM,
urinary stool consistency.
retention/frequenc •Assess for clinical
y, menopausal improvement, record
symptoms. onset of relief of pain
Adverse Effects: •Advice patient to
Seizures, avoid alcohol, OTC
prolonged medications
duration of action, (analgesics,
cumulative effect sedatives).
in pts with • Report severe
hepatic/renal constipation,
impairment, difficulty breathing,
serotonin excessive sedation,
syndrome. seizures, muscle
weakness, tremors,
chest pain,

Prepared By:


Student Nurse/ Signature


Area: Delivery Room

Date of duty: 03/02/2020

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