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It-traduzzjoni ta' "Hallelujah" ta' Leonard Cohen
"When Ezra Pound quipped in a letter to R.P. Blackmur in 1924 that ‘one can no longer put Mt Purgatory forty miles high in the midst of Australian sheep land’, he was of course mocking the medieval cosmography of Dante’s La Divina... more
A jegyzetek a fordító, Fórizs László, és a szerkesztő, Szamanéra Gambhíró megjegyzései. Kiadta: Aruna Publications, Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery, Harnham Hall Cottages, Harnham, Belsay, Northumberland, NE20 0HF UK © 2012Harnham... more
OS SONETOS COMPLETOS DE ANTERO DE QUENTAL PREFÁCIO: J. P. Oliveira Martins NOTA PRÉVIA , TRANSCRIÇÕES E POSFÁCIO: Patricio Ferrari CAPA: João Botelho REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Novembro de 2010... more
There are a number of arguments that support the idea of translating non-fiction to be a “double challenge”, considering the time invested in research, getting all the facts, historical names and quotations right in two languages, and... more
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
Translations into German: Muktibodh, Shrikant Verma, Dhoomil, Nagarjun
12 poems from the book, Nandithayude Kavithakal, a collection of poems found in the diary of K.S. Nanditha after her death, have been translated from Malayalam to English. I have noticed that recently, the readership of this translation... more
A nyelvészeti fordítástudomány születésekor kutatási céljainak és módszereinek megfogalmazása kapcsán tudatosan határolta el magát az addig az irodalomtudomány területéhez tartozó műfordítás-kutatástól. A nyelvészeti fordítástudomány... more
«(…) Nel presentare la mia traduzione italiana di Caleidoscopio non posso fare a meno di notare innanzitutto che lo scenario in cui si sviluppa il suo percorso conoscitivo è particolarmente consono al lettore italiano. L’ambiente... more
La poesia d’Anna Świrszczyńska [Anna Swir] (Varsòvia, 1909 – Cracòvia, 1984) comença essent un refinat, intel·ligent i brillant joc basat en referències culturalistes i construccions formals molt elaborades. Tanmateix, la sotragada de la... more
Skrócony zapis panelu dyskusyjnego z udziałem Dominiki Cieśli-Szymańskiej, Rafała Lisowskiego i Adama Pluszki oraz Krzysztofa Fordońskiego w roli moderatora. Dyskusja odbyła się 17 marca 2016 roku na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW... more

  Klaus J. Gerken
      Juan O'Neill Memorial issue VOL I


  Juan O'Neill

      Translation of  Pablo Neruda's Macchu Picchu
For poets Elizabeth Bishop and Gabriela Mistral, the potential of Portuguese saudade was an answer to the crises of alienation and identity they faced as exiles. Drawing upon their poetry, correspondence, and translations of Lusophone... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
On October 1, 1920, the city of Santiago, Chile, came to a halt as tens of thousands stopped work and their daily activities to join the funeral procession of José Domingo Gómez Rojas, a 24 year old university student and acclaimed poet.... more
The essays in Retranslating Joyce for the 21st-Century straddle the disciplines of Joyce studies, translation studies, and translation theory. The newest scholarly developments in these fields are well reflected in recent retranslations... more
English translation of "Canto a lo desconocido" (Ars Poetica, Madrid 2018)
With the literary movement known as Modernismo, writers from the Americas claimed a space at the vanguard of artistic developments in the Hispanic world. By adopting elements of Symbolism and Parnassianism, they made a forceful... more
"Oh foglia appassita del Fiume Mekong ed altre poesie" Antologia poetica di Htilar Sitthu (U Soe Nyunt) Libera traduzione di Htilar Sitthu, 1988 "O withered leaf from the River Mekong and other poems" Innwa Pub. House, VII edizione.... more
Aims and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: This article aims to understand how a young person develops as a translingual writer and which discursive strategies she identifies as important in this process. Neda (pseudonym) has never... more
Quel lecteur d’aujourd’hui n’a jamais eu en main une anthologie ? Le présent volume − fruit du travail mené dans un séminaire du Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Modèles Esthétiques et Littéraires de l’Université de Reims... more
During the German Occupation of France (1940-44), Spanish poetry translated in French thrived (since Spain was tacitly an ally to the Nazi regime, its literature was not then concerned by censorship), in particular F. García Lorca’s... more
The paper discusses verse written in Chichewa, the national language of Malawi, that is published in Malawian newspapers, specifically the weeklies; the Weekend Nation and the Malawi News. The paper contends that the verse appearing in... more
Mu Dan’s Poetry as a History of Modern China. Oxford Research Encyclopedia (ORE) of Asian History. Published 24 Oct. 2018, from .... more
The presence of an artificial language in All’s Well that Ends Well 4.1 and 4.3, being an extraordinary instance in William Shakespeare’s literary production, is a key device both for the humor of the play and for the depiction of one... more