make a solicitation or petition for something desired "She is too shy to solicit" -
incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination "He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents" -
approach with an offer of sexual favors "he was solicited by a prostitute","The young man was caught soliciting in the park" -
make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently "Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce","My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities" -
make amorous advances towards "John is courting Mary"
To awake or excite to action; to rouse desire in; to summon; to appeal to; to invite. "That fruit . . . solicited her longing eye.", "Sounds and some tangible qualities solicit their proper senses, and force an entrance to the mind." -
To disturb; to disquiet; -- a Latinism rarely used. "Hath any ill solicited thine ears?", "But anxious fears solicit my weak breast."
To arouse or excite to action; summon; invite; tempt; allure; entice. -
In criminal law: -
To incite (another) to commit a crime. -
To entice (a man) in a public place: said of a prostitute. -
To endeavor to bias or influence by the offer of a bribe. -
To disturb; disquiet; make anxious. -
To seek to obtain; strive after, especially by pleading; ask (a thing) with some degree of earnestness or persistency: as, to solicit an office or a favor; to solicit orders. -
To petition or ask (a person) with some degree of earnestness or persistency; make petition to. -
To advocate; plead; enforce the claims of; act as solicitor or advocate for or with reference to. -
Synonyms and -
Request, Beg, etc. (see ask), press, urge, pray, plead for or with, sue for. -
To make solicitation. -
Solicitation; request.
sō-lis′it to ask earnestly: to petition: to seek or try to obtain: to disturb -
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. sollicier, L. sollicitare, solicitare, -atum, fr. sollicitus, wholly (i. e., violently) moved; sollus, whole + citus, p. p. of ciere, to move, excite. See Solemn Cite
Hamer, 44, pleaded guilty Tuesday in Hennepin County District Court to soliciting children for sex.
Whether you are solicited by phone, mail and email or in person, BBB suggests that you remember to ask who wants your money.
Table hosts encourage conversation and solicit prayer requests.
Bloomberg Businessweek has an interesting look inside the Obama spam factory, where a tidal wave of email solicitations for campaign donations was unleashed against anyone whose email address fell into their clutches.
When the Indy originally solicited Durham Bulls outfielder Fernando Perez to write something about a Bull's life in Durham, he said he was too busy.
Bob Bashara had been busy behind bars trying to resolve a solicitation of murder charge.
Bob Bashara pleads guilty to solicitation of murder charge.
He is accused of soliciting and receiving bribes from a health insurance broker for his influence over a no-bid school district contract.
Angela Robitaille, 35, was charged with criminal solicitation for assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Nor is it an exercise to solicit our opinion on some issue.
This person is in charge of soliciting all underwriters for KDNK.
He had been arrested more than 50 times for solicitation, and beaten up more times than he could count.
The Clallam County Sheriff's Office is advising local residents that a company is conducting an unsanctioned telephone solicitation campaign seeking donations.
The Clallam County Sheriff's Office is advising local citizens that a company is conducting an unsanctioned telephone solicitation campaign seeking donations from unsuspecting citizen.
Ex-Melissa mayor to ' vigorously fight' charge that he solicited $70,000 bribe to help broker seeking to develop land.
This is perhaps the most dominant model in the early days of Web 2.0, when sites like and Flickr were just starting, and they were all soliciting users’ profiles and social connections on their own.
SocialScope: Enabling Information Discovery on Social Content Sites
An arriving node is allocated neighbors among the active participating nodes10 , which accept the solicited connection unless they have already reached their maximum number of neighbors.
Subspace Properties of Network Coding and their Applications
Acknowledgements: This paper has been supported by the Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology under the (solicited) grant No.
Quantum Game Theory in Finance
In the last few issues articles were solicited by myself.
Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the Topical Group in Gravitation of the American Physical Society
Even though feedback from all the speakers in the workshop has been solicited in composing this summary, any ommisions or unnintentional unbalance is ultimately the responsability of the organizers.
Spin-Hall effect: Back to the Beginning on a Higher Level
It was observed that Napoleon was always solicitous to have Josephine on his side. "Hortense, Makers of History Series" by
Finally she yields to his soft solicitations, and her prospects are forever blighted. "Danger! A True History of a Great City's Wiles and Temptations" by
The Prince of Eckmuhl solicited peace. "Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II" by
Mayo shook hands with the solicitous fisherman in rather dreamy and indifferent fashion. "Blow The Man Down" by
The lady would probably begin by soliciting his intimacy, which on board ship he could hardly refuse. "An Old Man's Love" by
A few months before he was, we have seen, soliciting the Earl for a change of employment. "Sir Walter Ralegh" by
Poor Garth, anxiously watching her, almost burst with suppressed solicitousness. "Two on the Trail" by
Still the hour advanced, and I sent a note by her attendant, soliciting an interview. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 356, June, 1845" by
Remonstrance, entreaty, threats, solicitations, were equally unavailing. "Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)" by
Mr Barker gave Mr Montefiore a letter to Lord Dudley, soliciting the post of consul-general. "Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I" by
Solicits aid sublime:
Then crams himself into a jakes,
To try his hand at rhyme.
Though fond of dear repose;
Careless or drowsy with my friends,
And frolic with my foes.
How friends, solicitous are we,
Weaving with care the silken band
As though 'twas for eternity.
Thy strong solicitations to withstand.
Plenty of work lies ready to my hand,
Which rests irresolute, and lets it lie.
He finds denial vastly sweet:
For self-importance would be wanted,
Were her solicitations granted.
For power and beauty, and your shoes,
Are not to lie by, but to use.
Places for not one-third are found.
The vermin hatch, and become pests,
Sooner than we can find them nests.
Then let solicitations end--
No nest is vacant for your friend."