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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), a universal humanist, Nobel laureate, poet, dramatist and a sensitive nature lover gives vent to the philosophical conundrums that assert the possibilities of human salvation through spiritual conquest in... more
This essay delves into Antoni Tàpies's profound engagement with non-dualism, a philosophical stance encapsulated in the aphorism "samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara." Tàpies's exploration of non-dualism, which integrates diverse... more
Abstract This paper explores the identification and classification of previously undocumented figures of speech in the Alankara Darpana, a key Sanskrit treatise on rhetoric and poetics. By conducting an in-depth analysis of the text,... more
The conceptualization of personality in the Indian context differs significantly from the Western individualistic approach. Indian philosophy emphasizes a holistic, multidimensional view of the self, integrating metaphysical aspects. Key... more
What is thinking? Wat is space-time? What is life-death? These are the basic questions in Part One, and comments on the maxims of the Svabhavikasutra, the antecedent of the Bhagavadgita, are given in Part Two. The book has a bibliography... more
Upaweda is an integral part of the Hindu scriptures that has an important role in the spiritual and social life of Hindus. This article aims to analyze the grouping of Upaweda as well as its application in everyday life. Through a... more
Il tema della morte Questa serie, sviluppata in sedici episodi, prende in considerazione il tema della morte. Questo argomento non semplice da trattare per la delicata materia, viene collocato in una prospettiva non religiosa bensì, sotto... more
An attempt at connecting René Girard's mimetic theory with Buddhist metaphysics and psychology.
L'uomo ideale della Bhagavatgītā è uno che non è esaltato dal successo né afflitto dall'angoscia, che è equilibrato nelle più avverse circostanze, nella lode e nel biasimo, in ricchezza e in povertà, piuttosto, in tutte le condizioni... more
Yajnavalkya was the last of the post Vedic Sages, who had almost summarized most of the contributions that preceded him during this period, such as, Dadhyac Atharvana’s doctrine of honey (madhu-vidya), and Mahidasa’s conceptions of... more
Upaniṣad literature can be called the most important group of Vedic literary works in Eastern philosophy, and one of its most important Upaniṣads called Kaṭhopaniṣad, is an Upaniṣad book of outstanding value literary and philosophically.... more
डाॅ. राजपाल एक प्रतिबद्ध रचनाकार और लेखक है। इनके रचनात्मक और सूचनात्मक दोनों ही प्रकार के साहित्य में विचार दृष्टि और विचार धाराओं का बाहुल्य है। इनकी विचारधारा लोकतांत्रिक समाजवाद सामाजिक न्याय के परोकोर डाॅ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर, सन्त... more
Резюме: В статье представлен анализ космогонического сюжета из «Брихадараньякаупанишады» (БАУ 1.2)-одной из древнейших прозаических упанишад. Космогония была одной из центральных тем брахманистского мировоззрения, поэтому БАУ 1.2 содержит... more
What does it mean to be human? Who are we, and why are we here? Questions of identity and meaning occupy a central place in Vedic literature, but identity is not a static and unified concept in these ancient texts, but rather something... more
El Mandukya Upanishad es uno de los textos más breves y profundos de la literatura Upanishádica, compuesto por solo 12 versos. Está asociado con el Atharva Veda y ofrece una exploración concisa pero profunda de la sílaba "Om" y su... more
Translations of the Sanskrit term “atman” as “self” distort the understanding of the concept in the Upanishads and Shankara’s Advaita and of the related concept “Brahman” as the underlying reality of the universe or in fact the only... more
Introduction: The Vedānta claim of the unity of two Mīmāṃsās In all Vedānta schools, knowledge of Mīmāṃsā exegesis was generally accepted as indispensable for understanding the Upaniṣad. Moreover, medieval Vedānta scholars, especially... more
This work argues, firstly, that the parameters currently ascribed to Sanskrit – the justifications of its specialised status, the focus on structure and style in definitions of genre, the treatment of revelation as static and... more
This is an exposition of the Isha Upanishad, based on Swami Vivekananda's philosophy. As such, this is an extension of Acharya Shankara's Advaitic exposition of this Upanishad.
Karma, dharma, and yoga appear in early Vedic times in ritualized settings. From early Upanishadic times a new notion of breaking through the wheel of Samsara and achieving Nirvana appears. Methods and paths to liberation were taught by... more
This Workshop, dedicated to the general theme 'Non-Duality, Education and Democracy', and with the presence of James Heisig, was composed by Evandro Vieira Ouriques, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who dealt with the topic... more
Kena upanišad ili Kenopanišat je kratka upanišad podeljena u četiri odeljka. Oni se mogu posmatrati kao dve tematske i strukturne celine. Prva celina posvećena je odnosu brahmana (brahman-) prema ljudskim čulima i čovečijoj spoznaji. U... more
The dissertation was discussed and proposed for public defense by the Department of Classical East at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of Sofia university "St. Kliment Ohridski". The dissertation consists of an introduction,... more
A Canção de Yama, Capítulo 382 do Agni Purana.
"Ṛgveda 10.125 declares aham as its very first word, but what is this “I”? In this essay I intend to establish its definition. I will begin by working through some methodological concerns about the question and the hymn to frame the... more
Vedic literature is the oldest literature of India. This literature contains vast and complete knowledge and science in itself. That's why the origin of any subject is found in the Vedas. The word Veda is not just the text but the... more
A roda da Fortuna, ou "parte da Fortuna", para Schulman, é uma bússola, uma direção, o pote de ouro escondido na extremidade do arco-íris, a felicidade que o ser humano pode e deve alcançar, mas resgatável apenas depois que o indivíduo... more
This paper is a brief survey of the role of Ramakrishna Mission in the field of Higher Education in India. Sincere efforts at manifestation of the inherent perfection, and dormant divinity in man mark the activities of Ramakrishna... more
What is the CAA (The Citizenship Amendment Act) which is so much a part of both the pro-BJP and anti-BJP discourse and propaganda? Is it anti-muslim? Is it even pro-Hindu? Is it genuine in any way? What does all this show about the... more
India and Ancient Greece: Similar Allegories, Analogies, and Differences - The chapter has been published in the book "Discourses in Greek Studies"edited by Professor Anil Kumar Singh (Indo-Hellenic Research Centre, New Delhi). In our... more
Preface to Italian Edition It is a matter of great satisfaction and happiness to me that our Italian sisters and brothers are interested in the study of the science of spirituality that the revered Sages of ancient India revealed to the... more
This paper delves into the heart of the contemporary educational crisis, identifying a pivotal shift in values that prioritises skill development over liberating knowledge. The narrative navigates through philosophical discussions on the... more
Pragmatics of the Dialogue in Praśna upaniṣad The current paper is focused on the dialogue between the spiritual preceptor Pippalāda and six young brahmans, framing the narrative context in which the metaphysical content of Praśna... more
The Transfer of Identity as a Speech Act in Kauṣītaki upaniṣad 2.15 The current paper is focused on Kauṣītaki upaniṣad 2.15, which is interpreted in the perspective of the Speech act theory. This approach to the Upaniṣadic text, composed... more
Abbiamo il piacere di presentare ai nostri lettori, per gentile concessione dell’autore, il testo Marco Pucciarini INDUISMO: Una Introduzione essenziale. Il campo di studio e di ricerca del Prof. Pucciarini (Università di Perugia,... more
Încercare de traducere din limba sanskrită.
Orice sugestie ori impresie asupra traducerii este mai mult decât binevenită.
This paper deals with the role of Indian English Literature in Viksit Bharat@2047