School Run, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Cars parked in Myton Crescent, a residential road, await students who have... (more)
Side gate to Myton Fields, Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Myton Fields is a public open space offering parking by the River Avon; it hosts... (more)
Pelican crossing near Myton School, Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Myton School entrance is behind the camera. The crossing is for people using the... (more)
East on private road off Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Twelve detached houses are served by the private road; it runs parallel to Myton... (more)
Obelisk in the grounds of Myton Hospice, Myton Lane, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Nothing is so far known of this diminutive monument. It is at the foot of a... (more)
Fingerpost, Myton Lane, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The text is 'Myton Hamlet / Private Grounds'. The hamlet has grown... (more)
Unmanaged floodmeadow, Myton, south Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
This is the first field east of the Myton Fields public open space; private land... (more)
Summer at Kingfisher Pool, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The handsome flower spikes of tall Reed Sweet-grass (Glyceria maxima) catch... (more)
The triangle of land bounded by Myton Crofts, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3065
Myton Crofts is a residential cul-de-sac off the north side of Myton Road. It... (more)
The east side of Myton Crofts, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3065
Myton Crofts is a residential cul-de-sac off the north side of Myton Road. It... (more)
The west side of Myton Crofts, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3065
Myton Crofts is a residential cul-de-sac off the north side of Myton Road. It... (more)
Sequoiadendrons or Giant Redwoods in the sun, Myton Hospice, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The trees were here before the hospice (sometimes called Myton Hamlet Hospice).... (more)
Sewer vent, Myton Fields. Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
A principal sewer from south Leamington passes through south Warwick and Myton... (more)
Floodmeadow, Myton, River Avon by Emscote Gardens, Warwick 2014, December 28
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The river is moving slowly. Myton residents take a Christmas stroll in the... (more)
The end of the peninsula, Kingfisher Pool. Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The peninsula is a tongue of land that projects into the pool giving access to... (more)
East from the County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The boiler house chimney marks the site of Myton Hamlet hospice and recent... (more)
Pavilion and bowling green, County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
The tall evergreen trees, a cedar and Wellingtonias, once graced the grounds of... (more)
The drive to the County Council Staff Sportsground, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This drive is older than the adjoining properties. The OS 1:2500 map of 1889... (more)
Five lads walk home from school through Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Shirtsleeves and no jackets suggest these boys are from Warwick School, a... (more)
Remnant boundary hedge, Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Above the floodplain the fields between Myton Road and the River Avon have been... (more)
Spring at Kingfisher Pool, Myton
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
On the right is the fishing pool; sedges are flowering by the banks. A swan... (more)
Midsummer Meadow, Myton
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3064
Meadow once: another estate recently built on the small farms in Myton, Warwick.... (more)
Dyer's Greenweed, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
A native biennial, also known as Weld and Dyer's Rocket, its scientific... (more)
Open space, Brook Farm development, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3064
Brook Farm, one of two small farms in Myton worth millions to developers,... (more)
New buildings, Myton School
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Myton Crescent meets Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Field Head Lane meets Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Field Head Lane may have served the rear of the Regency-style early properties... (more)
North on Field Head Lane, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Field Head Lane, signed Private Road, may have served the rear of the... (more)
Fishing lake in winter, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Kingfisher Pool was created as a safe facility for teaching young people and the... (more)
Higher ground, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The spinney is downslope to the left.
Fallen ash tree, Myton Fields spinney, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Far from dead, it still has roots and has thrown up limbs that are now... (more)
Spinney, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This group of trees has a short steep slope at its heart behind the camera: the... (more)
Wind-flattened reeds, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Everywhere on this bright late-January day there are signs that spring is on the... (more)
Vegetation management, Kingfisher Pool, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Kingfisher Pool in Myton Fields is a facility for teaching angling to children... (more)
Fallen ash, Myton Fields spinney, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Years before, this great ash tree fell over but, far from being dead it put... (more)
View from Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
The relative height here reveals the skyline and the Giant Redwoods (Sequoia... (more)
Oak, Myton Fields spinney, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
This patch of woodland on a steep slope is absent from old maps, suggesting that... (more)
Brambles in winter colours, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
From a distance these bramble thickets glow dark red.
Fallen ash, Myton Fields spinney, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Years before, a great ash tree fell over but, far from being dead it put forth... (more)
House on Myton Crescent, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Half a dozen houses close to the Myton Road have a Regency flavour. They were an... (more)
West on private road off Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Twelve detached houses are served by the private road; it runs parallel to Myton... (more)
Entry to private road, off Myton Road, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
Twelve detached houses enjoy some screening from the Myton Road. It is often... (more)
A wider path – the plans
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
The County obtained funding to widen the busy cycleway and footpath between... (more)
A wider path – most of the way
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The County obtained funding to widen this well-used cycleway and footpath. It... (more)
Box by Myton Lane, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
A substation? A sewage pumping station? Well-built, no ID: a mystery.
Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick in early January
by Robin Stott
for square SP2965
On the water, black-headed gulls wait for some humans. On the skyline, three of... (more)
Path in and out of a thicket, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
At the eastern end of Kingfisher Pool are thickets of a Rosaceous shrub. It may... (more)
A substation in spring, Dodd Avenue, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP3065
The small white sign on the left-hand fence refers to Myton Grange. It was a big... (more)
Abandoned floodplain pasture, Myton, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
I recall seeing a few cattle in this and the neighbouring field in the later... (more)
Myton Fields on a wet afternoon in Lockdown 1, Warwick
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2964
The River Avon is hidden by shipping containers and banks of brambles. The trees... (more)