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Fine Dictionary


Executioners put a crown of thorns on Christ's head with sticks and give a reed in his hand. This print is part of a handwritten prayer book.
Executioners put a crown of thorns on Christ's head with sticks and give a reed in his hand. This print is part of a handwritten prayer book.
  1. (n) putting
    hitting a golf ball that is on the green using a putter; he didn't sink a single putt over three feet" "his putting let him down today"
Three fragments of blue silk velvet brocade put together with a pattern of wavy tendrils, rose hips and large pomegranates. For comparable fragments see A, B and D through F.
Three fragments of blue silk velvet brocade put together with a pattern of wavy tendrils, rose hips and large pomegranates. For comparable fragments see A, B and D through F.
Last Supper: Christ sits in the center and puts his left hand on the slaughtered lamb that is on a platter on the table. He embraces Johannes with his right arm, who leans against his chest. The rest of the apostles discussing around the table. Left for Judas with money bag in hand. A servant at the back right.
Last Supper: Christ sits in the center and puts his left hand on the slaughtered lamb that is on a platter on the table. He embraces Johannes with his right arm, who leans against his chest. The rest of the apostles discussing around the table. Left for Judas with money bag in hand. A servant at the back right.
Men with torches and spears surround Christ who puts his hand on the head of Malchus whose ear was cut off by Peter. Left Peter putting his sword in its sheath. In the background soldiers chase fleeing disciples. Third print in a series of depictions of the Passion. Print is part of an album.
Men with torches and spears surround Christ who puts his hand on the head of Malchus whose ear was cut off by Peter. Left Peter putting his sword in its sheath. In the background soldiers chase fleeing disciples. Third print in a series of depictions of the Passion. Print is part of an album.
Love couple in a boat. The woman is leaning back and has put one leg over her lover. The man touches the woman while he kisses her.
Love couple in a boat. The woman is leaning back and has put one leg over her lover. The man touches the woman while he kisses her.
They stand on a plinth and have put their arms around each other. A drapery connects the three naked female figures. On the plinth is a plinth, on which lies a flower garland, which hangs from the side.
The Three Graces
A Jewish wedding. The bridal couple is under the prayer rug, the groom puts the ring on his bride's finger. To the left an old man in a top hat by a burning candle, the wedding guests are standing around the couple.
Jewish wedding
Artillerymen put on gas masks for fear of German planes
A woman puts sheets or laundry on the floor of a fenced-off bleaching field. In the center is a woman standing at a water pump. In the background the houses of a town and a church.
A bleaching field
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Lightning puts 10,000,000 tons of nitrogen into the earth each year.
  1. Putting
    The throwing of a heavy stone, shot, etc., with the hand raised or extended from the shoulder; -- originally, a Scottish game.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The sound you here when you put a seashell next to your ear is not the ocean, but blood flowing through your head.
  1. Putting
    the act of hurling a heavy stone from the hand by a sudden push from the shoulder: the act of striking a golf-ball when near a hole, so as to cause it to fall into it
I want to put a ding in the universe.
Steve Jobs
Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
When God measures man, He puts the tape around his heart -- not his head.
Pablo Picasso
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.
Pablo Picasso
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
Steven Wright
There is nothing that puts a man more in your debt than that he owes you nothing.
Mark Caine

Put a bug in your ear - If you put a bug in someone's ear, you give him or her a reminder or suggestion relating to a future event.

Put a cork in it! - This is a way of telling someone to be quiet.

Put a sock in it - If someone tells you to put a sock in it, they are telling you to shut up.

Put all your eggs in one basket - If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.

Put it on the cuff - If you put something on the cuff, you will take it now and pay for it later.

Put lipstick on a pig - If people put lipstick on a pig, they make superficial or cosmetic changes, hoping that it will make the product more attractive.


Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Put.

Usage in the news

Put "Jayne Mansfield" and "car" in the same sentence, and the mind immediately goes to… well, a not so good place.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart seem to be putting her cheating scandal behind them — the "Twilight" stars were "very affectionate " at a Prince concert in Hollywood.

Put party affiliation aside and work together.

Missile-defense site: Where to put it.

Where should they put the East Coast missile defense site.

You just put the machine on agitate , not the spin cycle.

Why go out to see a friend when you can check in with 900 of them without even needing to put on pants.

It put her on the international dance map.

I don't know how much stock to put into this, but there's a new ailment to worry about.

A South Florida chef shows us how to put a twist on your favorite burger.

She knows how to deliver a baby, deal with drunks and passengers with flight-phobia, as well as smile all day and put her hair up neatly.

Although we appreciate and benefit from the wealth of technology and abundance of testing that goes into each model a manufacturer releases, there are times when the factories screw up, to put it bluntly.

Put a little buzz in your business with these marketing lessons from the alcoholic beverage industry.

Simply put, the difference is training.

An inmate's escape from custody Wednesday put dozens of deputies into the search mode and put those who live near the jail on alert.

Usage in scientific papers

Some of those data were obtained under non-photometric conditions, but all of the standards data were combined, with a grey shift calculated such that the average through-put agreed with the observation with the highest through-put.
The Physical Properties of the Red Supergiant WOH G64: The Largest Star Known?

Put rad R∆(λ) = {x ∈ R∆(λ) | hy, xi = 0 for any y ∈ R∆♯ (λ)}, and put RL(λ) = R∆(λ)/ rad R∆(λ).
Presenting cyclotomic q-Schur algebras

Similarly, put rad R∆♯ (λ) = {y ∈ R∆♯ (λ) | hy, xi = 0 for any x ∈ R∆(λ)}, and put RL♯ (λ) = R∆♯ (λ)/ rad R∆♯ (λ).
Presenting cyclotomic q-Schur algebras

If (X1 , X2 ) = (A, C ) or (A, O), we put xi = yi = qi as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 (i). (X1 , X2 ) = (O, C ) or (C, O), we put xi = 2qi , yi = 0.
Locally simple subalgebras of diagonal Lie algebras

Indeed, otherwise we can put a vector of weight k in each box of the first row and put other weight vectors in all other boxes of λj so that the total sum of all weights of vectors is greater than k , which contradicts the fact that k is the maximal weight.
Categories of integrable $sl(\infty)$-, $o(\infty)$-, $sp(\infty)$-modules

Usage in literature

When he were 'bout ten rods off, I put a bullet in his ol' wooden leg fer to hurry him erlong. "In the Days of Poor Richard" by Irving Bacheller

Jan put one foot into the room: he could not put two, unless he had stepped upon the papers. "Verner's Pride" by Mrs. Henry Wood

Mabel put out her little foot and pressed it against her sister's. "The Honorable Miss" by L. T. Meade

It must therefore be put a stop to, and the first way to put a stop to anything of the sort is to discover all about it. "The Rebel of the School" by Mrs. L. T. Meade

She put on her court dress and made her courtesy to her majesty with the same charming unconsciousness and ease of manner. "Uncle Max" by Rosa Nouchette Carey

Those little sunset drives would be such a pleasure to her, just when Michael had to be milking and putting up for the night. "The Other Girls" by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

Take four quarts of Honey, good measure; put to it four Gallons of water, let it stand all night, but stir it well, when you put it together. "The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened" by Kenelm Digby

By and by the violin was put away and all knelt by the fire while Sarah prayed aloud for protection through the night. "A Man for the Ages" by Irving Bacheller

Put four tablespoons of marmalade in the bottom and then put in two-inch layer of batter. "Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book" by Mary A. Wilson

She put on the panoply of steel so often assumed by the woman who has got into trouble. "Bella Donna" by Robert Hichens

Usage in poetry
Mi daddy he once fell asleep,
An nivver wakken'd moor:
Aw saw 'em put him in a box,
An tak him aght o'th' door.
Now to the one she would give eare
Now put the other of,
Allurynge him by courteseye,
And tauntynge him by scoff.
CLARIN. Because alone I know
Who you are: And this being so,
Learn, Clotaldo is . . . . . This strain
Puts me out.
What if this we do
Against wind, cold, and dew
Arms put round each other?
Just so that we need not say
I Ku anu e!
By this Name do I answer yes --
Word beautiful and true.
By this I'll sew the bridal dress
I shall put on for you.
Then the spirit which is gone
Will return and claim this dust,
And this "mortal will put on
Immortality," we trust.