a young upwardly mobile professional individual; a well-paid middle-class professional who works in a city and has a luxurious life style
It gave 1978's nascent yuppies something to listen to as they came down from their manic coke binges, and it was good. riverfronttimes.com
Clark Kent, alias Superman, became a yuppie. nytimes.com
3 Yuppies, All Downwardly Mobile. nytimes.com
A yuppie substance abuser finds love during his stint at a rehab clinic. hollywoodreporter.com
Yuppies hop on ' junking ' bandwagon. columbiadailyherald.com
For at least one day this summer, the hippies will replace the yuppies in the Meatpacking District. thevillager.com
You're worse than a yuppie. ocweekly.com
You're a fraud who wants to be a yuppie. ocweekly.com
Yuppie 911, the Wichitas and Meersburgers. blog.newsok.com
Getting lost and calling ' yuppie 911'. sltrib.com
I'm a Fucking Yuppie . portlandmercury.com
Readers sound off about the federal deficit, yuppie bike riders and Nobody's Fool. acotrib.com
Can you afford the yuppie dream home. money.cnn.com
Fighting the Yuppie Factor From the price of arugula to vacations in Marbella, the Obamas are the perfect yuppie couple. nationalreview.com
And how delicious that it comes to feast on the neo- yuppies . villagevoice.com