A vial.
To violate.
( Phoenix, AZ ) Tina Chancey plays Jean-Marie Leclair's violin sonatas on the pardessus de viole in a new recording from Hesperus/Golden Apple Recordings.
In Nomine for consort of viols – Fretwork.
Spend a night banging out a book review, spend a day or two going back and forth with edits and violà.–a check (or even a wire transfer) for $1,200.
A couple of bin Laden kids are complaining that killing unarmed people is a viol.
Asked how she became interested in playing the viol...
Gamn ˜Gamn where q is the final value taking into account the electroweak CP viol ation and Gamn is the field strength of gluon.
A review on axions and the strong CP problem
At zero temperature, these gauge field vacuum changes are strongly suppressed by a tunneling factor and baryon number violation is vanishingly small (ΓB+L viol. ∼ exp − 4π/αW , with αW = α/ sin2 θW ∼ 1/30).
Summary Talk at the 3rd KEK Topical Conference on CP Violation
This second condition requires that ΓB+L viol. (T ∗ ) < H (T ∗), which will obtain provided Esph (T ∗)/T ∗ is sufficiently big.
Summary Talk at the 3rd KEK Topical Conference on CP Violation
Second, he believes that for this dynamical problem it does not suffice to compute hφ(T ∗ )i/T ∗ via an effective potential, but one must really compute directly ΓB+L viol. (T ∗ ).
Summary Talk at the 3rd KEK Topical Conference on CP Violation
Our result is consistent with those of Dubois-Viol`ette & Henneaux .
$q$-Analog Singular Homology of Convex Spaces
Richard took the viol. "The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay" by
The chimney seemed to be a big bass-viol that this north-easter played on. "The Knights of the White Shield" by
Before this time the Independents had contented themselves with violins and a bass viol, and for a time with a clarionette. "The Evolution Of An English Town" by
The sound of the viol is again heard, and the merry dance is kept up till near morning light. "Charles Duran" by
Where is your harp or viol, Sir Knight of the Tuneful Road? "The Forest of Swords" by
I played the small bass-viol. "The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 13, No. 79, May, 1864" by
I can play upon the viol and eke upon the organ. "The Black Douglas" by
Place was grudgingly yielded to the violin by friends of the less insistent viol. "For Every Music Lover" by
It may be noted, however, in passing that the Italian word "violino" was used as late as 1597 to designate the tenor viol. "Some Forerunners of Italian Opera" by
Caesar saw it all from his post of vantage near the big viol, but he was not interested in the visitors, he knew what they could do. "The Arena" by
That used to lead the tune,
Rust eaten out the dial
That struck night's noon.
Torch-light through the high hall glances;
Waves a mighty shadow in;
With manner bland
Doth ask the maiden's hand,
Doth with her the dance begin;
And once more welling through the air, ah me!
How the sweet viol plains him to the harp,
Whose pang-ed sobbings throng tumultuously.
And they hook and they grip,
Cut and carry with hook and with hand;
Merry gleaners sing behind,
Sweet as viol of the wind,
For the poor still have joy in the land.
The earth was all greenness, the trees were all bloom;
And softly the delicate viol was heard,
Like the murmur of love or the notes of a bird.
Instead of the lyre, the guitar and the flute,
He has but the dry, wither'd Ram's-horn, the symbol
Of gloom and despondence; the rest all are mute.