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Optic nerve sheath meningiomas (ONSMs) represent the most challenging lesions involving the optic pathways: Microsurgery is not indicated and classical single-stage radiosurgery appears to be too risky due to the expected destruction of... more
Water storage structures are used to store water to tide over the daily requirement of water by localities, industries, campuses, towns, cities, etc. Especially elevated water tanks are used to supply water to a particular area so that... more
Es existieren verschiedene Verwendungsweisen des Begriffs Mise en Scène, die in diesem Beitrag zunächst unterschieden und erläutert werden. Anschließend geht der Autor anhand eines engeren Begriffsverständnisses auf den Beitrag der Mise... more
[English below] Dans cet article, je souhaite revenir sur le concept d''individuation intermédiale', développé dans mon ouvrage "L'Acteur et l'intermédialité" (2011). Il me permet de révéler des nuances dans l'interaction "... more
Plautus’ theatre still occupies a remarkable place within contemporary culture, mostly for its scenic verve. for this reason, it seems always more necessary to reflect on how we can use the cultural heritage that his comedies form. An... more
Introduction: Space launch vehicles and military missiles- function, types, role, mission, mission profile, thrust profile, propulsion system, payload, staging, control and guidance requirements, performance measures, design,... more
Afetos, Relações e Encontros com Filmes Brasileiros Contemporâneos, by Denilson Lopes, seeks to fill a gap in the bibliography of studies on Brazilian cinema during the past ten years, after the so-called “Cinema da Retomada” (“New... more
Dans les principales réflexions sur le statut du textuel au théâtre, on utilise le terme de « texte » pour désigner un ensemble d’objets qui n’en sont qu’au sens métaphorique. On parle ainsi volontiers de « représentation comme texte »,... more
The combination of body and facial animation achieves significant results. While the main actions focuses on body movement and silhouette, the facial animation explores intention and emotion, though there are also emotions related to... more
The paper reconstructs the history of creation and performance of the opera "Pirro" by Zingarelli / De Gamerra, and considers the role of castrato Luigi Marchesi in the compositional process, the performances and the long lasting success... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Rolle und den Funktionen des Körpers in einschlägigen Reality-TV-Formaten mit Blick auf den prinzipiellen Anspruch solcher Sendungen, Wirklichkeit zu zeigen. Die zentrale Frage ist, wie der Körper... more
In the majority of cases, duodenal papillary tumors are adenomas or adenocarcinomas, but the endoscopy biopsy shows low accuracy to make the correct differentiation. Endoscopic ultrasonography and endoscopic retrograde... more
Developmental biology research has used various avian species as model organisms for studying morphogenesis, with the chick embryo being used by the majority of groups. The focus on the chick embryo led Hamburger and Hamilton to develop... more
In NINO HARATISCHWILIS Roman Das achte Leben (Für Brilka) versucht die Erzählerin Niza vergeblich, die sowjetische Geschichte Georgiens und die individuelle Geschichte ihrer Familie zwischen 1900 und 2006 aufeinander bezogen darzustellen.... more
In the 1950s when many facts like the disappearance of traditional culture was realised, identifying Turkish Folk Dances repertory, the psychological and sociological gains offolk dances, and the need for folk dances to be brought... more
El presente trabajo estudia la presencia de comida y bebida en las dos églogas carnavalescas del salmantino Juan del Encina (1468-1529), la Égloga representada en la noche postrera de Carnal y la Égloga representada la mesma noche de... more
The earliest indirect evidence about silence on the Aeschylean stage is in Aristophanes, Frogs 911-913, where Euripides mentions an Achilles who is silent and fixed for a large part of a drama. The difficulty in interpreting these verses... more
From the experience of the SNS Theatre Group, new original Italian translations of Sophocles' tragedies, specifically thought for the stage. In the first volume, Electra and Philoctetes. Dall'esperienza del Gruppo Teatrale della... more
ObjectiveUterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) is a clinically and pathologically distinct subtype of endometrial cancer. Although less common than its endometrioid carcinoma (EEC) counterpart, UPSC accounts for a disproportionate... more