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Fine Dictionary


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Faldage
    (O. Eng. Law) A privilege of setting up, and moving about, folds for sheep, in any fields within manors, in order to manure them; -- often reserved to himself by the lord of the manor.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) faldage
    An old seigniorial right under which the lord of a manor required a tenant's sheep to pasture on his fields as a means of manuring the land, he in turn being bound to provide a fold for the sheep.
  2. (n) faldage
    A customary fee paid by a tenant to the lord of a manor for exemption from this obligation. Also called fald-fee.
  3. (n) faldage
    Also foldage.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Faldage
    fal′dāj the right, often reserved by the lord of a manor, of folding his tenant's sheep in his own fields for the sake of the manure: a fee paid for exemption from the foregoing.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary LL. faldagium, fr. AS. fald, E. fold,. Cf. Foldage