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Forcadilla Medsurg Drug Study

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Student’s Name: Kiara M.

Forcadilla Year Level & Section BSN 3B Date:

Pharmacological Nursing Study (Drug Study) on Medical Surgical Nursing

Generic/Brand Dose Strength & Indication/ Mechanism Adverse/Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Client Teaching Evaluation
Name & Drug Formulation of Drug Action & Drug Interaction
Anticholinergics Dose Strength: Indications: Adverse Effects: - Identify if the To decrease the - Verbally instruct - Observe the
Prescription medication CNS: headache, patient is allergy level of risk on the patient to patient's
Generic Name: Preanesthetic used as an antidote for restlessness, insomnia, to the medication having adverse report if a sudden response to the
IV, IM, cholinergic drug dizziness that will be given effects reaction occurs treatment
Atropine sulfate Subcutaneous: overdose or mushroom such as with (improvement
ADULTS, poisoning as well as to CV: bradycardia, atropine, - Take the in condition
Brand Name: ELDERLY: treat the symptoms of palpitations, homatropine and medicine on the being treated).
0.4–0.6 mg 30–60 low heart rate tachycardia scopolamine specified time
AtroPen min preop. (bradycardia), lower (for tablet) - Observe for
saliva and bronchial EENT: blurred vision, - Monitor vital To determine negative
Drug Classification: CHILDREN secretions before to mydriasis, signs such as the the baseline - Instruct the impacts (e.g.,
WEIGHING 5 KG surgery, and treat photophobia, blood pressure assessment for patient to exert photophobia,
Acetylcholine OR MORE: symptoms of cycloplegia, increased urine output and adjusting the pressure heat
antagonist 0.01– 0.02 bradycardia. intraocular pressure ECH pattern. dose. on during the intolerance,
mg/kg/dose to administration of urinary
maximum of 0.4 EENT: blurred vision, the ophthalmic retention).
mg/dose.  Symptomatic mydriasis, - Discuss the To increase solution and for
Minimum dose: bradycardia, photophobia, nature of the understanding one to two - Tracking patient
0.1 mg bradyarrhythmia cycloplegia, increased drug to the of minutes medication
(junctional or intraocular pressure patient using pharmacological afterward compliance.
CHILDREN scape rhythm) terms that is therapy and (ophthalmic
WEIGHING LESS  Antidote for GU: urine retention related to the encourage solutions)
THAN 5 KG: anticholinesteras patient’s culture. compliance.
0.02 mg/kg/dose e-insecticide Other: anaphylaxis - Do not combine
30–60 min preop poisoning this medication
with any other
anticholinergics u
Bradycardia IV:  Reducing nless specifically
ADULTS, secretions and instructed to do
ELDERLY: inhibiting cardiac so.
0.5–1 mg q5min, vagal responses
not to exceed prior to surgery Side Effects: - Avoid hazardous
total of 3 mg or  Adjunct tasks if dizziness,
0.04 mg/kg. treatment of Frequent: drowsiness, or
peptic ulcer Throat, nose, and blurred vision
CHILDREN: disease; mouth may be dry, occurs.
0.02 mg/kg with functional GI diarrhea due to
a minimum of 0.1 disorders such as decrease GI motility,
mg to a maximum irritable bowel redness at the injection
of 0.5 mg as a syndrome; site (which may be mild
single dose. May salivation and or severe), and
repeat in 5 min. bronchial decreased sweating
Maximum total reduction; CNS Occasional:
dose: conditions such Dysphagia, blurred
1 mg. as parkinsonism; vision, bloated feeling,
ureteral and impotence, urinary
Formulation: biliary colic hesitancy
Atropine sulfate  Acute Iritis
is available in the
form of:
Drug Action: Drug Interaction:
 Tablet
form Tends to increase Drug: Drugs under
 Injection conduction across the anticholinergics agents
form AV node, inhibits may elevate the effects
 Ophthalm acetylcholine at the
ic parasympathetic Herbal: None
ointment neuroeffector junction, significant
blocks vagal actions on
the SA and AV nodes, Food: None Known
 Ophthalm and elevates heart rate.
ic Blocks in ophthalmic use
solution pupillary dilating and
paralysis are brought on
by cholinergic
stimulation of the iris
and ciliary bodies.
Generic/Brand Dose Strength & Indication/ Mechanism Adverse/Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities Rational Client Teaching Evaluation
Name & Drug Formulation of Drug Action & Drug Interaction e
Anticholinergic Indication: Commonly Observed - Administer To avoid GI Educating patients upon - track the
1. 25-, 50- Side Effects: antihistamine distress taking antihistamines: patient's
Generic Name: mg tablet - Rhinitis with food response to the
Adult: 25-50 mg - Allergy - Drowsiness - To avoid GI medication
Diphenhydramine q4-6h symptoms - Dizziness - If possible, To decrease distress, take the (relief of the
- Motion sickness - Stomach upset increase the thickened medication with symptoms of
Brand Name: 2. 12.5 - Parkinson’s - Constipation patient's secretions meals or between allergic rhinitis).
mg/5 ml disease - Dry hydration intake, meals.
Benadryl syrup mouth/Nose/t or add humidity - Observe for
Adult 6-12 yr: hroat to the air - Refrain from negative
Classification: 12.5-25 mg q4-6h Drug Action: - Headache exposing caffeine, impacts (skin
- Anorexia - Encourage the To lower the risk nicotine, and dryness, GI
Antihistamine Formulations: Competes for H1 with patient to void of urinary alcohol. upset, sedation
Oral: histamine Adverse Reactions: retention if and drowsiness,
- Tablet GI, bronchial, and other modified as a urinary
and smooth muscle receptor CNS: fatigue, nausea, problem - To treat dry retention,
capsules locations headache, mouth, use warm thickened
(25 mg gastrointestinal tract, stimulation that is water rinses, secretions,
and 50 uterus, and significant paradoxical synthetic saliva, glaucoma).
mg.) blood arteries, securing (particularly in ice chips,
- Chewable the cellular receptors children) sugarless gum, or - Identify the
tablets and preventing candies. drug, dosage,
side effects to
(12.5 access and subsequent CV: hypotension, - Take the pill 30 look for, how to
mg.) histamine activity. palpitations, minutes prior to specifically
- Elixir, tachycardia travel if you're prevent them,
syrup, Interferes with using it to avoid and steps to
and oral histamine's capacity to GI: constipation, dry motion sickness. take to increase
solution promote capillary mouth, and diarrhea the drug's
(12.5 permeability and - Until the patient effectiveness.
mg/5Ml) resulting edema and EENT: blurred vision, is aware of how The patient can
reduces the flare-up and tinnitus the medicine then rate the
itching brought on by affects attention effectiveness of
the endogenous release GU: urinary frequency, and alertness, the teaching
of histamine dysuria, or retention advise him to plan.
(does not directly change refrain from
or stop the release of SKIN: photosensitivity driving and other - Track the
histamine) risky activities. success of the
Drug Interaction: comfort and
- Antihistamines safety
might prevent precautions as
or undo well as
epinephrine's adherence to
vasopressor the schedule.
effects, causing
an accelerated
heartbeat, and
low blood
- Antihistamines
may cover up
symptoms and
indications of
effect of
brought on by
salicylates or
s in high doses
- Antihistamines
may intensify
the respiratory
and sedative
effects of CNS
like alcohol and
- When used
or macrolide
(such as
loratadine may
adverse effects
on the heart.
Generic/Brand Dose Strength & Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing Rationale Client Teaching Evaluation
Name & Drug Formulation Mechanism of Drug Drug Interaction Responsibilities
Classification Action
Proton pump Dose Strength: Indications: Adverse reactions: - Administer Omeprazole's - Tell the patient or - Patient
inhibitors - GERD The following are the the drug 30 absorption into the the SO to be shows
- Capsules - Zollinger- commonly observed minutes or 1 bloodstream is mindful that this good
Generic Name: (delayed- Ellison adverse reactions for hour before decreased when it is medication therapeutic
Omeprazole release): 10 mg, syndrome proton pump inhibitors: meal taken with food. should be response
20 mg, 40 mg - Duodenal ulcer - Flatulence administered 30
Brand Name: - Powder for oral - Gastric ulcer - Abdominal pain or 60 minutes - Patient
Omepron suspension - H. pylori - Diarrhea To ensure the before meal stays well-
(delayedrelease): infection - Nausea and - Inform the medication's preferable every hydrated
Drug 2.5 mg, 10 mg in vomiting patient not therapeutic efficacy, morning throughout
Classification packets Drug Action: to open or they must be taken treatment.
- Tablets (delayed- Blocks the production Drug Interaction: crush the whole. - Tell the patient
Pharmacologic release): 20 mg of stomach acid by capsules, not to chew or - The patient
class: inhibiting the function Warfarin, phenytoin, and but rather to crush the and their
Proton pump Drug Formulation: of the acid (proton) diazepam's metabolism drink them capsules or pills; family or
inhibitor - Powder for oral pump by binding to may be affected by proton whole. instead, to drink guardians
Therapeutic suspension hydrogen, potassium, pump inhibitors, As this increases them whole. show that
class: - Tablets and adenosine lengthening their half- - Check the toxicity and may Inform him that if they are
Antiulcer drug - Capsule triphosphate at the lives and elevating their level of cause he is unable to knowledge
secretory surface of plasma concentrations. magnesium hypomagnesemia swallow the able about
the gastric parietal for those capsule, he may drug
cells. who are open it and therapy.
anticipated carefully mix the
to be entire contents
receiving into 1 tablespoon
long-term of cool
treatment or applesauce,
who immediately
combine followed by a
proton glass of water.
inhibitors - Instruct the
with other patient how to
medications use delayed-
like digoxin. release oral
Encourage and assist suspensions.
- Provide the patient as they
proper deal with their illness
assistance to and medication - Do not use OTC
the patient schedule. products, other
medications, or
natural therapies
Give the patient full without
- Give instruction, covering consulting a
instructions the drug's name and doctor first.
to the recommended
patient and dosage, the
the SO necessity of taking
the medication
whole without
opening, chewing, or
crushing it, as well as
the warning signs
and symptoms of
any potential side
effects and ways to
reduce or prevent
Generic/Brand Dose Strength & Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing Rationale Client Teaching Evaluation
Name & Drug Formulation Mechanism of Drug Drug Interaction Responsibilities
Classification Action
Proton pump Availability: Indications: Adverse Effects: - Plan a dose To avoid serious - Inform the - With
inhibitors Gelcaps: 10 mg - GERD Adverse effects are reduction if toxicity patient that a medication
possible when using H2 the patient medicine works therapy,
Generic Name: Oral suspension: 40 - Zollinger- receptor antagonists, has kidney best when taken the patient
Famotidine mg/5 ml Ellison particularly in older or liver at night. finds a
Solution for injection: 10 syndrome patients or those with dysfunction. reduction
Brand Name: mg/ml, 20 mg/50 ml of - Duodenal ulcer impaired renal or hepatic - Let the patient in or
Pepcid normal saline solution - Gastric ulcer function: - Check the Since the kidneys know that pain remission
Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, - Heartburn patient for play a significant role relief could not from upper
Drug 40 mg - Few side effects GI signs in the excretion of start for a few GI
Classification Tablets (chewable): 10 Drug Action: are seen with and sympto famotidine, it may days after symptoms.
Therapeutic mg - Blocks the famotidine and ms. be helpful for therapy begins. - The patient
class: Tablets (orally action of nizatidine, with medical keeps a
Antiulcer drug disintegrating): 20 mg, histamine at headache being professionals to keep - Give the patient regular
40 mg H2 the most an eye on renal the medication's heartbeat.
Pharmacological gastrointestinal common, most function, particularly dosage - Evaluate
class: Formulations: parietal cells' frequent, in elderly individuals. instructions the
Histamine2- - Available as receptors followed by rash, follow directions patient's
receptor tablets and as an - Regardless of diarrhea or precisely, to relatives or
antagonist oral suspension the stimulating constipation. report any caregiver’s
substance - Agranulocytosis, cardiovascular response
(histamine, pancytopenia, symptoms show that
meal, insulin, thrombocytopenia - Provide Encourage and convulsions, and they
caffeine, occurs rarely. support to support patients as alterations to the comprehen
betazole, or the patient they deal with their hematology or d drug
pentagastrin) Side Effects: illness and respiratory therapy.
or baseline - Headaches, medication schedule. systems
conditions, dizziness,
decreases diarrhea, - Avoid smoking
stomach acid constipation, - If CNS To avoid injury during therapy
output and abdominal pain, symptoms because it
concentration. tinnitus arise, take encourages the
appropriate production of
Drug Interaction: safety and stomach acid and
Antacids and other comfort makes the
medications may interact measures. condition worse.
with H2 receptor - Monitor the These have only very - Do not use
antagonists: patient’s rarely been observed additional
presence of in patients with medications, OTC
- Cimetidine, prolonged compromised renal items, or herbal
nizatidine, QT interval function, and it's therapies without
ranitidine, and and signs of possible that the first speaking
famotidine's seizures. famotidine dosage or with a
absorption is dosing interval either the
decreased by wasn't adjusted physician or a
antacids. properly. pharmacist.
- Drug-diagnostic
tests. Liver
enzymes: altered
Generic/Brand Dose Strength & Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects Nursing Rationale Client Teaching Evaluation
Name & Drug Formulation Mechanism of Drug & Drug Interaction Responsibilities
Classification Action
H2 Blockers Dose: Indications: Adverse Reactions: - Assess the These assessments - Take the drug - Patient
150 mg orally 2 times a Therapy for stomach patient’s vital will serve as the with a food if experiences
Generic day before meal or 300 and duodenal ulcers, CNS: headache, signs including, baseline data and desired. decrease in or
Name: mg orally once a day particularly those malaise, vertigo history of guide as to when the relief from
Ranitidine before meal caused by H. pylori, EENT: blurred vision allegories and medication will be - If you also take upper GI
post-operative ulcers Hepatic: jaundice hepatic and subject for an antacid, symptoms
Brand Name: brought on by Other: anaphylaxis, renal functions adjustment of follow the with drug
Zantac NSAIDs, acute reflux angioedema, burning dosage or monitor directions on the therapy.
Raxide Capsules (liquid-filled): esophagitis, Zollinger- and itching at injection possible toxicity bottle exactly
Drug 150 mg, 300 mg Ellison syndrome, site and pay - Patient and
Classification Solution for injection: 25 persistent episodic attention to the family or
Pharmacologic mg/ml in 2-, 6-, and 40- dyspepsia, Side Effects: times of caregiver
class: ml vials symptomatic Blurred vision, administration. demonstrate
Histamine2 Solution for injection treatment for constipation, nausea, an
receptor (pre-mixed): 50 mg/50 ml gastroesophageal abdominal pain - Regularly understanding
antagonist in 0.45% reflux disease, and monitor your of drug
Therapeutic sodium chloride Syrup: prophylaxis for Drug Interaction: - Provide the To guarantee patients' health therapy
Class: 15 mg/ml Mendelson's Drug-drug. medication at therapeutic levels to determine
Antiulcer drug Tablets: 150 mg, 300 mg syndrome Antacids: reduced bedtime, when the medication how they are
Tablets (effervescent): absorption of before or with is most required. responding to
150 mg Drug Action: ranitidine meals (exact the treatments.
Reduces stomach acid Propantheline: timing varies
Raxide: output by delayed absorption of with product) - Clearly
Each tablet contains: competitively ranitidine and emphasize to
Ranitidine (as inhibiting histamine's elevated peak blood - Plan a dose To reduce toxicity the patient to
hydrochloride), USP 150 effect on the H2 level reduction if refrain from
mg or 300 mg. receptor sites of Drug-diagnostic tests. the client is smoking during
T: 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg parietal cells. Creatinine: slight having kidney therapy because
C: 150 mg, 300 mg elevation or liver it encourages
Syrup: 15 mg/ml - A rise in dysfunction. the production
I: 25 mg/ml hepatic of stomach acid
enzyme levels - Provide Stress the need for and makes the
- Treatment of DU: - Smoking information appropriate condition worse.
300 mg/day decreases regarding the administration
- Maintenance of ranitidine medication spacing per - Instruct the
DU: 150 mg/day effeciency towards the prescription; stress patient to report
- Treatment of GU: patient the importance of immediately if
300 mg/day having easy access to there are forms
- GERD: 300 the bathroom; and of side effects
mg/day discuss the signs and occur such as
Hypersecretory: symptoms of adverse diarrhea (ask for
0.3–6 g/day effects and ways to health care
Forms: reduce or prevent provider to aid),
- Regular tablet them. if nausea and
- Effervescent vomiting
tablet instruct the
- Capsule patient to take
- Syrup drug with meals,
- Injectable form for headaches
(develop a well-
- Provide To alleviate pain, the lighted and
antacid as interval of time is temperature as
prescribed by important since well as avoid
the attending antacids can noise).
physician, be decrease drug
mindful that it absorption.
should be
administered 1
hour before or
after H2


Saunder’s Nursing Drug Handbook (2016)

Lippincott’s, Drugs to know for the NCLEX-RN

Nurse’s Drug Handbook(McGraw-Hill) Seventh Edition

bakaramraju1 Follow. (n.d.). Ranitidine Drug. Share and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare. Retrieved September 25, 2022, from

Famotidine. Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action | DrugBank Online. (n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2022, from

Marianne Belleza, R. N. (2022, May 3). Antihistamines Nursing Pharmacology Study Guide. Nurseslabs. Retrieved September 25, 2022, from

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