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  1. (n) adit
    a nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Adit
    An entrance or passage. Specifically: The nearly horizontal opening by which a mine is entered, or by which water and ores are carried away; -- called also drift and tunnel.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) adit
    An entrance or a passage; specifically, in mining, a nearly horizontal excavation, or drift (which see), specially used to conduct from the interior to the surface the water which either comes into the workings from above or is pumped up from below. The word tunnel is in general use in the United States, and especially in the western mining regions, for adit; but the former properly signifies an excavation open at both ends, such as is used in railroads. When there are two or more adits, the lowest is called the deep adit. Adits are occasionally several miles in length. The so-called Sutro tunnel, draining the Comstock lode at Virginia City, Nevada, is the most extensive work of this kind yet constructed in the United States. It is about 20,000 feet in length, and intersects the lode at a depth of about 2000 feet. Also called adit-level. See cut under level.
  2. (n) adit
    Milit., a passage under ground by which miners approach the part they intend to sap. Wilhelm, Mil. Diet. Admission; access; approach.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Adit
    ad′it an opening or passage, esp. into a mine.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. aditus, fr. adire, aitum, to go to; ad, + ire, to go

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. aditus—ad, to, īre, itum, to go.

Usage in scientific papers

In this paper is presented the formula for the WZ couplings of the generalized sigma-orbifold fixed-points which also have one aditional SO(2n) Yang-Mills gauge field .
Wess Zumino Couplings for Generalized Sigma Orbifold Fixed-points

J ∗ | < kϕ,n < ω (c) if in adition ¯b is an indiscernible set, then in (∗) of clause (a) we cn weaken ¯s ∼J ∗ ¯t to (∀ℓ, k)[(sℓ < sk ≡ tℓ < tk ) & sℓ ∈ J ∗ ≡ tℓ ∈ J ∗ → sℓ = tℓ ].
Classification theory for theories with NIP - a modest beginning

Asymptotic flatness on (W E , g E) determines the behaviour of the Ernst potential at infinity (see also [18, 6] and references therein) and, in adition, requires asymptotic conditions on the electromagnetic field .
On global models for isolated rotating axisymmetric charged bodies; uniqueness of the exterior field

By Seifert-Van Kampen theorem, if π1 (X ) is trivial, the adition of these pieces does not change the fundamental group.
Topology of hypersurface singularities with 3-dimensional critical set

We recall here only that these are complex Hopf ∗-algebras (i.e. ‘∗’ is an antilinear, multiplication-reversing involution so that both ∆ and ε are ∗-algebra maps) with the aditional property that all H -comodules admit an inner product invariant under H in some sense (which we will not need to make precise below).
Centers, cocenters and simple quantum groups

Usage in literature

The adit of the mine was at the apex of the hill, which drooped off to the north. "The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Complete" by William T. Sherman

The adit of the mine was at the apex of the hill, which drooped off to the north. "Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals, Complete" by U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, P. H. Sheridan

The adit of the mine was at the apex of the hill, which drooped off to the north. "The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Vol. I., Part 1" by William T. Sherman

There are shafts, adits, and levels just as in the mines of Colorado and California. "Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life" by Thomas Wallace Knox

As a rule, they know more about shafts and adits than scientific geology. "The Lure of the North" by Harold Bindloss

So down, down, till he came to the level, and crept along the adit to the shore. "A Maid of the Silver Sea" by John Oxenham

The tract of country included between the Adit and the Bahar el Abiud is called El Gezira, i.e. "A Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar" by George Bethune English

In that eastern adit of ours you can hear them working in the Lawrenceburg as plainly as if they were only a few feet away. "Branded" by Francis Lynde

Can't jump down into the water and swim out by the adit, can you? "Menhardoc" by George Manville Fenn

He must be at the mouth of an adit where they threw out their waste stuff to be washed away by the sea. "Sappers and Miners" by George Manville Fenn