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Showing images tagged with Marginal Vegetation tag.
Half-grown Reed Sweet Grass, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Scientific name: Glyceria maxima. In leaf and in flower, a tall handsome grass... (more)
Vegetation at the east end of the lake, Abbey Fields, Kenilworth
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2872
In the left foreground is Common Reed, Phragmites australis. At the water's... (more)
Woodland pond, Allt-yr-Yn LNR
by M J Roscoe
geograph for square ST2988
This pond was once part of a lido built in the former grounds of Allt-yr-Yn... (more)
Abbey Fields lake, Kenilworth, looking east to the swimming pool and the abbey ruins
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2872
Reedmace and Great Pond Sedge fringe the lake.
Expanse of Reedmace, west end of Abbey Fields lake, Kenilworth
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2872
The scientific name of broadleaved reedmace is Typha latifolia. Exits from the... (more)
Greater Pond Sedge, Carex riparia, Abbey Fields lake, Kenilworth
by Robin Stott
for square SP2872
In full flower, 19 April.
Greater Pond Sedge, north bank of Abbey Fields lake, Kenilworth
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2872
A large, robust and distinctive sedge, scientific name Carex riparia; in older... (more)
Greater Pond Sedge, Kingfisher Pool, Myton Fields, Warwick
by Robin Stott
for square SP2964
Scientific name: Carex riparia. In flower here but not fully grown.