get on
gɪt ɔn-
get on
grow old or older "She aged gracefully","we age every day--what a depressing thought!","Young men senesce" -
get on
develop in a positive way "He progressed well in school","My plants are coming along","Plans are shaping up" -
get on
appear in a show, on T.V. or radio "The news won't be on tonight" -
get on
grow late or (of time) elapse "It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!" -
get on
get up on the back of "mount a horse" -
get on
get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.) -
get on
have smooth relations "My boss and I get along very well"
Get on
to proceed, advance
Get a handle on - When you get a handle on something, you come to understand it.
Get back on the horse that bucked you - When you start drinking again after being hungover from drinking the previous night.
Get in on the act - If people want to get in on the act, they want to participate in something that is currently profitable or popular.
Get in on the ground floor - If you get in on the ground floor, you enter a project or venture at the start before people know how successful it might be.
Get on like a house on fire - If people get on like a house on fire, they have a very close and good relationship.
Get on my last nerve - (USA) If something is getting on your last nerve, you are completely fed up, ready to lose your temper. (Southern USA)
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. gitan, to get.
The Newberg-based Chehalem park district is helping paddlers get on the Willamette River by offering a canoe, kayak and paddle board rental fleet on weekends at Dundee.
It should get on board.
Enlarge Buy This Photo Carol Cierniak, of Toledo tries to warm up before getting on the starting line for the half marathon.
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett says he might try to block Gov Jan Brewer from getting on the ballot if she tries to run for another term.
State appears ready to get on board with Orlando-to-Miami train.
You can get on your bicycle nearly anywhere in Southwest Florida to get fit, enjoy the scenery and have an adventure.
How often do you get on Facebook and the first thing you see is some dude taking a self-pic using a mirror at the gym.
You and your sweetie could get on the 95.9 KISS CAM.
The SBPAL program gives middle school students in the community who would otherwise be unable to participate in competitive sports a chance to get on the field or court.
The week on Sound Travels is all about framing the scope of adventurous music you get on 88Nine.
Utah Supreme Court to Decide if Move to Amend Gets on SLC Ballot.
When Sabrina Ness gets on stage, she delivers a lesson well beyond her years.
If you didn't check out Hulu's website today, you might want to get on it.
There's a real art to getting on a potential customer's calendar.
Or a young person may try to get on the roster in the growing private club team system — an even more exclusive route that some top teenage athletes are choosing, especially when high schools cut coaches and opportunities.
This measure induces a probability measure on zig-zag paths and hence on particle configurations in Z; we get a point process on Z.
Non-intersecting Paths, Random Tilings and Random Matrices
This process is repeated on all the neighbours of the site i and further on all the neighbours of the new sites that get bonded.
An Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation of Statistical physics Problem
On the other hand, if we do make redshift corrections, depending on the used power of (1 + z ) factors we may get either dG or dA .
The Apparent Fractal Conjecture: Scaling Features in Standard Cosmologies
Afterall your Monte Carlo programme itself can be thought of as a new test of randomness of the pseudo random number generator. I shall stop here the discussion on pseudo random number generators and get on to Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo: Basics
If we set a = uvSµg ∈ On⋊αω G, then, we get kak ≤ C and a∗ ya = gf g becomes an element of C0 (Γ) which is 1 on O.
AF-embeddability of crossed products of Cuntz algebras
In order to get on with them you must get acquainted with them and understand the peculiarities of each one. "Walter and the Wireless" by
Excuse me a moment while I go and get on the 'phone to engage the motor. "Gossamer" by
The hombres and the Irish don't get on well together and I was always expecting trouble. "Still Jim" by
After three generations on that island they don't know how to get a living on the main. "Blow The Man Down" by
The slavers probably calculated on their getting on shore, to enable them to come up with them. "The Three Midshipmen" by
Once we heard a hobo tell of the first time he ever tried to get on a freight train in the dark of night when it was moving. "Working With the Working Woman" by
On getting on board the old frigate, we found a large party of officers assembled. "A Yacht Voyage Round England" by
Well, how are you getting on? "A Patriotic Schoolgirl" by
I came home to see how you were getting on with Olaf. "A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays" by
He added unnecessarily that he wanted to see how his horse was getting on. "Desert Conquest" by
Were pure as little children's,
And I could get my conscience's worth,
My kisses would be millions.
Whene'er he came across a pair
Already placed for him to don,
He was too stout to get them on!
Climb to the top of the hill,
Get up on the crown of the sky if you please,
You'll be a small creature still.
And to his shop they should resort
To get his advice one and all;
Believe me on him ye ought to call.
Huddled by empty bowls, they sleep:
No dark, no dam, no earth, no grass -
Mam, get us one of them to keep.
There are cries on every hand....
But I mean to take to the woods tonight;
And they'll never get my gland!