the fifth of the seven canonical hours; about 3 p.m.
The canonical office, being a part of the Breviary, recited at noon (formerly at the ninth hour, 3 p. m.) in the Roman Catholic Church. -
(Roman Calendar) The fifth day of the months January, February, April, June, August, September, November, and December, and the seventh day of March, May, July, and October. The nones were nine days before the ides, reckoning inclusively, according to the Roman method. -
The hour of dinner; the noonday meal. "At my supper and sometimes at nones ."
See nonce. -
In the Roman calendar, the ninth day before the ides, both days included: being in March, May, July, and October the 7th day of the month, and in the other months the 5th. See ides. -
In the Roman Catholic and Greek churches, in religious houses, and as a devotional office in the Anglican Church, the office of the ninth hour, originally said at the ninth hour of the day (about 3 p. m.), or between midday and that hour. See canonical hours, under canonical. -
The ninth hour after sunrise; about three o'clock in the afternoon; the hour of dinner.
nōnz in the Roman calendar, the ninth day before the Ides (both days included)—the 5th of Jan., Feb., April, June, Aug., Sept., Nov., Dec., and the 7th of the other months: the Divine office for the ninth hour, or three o'clock.
None so blind as those who will not see - This idiom is used when people refuse to accept facts presented to them. ('None so deaf as those who will not hear' is an alternative.)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. nonae, so called because it was the ninth day before the ides, fr. nonus, ninth, from novem, nine. See Nine Nones, 2, Noon
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. nonæ—nonus for novenus, ninth—novem, nine.
None Average: 3.3 ( 17 votes).
EDITOR'S NOTE: Over the weekend it was reported that 9 of the 19 Sept 11 hijackers drew special scrutiny before they boarded their flights, but none were actually questioned.
And yet, none of these men and women rate a mention by Scheel in her letter.
SEX None is engaged in, but with Ms Jolie on screen sex isn't the last thing that comes to mind.
None of us can see it innocently.
Of those left standing in the wreckage left by serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky, none is more pathetic than his last defender, his terminally clueless wife, Dottie.
7:05 pm Friday Where: CenturyLink Center TV: None Radio: 590 AM KXSP.
Nope, it's none of the big chains.
None are new, but I still love them.
None Average: 2.7 ( 3 votes).
Airport spokeswoman Sherry Wallace says none of the four people aboard the private King Air was injured.
Marla Cone, who wrote Dozens of Words for Snow, None for Pollution for us in 2005, broke the PCB story today in the Los Angeles Times.
Eleven women have been murdered by strangulation in metropolitan Boston since the summer of 1962, and none of these cases has been solved as this issue goes to press.
"None of this worries me — Sept 11, there were times I was worried," Giuliani said to reporters in Bedford, N.H.
"None is so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.".
Note that our distribution T ′ is none other than the vertical tangent space for the map R.
On the geometric genus of subvarieties of generic hypersurfaces
One may even expect more complex dynamical behaviour such as some form of chaotic response , but we found none within the set of parameters numerically explored.
A simple model for heterogeneous flows of yield stress fluids
The m columns are independent in that none of them can be obtained as a product of the remaining ones.
Minimum aberration designs of resolution III
If moreover A does not contain any el liptic curve then none of the fibres of j ′ (A, d) is reducible as abelian variety with polarisation.
Maximally irregularly fibred surfaces of general type
We found 29 sources, expecting none to be spurious.
The Galaxy Cluster RBS380: Xray and Optical Analysis
But, even so, I don't regret it none. "The Best Short Stories of 1917" by
But crack there was none. "Sir Ludar" by
Other women were with the column, but none so strong, none so helpful as she. "Before the Dawn" by
Us does not drap none and us does not leave none out. "Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 2" by
We speak of our differing faiths, but love none the less. "Aurelian" by
He could recollect none. "The Lure of the Mask" by
I ain't had none dis week. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by
It just poured all day, so that none of the guests could come to the wedding. "Old Rail Fence Corners" by
None other could have conquered than Thyself. "The Autobiography of Madame Guyon" by
We have none, or next to none. "Nicanor - Teller of Tales" by
They sleep!... Can'st wake a stone?...
That one might stir! but one!
Call I, or hold my peace,
None comes to her release;
And hope for her is none.
Of the griefs and pains that craz;d him;
None thought of the sorrow that turn'd his head,
Of the vileness of those who prais'd him.
No perfect joy, without a dash of woe,
Without the cross, none e'er receiv'd the crown,
Without some grief, none e'er to bliss did go.
None love thee, none! Their father was thy foe,
Whose father in his youth did know thy lair,
And steal thy little demons long ago.
None can expresse thy works, but he that knows them:
And none can know thy works, which are so many,
And so complete, but onely he that owes them.
But none mark'd the tear that thy innocence shed;
The clouds of affliction assembled their thunders,
But none felt the shock when it burst on thy head.