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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) sardonic
    disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking "his rebellion is the bitter, sardonic laughter of all great satirists"- Frank Schoenberner","a wry pleasure to be...reminded of all that one is missing"- Irwin Edman"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sardonic
    Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a kind of linen made at Colchis.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. sardonic
    Apparently but not really proceeding from gaiety; forced: said of a laugh or smile.
  2. sardonic
    Bitterly ironical; sarcastic; derisive and malignant; sneering: now the usual meaning.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Sardonic
    sär-don′ik forced, heartless, or bitter, said of a forced unmirthful laugh—(obs.) Sardō′nian
The fates are not quite obdurate; they have a grim, sardonic way of granting them who supplicate the thing they wanted yesterday.
Roselle Mercier Montgomery

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. sardonique, L. sardonius, Gr. , , perhaps fr. to grin like a dog, or from a certain plant of Sardinia, Gr. , which was said to screw up the face of the eater

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. sardonique—L. sardonius, sardonicus—Gr. sardanios, referred to sardonion, a plant of Sardinia (Gr. Sardō), which was said to screw up the face of the eater, but more prob. from Gr. sairein, to grin.

Usage in the news

But will his sardonic wit and straight talk help him survive a barrage of attack ads.

Tom Hardy, the strapping British actor, made quite an impression in Inception and Warrior by confidently flexing his muscles and sardonic smile.

In the summer of 2001, a sheriff's deputy dropped Rex Krebs off at San Quentin State Prison with a sardonic message.

The sardonic and crass expressions were not my cup of tea.

"Leaving," though delightful and sardonic, is ultimately about control: about being in office and being out it, about being entirely in command yet feeling absolutely powerless .

Peter Barnes, the sardonic English playwright best known in this country for his play and film "The Ruling Class ," died on Thursday at a London hospital.

The Houston Symphony's Subversive, Sardonic Shostakovich.

The Houston Symphony's Subversive, Sardonic Shostakovich .

"I had these really simple mind-blowing epiphanies," he said sardonically.

I raised my brow and gave her my best sardonic smile.

Whether it be performed by the light of lanterns hanging from the ceiling, flashlights , candles or about 300 glow sticks, the Front Bottoms belts out catchy, sardonic ballads in style.

All of Portis' sardonic wit has been retained this time, and then some.

MC Sal Minnelli Room Full of Strangers Sardonic Garage Pop n Roll music with a vicious twist, that whips their audience into a.

Peter Barnes, the sardonic English playwright best known in this country for his play and film "The Ruling Class," died on Thursday at a London hospital.

MC Sal Minnelli Room Full of Strangers Sardonic Garage Pop n Roll music with a vicious twist, that whips their audience into a. PEACOCK ROOM Askultura + The Hoverhounds + 69 Fingers.

Usage in literature

That voice, with its hint of sardonic amusement, was like a trumpet call to battle. "Mavericks" by William MacLeod Raine

Now, with her worldly wisdom and her bitter knowledge of love, she found herself regarding the situation with sardonic humour. "Life and Gabriella" by Ellen Glasgow

The attitude in which I was, my hands clasped round my knees, consorted with sardonic merriment. "Jaffery" by William J. Locke

There was in Foster Mantel a sort of sardonic humor into which he was always withdrawing himself. "The Redemption of David Corson" by Charles Frederic Goss

Courthorne himself stood close by smiling at him sardonically. "Winston of the Prairie" by Harold Bindloss

Suppose you are detailed for a wiring party, and you arrive to find a full moon beaming sardonically down at you. "A Student in Arms" by Donald Hankey

It seemed to him that he saw on the face of the chief the trace of a sardonic grin. "The Forest Runners" by Joseph A. Altsheler

Mr. Tovey and the Mayor were talking at the foot of the stairs, Mr. Frere was listening sardonically. "Living Alone" by Stella Benson

He laughed sardonically, and the harsh note clashed with her frank candor. "The Wings of the Morning" by Louis Tracy

She felt Marsh's eyes on her, sardonically. "The Brimming Cup" by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Usage in poetry
Only the heat waves
In this land
Sardonically dance
A Saraband.
He sauntered on the southern isle
In garments of eccentric cut,
And, with his grim sardonic smile,
Would masticate his coco-nut.
Then with a sly, sardonic look
He opened up a little book
Containing many a gem;
And as they sat in raiment fine,
So smug and soused with rosy wine,
This verse he read to them.
The sardonic sardine had his sly heart's wish
When the angelfish fought with the paradise fish.
'T was a sight gave the bluefish the blues to see,
But the seal concealed a wicked glee—
She is large and matronly
And rather dirty,
A little sardonic-looking, as if domesticity had driven her to it.
Though what she does, except lay four eggs at random in the garden once a year
And put up with her husband,
I don't know.