hănd"hōl` (Steam Boilers) A small hole in a boiler for the insertion of the hand in cleaning, etc.
A hole into which the hand may be inserted, as one near the bottom of a steam-boiler, designed to be used in cleaning the boiler, etc. It is closed by a plate.
When the odd demon holes up in my shoulder, and my body goes into full-fledged revolt, I turn to Amy Marquet's tenacious hands and aromatherapy arsenal. laweekly.com
Also near the grow operations was a large hole, which appeared to be dug by hand, and contained wall supports, and buckets used for watering the plants. oodtv.com
And as sure as the sun will rise, watering holes from the Marigny to Uptown and from Downtown to Mid-City are ready to lend a helping hand. blog.nola.com
Periodic lane closures are planned on University Avenue between Cunningham Avenue and Lincoln Avenue beginning at 7 am Wednesday while fiber optic conduit and hand holes are installed. news-gazette.com
Firefighters were called to the U-31 club in North Park around 2 am Sunday after an intoxicated bar patron got her hand stuck in one of the holes of a pool table . nbcsandiego.com
Bitterroot valley resident Steve "RedTail" Rickard will give a "hands on" presentation on Native American skills Saturday at the Big Hole National Battlefield. klyq.com
Bitterroot valley resident Steve " RedTail " Rickard will give a "hands on" presentation on Native American skills Saturday at the Big Hole National Battlefield. klyq.com
In which Robert Pattinson blows a hole through his hand. esquire.com
Tiger Woods shakes hands with Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano after sinking a putt to win the match on the 18th hole. chicagotribune.com
Firefighters were called to the U-31 club in North Park around 2 am Sunday after an intoxicated bar patron got her hand stuck in one of the holes of a pool table. nbcsandiego.com
Basically, it's an alien pillow orb that comes complete with hand holes. klyq.com
Phil McMurray and David Dreyer watch McMurray's putt on the Left Handed Day hole at the 4th annual "Hit the JACC Putt " mini golf at the Juneau Arts & Cultural Center on Friday. juneauempire.com
Available in three popular lengths with convenient hand hole spacing, and two widths with rounded edges won't dig into material. forconstructionpros.com
Simply replace hand hole and pull box covers with KeyRex locking fasteners that can be removed only with the privately owned key. pwmag.com
ALMOST nine months after the world watched Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi meet his maker at the hands of a camera-phone-wielding mob, our intervention in Libya's civil war has vanished down the American memory hole. nytimes.com
Sticking the fibers to the connector holes was still done by hand and rather time consuming. A part of the polished endface of one of our detectors is shown in fig. 5.
Testrun results from prototype fiber detectors for high rate particle tracking
On the other hand, in the absence of the particle-hole symmetry, all the states are localized.
Fermions in an anisotropic random magnetic field
On the other hand, in the previous papers we studied dynamics of the gauge theory of the t-J model showing that the slave particles are in the Coulomb phase below certain critical temperature TCSS that depends on hole doping.
Comment on ``Confinement of slave particles in U(1) gauge theories of strongly interacting electrons"
On the other hand, observations show that X-ray emitting black holes, in addition to possible synchrotron emission associated to sporadic outbursts, always exhibit flat-spectrum compact counterparts of synchrotron emission.
Microquasars: Open Questions and Future Perspectives
The RW - Zerilli technique, on the other hand, provides the whole perturbed metric, but is limited to non rotating black holes.
Gauge invariant perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes in horizon-penetrating coordinates
Davis, auger in hand, stands in readiness to bore the hole; waiting for the first officer to give the word. "The Flag of Distress" by
Finally, reaching down as far as he could, he found a little hole scarcely large enough for one hand. "Hunters Out of Space" by
He worked away diligently, and soon had a hole as big as his hand. "An Undivided Union" by
My health requires the half-light of the woods, Mr. Renault, and the friendly shadows which lie at hand like rat-holes in a granary. "The Reckoning" by
The Aleut, talking to himself in some unknown words, was down on his hands and knees, himself digging in the holes among the alders. "The Young Alaskans" by
Then he tried to get his hook in with his other hand; but the hole was too narrow. "The Water-Babies" by
As the old lawyer came back, candle in hand, it was now seen that the panel that had fallen laid bare a key-hole. "The Dark House" by
I touched my mistress, and then took her hand in mine, watching at the loop-hole. "The Privateer's-Man" by
The climax was reached at the next hole, when, with several strokes in hand, he topped his approach shot into a bunker. "Happy Days" by
With hands and a stick he quickly dug a hole to the depth of the marsh. "Girl Scouts in the Adirondacks" by
Inside the arm-hole of my vest;
I held the sleeve until she said
I really never SHOULD be dressed.
Lend a hand to help him along;
When his stockings have holes to darn,
Don't you grudge him your ball of yarn.
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that's remaining
Is a measure of how you will be missed.
We tumble short-handed,
With shot-holes to plug and new canvas to bend;
And off the Azores,
Dutch, Dons and Monsieurs
Are waiting to terrify poor honest men.
A plug in the end with a hole notched through;
Nen took the old drawey-knife an' cut
An' maked a handle 'at shoved clean shut
But ist where yer hand held to.
That with heat and the night frost is tortured:
To some perfection that grows, man's thoughts wills his hand —
Roots rent, crown broken, grub holed, it is drawn upward.