(Steam Boilers) A hole near the bottom, through which the sediment is withdrawn. -
A hole, or hollow place, containing mud, as in a road.
A place full of mud; a spot where there is mud of considerable depth; a depression where water and mud stand, as in a road. -
In steam-engines, an orifice with steamtight covering in the bottom of a boiler, through which the sediment is removed. Also mudvalve. -
A salt-water lagoon in which whales are captured. -
A soft spot in granite due to decomposition.
"Mudhole" and the Marines: Kenneth Merrill Sr. And Vernon Lott.
" Mudhole " and the Marines: Kenneth Merrill Sr. And Vernon Lott.
Come join the fun at "The Mudhole" (across from Sage Port Grille in Kennewick.).
Hello, Eugene: From Skinner 's Mudhole to Oregon's 2nd largest city.
A little preparation can save your car from smelling like a mudhole.
A black mudhole blocked the lane. "Falk" by
He had frequently driven hogs from mudholes to slake his thirst with the water. "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" by
There were also concealed mudholes in there. "Chance" by
You'll drown in a mudhole. "The God of His Fathers" by
Born in the same mudhole, and still Boris Karlov the avenger could not understand Stefani Gregor the fiddler. "The Drums Of Jeopardy" by
Springfield was almost a mudhole. "Children of the Market Place" by
Sure enough, horns and a hoof protruded from one end of the mudhole. "I Married a Ranger" by
Even so he was parched with thirst before he found the first mudhole. "Daughter of the Sun" by
It was an awful mudhole. "Old Rail Fence Corners" by
These troughs were furnished with water by windmills, and the mudholes were caused by the waste water. "Special Report on Diseases of the Horse" by