Pelican crossing near Myton School, Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Myton School entrance is behind the camera. The crossing is for people using the... (more)
Sewer vent, Myton Fields. Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
A principal sewer from south Leamington passes through south Warwick and Myton... (more)
Floodmeadow, Myton, River Avon by Emscote Gardens, Warwick 2014, December 28
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The river is moving slowly. Myton residents take a Christmas stroll in the... (more)
The end of the peninsula, Kingfisher Pool. Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The peninsula is a tongue of land that projects into the pool giving access to... (more)
East from the County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The boiler house chimney marks the site of Myton Hamlet hospice and recent... (more)
Pavilion and bowling green, County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The tall evergreen trees, a cedar and Wellingtonias, once graced the grounds of... (more)
The drive to the County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This drive is older than the adjoining properties. The OS 1:2500 map of 1889... (more)
Five lads walk home from school through Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Shirtsleeves and no jackets suggest these boys are from Warwick School, a... (more)
Remnant boundary hedge, Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Above the floodplain the fields between Myton Road and the River Avon have been... (more)
Nesting swans with admirer, Kingfisher Pool, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This pair of swans may be nesting around this fishing pool every year. They are... (more)
Fishing peg at the west end of Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Meadowsweet flowering late on the left, with the leaves of reedmace. Above and... (more)
Resident heron, Kingfisher Pool, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
In the background is Charter Bridge, opened in 1996. It carries a footpath and... (more)
Flower-rich tall herb vegetation by Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Teasel, obviously, on the right. Elsewhere, the spikes of purple loosestrife,... (more)
Early morning angling, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The ground behind the Myton Road properties, left, falls to the River Avon, out... (more)
Plastic mesh reinforcing a grass track, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This route from the Myton Road is traversed by wheelchair users and vehicles... (more)
Boiler house chimney, Myton Hamlet hospice, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The houses, left, are at the end of Bennett Drive. The view is from the north... (more)
Foliage of Meadowsweet, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Scientific name: Filipendula ulmaria. Likes damp ground. The fluffy cream... (more)
Swansdown on rough tarmac, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Greater Pond Sedge, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Scientific name: Carex riparia. In flower here but not fully grown.
The peninsula, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Can't think of a better name for the narrow tongue of land that projects... (more)
Half-grown Reed Sweet Grass, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Scientific name: Glyceria maxima. In leaf and in flower, a tall handsome grass... (more)
Early morning dogwalkers chat by Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Undated plaque, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
It reads: Kingfisher Pool / For the Young and Disabled / Junior Angling... (more)
Supervision – cygnets tuck in to breakfast, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
Three of the eight cygnets raised by a pair of swans at Kingfisher Pool in 2014.
Cygnets on weed, Myton Pool, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
Breakfast for cygnets, Myton Pool, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
Four of the eight cygnets raised by a pair of swans who regularly breed at... (more)
“If you want breakfast, get over here now!” Swan and cygnets, Myton Pool, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
A pair of swans has reared a family here every year for some years. They have... (more)
View from pavilion terrace, County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The sports ground is first shown on the OS 1:2500 map of 1953-68. It is mostly... (more)
Parking and tennis courts, County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The sports ground is first shown on the OS 1:2500 map of 1953-68. It is mostly... (more)
East on Ashley Crescent, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The cul-de-sacs Ashley Crescent and Holioake Drive drop down on the north side... (more)
West on Ashley Crescent, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The cul-de-sacs Ashley Crescent and Holioake Drive to the west drop down on the... (more)
Northwest on Ashley Crescent, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The photo is as straight as I can make it; the pine trees really are leaning.... (more)
Austrian Pine at the top of Holioake Drive, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The tree probably dates from the first occupation of Myton Gables, right, now apartments.
Myton Gables, by Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This large house has been extended and divided into seven flats. The entrance is... (more)
Copper Beech by Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This magnificent mature specimen of a purple Fagus sylvatica variety probably... (more)
Flooded meadow behind Ashley Crescent, Myton, Warwick 2014, January 5, 10:21
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
This is the most visible and the lowest-lying part of the River Avon floodplain... (more)
Live and dead elms, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
It is almost inevitable that the beetles will find the young live elm, left; the... (more)
Giant Hogweed on the riverbank, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
There's been no check on this stand of the alien Heracleum mantegazzianum... (more)
The spinney in Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
A fragment of unmanaged woodland that may once have been more extensive on this... (more)
A middle-aged ash tree, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The scientific name is Fraxinus excelsior. The yellowish-grey colouring is... (more)
Seagulls on ice, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Blackheaded gulls being quiet for once, standing on the ice. A pair of swans at... (more)
Frozen Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Photographed from the shared path, a route to and from school; inevitably things... (more)
Dead flower stalks of Giant Hogweed by the River Avon, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
This species, Heracleum mantegazzianum, is able to spread along rivers where its... (more)
Newer buildings, Warwick Junior School, Myton Road
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The Junior School is part of the independent Warwick School complex that has... (more)
Pasture adjoining County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Different grasses, different management, different colours. It's all... (more)
Common goosegrass, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Goosegrass (Galium aparine) is a rapidly spreading annual weed of gardens and... (more)
Contractors mow the grass, Holioake Drive, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The young tree, left, dates from the development of Holioake Drive – probably... (more)
Glimpse of a floodmeadow from Holioake Drive, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
The view is between the two-storey blocks of apartments seen in the distance in... (more)
West end of Holioake Drive, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964