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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
As specified by the Christian church, the canonical hours are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and compline.
  1. (n) terce
    the third canonical hour; about 9 a.m.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Terce
    See Tierce.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) terce
    A third; a third part.
  2. (n) terce
    Same as tierce, 3.
  3. (n) terce
    In Scots law, a right corresponding to dower in English law; a real right whereby a widow who has not accepted any special provision is entitled to a life-rent of one third of the heritage in which her husband died infeft, provided the marriage has endured for a year and a day, or has produced a living child. No widow is entitled to her terce until she is regularly kenned to it. See ken, transitive verb, 5.
  4. (n) terce
    In the Roman Catholic and Greek churches, and in religious houses, and as a devotional office in the Anglican Church, the office of the third hour: originally and properly said half-way between sunrise and noon. See canonical hours, under canonical.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Terce
    tėrs (Scots law) a widow's right, where she has no conventional provision, to a liferent of a third of the husband's heritable property: the office of the third hour, which should be said between sunrise and noon.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Tierce.

Usage in the news

Daniel Ray said they filed a civil suit to get TERC to get rid of the tires, eliminate mosquitoes and control the vegetation.

Usage in scientific papers

Theory πOR – corresponding to schema (πO ) of on-termination of PRA×⌈X, O⌉ → ⌈X, 2⌉ (internal descent + stationarity), and terc = terc(u, v , w) : descending chains in Ordinal O (cid:23) N[ω ].
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency

In classical Free-Variables Calculus, we would have to make sure that the fresh Free Variable – here “over” N – given to the right hand branch above, i. e. to terc(u, v , w) and its deductive descendants, gets not the name of any (free) variable already occurring as a component of “x” in the present context.
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency

DeSta [p, c ]; internalisation of T erC [p, c, χ ] is terc(u, v , w) =def hv ⊙ u p§q p . =q p0q i p⇒q w ⊙ pℓq .
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency

OR ⊢ TerCπ ((m, (u, v , w), a), n) : Aπ → 2.
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency

The latter again by – dominated, formally: truncated – “characteristic” So we have verified both Antecedents for (ob jective) schema (πO ), in its here needed instance AπO , DeStaπO , TerCπO .
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency

Usage in literature

The bell rang for Terce. "The Christian A Story" by Hall Caine

The middle between them both is 50 degrees and a terce in latitude. "Great Epochs in American History, Volume I." by Various

The second Parade in Terce, is called that within the Sword bearing a sloping Point towards your Adversaries Thigh, and as though within it. "The School of Recreation (1696 edition)" by Robert Howlett

Terce bell is sounding. "A Speckled Bird" by Augusta J. Evans Wilson

Since the 6th century the number and order of the hours have been fixed thus: matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 7" by Various

In the monastery church the monks were chanting "terce" to an empty nave. "God Wills It!" by William Stearns Davis