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Fine Dictionary


Mathematical figure (pentagon). This includes soldiers who are paid their wages. In the top right corner the number 21 (= the number of the page in the book against which the illustration is placed).
Mathematical figure (pentagon). This includes soldiers who are paid their wages. In the top right corner the number 21 (= the number of the page in the book against which the illustration is placed).
  1. (n) wages
    a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing "the wages of sin is death","virtue is its own reward"
Remnant of the banner of the students of the High School in Groningen, waged during the siege of Groningen by the bishops of Cologne and Munster during the months of July and August of the year 1672.
Remnant of the banner of the students of the High School in Groningen, waged during the siege of Groningen by the bishops of Cologne and Munster during the months of July and August of the year 1672.
The young Anthony gives his wages and his belongings to the poor. Italian and Latin text in two columns in the bottom margin.
The young Anthony gives his wages and his belongings to the poor. Italian and Latin text in two columns in the bottom margin.
After their work in the vineyard, the laborers receive the wages of one denarius from the landlord's steward. At the top of the facade medallions showing how the landowner hires workers both in the morning and at three, six and nine o'clock. The times can be read from the position of the sun on the horizon. The steward gives each worker the same amount of money. Letters are added to various elements of the scene. Above the performance a title. Underneath six lines of verse and a reference to Matthew 20: 1-8. The print is part of an album.
After their work in the vineyard, the laborers receive the wages of one denarius from the landlord's steward. At the top of the facade medallions showing how the landowner hires workers both in the morning and at three, six and nine o'clock. The times can be read from the position of the sun on the horizon. The steward gives each worker the same amount of money. Letters are added to various elements of the scene. Above the performance a title. Underneath six lines of verse and a reference to Matthew 20: 1-8. The print is part of an album.
In addition to her wages, Anna receives a kid as a reward. Anna is standing with the kid under her arm in front of her blind husband Tobit, who thinks she has stolen it. Around the performance a border inscription in Dutch and Latin.
In addition to her wages, Anna receives a kid as a reward. Anna is standing with the kid under her arm in front of her blind husband Tobit, who thinks she has stolen it. Around the performance a border inscription in Dutch and Latin.
An allegorical representation based on the story The Holy War, Waged by King El-Schaddai against Diabolus by John Bunyan from 1682. In the middle lies a sleeping woman wrapped in roses, angels admire and guard her. It symbolizes the city of Menziel as it was created in principle by King El-Schaddai (God). Above the sleeping woman sits the crowned son of the king, Immanuel (Christ). It is depicted again at the top left and top center. Immanuel has been sent to the city by his father to recapture it from the seducer and occupier Diabolus (Satan). At the bottom right, Diabolus is enthroned in hell. In the middle the city gate of Human Soul with guards, Lord Unbelief and Diabolus. Left and right the fights between the followers of Immanuel and Diabolus can be seen. Premium plate issued for subscribers to the Nieuwe Christelijke Scheurkalender 1885.
An allegorical representation based on the story The Holy War, Waged by King El-Schaddai against Diabolus by John Bunyan from 1682. In the middle lies a sleeping woman wrapped in roses, angels admire and guard her. It symbolizes the city of Menziel as it was created in principle by King El-Schaddai (God). Above the sleeping woman sits the crowned son of the king, Immanuel (Christ). It is depicted again at the top left and top center. Immanuel has been sent to the city by his father to recapture it from the seducer and occupier Diabolus (Satan). At the bottom right, Diabolus is enthroned in hell. In the middle the city gate of Human Soul with guards, Lord Unbelief and Diabolus. Left and right the fights between the followers of Immanuel and Diabolus can be seen. Premium plate issued for subscribers to the Nieuwe Christelijke Scheurkalender 1885.
After their work in the vineyard, the laborers receive the wages of one denarius from the landlord's steward (Matt. 20). The scene is set in a round frame with an edge lettering in Latin. Print from a series with parables of Christ.
After their work in the vineyard, the laborers receive the wages of one denarius from the landlord's steward (Matt. 20). The scene is set in a round frame with an edge lettering in Latin. Print from a series with parables of Christ.
On the right, Jacob negotiates his wages with his father-in-law Laban. Laban agrees to give Jacob all the black and spotted cattle. In the background a landscape with figures and Laban's cattle. Print is part of a series on the Ten Commandments and depicts a violation of the tenth commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's property. At the bottom in the margin a reference to the Bible text in Latin.
On the right, Jacob negotiates his wages with his father-in-law Laban. Laban agrees to give Jacob all the black and spotted cattle. In the background a landscape with figures and Laban's cattle. Print is part of a series on the Ten Commandments and depicts a violation of the tenth commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's property. At the bottom in the margin a reference to the Bible text in Latin.
Painted binding depicting the payment of municipal wages to the night watchmen in the 'Camera del Comune' in Siena. Office with a paymaster behind a desk, on the right a night watchman leaves with a lantern on a stick over his shoulder. Two crossbows hang on the wall, a third is on the sofa.
The payment of municipal salaries to the night guards in the 'Camera del Comune' in Siena
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The 1st US Minimum Wage Law was instituted in 1938. The minimum wage was 25 cents per hour.
  1. Wages
    (Economics) The share of the annual product or national dividend which goes as a reward to labor, as distinct from the remuneration received by capital in its various forms. This economic or technical sense of the word wages is broader than the current sense, and includes not only amounts actually paid to laborers, but the remuneration obtained by those who sell the products of their own work, and the wages of superintendence or management, which are earned by skill in directing the work of others.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
their wages in salt hence the word "Salary" derived.
  1. ( Wages
    (used as sing.), wage: that which is paid for services
Blame is a lazy man's wages.
Danish Proverb
It is not the employer who pays wages -- he only handles the money. It is the product who pays the wages.
Henry Ford
Edwin H. Stuart
Men who do things without being told draw the most wages.
Edwin H. Stuart
If one wants to get out and stay out of debt he should act his wage.
Source Unknown
Jean-Paul Sartre
When the rich wage war it is the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Sartre
There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.
Henry Ford

Champagne tastes, beer wages - (UK) A person who likes expensive things but has a low income has champagne taste and beer wages.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Plural of wage,; cf. F. gages, pl., wages, hire. See Wage (n.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. wager (Fr. gager), to pledge.

Usage in the news

's low-wage migrant coal mining jobs send us back to the future.

Paid less than minimum wage, disgruntled Portland cabbies join forces.

The organization waging a long and violent struggle to unite Ulster with the rest of Ireland.

If you're a wage or salaried employee, your employer picks up half of this tax burden.

Lanier's role in wage talks for officers is illegal: FOP .

After the 700-member Boston Newspaper Guild rejected the New York Times Company's offer of a new contract conceding wage and other benefit cuts, the company made a pay cut of 23 percent, helping them achieve $10 million in savings.

Hearing all the concern these days about the 12.5-cent minimum wage change, I wondered how this could happen.

Didn't the Legislature write and pass the law that sets the minimum wage.

As workers have demanded higher wages and labor rights, protests and violent clashes with police have become increasingly common.

She won roughly $12,000 of it back and the right to have Randy's wages garnished in order to get it.

Low-wage workers in the United States are gripped by increasing financial insecurity as they inch along an economic tightrope made riskier by pervasive job losses and rising prices.

The lifetime wage premium that accompanies a college degree has long been the best selling point for colleges trying to attract students.

Comprehensive immigration legislation that includes a workable guest-worker program, protection for agriculture employees and fair wages remains a Farm Bureau priority.

Islamic group , Florida lawman wage war of words over counterterrorism training.

Texas Gov Rick Perry wages an assault on state's university establishment.

Usage in scientific papers

Persons who have become (partially) unemployed are eligible for benefits. A beneficiary receives about 70% of the last earned wages, and the duration of the benefits depend on the length of the persons’ employment history.
Accounting for self-protective responses in randomized response data from a social security survey using the zero-inflated Poisson model

Brook, The wages of wins: taking measure of the many myths in modern sport.
Complementary cooperation, minimal winning coalitions, and power indices

They consider how information dissemination through neighbors of workers on potential jobs can affect wage and employment dynamics in the job market.
Social Networks and Stable Matchings in the Job Market

Networks in labor markets: Wage and employment dynamics and inequality.
Social Networks and Stable Matchings in the Job Market

Relative Movements of Real Wages and Output.
The Bowley Ratio

Usage in literature

Here, then, the contest waged anew. "Robert Toombs" by Pleasant A. Stovall

But you get excellent wages here yourself. "Woman on Her Own, False Gods & The Red Robe" by Eugène Brieux

But they wage unceasing war on the rabbits, with dog and gun and ferret. "The Toilers of the Field" by Richard Jefferies

Steady, an' wages regular. "Reels and Spindles" by Evelyn Raymond

George petitioned for this post, and, to his great joy, he was appointed at the wage of twopence a day. "Lives of the Engineers The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson" by Samuel Smiles

Now, I don't want to cut wages. "Making People Happy" by Thompson Buchanan

What have I to do with Darry's wages? "Daisy" by Elizabeth Wetherell

If the pledge required the war to be waged for freedom, that was all that was necessary. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II"

As soon as I was old enough I was hired out for wages, to help support the family. "Tuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements" by Various

The superiority of wages was likewise a strong inducement; but this was a cheat. "An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans" by Lydia Maria Child

Usage in poetry
I wage not any feud with Death
For changes wrought on form and face;
No lower life that earth's embrace
May breed with him, can fright my faith.
Where can Thy seal be found,
But on thou chosen seed, from age to age
By thine anointed heralds duly crowned,
As kings and priests Thy war to wage?
"All that day raged the war they waged,
And again dumb night held reign,
Save that ever upspread from the dark death-bed
A miles-wide pant of pain.
And you! who boast or grieve,
What horrid wars ye wage,
Of wounds received from many an eye,
Yet mean as I do, when I sigh,
"O sweet! O sweet Anne Page!"
Whenever we have any sin obey'd,
Though we shou'd serve it to our latest breath;
No other wages shall to us be paid,
For our long slavery, but shame and death.
Great were my fears, my foes were great,
Much was their strength, and more their rage;
But Christ, my Lord, is conqueror still,
In all the wars that devils wage.