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Fine Dictionary


XLIX The cost has to be paid for. Second shock. Part of 'Sinnepoppen', R. Visscher, 1614.
XLIX The cost has to be paid for. Second shock. Part of 'Sinnepoppen', R. Visscher, 1614.
  1. (adj) paid
    marked by the reception of pay "paid work","a paid official","a paid announcement","a paid check"
  2. (adj) paid
    involving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby
  3. (adj) paid
    yielding a fair profit
Mathematical figure (pentagon). This includes soldiers who are paid their wages. In the top right corner the number 21 (= the number of the page in the book against which the illustration is placed).
Mathematical figure (pentagon). This includes soldiers who are paid their wages. In the top right corner the number 21 (= the number of the page in the book against which the illustration is placed).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The U.S. paid Russia $7.2 million for Alaska in 1867
  1. Paid
    Receiving pay; compensated; hired; as, a paid attorney.
  2. Paid
    Satisfied; contented. "Paid of his poverty."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
In ancient Egypt they paid their taxes in honey.
  1. (n) paid
    Preterit and past participle of pay.
  2. paid
    Contented; satisfied; pleased. Also payd, payed.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Salt was once a very precious commodity, so much that many people were paid
  1. (pa.t., pa.p) Paid
    pād of pay.
William Shakespeare
He that is well paid is well satisfied.
William Shakespeare
Napoleon Hill
The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.
Napoleon Hill
H. L. Mencken
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it.
H. L. Mencken
Poets are born, not paid.
Addison Mizner
Henry David Thoreau
We are paid for our suspicions by finding what we suspected.
Henry David Thoreau
Dean William R. Inge
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due.
Dean William R. Inge
Usage in the news

Turns out 13D paid only $300 for her flight, while 14E shelled out nearly $1,000 for his.

Cavs ' Thompson says he paid for Kabongo's visit and was reimbursed.

Waiting for the right moment paid off on this photo.

Last year, the oil-rich Gulf nation of Qatar quietly purchased a painting by Paul Cezanne for more than $250 million, the highest amount ever paid for a work of art.

Obama's Plan Isn't Paid For If Congress Refuses To Pay For It.

Recently, a client paid me a gracious compliment by stating, "I want to thank you for making such a positive difference in my life.".

Tiffany says Newt Gingrich has paid off his 12-month, no-interest charge account .

This week his hard work paid off.

At Well-Paying Law Firms, a Low-Paid Corner.

In April 1912, The New York Times paid $1,000 to Harold Bride, the surviving operator of the Titanic's wireless communications system, for his harrowing tale.

In 1970, Esquire paid $20,000 to William L Calley Jr, the Army lieutenant at the center of the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, for his "confessions.".

9 HOURS AGO Getting paid to do something you love.

I started cooking after college as a low-paid intern in Washington, DC, living on a low budget in a vegetarian group house.

Chone Figgins will be paid the remaining $8 million on a contract that included a $9 million performance-triggered option for 2014.

Attorney Ron Kuby challenged woman spouting homophobic slur and paid the.

Usage in scientific papers

The real price has to be paid when defining Yn,i .
Sparse Potentials With Fractional Hausdorff Dimension

Particular attention was also paid to currently much studied multifractal systems.
Information theory and generalized statistics

JS trip to Valencia was paid by Wallenbergsstiftelsens jubileumsfond.
The late UVOIR light curve of SN 2000cx

Most attention has been paid so far to the integration problem, for which a speed-up is shown by quantum computers with respect to deterministic and randomized algorithms on a classical computer.
Randomized and Quantum Algorithms Yield a Speed-Up for Initial-Value Problems

Up to now apparently little attention has been paid to a quantitative characterization of large deviations in random graph ensembles [11, 12].
On large deviation properties of Erdos-Renyi random graphs

Usage in literature

A visit was then paid to the residence of the Hon. "The Life of King Edward VII" by J. Castell Hopkins

Some people says they pay house rent, but they never paid none of mine. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4" by Work Projects Administration

What profit do we derive from the L340,000 paid to the Landgrave of Hesse for the hire of troops? "The Political History of England - Vol. X." by William Hunt

The butcher was paid, the baker was paid; the druggist was paid, and so was the rent. "The Goose Man" by Jacob Wassermann

He paid her debts, provided her with everything she needed, and offered her large wages. "Little Bobtail" by Oliver Optic

It was not that he never paid. "Ralph the Heir" by Anthony Trollope

I suppose my lodging was paid for, by my father. "The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete" by John Forster

The register by which two months' wages to the crew are paid, on first commission, and a quarter's to officers. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by William Henry Smyth

If it were paid to her, she should only pay it back again; and so on. "The Bertrams" by Anthony Trollope

I thought of you, and I paid him the cost price on his papers. "Luke Walton" by Horatio Alger

Usage in poetry
"Nay, endure we," saith the rider,
"Till her plighted word be paid;
Then, though Satan stand beside her,
God shall help me swing this blade."
Praise, everlasting praise, be paid
To him that earth's foundation laid;
Praise to the God whose strong decrees
Sway the creation as he please.
But say, should heaven bring no relief;
Suppose our sun should never rise;
Why, then, what's due to such a grief
We've paid already with our eyes.
This query woke a voice within--
Why slight the spring of God's great love,
That fount that cleanseth from all sin,
Our purchase paid by Christ above?
Give truth, and your gift will be paid in kind,
And honor will honor meet;
And the smile which is sweet will surely find
A smile that is just as sweet.
The most which your bounty from you can subtract
Is an apple, a sweetmeat, a toy;
For so easy a virtue, so trifling an act,
You are paid with an innocent joy.