a desire for sexual intimacy -
(Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid
(Greek Myth) Love; the god of love; -- by earlier writers represented as one of the first and creative gods, by later writers as the son of Aphrodite, equivalent to the Latin god Cupid.
Pl. Erotes or Eroses (e-rō′ tēz, ē′ ros-ez). In Greek myth, the god of love, identified by the Romans with Cupid. See Cupid. -
[NL.] In zoology, a genus of malacodermatous beetles, of the family Telephoridæ. There are many species, of Europe and America, as E. mundus of North America. -
In astronomy, No. 433 of the asteroid group, discovered photographically by Witt, at Berlin, in 1898, and for a time provisionally referred to as D. Q. Its orbit is much smaller than that of any other minor planet, its mean distance from the sun being less than that of Mars. Its period is 643.11 days. At times it can approach the earth within about 13,000,000 miles (nearer than any other member of the solar system), and thus furnishes perhaps the most precise of all methods for finding the solar parallax. At these rare approaches it may nearly reach the limit of naked-eye visibility, but it is usually observable only in large telescopes, its diameter being not more than 15 or 20 miles. At certain times there are regular variations in its brightness from which an axial rotation in 5 hours 16 minutes is inferred.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., fr. Gr. love, (personified) Eros, fr. to love
The Trilogy 'Eros' Has Too Much Fooling Around.
From Eros to Gaia by Freeman Dyson Pantheon/A Cornelia and Michael Bessie Book, 371 pp.
Landscape of Eros, Through the Peephole.
Eros in Antiquity photographed by Antonia Mulas The Erotic Art Book Society, 153 pp.
Tortoise eros standards thrill jockey.
Eros is seeking an early holiday gift: A home.
Grant Boast Appointed Regional Sales Manager for BBA Aviation ERO.
Rafael Pin?eros — Mulato Films.
MARK NASON Eros from Viva International Group.
Largest – Eros, entered by Marisa Martens.
Stephen Eros and Jamie Lynn Marble.
Photographs by Eros Hoagland / Redux.
Dallas Airmotive, a BBA Aviation Engine Repair and Overhaul (ERO) company, has been appointed a Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) Designated Overhaul Facility (DOF) for its PW535B, PW535E, and PW545C engine models.
Z ero tolerance is always a knee-jerk reaction, but rarely works out well.
Romance , which occasionally appeals, and eros, which never fails.
In this work we define as EROs ob jects with colors consistent with passively evolving elliptical galaxies at z ≥ 1.
EROs in the EIS Fields. I: The AXAF (Chandra) Deep Field
Ob jects with these extreme properties (faint K-band magnitudes, extremely red optical-NIR colors) are now commonly known as Extremely Red Ob jects (EROs).
EROs in the EIS Fields. I: The AXAF (Chandra) Deep Field
The EIS data have been used to construct EROs samples using a variety of magnitude and color criteria.
EROs in the EIS Fields. I: The AXAF (Chandra) Deep Field
In this paper, we review the EIS dataset (Sect. 2) and then present a number of possible EROs samples using different selection criteria (Sect. 3).
EROs in the EIS Fields. I: The AXAF (Chandra) Deep Field
There are no EROs in our samples brighter than K s = 18.
EROs in the EIS Fields. I: The AXAF (Chandra) Deep Field
Ego Maenas, ego mei pars, ego vir sterilis ero? "The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus" by
Identified with Venus, as Harpocrates was with Eros, she was honored especially by the women with whom love was a profession. "The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism" by
She found them in the studio with Dot and Eros. "Doctor Luttrell's First Patient" by
Love between man and woman must be forever young, even as Eros, Cupid, Krishna, are forever youthful gods. "The History of Sir Richard Calmady" by
Production of G. Strube's "Hymn to Eros" at a concert given in Boston, for the Germanic Museum. "Annals of Music in America" by
It is so hard to reckon on Eros. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930" by
Then came the hero of the evening, James, the unknown Eros. "Love and Lucy" by
You ... you think you're a bloody 'ero, eih, p'tectin' a woman from 'er 'usband! "Changing Winds" by
Ego ero in corde et in ore vestro. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 40 of 55" by
Why, when I go down to supper, I'll be the 'ero of the servants' 'all: the 'ole of the staff is that curious! "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 20 (of 25)" by
and ornithologists
the flight
of Eros obsolete
The urchin blind and bare,
But Love, with spectacles and staff,
And scanty, silvered hair.
For Eros is older than Saturn or Jove;
Never was poet, of late or of yore,
Who was not tremulous with love-lore.
For thee and me to hearken what he sings.
Contented, he forgets to fly away;
But hush!... remind not Eros of his wings.
To the quiet greenwood came;
Full of skill was he and heartless
In pursuit of feathered game.
And betimes he chanced to see
Eros perching in a tree.
Was laughing Eros born,
Nor shines alone for us the moon,
Nor burns the ruddy morn;
Alas! to-morrow lies not in the ken
Of us who are, O Nicias, mortal men!