Oppressed with weight; crushed; weighed down.
Obsolete spellings of the preterit and past participle of weigh.
. Old spellings of weighed.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary For weighed,
Waid takes the Hulk from incredible to ' Indestructible '. usatoday.com
Prairie Village Waid's closes suddenly, but predictably . pitch.com
A business card is still taped to the locked front door of the Waid's restaurant in the Prairie Village Shopping Center. pitch.com
RICHFIELD — Hilda A Waid , age 83, of Ashtabula, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Oct 13, 2012, at Pine Valley Care Center in Richfield, Ohio. starbeacon.com
Musings on air guitar and Port Fonda, and a goodbye to Waid 's. pitch.com
Waid wins open-water swimming title. columbiatribune.com
Columbia's Tim Waid won the men's 45-49 US Masters Swimming Open Water National Championship on Saturday at Lake Minnetonka in Excelsior, Minn. columbiatribune.com
Prairie Village Waid 's closes suddenly, but predictably. pitch.com
A business card is still taped to the locked front door of the Waid 's restaurant in the Prairie Village Shopping Center. pitch.com
Mark Waid has been an A-list comics writer for 20 years. publishersweekly.com
Waid is also known as possibly the single most happy comics creator about reading comics on his iPad. publishersweekly.com
Columbia's Waid places fourth in 12-mile swim. columbiatribune.com
Columbia's Tim Waid , 48, finished fourth in the Swim Around Charleston on Sunday near Charleston, S.C. columbiatribune.com
Mark Waid is probably the only comic writer who can claim their work inspired a comeback by one of hip hop's biggest acts. kcrw.com
Smoke & Barrel Chef Vinny Waide On Pairing Brew And 'Cue. ashingtoncitypaper.com
I am waiding to ged him alone. "The 'Mind the Paint' Girl" by
This day we proceeded on down the river about 20 miles, waiding several small rivers, some of which were up to our middles. "An interesting journal of Abner Stocking of Chatham, Connecticut" by
Waide and Myham, the first tall and once-handsome, and the latter, bony and scarred, were both paralytics. "Second Sight" by
Der Indians, if dey addack, waid dill grops all in. "Strange Stories of Colonial Days" by