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The SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies is delighted to host a series of online seminars with leading scholars at the heart of Philosophy and Yoga Studies. Please join us for this opportunity to go deeper into the material with researchers,... more
We are organising a 2-day symposium on yoga and the body to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Here is the link to register: more
Представлене видання дає можливість сучасним дослідникам і практикам йоґи глибше зрозуміти йоґічну медитацію — дг’яну. У монографії досліджується процес становлення й розвитку філософських засад дг’яни в історичній перспективі. Автор... more
The writing of this paper was prompted by the discovery of several manuscripts of mediaeval yoga texts which contain lists of more than eighty-four āsana-s, a canonical number mentioned in several yoga texts. Until now, lists of... more
Translation of the article "The Religiosity of the Yoga Mat", written by JACQUELINE HARGREAVES and JASON BIRCH Original: Перевод статьи Жаклин Харгривз, Джейсон... more
Mūsdienu studentiem-topošajiem savu nozaru speciālistiem ,kuru mācību un darba slodze mūsdienās bieži vien pārsniedz normu ,vajadzīgs ne tikai fiziskais spēks un laba veselība ,bet arī augsts intelekta līmenis – zināšanas, izpratne,... more
Many medical studies demonstrate the benefits of yoga, however social sciences focus more rarely on the links between yoga and well-being. Starting from an anthropological approach, this article presents a study that connects the... more
Addressing the Yogasūtra योगसूत्र, or 'the point of view' codified in the Patañjali system, is a difficult task. We are faced with an Opera written in a sacred language, to which we approach with due respect. The text is hermetic, as it... more
श्री ज्ञानेश्वर माउलींच्या वाङ्मयाचे सार्थ विवरण करणार्या योगदा श्री ज्ञानेश्वरी या त्यांच्याच परंपरेतील एका नाथ सांप्रदायिक योग्याने लिहिलेल्या ग्रंथाचा भाग १२/१२ ** Books by author Vibhakar Lele (Swami Yogeshwarananda) **** 1. ‘Yogada... more
In this eighth part of Vyutpatti, the words
1) Sthiti, 2) Aṅga and 3) Viniyoga with etymological, lexical and textual references are analysed and presented.
Yoga implies various things to various individuals. This subject spotlights on a sort of yoga called Hatha yoga. One of the advantages of Hatha yoga is that it can ease pressure and help you unwind. Yoga incorporates breathing,... more
Wiek XIX, a zwłaszcza jego ostatnie dekady, był świadkiem niezwykle ożywionego procesu, który prowadził do rozprzestrzeniania się jogi poza granice subkontynentu Indyjskiego. Była to jedna z konsekwencji kulturowego spotkania Wschodu z... more
(SEE ATTACHED FILE FOR LINK TO THE ONLINE ARTICLE) In 2020 the global 3HO Kundalini Yoga community began awakening to stories of sexually abusive behaviors, manipulative tactics, and exploitative business dealings by Yogi Bhajan and... more
This article focuses on how spirituality and commercialism are intertwined in the representations of yoga in the media. For this study, articles on yoga were collected from seven Finnish popular magazines, and analyzed using qualitative... more
La Via tradizionale richiede di essere direttamente sperimentata come processo evolutivo concreto, del quale abbiamo testimonianze precise: “ sono sempre stati e vi sono degli esseri che hanno svelato, in quanto lo vivono, e non... more
Revista Académica sobre Yoga. O número um é composto por quatro artigos: Maṇḍalas e Yantras e as escalas do Universo - Mariana Seabra. O yoga brasileiro: conversando com yogues e cientistas - Roberto Simões. Quem são os praticantes de... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine marketing strategies that India is currently applying to promote itself as a competitive yoga destination. Design/methodology/approach The methodological approach consisted of a... more
In the past few decades, yoga programs have begun to make their way in schools. However, in pursuance of induction of yogic lifestyle education programs in schools, instructors, teachers, and related agencies face multiple difficulties.... more
Ashrams, as spiritual retreats are a magnet for visitors seeking for the spirit of India. Certainly, the practice of tirtha-yatra or pilgrimage has been an element of Indian social life since ancient times and nowadays remains the... more
Dans le cadre de la validation de la première année du master en ethnologie et anthropologie sociale et culturelle de l'Université de Strasbourg et à travers une ethnographie réalisée dans la région strasbourgeoise, cette recherche a pour... more
Svāmī Rāma (Brij Kiśore Dhasmana) sin da giovane ha seguito l’insegnamento del suo Maestro, Bangali Baba, che l’ha fatto viaggiare tra vari Templi dove ha ricevuto insegnamenti di altri Maestri, incluso il Gran Maestro che viveva in una... more
This first article, in a series of two, explicates some of the tacit connections and practical ways in which practitioners of global yoga come to unwittingly support a Hindu supremacist ideology. This occurs through the shared assumptions... more
The purpose of the study was intended to assess the effect of yogic and physical exercises on leg explosive strength and agility, for this purpose hundred fifty students studying in various classes of Government high school Nagathan of... more
The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recently investigated the period in the 1970s and 1980s when shocking levels of abuse were deeply entrenched in the Satyananda Yoga ashram at Mangrove... more
Raising competition and stress in business organizations is causing workplace disturbances and malpractices, affecting its efficiency and long-term goal achievement. Maintaining healthy workplace environment through behavioral management... more
Premesso che la dizione ‘Upaniṣad dello Yoga’ è un termine di comodo utilizzato solo in epoca recente e che: “I testi di riferimento per le Upaniṣad dello Yoga sono considerati non ortodossi, anzi eretici” mentre “L’ortodossia classica è... more
Some information about sanskrit / yoga workshops I run from time to time
This paper examines the growth of interrelated tourism phenomena yoga tourism and spiritual tourism-both sit under the wider umbrella of wellness tourism. Tourism has long been linked with spirituality and where this is the case (for... more
In Iyengar yoga we shape our bodies with the outward form of each asana but the practice of asana also requires that we observe our relationship to what we are doing – the quality of our actions. Once the form of each asana is learnt and... more
Never had yoga been so big and never had it been so empty. Had America robbed it of its soul? - See more at:
Anteprima dal testo Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi, gli Yoga Sūtra di Patañjali, Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol I, a cura di Fabio Milioni. Il testo, in fase di redazione, sarà pubblicato il prossimo autunno. Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi... more
Joga była stałym, powszechnym i ważnym elementem europejskiej XIX wiecznej myśli ezoterycznej i okultystycznej. W jej ramach joga doczekała się wielu interpretacji, często bardzo odległych od jej tradycyjnego, indyjskiego rozumienia, a... more
O objetivo é explorar conexões entre yoga, processos de criação em dança, improvisação, performance e o que denomino de ‘in-ex-corporação’, uma proposta artístico-investigativa com ênfase na complementariedade, que busca unir ao invés... more
Poses that covers in Yoga Teacher Training courses
The c. eleventh century CE Amṛtasiddhi conceives of a bindu-oriented (semen) model of the yogic body which may be leveraged for yogic ends. Verse 7.8 teaches bindu to be of two kinds: bīja is male bindu, rajas is female bindu; when... more
Tratto da: Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi Le fondamenta:Yama e Niyama Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol II – terza edizione A cura di Fabio Milioni YCP 2020, ISBN | 979-12-20306-83-6 Pgg. 371-413 Yama, Niyama e salute della popolazione... more
A critical overview of the complex history of how was hathayoga constructed and re-fashioned. It pays attention to textual sources in Sanskrit and Hindi, but also considers some modern chapters in hathayoga's history.
In the Iyengar method we are taught, as teachers and student alike, about the importance of linking in asana practice. We learn to link movements into 'paired actions', we link actions in one part of the body to actions in other parts of... more