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Fine Dictionary


Mocks on the Duke of Brunswick, in the form of a letter that is said to have been written in Amersfoort. Following his departure from the Netherlands in 1784.
Mocks on the Duke of Brunswick, in the form of a letter that is said to have been written in Amersfoort. Following his departure from the Netherlands in 1784.
  1. (adj) said
    being the one previously mentioned or spoken of "works of all the aforementioned authors","said party has denied the charges"
The shofar is a wind instrument used in Jewish worship. This copy is said to have come from the synagogue on the Jewish Savannah where brothers Joseph and Isaac Nahar were trumpet players at the end of the 18th century.
The shofar is a wind instrument used in Jewish worship. This copy is said to have come from the synagogue on the Jewish Savannah where brothers Joseph and Isaac Nahar were trumpet players at the end of the 18th century.
Bucket dredger Port Said, with three barges. Photo pasted on cardboard with technical information about the ship in German, French, Spanish and English. Part of the folder with 44 photos of dredgers of the firm A. Bos & JP Heijblom in Dordrecht.
Bucket dredger Port Said, with three barges. Photo pasted on cardboard with technical information about the ship in German, French, Spanish and English. Part of the folder with 44 photos of dredgers of the firm A. Bos & JP Heijblom in Dordrecht.
Bucket dredger Port Said. Photo pasted on cardboard, without text. Part of the folder with 44 photos of dredgers of the firm A. Bos & JP Heijblom in Dordrecht.
Bucket dredger Port Said. Photo pasted on cardboard, without text. Part of the folder with 44 photos of dredgers of the firm A. Bos & JP Heijblom in Dordrecht.
Several men ask Penelope for her hand, because her husband Odysseus is said to have died. Penelope points to the loom in front of her to clarify that they will not be choosing a new husband until she has completed the pall for her father-in-law Laërtes. Behind her hang scissors that refer to the moment when she destroys her weaving again at night. Above the image an angel surrounded by a halo with a laurel wreath and a torch. At the bottom a rose and a lily branch.
Several men ask Penelope for her hand, because her husband Odysseus is said to have died. Penelope points to the loom in front of her to clarify that they will not be choosing a new husband until she has completed the pall for her father-in-law Laërtes. Behind her hang scissors that refer to the moment when she destroys her weaving again at night. Above the image an angel surrounded by a halo with a laurel wreath and a torch. At the bottom a rose and a lily branch.
Moses shows what the Lord said priestly garments should look like. The print is part of an album.
Moses shows what the Lord said priestly garments should look like. The print is part of an album.
The departure of the Duke of Brunswijk from 's-Hertogenbosch on October 15, 1784. Farewell is said on a square. Illustration in: The patriotic history in themata (6th edition of 1816).
The departure of the Duke of Brunswijk from 's-Hertogenbosch on October 15, 1784. Farewell is said on a square. Illustration in: The patriotic history in themata (6th edition of 1816).
Destroyed houses after an attack by the English on October 7, the caption said. Not released for publication until 10 days later. Text strip glued to photo.
Destroyed houses after an attack by the English on October 7, the caption said. Not released for publication until 10 days later. Text strip glued to photo.
Moses shows what the Lord said priestly garments should look like. Above the performance a title. Underneath six lines of verse and a reference to Exodus 28: 4-6. The print is part of an album.
Moses shows what the Lord said priestly garments should look like. Above the performance a title. Underneath six lines of verse and a reference to Exodus 28: 4-6. The print is part of an album.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Tasmania is said to have the cleanest air in the world
  1. Said
    Before-mentioned; already spoken of or specified; aforesaid; -- used chiefly in legal style.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
In the Simpsons series, Homer has said 3267 "Doh!"
  1. (pa.t., pa.p) Said
    sed of say: the before-mentioned, as the said witness.
All my life people have said that I wasn't going to make it.
Ted Turner
Benjamin Franklin
Well done, is better than well said.
Benjamin Franklin
Muhammad Ali
I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
Muhammad Ali
It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others.
Source Unknown
There's a lot to be said for the fellow who doesn't say it himself.
Maurice Switzer
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
Gittel Hudnick

As the actress said to the bishop - (UK) This idiom is used to highlight a sexual reference, deliberate or accidental.

Easier said than done - If something is easier said than done, it is much more difficult than it sounds. It is often used when someone advises you to do something difficult and tries to make it sound easy.

You said it! - Used to say you agree completely with something just said.

Usage in the news

If I stand in the center of Times Square New York City and said something like "Moses didn't part the Red Sea" or "Jesus never existed" everyone would just keep walking around me, ignoring what I said, etc.

"The mayor said, 'I want to know this stuff,' " said Michael B Coleman'...

Among registered voters, nearly nine in 10 (88 percent) of self-identified Democrats said the incumbent was honest and trustworthy while just 22 percent of Republicans said the same.

I said "Sacramento," and he said "Nice weather.".

I said "Oklahoma City," and he said "My best friend lives near there.".

I said "Minnesota," and he said "Too cold.

"A real close friend of mine called me and said that the voter registration cards are not any good," said Cecelia Bagley.

Incumbent clash requires more outlets to move beyond he-said, she-said to what isn't said.

Peyton Manning said the Broncos will undoubtedly miss injured running back Willis McGahee, but said he believes others can do a good job filling the void.

47 am on Nov 14 and said Mendoza had been in her house, Sambrano said.

"I've seen too many die just in this area," said Newberg, 51, who said she is a former certified addiction counselor.

President Bashar al-Assad said Thursday that Syria "will spare no effort" to make the peace plan proposed by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan "a success," but said rebels must first cease their "terrorist acts".

Authorities said she went to her husband's home in Sparta on Monday night, but they argued and her husband said she left on foot.

"I always said that I would know when it was time, whenever that might be," Calhoun said.

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov Mitch Daniels said business leaders who have talked to him said that an amendment barring gay marriage or anything like it could hurt their ability to rec.

Usage in scientific papers

If the center is {0} then the conformal superalgebra is said to be centerless.
Algebraic structures on quasi-primary states in superconformal algebras

As was said in the proof of proposition 7.7 E a = degsc N a N a .
Solutions to WDVV from generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies

One has ζq = qH and f (t) is said to be monofractal.
A multifractal random walk

Furthermore, A is said to be closed if a(z)n b(z) ∈ A for a(z), b(z) ∈ A, n ∈ C.
Generalized vertex algebras generated by parafermion-like vertex operators

An interval on ˆγ is said to consists of true inflection points if the geodesic curvature vanishes and changes sign there.
Sextactic points on a simple closed curve

Usage in literature

Sit down, don't play the bear,' said Merton. "The Disentanglers" by Andrew Lang

Mr. Courtney said he had written to him. "The Guinea Stamp" by Annie S. Swan

The doctor said she might eat fruit. "By the Light of the Soul" by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

Hrut said he would never heed that; said they should fare all the worse the more they were in number. "Laxdæla Saga" by Anonymous

Besides, he had said, she wouldn't like it. "The Helpmate" by May Sinclair

Hallbjorn said he would go, but said also that they would rue this summoning as time went on. "The story of Burnt Njal" by Anonymous

Then everything was said that had to be said, and members returned to their clubs. "Phineas Finn" by Anthony Trollope

The fight lasted, it is said, all day. "The Beginner's American History" by D. H. Montgomery

There was a great deal said on both sides, and something said also by the judge. "Phineas Redux" by Anthony Trollope

And he found in answer to what she said his former words: 'Why, no, I don't see that,' he said. "Franklin Kane" by Anne Douglas Sedgwick

Usage in poetry
"Sing us one more the young men said,
The singer hung his head,
Then glancing 'round with smiling lips,
"You'll join with me," he said.
She said, she did it with her eye;
He said, he did it with his dart;
Betwixt them both (a silly wretch!)
'Tis I that have the wounded heart.
He said, "What do you seek?"
I said, "To have you as my constant friend."
He said, "What do you want from me?"
I said, "Your abundant grace."
'Good counsel gave the bird,' said she,
'I have my hope thrice o'er,
For they sing to my very heart,' she said,
'And it sings to them evermore.'
"I must learn to be happy in Heaven," she said,
"As we learned to suffer below."—
"Our ways are not your ways," he said,
"And ours the ways you go."
An' I'll speir ye nae mair, sir," said the herd,
"I fear what ye micht say neist!"
"I doobt ye wud won'er, sir," said the bird,
"To see the thouchts i' my breist!"