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Fine Dictionary


Wheel lock pistol. Wheel lock is secured with two lock screws. The barrel is partially octagonal (back) and round. Narrow tread band in the middle. The drawer is decorated with a simple grain motif and inlaid with engraved strips of plates. At the bottom the letters HW Between the buttocks and buttocks and engraved bone ring. Signed and marked on the chamber: H R. Condition good. Almost identical gun: NG-NM-11422-A.
Wheel lock pistol. Wheel lock is secured with two lock screws. The barrel is partially octagonal (back) and round. Narrow tread band in the middle. The drawer is decorated with a simple grain motif and inlaid with engraved strips of plates. At the bottom the letters HW Between the buttocks and buttocks and engraved bone ring. Signed and marked on the chamber: H R. Condition good. Almost identical gun: NG-NM-11422-A.
The decoration of this gun is of high quality. Part of a couple. The lock is engraved with, among other things, scrolls and a signature; a groove runs across the tail of the strike plate; blued internally. The breech of the barrel is attached from below; above there is a ridge, interrupted by chiseled acanthus leaves; engraved with the same signature as the clasp and foliage; each face of the barrel is stamped in brass with a double-headed eagle mark within a shield; the same brand is on the bottom; the visor grain is made of brass. The cob is carved with acanthus leaves, among other things. The brass fittings are embossed with embossed foliage and Classical warriors and consist of an lace-worked screw plate of asymmetrical curls on each side of a mask, an open-worked thumb plate with a man's head with a long wig, and a trigger brace and butt cap decorated with leaf scrolls around. a grotesque mask at the bottom; the ramrod is fitted with a brass cap.
The decoration of this gun is of high quality. Part of a couple. The lock is engraved with, among other things, scrolls and a signature; a groove runs across the tail of the strike plate; blued internally. The breech of the barrel is attached from below; above there is a ridge, interrupted by chiseled acanthus leaves; engraved with the same signature as the clasp and foliage; each face of the barrel is stamped in brass with a double-headed eagle mark within a shield; the same brand is on the bottom; the visor grain is made of brass. The cob is carved with acanthus leaves, among other things. The brass fittings are embossed with embossed foliage and Classical warriors and consist of an lace-worked screw plate of asymmetrical curls on each side of a mask, an open-worked thumb plate with a man's head with a long wig, and a trigger brace and butt cap decorated with leaf scrolls around. a grotesque mask at the bottom; the ramrod is fitted with a brass cap.
Flint pre-loading gun, ramrod is missing. The barrel, decorated with crossed anchors, is attached to the drawer with an iron shackle, which in turn is attached to the drawer by a tail. Stock cap, trigger guard and pan are made of brass. Simple iron flint lock. Opposite the lock is a bracket on the drawer, with which the gun can be hung on a belt. For the most part, this pistol corresponds to the heavy cavalry pistol M 1820.
Flint pistol heavy cavalry, M1820
This five-barrel flint gun could fire up to nineteen shots in a stacked charge. The lock is engraved with flower tendrils; the stepped tail of the lock plate is shaped like a monster head. The four barrels are soldered around a smaller caliber regulator tube; the top one is stamped with a mark in the shape of an acorn, marked on either side with an I and a K respectively; the right barrel has two zundholes; between the top and right barrel is a winged screw to block the front internal zund hole. Aside from the iron trigger guard with an engraved sunflower, the silver fittings consist of a drawer cap, a ramrod tube and a butt cap, all engraved with finials; the ramrod has a matching hood.
Flint pistol with five barrels for stacked charges
The trophy has a helmet, shield and crossed rider pistols. From series, consisting of a title page and 16 pages.
The trophy has a helmet, shield and crossed rider pistols. From series, consisting of a title page and 16 pages.
Part of a couple. The tail of the lock plate is carved in relief with acanthus leaves; the lock plate is signed. The blued barrel is decorated with gold-encrusted arabesques, Classical warriors and a seated man (emperor?) In toga under a ram's head, flanked by putti and surrounded by foliage; the barrel is stamped on the bottom with a mark resembling a globe with a cross or trifold. The butt is separated from the solid ivory butt by a band of gilt silver in the shape of a knotted festoon; the butt is carved in relief, with a grotesque mask, a curly acanthus leaf and beaded edges; the butt is carved all around like the head of a Classical mustachioed warrior wearing a gilt silver helmet with chin straps, decorated with separately applied silver foliage, a grotesque mask on the back and a three-dimensional silver lizard on top. The fittings are gilded silver and consist of a drawer cap, two ramrod sleeves with relief, and a trigger guard with separately applied, openwork silver arabesques; no screw plate, the butt cap has the shape of a helmet; the ivory ramrod has a gilded silver cap.
Part of a couple. The tail of the lock plate is carved in relief with acanthus leaves; the lock plate is signed. The blued barrel is decorated with gold-encrusted arabesques, Classical warriors and a seated man (emperor?) In toga under a ram's head, flanked by putti and surrounded by foliage; the barrel is stamped on the bottom with a mark resembling a globe with a cross or trifold. The butt is separated from the solid ivory butt by a band of gilt silver in the shape of a knotted festoon; the butt is carved in relief, with a grotesque mask, a curly acanthus leaf and beaded edges; the butt is carved all around like the head of a Classical mustachioed warrior wearing a gilt silver helmet with chin straps, decorated with separately applied silver foliage, a grotesque mask on the back and a three-dimensional silver lizard on top. The fittings are gilded silver and consist of a drawer cap, two ramrod sleeves with relief, and a trigger guard with separately applied, openwork silver arabesques; no screw plate, the butt cap has the shape of a helmet; the ivory ramrod has a gilded silver cap.
Five horsemen fighting with swords and pistols. In the middle a figure is shot in the back, on the left a killed rider is lying on the ground. The print is part of a six-part series of prints with horseman fights. Print numbered bottom right: 2.
Five horsemen fighting with swords and pistols. In the middle a figure is shot in the back, on the left a killed rider is lying on the ground. The print is part of a six-part series of prints with horseman fights. Print numbered bottom right: 2.
Landscape with two horsemen firing at each other with pistols.
Landscape with two horsemen firing at each other with pistols.
Battlefield scene with riders fighting each other with swords, spears and pistols. In the foreground, a rider is lashing out at his opponent with a sword, their horses trample a rider lying on the ground and his horse. The print is part of a six-part series of prints with horseman fights. Print numbered right of center: 5.
Battlefield scene with riders fighting each other with swords, spears and pistols. In the foreground, a rider is lashing out at his opponent with a sword, their horses trample a rider lying on the ground and his horse. The print is part of a six-part series of prints with horseman fights. Print numbered right of center: 5.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Minors in Kansas City, Missouri, are not allowed to purchase cap pistols; they may buy shotguns freely, however.
  1. Pistole
    The name of certain gold coins of various values formerly coined in some countries of Europe. In Spain it was equivalent to a quarter doubloon, or about $3.90, and in Germany and Italy nearly the same. There was an old Italian pistole worth about $5.40.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) pistole
    A gold coin of Spain, worth at the beginning of the nineteenth century nearly $4 United States money. The name was also applied to the French louis d'or of gold issned by Louis XIII. in 1640, and to gold coins of various European countries, worth either more or less than the Spanish pistole. About 1835, the Swiss pistole was worth nearly $4.75; the Italian, from $3.45 to $5.55; the German, about $4.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Pistole
    pis′tōl a Spanish gold coin=about 16 shillings.
Oliver Goldsmith
There is no arguing with him, for if his pistol misses fire, he knocks you down with the butt end of it.
Oliver Goldsmith
I thought it was a wonderfully conceptual act actually, to fire a replica pistol at a figurehead -- the guy could have been working for Andy Warhol!
J. G. Ballard
Thomas Carlyle
It is a strange trade that of advocacy. Your intellect, your highest heavenly gift is hung up in the shop window like a loaded pistol for sale.
Thomas Carlyle
Charles Lamb
A pun is not bound by the laws which limit nicer wit. It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.
Charles Lamb
William Gilmore Simms
The proverb answers where the sermon fails, as a well-charged pistol will do more execution than a whole barrel of gunpowder idly exploded in the air.
William Gilmore Simms
Jean-Paul Sartre
Words are loaded pistols.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., probably a name given in jest in France to a Spanish coin. Cf. Pistol

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Same as above.

Usage in the news

John Pistole , head of the Transportation Security Administration, says inconvenience is a small price to pay for safety.

John Pistole discusses new role as Transportation Security Administration chief.

TSA union welcomes John Pistole as new agency administrator.

John Pistole confirmed to head TSA.

John Pistole , former deputy director of the FBI, was confirmed by the Senate Friday, with a voice vote.

Obama Nominates Pistole for TSA Chief.

Is This The First I-Pistol.

"Hedy Jane" Pocket Pistol Finished in I-Phone White.

The DoubleTap pocket pistol from Heizer Defense arrives in.45 ACP or 9mm, as a concealed carry gun for officers and civilian end users.

A local private investigator pleaded guilty today to submitting false information about his criminal record when he amended his pistol permit two years ago.

Loaded Pistol Found in Backseat of Squad Car .

A man allegedly tried to rob the truck with a pistol on Thursday morning.

Sterner Test for Pomeroys Pistol.

Forward Gal winner Pomeroys Pistol faces 8 in the Davona Dale.

Carsen & Ott Talk Syringes , Pistols, and Space Archaeology.

Usage in scientific papers

The most massive star is the Pistol star, with an estimated initial mass of 200 − 250 M⊙ (Figer et al. 1998).
The First Cosmic Structures and their Effects

For example, to deliver a pistol bullet with a BC of 0.135 at a velocity of 1200 fps at 50 yards, one would work up a load producing 1385 fps at the muzzle.
A method for testing handgun bullets in deer

There is evidence of massive star formation, for instance in the Quintuplet cluster (Nagata), that illuminates the pistol-shaped HII regions (Figer), and hot dust has been mapped with ISOCAM.
The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies: A Brief Summary

Further, it contains two “Luminous Blue Variables ,” including the “Pistol Star.” The ionizing flux from the cluster is 1050.9 photons s−1 , or roughly what is required to ionize the nearby “Sickle” HII region (G0.18−0.04).
The Initial Mass Function in the Galactic Center

It is then shown that these q -Genocchi numbers have interesting combinatorial interpretations in the classical models for Genocchi numbers such as alternating pistols, alternating permutations, non intersecting lattice paths and skew Young tableaux.
A q-analog of the Seidel generation of Genocchi numbers

Usage in literature

You are surely not going into a ball-room with your pistols in that fashion? "The Scalp Hunters" by Mayne Reid

Now, if I was minded, I might return the compliment with one of my long pistols, and maybe they would wish I was farther off. "John Deane of Nottingham" by W.H.G. Kingston

Look at a highwayman mounted on his flying steed, with his pistols in his holsters, and his mask upon his face. "Rookwood" by William Harrison Ainsworth

I'll not be carryin' pistols an' havin' buckets of gold an' not a friend in the worl'. "The Bishop of Cottontown" by John Trotwood Moore

Courtroom guards put stun-pistols against Hoddan's body and ushered him out. "The Pirates of Ersatz" by Murray Leinster

Now, monsieur, have your pistol ready. "The Wild Man of the West" by R.M. Ballantyne

Months and years of practice are necessary to obtain full mastery of pistol or rifle. "The Snowshoe Trail" by Edison Marshall

In the bows of the boat was a small swivel-gun, and all the bluejackets with cutlasses and pistols. "The Three Midshipmen" by W.H.G. Kingston

For my quarrel, I don't care a toss whether it be settled with swords or pistols. "The Flag of Distress" by Mayne Reid

The pistol in his right hand was held close to his side, the muzzle directed at the rider. "'Drag' Harlan" by Charles Alden Seltzer

Usage in poetry
This Arab is upset, I fear;
Look at his pretty shield and spear.
He's stuck two pistols in his sash,
And, dear me, how his eyes do flash!
COME, my tan-faced children,
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready;
Have you your pistols? have you your sharp edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!
When I pulled out a pistol he ran for his life
So I chased him all round the houses
I aimed at the brute, but the wife said, "Don¹t shoot
He's wearing a pair of your trousers."
With a pistol well loaded and a gun in my hand,
I boldly rode up and I bid him to stand,
He passed out his money without ever a word
And I gave him five pounds for his help on the road.
When he came to that town, he bought pistols and knives,
And a sword, with a long shiny blade,
You’d have thought that his rival, had two or three lives,
By the fierce preparations he made;
And one reached out for a pistol
And one for a knife to hurl,
All for the sake of a woman, —
A brown-skinned slip of a girl
With a voice like the distant surges
And teeth as white as a pearl.