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This translation of the Isha Upanishad allows readers with little knowledge of Sanskrit to explore the different possible meanings of the text. The format of this translation closely follows that of Winthrop Sargeant’s translation of the... more
As dez Upanishads do Rigveda em português reunidas em um único arquivo.
This translation of the Kena Upanishad allows readers with little knowledge of Sanskrit to explore the different possible meanings of the text. The format of this translation closely follows that of Winthrop Sargeant’s translation of the... more
This translation of the Mandukya Upanishad allows readers with little knowledge of Sanskrit to explore the different possible meanings of the text. The format of this translation closely follows that of Winthrop Sargeant’s translation of... more
The paper introduces main aspects of the historical Vedic religion, i.e. its deities, rituals and sacred texts. Moreover, the author tried to overview how the religious and philosophical thought of ancient India developed into a form of... more
Entry in the Springer Encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions
This a sample of a translation of the Isopanisad grammatically analyzed and translated with the commentaries of Sankara and Madhva. Intended for use in classes on the fundamentals of Vedanta and the rudiments of Sanskrit grammar, or for... more
Genealogies of Mahāyāna Buddhism offers a solution to a problem that some have called the holy grail of Buddhist studies: the problem of the " origins " of Mahāyāna Buddhism. In a work that contributes both to a general theory of religion... more
Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) has been praised by a number of Bengali Muslim authors for his sympathetic portrayal of Islamic concepts and ideals, and it is well known that some of his works of prose and verse were influenced by Persian... more
This article is a reflection on a conception of death, that of karma and rebirth, and its value in interpreting one's life. I have thought about this conception in two ways. The first is that I can see the circumstances of my life as the... more
This Sanskrit-English translation of the Māṇḍūkya Upanishad contains word-for-word translations with grammatical detail. It was translated by Michael Douglas Neely.

This translation was last updated on September 12, 2022.
Tripura Upanishad is a minor Shakta or Tantra Upanishad explaining the structure of and meditation on Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra—a diagrammatic representation of the universe through nine interlocking triangles coming out of a central... more
Encyclopedia Entry in the Springer Encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions.
The phenomenological question of consciousness usually associated with Husserl (although there are echoes of this in Augustine as in Marcus Aurelius, Kant and Schopenhauer), is the consciousness of the now, the present moment. I explore... more
Il Gāyatrīmantra è un mantra sacro della tradizione vedica, che ha le sue radici nella Śrūti . Basato su un versetto del Ṛgveda Saṃhitā (3.62.10), attribuito al ṛṣi (Sapiente) Viśvāmitra . Il mantra prende il nome dal metro vedico di 24... more
Contemporary scholars, this article argues, stand to learn a great deal from Sri Aurobindo’s sophisticated hermeneutic approach to the Vedāntic scriptures. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses of traditional and modern... more
This translation of the Aitareya Upanishad allows readers with little knowledge of Sanskrit to explore the different possible meanings of the text. The format of this translation closely follows that of Winthrop Sargeant’s translation of... more
Introductory chapter on the Upaniṣads aimed at an undergraduate audience.
The part 'Dating the Bhagavadgita' reviews the date of Buddha's death, the chronology of the Upanisads, the layered structures in the Bhagavadgita and the dating of the Mahabharata. The part 'a Review of the Search for Its Original,'... more
Rigveda. Nº 47. Sannyasa. Aforismos sobre a renúncia.
Etymologies are often encountered in Vedic prose, in Brahmanas and early Upanisads. Though they have received a fair amount of scholarly attention, Vedic etymologies still present a challenge to interpreters. To respond to it, I... more
"Os versos no Satasloki focam nitidamente nos principais ensinamentos de todas as Upanishads. Para os estudantes avançados de Vedanta, essa obra servirá como um auxílio para a reflexão. Para os menos avançados, será um bom guia para... more
The first chapter of Kaṭhopaniṣad reformulates an older Brāhmaṇical narrative of a meeting between the boy Naciketas and Death and the proper piling of the nāciketa fire altar. In this article, I argue that the Kaṭhopaniṣad deploys this... more
The intriguing similarity between the allegories of the soul chariot in Plato’s Phædrus and in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad has been pointed out — if not thoroughly investigated — by several scholars, accompanied with varying assessments, largely... more
The Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib's Guru, by James Bean Everyone in contemporary Sant Mat has a clear idea about their own recent history of masters, at least dating back a few generations. Most... more
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
It is not widely known that Swami Vivekananda remarked to his disciple Swami Shuddhananda that he should try to understand the “true intention” of the author of the Brahmasūtras instead of relying on the biased interpretations of... more
This paper examines the work of Richard Garbe (1857-1927), a German Protestant indologist who studied the history and theology of Indian religious traditions. Garbe was one of many German scholars intent on uncovering the ‘genuine’... more
The rich tradition of Indian classical sculpture and religious representational art is based on the visualization principles laid down in ancient texts. The paper discusses the procedure of form creation and formal visualization of the... more
By focusing on Eliade’s early life and writings (1921–1936), and specifically on his work on Yoga, I address in this paper a question that is frequently asked about the problematic relation between personal belief and scholarship in... more
Esta é a Upanishad das Três Cidades, ou a Upanishad da Deusa Tripurasundarī, a ‘Bela (Deusa) das Três Cidades’.  Rigveda. Nº 82. Shakta.
"A essência das Upanishads em sessenta e dois versos".
"Nel contributo, partendo da una prospettiva teoretica, ci si prefigge di analizzare i rapporti fra la filosofia indiana di Śaṃkara (il massimo filosofo del Vedānta, vissuto nell’VIII sec. d. C.) e il pensiero di Bergson. Da un simile... more