a silver-white metallic element of the platinum group that resembles platinum; occurs in some copper and nickel ores; does not tarnish at ordinary temperatures and is used (alloyed with gold) in jewelry
A contraction of paid. -
In chem., the symbol for palladium.
View full size Allison Carey, The PD Dundee's Irish Red Lager . cleveland.com
South Portland PD honor Officer Peter McVane. mtw.com
View full size PD file The weather wasn't the best in 1945 along Lake Erie, but the Cleveland Rams overcame all obstacles in winning an NFL title. cleveland.com
The new guidelines that make up the DSM-5 will be published in May PD File photo. cleveland.com
Write a PD priority statement. gte.org
Recall the 5 parts of the PD Plan. gte.org
Crime Line tip leads PD to wanted teen. avy.com
Nevada PD takes more than 6,000 calls for service. nevadaiowajournal.com
Photo courtesy of Jupiter PD. policemag.com
View full size Peggy Turbett, The PD. cleveland.com
PD file Chef Jamie Oliver won't be bringing one of his "kitchens" to promote health eating habits to Cleveland. cleveland.com
On tap Tuesday night in PD hoops. dailypress.com
PHX PD targets whistleblower cop. abc15.com
Patrolman Eric Orr with the Knoxville Police Department grew up in police work–he was raised in Pella, and his dad is still on the Pella PD. kniakrls.com
Palmetto PD investigates deadly shooting, surveillance photos released. abcactionnews.com
The width of their pd-complex is too large by about 2 eV.
On the electronic structure of CaCuO2 and SrCuO2
We fix liftings g (X ) of z e ι /π and hi (X ) of zi/z ei polynomial h(X, X ′ ) = − Pd−1 i=0 Ai (X )X ′i .
Ramification of local fields with imperfect residue fields
If both equation (12) and ˜PD = PD are satisfied then we can say that such a protocol is optimal.
Optimal local discrimination of two multipartite pure states
The next step a = Pd∈ ¯P + consists in evaluating the sum over d.
Branching rules of semi-simple Lie algebras using affine extensions
Let Pd(D), Pd (U ∗ i∗D ′ iU ) be the pro jector on the discrete subspace in H, respectively and Pc = 1 − Pd the pro jector onto the continuous subspace.
Relative Zeta Functions, Determinants, Torsion, Index Theorems and Invariants for Open Manifolds
Paid Mr. Mayers att ye Beare, for so much hee pd. "From John O'Groats to Land's End" by
Then the ratio of PD to DS will be as 99,324 to 62,163. "Treatise on Light" by
Magazines, etc., Freight pd. "American Missionary - Volume 50, No. 3, March, 1896" by
With Harris were two PD Police guards. "The Penal Cluster" by
Since PD = PD', it follows that AB = AB'. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 4" by
PD A True Relation of a Great and Happy Victory ... Earl of Essex over King's Army, &c. London, 1642. "Edge Hill" by
By WILLIAM J. ECKOFF, Pd. "Dickens As an Educator" by
M1M2/d^2 we get at once G = pd^2/M1M2. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 4" by
On the same day appears a curious entry of "to the play 13/" and "Pd for Col^o Monroe L16-16. "The Life of John Marshall (Volume 1 of 4)" by