(Her) Divided into an even number of bends; -- said of a shield or its charge.
In heraldry, divided into four or more diagonal parts in the direction of the bend: said of the field. This word is used, no matter how great the number of the divisions, as bendlety and cottisy, which would be the regular forms, are awkward in use.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From Bend a band
Kruger's bendy eight-iron costs South African at the last.
The Amazing History and the Strange Invention of the Bendy Straw.
Bendy antennae could reshape electronics.
The river's bendy banks gave the conquerors who passed through this region pause and produced the epithet popularized by Strabo 2,000 years ago: "From the course of this river all windings are called meanders ".
The issue is written by Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Jeph Loeb, Nick Spencer, Kieron Gillen and Dennis Hopeless.
Be prepared to get bendy.
Nov 13, 2012 by Debra Bendis.
Kruger 's bendy eight-iron costs South African at the last.
Nov 01, 2011 by Debra Bendis.
Stop what you're doing and check out this preview of Takio, a new graphic novel by Brian Bendis and Michael Oeming, two creators who are well known in the world of adult superhero comics.
Kim Bendis of Naperville voices her concerns about electric smart meters before a hearing in federal court.
When writer Brian Michael Bendis calls a story arc "The Death of Spider-Man," he doesn't mess around.
A few of Mariah Carey's demands are: cases of Cristal champagne, a box of bendy straws and one special attendant to dispose of used chewing gum.
The origin has been traced to an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning weak or bendy.
Thrasymachus replies: 'Let this be your entertainment, Socrates, at the festival of Bendis. "The Republic" by
As in the case of Christian Science, these New Thoughters have a fundamental truth, which I would by no means wish to depreciate. "The Profits of Religion" by
If Miss Rose Mary weren't strong and bendy as a hickory saplin she couldn't prop up all them old folks. "Rose of Old Harpeth" by
Bendy of six pieces, azure and argent. "The Manual of Heraldry; Fifth Edition" by
As in the case of Christian Science, these New Thoughters have a fundamental truth, which I would by no means wish to depreciate. "The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition" by
Well, that's the identical kind of jar I got when Marjorie begins that willowy bendy figure. "Torchy, Private Sec." by
Robert, you'll take good care of Bendie and rub her well down. "Allison Bain" by
I was terribly weak, and all bendy in the middle. "Mavis of Green Hill" by