a dog trained to guard property -
a guardian or defender against theft or illegal practices or waste "she is the global watchdog for human rights abuses"
wŏch"dŏg` A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders.
A dog kept to watch or guard premises and property.
And a non-partisan watchdog group says true sweeping reform may not get passed this year.
The Courts Need This Watchdog.
First K-9 Barney has turned into such a snooping watchdog that aides to the president joke that his Scottie is on the security team.
Watchdog group faults states' inspections of oil, gas wells.
Thank media watchdogs for spurring election reform.
Retailer H&M criticized by Swedish advertising watchdog for an ad in which a model's tan is so deep that it would be harmful to strive toward.
Watchdog on Wall Street Chris Markowski.
EU bank watchdog set to stick to capital target.
Watchdogs Push for RFID Laws.
A federal agency that touts itself as the "congressional watchdog" is taking aim at how toll hikes have been implemented at Delaware River crossings.
Miss Schapiro, who has headed the Wall Street watchdog agency since 2009, said Monday that her last day will be Dec 14.
Just 15 months into its existence, the federal government's newest consumer watchdog agency faces an uncertain future.
Watchdog Digs Up More Dirt on Advisers.
Karl Rove, Hyundai and Elizabeth Warren Can Go In "The Dog House " With Consumer Watchdog's New Free App That Lets iPhone Users Create Meme-Like Images.
Local utility watchdog says 'wireless cramming' is a growing problem.
The cameras have a hardware watchdog build in, which automatically resets the camera and thus reestablishes connection with the PC in case of protocol failure.
"Pi of the Sky" - all-sky, real-time search for fast optical transients
High fidelity of RecA-catalyzed recombination: a watchdog of genetic diversity.
A colorful origin for the genetic code: Information theory, statistical mechanics and the emergence of molecular codes
Similarly, if the component fails to complete within an application-de fined time, it can be killed by a watchdog process, which is then re flected in the sync return value.
Extending and Implementing the Self-adaptive Virtual Processor for Distributed Memory Architectures
Joos, E. (1984): “Continuous Measurement: Watchdog Effect versus Golden Rule.” Phys.
Decoherence: Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation
The purpose of this note is to investigate the Belavkin–Kolokoltsov watch–dog effects in SMV mathematically.
Belavkin-Kolokoltsov Watch-Dog Effects in Interactively Controlled Stochastic Computer-Graphic Dynamical Systems. A Summary of Mathematical Researches
One day he was severely bitten by the watchdog and, three days later, the dog was found poisoned. "A Final Reckoning" by
He likes to make a noise like a watchdog, that's all. "Torchy" by
He's a splendid watchdog. "In Apple-Blossom Time" by
In after years he fought "steals" in Congress, until he was called the "Watchdog of the Treasury. "Pushing to the Front" by
The door gave him no concern, for Yussuf had stretched himself across it after the fashion of a watchdog, and he too seemed to sleep. "Yussuf the Guide" by
In after years he fought "steals" in Congress, until he was called the "Watchdog of the Treasury. "Architects of Fate" by
And Elsham, in this case, was claiming to be in charge, making him only the watchdog of her safety. "Joan of Arc of the North Woods" by
She is a good watchdog when I am not to be disturbed. "Flamsted quarries" by
Once we decided we should have a watchdog around. "Land of the Burnt Thigh" by
Murphy was to play the part of watchdog. "Still Jim" by
And Britain's Sceptre ne'er shall be withdrawn,
And that young Continent that greets the dark
When we the dawn;