klĕm To starve; to famish.
To pinch; compress; stop up by pressure; clog. -
To pinch with hunger; starve. -
To die of hunger; starve. -
A variant of cleam. -
Same as clam.
(v.i., v.t)
klem to starve.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. clam, to clog, or G. klemmen, to pinch, Icel. klömbra, E. clamp,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Prov. Eng. clam; Ger. klemmen, to pinch.
Marti Richmiller (pictured) and the Privateers hope to have plenty to celebrate on Monday as they seek to end to end their homestand with a 3-1 record (UNO Athletics/Clem Barbazon).
Clem Currans will be the celebrant.
Clem II, 79, accomplished schoolteacher .
Clem Snide 's Take On Journey's Faithfully.
Senior Olympian Clem, 71, is president of Mayberry Archers .
Vicki Clem, of Westminster, is president of the Mayberry Archers in Carroll County, and is considered one of the top competitors in the Maryland archery competition.
Clem Klaphake loves his birds .
Clem allows just one earned run in loss.
Ted Clem of the Economic Development Commission discusses.
(UNO Athletics/Clem Barbazon) Jason M Plotkin.
As we deal with the reality that a woman would willingly get naked with Hulk Hogan and make a sex tape to commemorate the occasion, we're almost tempted to thank Heather Clem for taking one for the team.
Exercise allows me to do the things… (CLEM MURRAY / Staff Photographer ).
Boyd (CLEM) - 428 YDS, 5 TD.
Watkins (CLEM) - 8 REC, 202 YDS, 1 TD.
A seven-story condo building would replace this vacant complex, formerly Mostellers… (CLEM MURRAY / Staff Photographer ).
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the numerous colleagues who helped in compiling and updating this review, in particular John Kovac, Keith Olive, John Peacock, Clem Pryke, Paul Richards and Martin White.
Cosmic Background Radiation Mini-Review
This effect, and its impact on the positron fraction measured at Earth, has been investigated by several groups (Moraal et al. 1991, Clem et al. 1996).
Measurements of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Fraction From 1 to 50 GeV
Clem et al. have developed a model based on the observed systematic difference in the correlation between the electron flux measured in space by the ICE instrument and groundbased neutron monitor measurements for the 1980 and 1990 solar polarity epochs.
Measurements of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Fraction From 1 to 50 GeV
So, the ”rivers of flux tubes” (or ”trains of tubes” as John Clem called them) are moving very fast perpendicular to the current flow (as required by the cross product in the Lorentz force expression, FL = v × Φ where v is tube velocity and Φ is the flux curried by the tube).
Dynamic Formation of Metastable Intermediate State Patterns in Type-I Superconductors
Clem and I became great friends. "Tales of the Sea" by
And when shall it be, Clem? "The White Lady of Hazelwood" by
But I tell you, John, there's a worse blindness than Clem's, and you and father have suffered from it. "Shining Ferry" by
Aunt Clem has soft down all over her cheeks, and such curly white hair. "A Little Girl of Long Ago" by
Over the fence a gray-haired man Cautiously clim, clome, clem, clum, clamb. "The Book of Humorous Verse" by
In a Press sighing deeply over the various Labour crises there is the glad news that Mr. CLEM EDWARDS, M.P. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, May 12, 1920" by
The lights were low, and Clem, a night-owl, fixed him in a chair near the door. "The Daughter of a Magnate" by
They clem out and went from limb to limb till they got so away the dogs would loose trail. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4" by
Clem, you shall have the other seat at my table. "Five Little Peppers at School" by
You don't mind my coming, do you, Clem? "Peterkin" by