the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet
The Greek letter μ, corresponding to the English masculine -
The Greek letter M. μ (μῦ, earlier μῶ), corresponding to the English M, m. See M and mem.
COLUMBIA — MU's Sinclair School of Nursing announced Monday that it has won a $14.8 million research grant — the largest research grant in university history.
Grant funds advanced scientific research at MU.
Members of MU Residential Life work Saturday to remove offensive language from a sidewalk next to the sculpture in front of Hatch Residence Hall.
COLUMBIA — Former MU shot-putter and Columbia resident, Christian Cantwell, will be going for gold in London on Friday.
Five-spice burgers with warm mu shu slaw.
Chef Matt's "Healthy Lifestyle" "Date Night" Mu Shu Chicken Lettuce Cups.
COLUMBIA — A shuttle bus driver reported what appeared to be two bullet holes in the side of his bus to the MU Police Department around noon Thursday.
COLUMBIA — A flag raising ceremony was held at Mizzou Arena on Monday morning to mark MU's official move to the Southeastern Conference.
(MU) Jake Burns - 281 yards passing (28-17-1), 100 yds rushing, 2 passing TDs, 2 rushings TDs (4 total).
(MU) Dwight Sutton - 72 yards receiving.
(MU) Blake Allen - 70 yards receiving.
The former MU head coach is defensive coordinator at Texas A&M, which played at Alabama.
A coal silo and smokestack rise above the MU power plant Oct 7.
The woman who climbed a smokestack at the MU power plant early Thursday morning was arrested Monday on suspicion of first-degree trespassing, MU police Capt.
Liz McCarthy studies while sitting on an MU Columns late Thursday afternoon after the first week of classes.
Curves are shown for small tan β values (the dotted line) with top-Yukawa coupling αt (MU ) = 0.1 and the H -state mass threshold M∗ = 1016 GeV, and for large tan β values (the solid line) corresponding to αt (MU ) = 0.02, αb(MU ) = 0.1 and M∗ = 1016.8 GeV.
From Prototype SU(5) to Realistic SU(7) SUSY GUT
The first step is understanding conjugacy classes and partial results can be found in the thesis [Mu].
Random matrix theory over finite fields: a survey
Mu] Murray, S., Conjugacy classes in maximal parabolic subgroups of the general linear group, Ph.D.
Random matrix theory over finite fields: a survey
We will need the following lemma that can already be found in [Mu 1].
Sextactic points on a simple closed curve
We may thus let T δ be that extension of T ′ which adds the branch b as well as the final model MU ′ b .
A simple proof of \Sigma^1_3 correctness of K
At once Sak-we-su and Mu-hi-kun were surrounded. "Conjuror's House" by
The Woods Hole form measured 22 mu over all; the body was 5 mu, the collar 3 mu, and the stalk 14 mu. "Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole" by
It is the universal belief that prophets work miracles, (mu'jizat). "The Faith of Islam" by
That'd account for our legends of Mu, Atlantis and so on. "Masters of Space" by
The =spores= are black, oblong, 8 x 6 mu. "Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc." by
Note the optical combination employed in this experiment and record it carefully, together with the micrometer value in terms of mu. "The Elements of Bacteriological Technique" by
Mu dheireadh; at last. "Elements of Gaelic Grammar" by
So King Mu had a new palace built for him. "The Chinese Fairy Book" by
Rostafinski gives 5-6 mu; Massee, 5-7 mu. "The North American Slime-Moulds" by
Im Sturmeslauf stürzt vor das Regiment:
Granaten und Schrapnells krepieren zischend,
Bald hier, bald ein Haus, ein Stadel brennt.