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Name OF Drugs Dosage and Route Mechanism and Action Indications Contraindication Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations

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Almoda, Angelyka A.


NAME Dosage and Mechanism Indications Contraindication Side Effects Adverse Nursing
OF Route and Action Effects Considerations
Name: 10mg/12.5 mg ACE inhibitors Hypertension, History of Dizziness, chest pain, >Monitor patients
20 mg/ 12.5 mg dilate arteries Heart failure, angioedema related lightheadedness, syncope, on diuretic
Lisinopril 20mg/25mg and veins by Acute to previous ACE tiredness, or cough, therapy for
competitively myocardial inhibitor treatment, headache, dry hematologic excessive
Route: Oral inhibiting the infarction, hereditary or cough, chest effects , hypotension
conversion of Diabetic idiopathic pain fizziness, following the first
Brand angiotensin I to Nephropathy angioedema. headache, few doses of
Name: II and by Concomitant use fatigue; cough, Lisinopril.
inhibiting Treatment of with aliskiren upper >Monitor patients
a. Zestril bradykinin hypertension especially in patients respiratory closely in any
b. Prinivil metabolism: alone or in with diabetes tract infection; situations that
c. Qbrelis these actions combination mellitus or renal rash; diarrhea, may lead to a
result in with thiazide- impairment nausea, decrease in BP
preload and type diuretics (GFR<60 vomiting, secondary to
afterload mL/min/1.73 m2). abdominal reduction in fluid
reductions on Adjunctive Concomitant use pain; chest volume because
the heart. therapy in with sacubitril. pain, excessive
CHF for Pregnancy, lactation. weakness; hypotension may
patients orthostatic occur.
unresponsive effects; >Arrange for
to diuretics and hypotension; reduced dosage in
digitals alone hyperkalemia; patients with
impotence; impaired renal
decreased function.
hemoglobin; >Begin drug
increased within 24 hr of
serum acute MI; ensure
creatinine. that patient is also
receiving standard
treatment (eg,
aspirin, beta-
Fatal: Severe blockers,
hypotension, thrombolytics).
angioedema. >Keep
readily available
in case of
angioedema of the
face or neck
region; if
difficulty occurs,
consult physician,
and administer

NAME Dosage Mechanism of Indications Contraindicati Side Effects Adverse Nursing

OF and Action on Effects Consideration
Generic >Assess patient’s
Name; 500 mg 1 Paracetamol may Fever, post- Hypersensitivity. Skin: rash, Hematologic: fever
Paracetam tab cause analgesia immunization Severe hepatic urticarial hemolytic Or pain: type of
ol Route: by inhibiting CNS pyrexia, impairment or Metabolic: anemia, pain, location,
intravenous, prostaglandin in active liver hypoglycemia leukopenia, intensity, duration,
Brand oral, rectal synthesis. The To relieve mild disease (IV). neutropenia, temperature, and
Name: mechanism of to moderate pancytopenia, diaphoresis.
a. Tylenol morphine is pain Thrombocytope >Assess allergic
b. Tempra believed to due to things nia. reactions: rash,
c. Biogesic involve decreased such Hepatic: urticarial; if these
permeability of as headache, liver damage, occur, drug may
the cell muscle jaundice have to be
membrane to and joint pain, Metabolic: discontinued.
sodium, which back ache and hypoglycemia >Teach patient to
results in Period pains. Skin: recognize signs of
diminished It is also used to rash, urticarial chronic overdose:
transmission of bring down a bleeding, bruising,
pain impulses high malaise, fever, sore
therefore temperature. throat.
analgesia For this reason, >Tell patient to
paracetamol can notify prescriber for
be given to pain/fever lasting
children after for more than 3
vaccinations days.
to prevent > Teach client
post- warning signs that
immunization needs immediate
pyrexia attention of the
(high physician.
Paracetamol is
often included
in cough, cold
and flu
NAME Dosage Mechanism of Indications Contraindicati Side Effects Adverse Nursing
OF and Action on Effects Consideration
DRUG Route
Name: 0.4mg/ Atropine binds to For the Contraindicated blurred vision, Blurred vision, History:
Atropine tablet and inhibit treatment of with sensitivity to my diesis, Hypersensitivity to
muscarinic poisoning by hypersensitivity light, cyclopedia, anticholinergic;
Brand Route: IM, acetylcholine susceptible to anticholinergic lack of sweating, photophobia, glaucoma;
Name: IV, PO receptors, organ drugs. dizziness, increased IOP, adhesions between
a. Atropen, producing a wide phosphorous nausea, headache, iris and lens; steno
b. Busulfex, range of nerve agents loss of balance, flushing, sing peptic ulcer;
c. Donnatal anticholinergic having anti- hypersensitivity nervousness, pyloroduodenal ob
effects. cholinesterase reactions (skin weakness, struction; paralytic
activity rash), and dizziness, ileus; intestinal
(cholinesterase rapid heart rate insomnia, atony; severe
inhibitors) as mental ulcerative colitis;
well as organ confusion or toxic mega colon;
phosphorous or excitement(after symptomatic
carbonate evens mall prostatic
insecticides. doses in the hypertrophy;
elderly),nasal bladder neck
congestion obstruction;
bronchial asthma;
COPD; cardiac
ischemia; impaired
metabolic, liver, or
renal function;
myasthenia gravis;
Down syndrome;
brain damage;

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