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Fine Dictionary


An unchaste woman tries to approach the bed of the sleeping Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. The saint will chase the woman away early. The print is part of a fourteen-volume series that forms a frame around an image of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
An unchaste woman tries to approach the bed of the sleeping Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. The saint will chase the woman away early. The print is part of a fourteen-volume series that forms a frame around an image of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
  1. (v) approach
    make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
  2. (v) approach
    come near in time "Winter is approaching","approaching old age"
  3. (v) approach
    move towards "We were approaching our destination","They are drawing near","The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
  4. (v) approach
    begin to deal with "approach a task","go about a difficult problem","approach a new project"
  5. (v) approach
    come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character "This borders on discrimination!","His playing approaches that of Horowitz"
  6. (n) approach
    the act of drawing spatially closer to something "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
  7. (n) approach
    a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"
  8. (n) approach
    ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons","an attack on inflation","his plan of attack was misguided"
  9. (n) approach
    a way of entering or leaving "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"
  10. (n) approach
    a close approximation "the nearest approach to genius"
  11. (n) approach
    the temporal property of becoming nearer in time "the approach of winter"
  12. (n) approach
    a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others "she rejected his advances"
  13. (n) approach
    the event of one object coming closer to another
  14. (n) approach
    the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
A rich couple, dressed in expensive clothing, is approached by an old couple (their parents) in the presence of their three children in a city setting. The old man extends his hand to the woman in a questioning gesture. Behind the young couple with the children is Death in the guise of an old man with an hourglass on his head and a scythe in hand. Above the performance two lines, below the performance five lines of Dutch text, with the slogan 'parents, don't give too much of your money away to your children, because before you know it you will suffer poverty yourself when you are old'.
A rich couple, dressed in expensive clothing, is approached by an old couple (their parents) in the presence of their three children in a city setting. The old man extends his hand to the woman in a questioning gesture. Behind the young couple with the children is Death in the guise of an old man with an hourglass on his head and a scythe in hand. Above the performance two lines, below the performance five lines of Dutch text, with the slogan 'parents, don't give too much of your money away to your children, because before you know it you will suffer poverty yourself when you are old'.
Jupiter approaches the nymph Callisto in the guise of the goddess Diana. Callisto lies in the arms of Jupiter under a tree, the pair are surrounded by curious putti. Scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Jupiter approaches the nymph Callisto in the guise of the goddess Diana. Callisto lies in the arms of Jupiter under a tree, the pair are surrounded by curious putti. Scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Christ fell under the weight of the cross. Veronica approaches with a cloth to wipe the sweat from his face. In the front of the tough soldiers on horseback. This print is part of an album.
Christ fell under the weight of the cross. Veronica approaches with a cloth to wipe the sweat from his face. In the front of the tough soldiers on horseback. This print is part of an album.
In a wooded landscape, Christ is approached in the foreground on the right by Satan in the guise of an old man with a wooden leg. With his right hand he offers a stone to Christ.
In a wooded landscape, Christ is approached in the foreground on the right by Satan in the guise of an old man with a wooden leg. With his right hand he offers a stone to Christ.
On the left, two travelers rest on the side of a forest path. A rider approaches to the right. Two dogs walk in front of the horse.
On the left, two travelers rest on the side of a forest path. A rider approaches to the right. Two dogs walk in front of the horse.
On a forest path, Jupiter approaches Callisto in the form of Diana to seduce her. Jupiter can be recognized by the eagle next to him. Callisto is accompanied by some hunting dogs. Under a one-line caption in Latin.
On a forest path, Jupiter approaches Callisto in the form of Diana to seduce her. Jupiter can be recognized by the eagle next to him. Callisto is accompanied by some hunting dogs. Under a one-line caption in Latin.
Allegory of the approaching Peace of Rijswijk, 1696. Wisdom and Peace shake hands, behind it a bust of King Willem III. In the caption a six-line verse.
Allegory of the approaching Peace of Rijswijk, 1696. Wisdom and Peace shake hands, behind it a bust of King Willem III. In the caption a six-line verse.
John with two disciples points to Christ who is approaching.
John with two disciples points to Christ who is approaching.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Stanley Kubrick approached Lloyd's of London about an insurance policy in case extraterrestrial life was discovered before the release of his movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  1. Approach
    A access, or opportunity of drawing near. "The approach to kings and principal persons."
  2. Approach
    (Golf) A stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green. It is made with an iron club.
  3. Approach
    A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access.
  4. Approach
    Movements to gain favor; advances.
  5. Approach
    (Hort) See Approaching.
  6. Approach
    (Aviation) that part of a flight during which an airplane descends toward the landing strip.
  7. Approach
    The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near. "The approach of summer.", "A nearer approach to the human type."
  8. Approach
    (Fort) The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post.
  9. Approach
    (Bowling) the steps taken by a bowler just before delivering the ball toward the pins.
  10. Approach
    To bring near; to cause to draw near; to advance.
  11. Approach
    To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer. "Wherefore approached ye so nigh unto the city?", "But exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching ."
  12. Approach
    To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.
  13. Approach
    (Mil) To take approaches to.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. approach
    To come or go near in place or time; draw near; advance nearer; come into presence.
  2. approach
    Figuratively, to draw near; approximate; come near in degree: with to: as, he approaches to the character of an able statesman.
  3. approach
    To bring near; advance: as, he approached his hand to the cup.
  4. approach
    To come or draw near to: as, to approach the gate.
  5. approach
    Figuratively, to come near to in quality, character, or condition; nearly equal: as, modern sculpture does not approach that of the Greeks.
  6. (n) approach
    The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near.
  7. (n) approach
    Access; opportunity or liberty of drawing near; nearness: as, “the approach to kings,” Bacon.
  8. (n) approach
    Nearness or close approximation in quality, likeness, or character.
  9. (n) approach
    A passage or avenue by which anything is approached; any means of access or approximation.
  10. (n) approach
    plural In fortification, the works thrown up by besiegers to protect themselves in their advances toward a fortress. Compare boyau.
  11. (n) approach
    In golf, the play by which a player endeavors to get his ball on to the putting-green.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.i) Approach
    ap-prōch′ to draw near: to draw nigh (of time or events): to come near in quality, condition, &c.:
  2. (v.t) Approach
    to come near to: to resemble: attain to: to bring near in any sense
  3. (n) Approach
    a drawing near to in military attack, in personal relations: access: a path or avenue: approximation:
  4. (v.i) Approach
    ap-prōch′ (arch.) to come into personal relations with a person
  5. (n) Approach
    (pl.) trenches, &c., by which besiegers strive to reach a fortress
Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
Mark Twain
Cynicism is the only form in which base souls approach honesty.
Nietzche Evil
When danger approaches, sing to it.
Arabian Proverb
George Sand
One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe.
George Sand
George Eliot
To act with doubleness towards a man whose own conduct was double, was so near an approach to virtue that it deserved to be called by no meaner name than diplomacy.
George Eliot
George Meredith
Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity.
George Meredith

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. approchen, aprochen, OF. approcher, LL. appropriare, fr. L. ad, + propiare, to draw near, prope, near

Usage in the news

Expect new oncology, diabetes, and cardiovascular drugs as well as a more streamlined approach to manufacturing.

Two thieves approached the victim on Nov 5 at 1:15 am on East 12th Street near Avenue B, snatched.

The 27-year-old victim told cops she was at Navy Street at 10:10 pm when the thief approached her, snatched her phone from her hand, and fled into the nearby housing projects.

The 55-year-old victim said she was between Prospect Place and St Marks Avenue at around 7:30 pm when three men approached from behind, and one grabbed her purse.

Moments before Clint Eastwood approached the podium at the Republican National Convention Thursday night, he asked a stagehand to get him a chair.

Public Health is in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of this approach with the hope that it might offer some protection.

Approaching jazz can seem intimidating for those who don't know hard bop from bebop (or maybe even "Blitzkrieg Bop").

Samuel Ramey stars in both halves of an engaging double bill, presenting two very different approaches to the mysteries of death.

He approached writer-director Tony Gilroy and pointed at the Hilton across the street.

A big difference in atmospheric pressure between the departing low that produced yesterday's rain and the approaching high will yield very strong winds yet again today.

Lewisburg's Police Advisory Board won't act on issues predating its creation, according to a board vote last week when police approached the panel about sergeant stripes.

At Medcare in Breckenridge, a 'mind, body and soul approach'.

This has been a decision Justice Boehm 's been mulling for some time, but a combination of factors such as his wife's approaching retirement and a desire to spend more time with family helped make up his mind.

NEW YORK – There's good reason to approach Bring It On: The Musical (*** out of four) with skepticism.

Kawkab al-Balushi, a bold student newspaper editor, wants to challenge authority – but disagrees with the divergent approach of some of her more rebellious peers who just 'want a Blackberry,' she says.

Usage in scientific papers

According to [Be], there are roughly two approachs: infinite and finite. I understand that those using stacks and loop groups are infinite approach, and working in the category of schemes of finite type is finite approach.
Factorization of generalized theta functions at reducible case

To distinguish them, I write Poss(U jV ) for the (cid:12)rst approach and Poss(U jjV ) for the second approach.
Conditional Plausibility Measures and Bayesian Networks

We conclude with an overview of the basic strategy introduced by us in Ref. 10 for the calculation of dynamical and transport properties—we will be using this approach over and over again in what follows, and while the details will differ from calculation to calculation, the basic approach will remain unchanged.
Dynamics and transport in random quantum systems governed by strong-randomness fixed points

Tm is approached from below, Ploc ∼ (Tm − T ) ˜β , with the critical exponent ˜β = 1 ; it is also easy to obtain that as the temperature approaches Tm , the correlation “length” in Ploc (n) between different indices n and n′ scales as |Tm − T |−˜γ , with the critical exponent ˜γ = 2 .
Force-Induced Melting and Thermal Melting of a Double-Stranded Biopolymer

Recently [12, 9] Wilson’ approach has been resuscited and the GinspargWilson condition is looking for a place in non commutative geometry. L¨uscher’ approach is perhaps closest to Dimakis or Ma jid ones, but Balachandran is already looking for a role for it near to the axiomatic of NCG manifolds.
It is the ambiguity. (But only three generations)

Usage in literature

He approached her and took her hand. "A Son of Hagar" by Sir Hall Caine

But it was remarkable, that the nearer one approached the hill, the higher it appeared, and more majestic. "Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers" by Various

If they do not approach each other that closely, the salute is exchanged at the point of nearest approach. "Manual of Military Training" by James A. Moss

Horror-stricken as I was at the approach of such a ghastly death, I felt a languor and sleepiness far from unpleasant. "An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet" by A. Henry Savage Landor

The foolish nymphs, though they see his approach, are still far from understanding. "The Wagnerian Romances" by Gertrude Hall

This law being admitted, the reason of the increase in the planet's velocity when it approaches the sun is at once apparent. "The Story of the Heavens" by Robert Stawell Ball

The regent, in compliance with the invitation, approached the window, and saw a large fire blazing in the middle of the courtyard. "The Regent's Daughter" by Alexandre Dumas (Pere)

Approaching nearer, and more near, they again gathered around the pits, and saw that food was waiting for them at the bottom of both. "The Giraffe Hunters" by Mayne Reid

I saw, as I approached him, that my chances were but indifferent. "The Quadroon" by Mayne Reid

Those placers are not to be approached by white men, unless when in strong force. "Wood Rangers" by Mayne Reid

Usage in poetry
But when once from hence we fly,
More and more approaching nigh
Unto young eternity,
As every year I see it
Out of the hall downstairs,
The long-delayed approaching
Of this my final year.
Approaches now the close
Of Rugby and of "Socker;"
The football jersey goes
Back to its native locker.
A form sits by the window,
That is not seen by day,
For as soon as the dawn approaches
It vanishes away.
Come out! The world approaches peace,
War nears its end;
No warrior watches your release–
Only a friend.
On my usual corner,
The corner at which you turn
To approach that place where now
You must not hope to arrive.