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Int J Gynecol Cancer 2008, 18, 465–469 Pathology of stage I versus stage III ovarian carcinoma with implications for pathogenesis and screening A.V. YEMELYANOVA*, J.A. COSINy, M.A. BIDUSz, C.R. BOICEy & J.D. SEIDMAN* *Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and yDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC; and zDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC Abstract. Yemelyanova AV, Cosin JA, Bidus MA, Boice CR, Seidman JD. Pathology of stage I versus stage III ovarian carcinoma with implications for pathogenesis and screening. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2008;18:465–469. The progression of ovarian carcinoma from stage I when it is confined to the ovaries and curable to disseminated abdominal disease, which is usually fatal, is poorly understood. An accurate understanding of this process is fundamental to designing, testing, and implementing an effective screening program for ovarian cancer. Pathologic features of the primary ovarian tumors in 41 FIGO stage I ovarian carcinomas were compared with those in 40 stage III carcinomas. The primary ovarian tumors in stage I cases, when compared with stage III, respectively, were significantly larger (15.4 versus 9.8 cm), were less frequently bilateral (12% versus 75%), more frequently contained a noninvasive component (88% versus 30%), had a higher proportion of a noninvasive component (42% versus 8%), and were more often nonserous (83% versus 20%) (P , 0.001 for all five comparisons). There are significant pathologic differences between the primary ovarian tumors in stage I and III ovarian carcinomas that are very difficult to explain by a simple temporal progression. These findings along with the growing body of literature suggest that early- and advanced-stage ovarian cancers are in many instances biologically different entities. This knowledge may have significant implications for our understanding of the biology of early- and advanced-stage ovarian cancer and therefore on the development of screening strategies for ovarian cancer. KEYWORDS: ovarian carcinoma, prognosis, screening, staging. Ovarian cancer kills more than 14,000 women annually in the United States, and the vast majority of these deaths are in patients who present with advancedstage disease (FIGO stages III and IV)(1). Stage I invasive ovarian carcinoma (tumor confined to the ovaries) is relatively uncommon (less than 20% of all invasive carcinomas) and is associated with an excellent prognosis (nearly 90% or better 5-year survival for comprehensively staged patients(2–10)). The features and mechanisms of progression of stage I to advanced Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Jeffrey D. Seidman, MD, Department of Pathology, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA. Email: jeffrey.d.seidman@ Dr Yemelyanova is presently at Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1438.2007.01058.x 2007, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation # 2007, IGCS and ESGO # stage are poorly understood, and in fact, it is not entirely clear that early- and advanced-stage ovarian carcinomas represent the same disease at different points in time. Understanding of the sequence of events in ovarian cancer progression is important because current screening strategies rely primarily on ovarian imaging to detect what is destined to be latestage ovarian cancer at an earlier stage. The current study compares and contrasts the pathologic features of the primary tumors in early and advanced stage to better understand and further characterize the pathways of ovarian tumorigenesis. Materials and methods This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Washington Hospital Center (WHC). Consecutive FIGO stage I invasive ovarian surface epithelial 466 A.V. Yemelyanova et al. carcinomas accessioned at WHC from 1991 to 2005 were compared with consecutive stage III cases. Only patients who had their primary surgery at WHC were included. Primary peritoneal carcinomas, atypical proliferative (borderline) tumors with microinvasion, carcinosarcomas (malignant mixed müllerian tumors), and tumors that were not clearly primary in the ovary were excluded. Criteria for histologic type, primary peritoneal carcinoma versus ovarian carcinoma, microinvasion, endometriosis, and grading were as previously reported(1,11–15). Patient data were abstracted from charts (M.A.B.) and follow-up was also obtained from public records (social security death index). Histologic sections of ovaries were reviewed by two gynecological pathologists (A.V.Y. and J.D.S.). One pathologist (J.D.S.) was blinded to the original diagnosis and FIGO stage, except in cases for which blinding was not possible (cases for which the stage was obvious based on extraovarian tissue present on the slides of the primary tumor). Surgical–pathologic stage was determined according to the FIGO criteria(16,17). Accordingly, stage I includes tumors confined to the ovaries with or without tumor cells in peritoneal washings or ascites. Evidence suggests that upstaging based on dense adhesions to extraovarian tissue regardless of whether tumor is present in those adhesions may be warranted and appears to be common practice(2,18). However, FIGO guidelines are not sufficiently clear to determine whether this practice is permitted. We require microscopic evidence of tumor involving extraovarian tissue to designate a patient as higher than stage I. Histologically noninvasive epithelial components, that is, possible precursor lesions, were sought in the primary ovarian tumors. (Of note, it is an assumption that morphologically benign or noninvasive components are in fact benign. It is possible that they may in fact be in situ or invasive carcinoma with either ‘‘maturation’’ or other explanation for this appearance.) In addition to endometriosis, a cystadenoma or atypical proliferative (borderline) tumor was diagnosed when areas that would qualify for such a diagnosis on their own were identified. When such an area was identified, the percentage of the entire tumor occupied by the benign and/or atypical proliferative component (total noninvasive component) was estimated. For this assessment, the gross pathologic description was evaluated in conjunction with the histology and in some cases modified to account for large smooth-walled cysts for which the sections of the cysts and solid areas were not proportionally representative of the tumor. These percentages were averaged for group comparisons. The ability of surgical pathologists to accurately # estimate proportions of tumor occupied by various components has been previously validated(19). Ovaries with small foci of unequivocal metastatic tumor involving their surfaces or superficial cortex contralateral to a clearly primary ovarian tumor were considered bilateral. In such cases, only the primary tumor was evaluated for precursor lesions. Comparison of groups was performed using Fisher exact test and Student’s t-test, as appropriate. Survival curves were constructed according to Kaplan and Meier. Data were analyzed by A.V.Y. and J.D.S. Results Forty-one stage I and 40 stage III patients were studied, and significant differences between these groups were identified. The primary ovarian tumors in stage I were significantly larger compared with those in advanced stage (mean diameters of 15.4 versus 9.8 cm, respectively; P , 0.001), more frequently unilateral (88% versus 25%; P , 0.001), more diverse histologically (83% nonserous versus 20% nonserous; P , 0.001), more likely to contain a discrete noninvasive component (88% versus 30%; P , 0.001), and more frequently associated with endometriosis (68% versus 30%; P , 0.001). The proportion of the primary tumor (mean percentage) occupied by the noninvasive component, that is, a putative precursor lesion, was higher in stage I than in stage III (42% versus 8%, respectively; P , 0.001). The results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. All stage I patients had total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with or without staging. Data on postoperative chemotherapy were available for 26 patients: 18 patients received platinum-based chemotherapy and 7 patients received no chemotherapy. One patient who also had colon cancer received 5-fluorouracil and received no specific chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma. Among the five fatal cases, four received platinum-based chemotherapy and information on one was not available. Among the nonfatal cases, 14 of 22 (64%) received platinumbased chemotherapy. All stage III patients had total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with staging/debulking surgery and received postoperative platinum-based chemotherapy. Among stage I patients, there were five tumor deaths. The mean and median follow-up periods were 71 and 62 months, respectively (range 13–127 months). The 5- and 10-year disease-specific survival rates were 91% and 82%, respectively. Among stage III patients, there were 25 deaths. The mean follow-up period was 2007 IGCS and ESGO, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 18, 465–469 Pathology of stage I versus stage III ovarian carcinoma Table 1. Pathologic features of stage I versus stage III ovarian carcinomas Number of cases Mean patient age (year) Histologic type Serous Nonserous Mucinous Endometrioid Clear cell Transitional Undifferentiated Mixed Bilaterality Mean/median size (cm) Grade invasive component Low High Stage I Stage III 41 57 40 62.5 7 (17%) 34 (83%) 8 (20%) 12 (29%) 11 (27%) 1 (2%) 0 2 (5%) 5 (12%) 15.4/14 32 (80%) 8 (20%) 1 (2%) 3 (8%) 1 (2.5%) 1 (2.5%) 1 (2.5%) 1 (2.5%) 30 (75%) 9.8/9 6 (15%) 35 (85%) 1 (2%) 39 (98%) P ,0.001 ,0.001 NS NS, not significant. 48 months and the median was 47 months (range 1–81 months). The 5-year survival rate was 37%, and the median survival was 49 months. Discussion Understanding the sequence of events in ovarian cancer progression is critical to designing and implementing effective screening programs for early detection. If undiagnosed stage I ovarian carcinoma typically progressed to stage III as is commonly assumed, the current findings would indicate that with tumor progression, the primary ovarian tumor usually gets smaller, loses most or all its noninvasive component, and changes from nonserous to serous cell type. This is an unlikely sequence of events. First, tumors of nearly all sites generally enlarge with progression even if tumor necrosis occurs. Second, the striking high proportion of the noninvasive component in a stage I tumor, although arguably partially obliterated by rapid growth of the invasive component, is inexplicably reduced in absolute as well as in relative quantity in advanced stage. Third, although mixtures of epithelial cell types do occur in primary ovarian carcinoma, this is infrequent and occurs in about 5% of patients(20,21). The primary tumor in most advanced-stage ovarian carcinomas is a pure serous carcinoma and generally does not have features suggestive of origin in another cell type(20). Accumulating evidence from pathologic and molecular biologic studies supports a dualistic model of ovarian carcinogenesis with different pathways for lowand high-grade tumors. The ‘‘high-grade pathway’’ # Table 2. Presence of noninvasive component (putative precursor) in stages I and III ovarian carcinomas Precursor/histologic subtype NS ,0.001 467 Tumor with benign (cystadenoma) or atypical proliferative (borderline) component Serous Nonserous Mucinous Endometrioid Clear cell Transitional Mixed Undifferentiated Tumors associated with endometriosis Serous Nonserous Mucinous (seromucinous) Endometrioid Clear cell Transitional Mixed Undifferentiated Number of cases with identifiable precursor (noninvasive component)a Mean % of total noninvasive componenta Stage I 24/41 (59%) Stage III P 8/40 (20%) ,0.001 3/7 (43%) 5/32 (16%) 21/34 (62%) 3/8 8 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 9/12 (75%) 2/3 (67%) 3/11 (27%) 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/2(50%) 0/1 — 0/1 28/41 (68%) 12/40 (30%) ,0.001 3/7 (43%) 25/34 (74%) 4/8 (50%) 8/32 (25%) 4/8 (50%) 1 (100%) 10/12 (83%) 2/3 (75%) 9/11 (82%) 1 (100%) 0 0/1 2 (100%) 0/1 — 0/1 36 (88%) 12 (30%) ,0.001 42 ,0.001 8 a Noninvasive component includes endometriosis, cystadenoma/ adenofibroma, and/or atypical proliferative (borderline) tumor. accounts for the majority of ovarian cancers, which are nearly always high-grade serous carcinomas believed to arise de novo without a clearly identifiable precursor lesion(22–26). The ‘‘low-grade pathway’’ is characterized by an orderly progression from benign to atypical proliferative to carcinoma in situ and finally invasive carcinoma. The prototypical low-grade tumor in a recently proposed model(22,23) is invasive low-grade (micropapillary) serous carcinoma, which develops from atypical proliferative (borderline) ovarian serous tumors. However, invasive low-grade serous carcinoma is relatively uncommon, and in FIGO stage I, rare in our experience. In one recent study and our study of low-stage invasive ovarian cancers(27), a total of 136 stage I and II cases, there was not a single case of invasive low-grade serous carcinoma. The stepwise progression from benign to atypical proliferative to carcinoma is much more commonly characterized by the heterogeneity of cell types and levels of neoplastic progression (ie, atypical proliferative, carcinoma in situ) seen in stage I tumors. 2007 IGCS and ESGO, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 18, 465–469 468 A.V. Yemelyanova et al. The heterogeneity of cell types in stage I ovarian carcinoma has been reported previously and, although well known by gynecological pathologists and generally acknowledged in the pathology literature(21–28), is often largely ignored in clinical studies. The peculiar inverse relationship between tumor size and stage has also been reported(29,30). The presence of a substantial noninvasive component for endometrioid and mucinous carcinomas compared with serous is also known, as is the propensity of clear cell carcinomas to be associated with large areas of endometriosis(24–28). Thus, some of our findings are not new. These observations, however, have only rarely been synthesized into an analysis of the clinically and biologically more relevant division of stage I versus advanced-stage ovarian carcinoma, that is, curable versus incurable cases. When this argument is laid out, it becomes clear that the progression of invasive ovarian carcinoma from an early stage when it is confined to the ovaries to widespread metastatic disease is poorly understood. In fact, the numerous and currently inexplicable differences between the primary tumors suggest that stage I and advanced-stage ovarian carcinoma are fundamentally different diseases. Hogg and Friedlander(31), in a recent literature review, raised most of these issues, but these views continue to receive very limited attention(32). Ovarian cancer is essentially incurable in advanced stage and efforts are underway to develop a screening test for earlier diagnosis at a ‘‘more curable stage,’’ that is, FIGO stage I. The justification for this approach is modeled after the highly successful screening programs for breast and colon cancer, which assist in identifying these cancers at an earlier, more curable stage. It is clear that the prognosis for early-stage ovarian cancer is excellent, and as noted earlier, comprehensively staged FIGO stage I patients have a 5-year survival rate of nearly 90% or better(2–10). Therefore, identifying ovarian cancers at this early stage when it is potentially curable would appear to justify the development of a screening test. However, the underlying concept that early- and advanced-stage ovarian carcinomas are the same disease at different points in time is an assumption that has not been tested and therefore can only be supported by circumstantial evidence. This concept is counterintuitive and therefore to an extent difficult to recognize on a casual perusal of the literature on ovarian cancer. Attention to the precise pathologic features of early- and advancedstage ovarian cancer makes it clear that there are many assumptions, and therefore, much to be learned about the progression of ovarian cancer from the curable to the incurable stage. # The criteria for a successful screening test are well established. According to the World Health Organization, fulfillment of these criteria ‘‘are fundamental to the integrity of the screening process in any country(33).’’ One of the main criteria is as follows: ‘‘The condition sought should be an important health problem whose natural history, including development from latent to declared disease, is adequately understood(33).’’ Ovarian carcinoma does not appear to satisfy this criterion. The reasons behind the disappointing reports of screening trials for ovarian cancer may be in part explained by an incomplete understanding of the goals of screening and the fundamental differences in earlyand advanced-stage tumors. In particular, most screening trials for ovarian cancer result in the identification of predominantly advanced-stage carcinomas as well as noninvasive (atypical proliferative or ‘‘borderline’’) and nonepithelial tumors. There is no compelling justification for earlier diagnosis through screening of these latter types of tumors as they contribute minimally to ovarian cancer mortality. In addition, when reported, most trials include screennegative women who develop ovarian cancer in the interval period between screenings(34). These findings, taken together, strongly suggest that ovarian neoplasms destined to be advanced stage are characterized by early metastatic growth when the primary tumor is small. This is in stark contrast to stage I tumors, which grow to significantly larger size than their advanced-stage counterparts without metastatic growth. Available data suggest that the goal of screening should be to identify stage I high-grade serous carcinomas, a finding which has been exceedingly uncommon in all reported trials. Although some stage I carcinomas have been identified, most of these have been nonserous, and the grade is frequently not reported. The current data, if confirmed, suggest that screening methods based on ovarian imaging are unlikely to significantly influence mortality and that more sensitive screening tests that rely on parameters other than tumor size are needed. Although we hesitate to be unduly pessimistic about screening for this important worldwide public health problem, the data suggest that reconsideration of the strategies for these trials is in order. In conclusion, our data show that there are significant differences between stage I and advanced-stage ovarian carcinomas beyond those suggested by a simple temporal progression. Most fatal ovarian cancers arise de novo and have a specific histopathology. Typical examples of early-stage disease have a distinctly different histopathology, and several lines of evidence 2007 IGCS and ESGO, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 18, 465–469 Pathology of stage I versus stage III ovarian carcinoma suggest that these latter tumors do not represent the precursors of most fatal (advanced stage) cases. The implications of this finding for the development of a screening test are profound. Acknowledgments The authors thank Drs Thomas Godwin, Russell Vang, Brigitte Ronnett, and Robert Kurman for their helpful comments. References 1 Seidman JD, Russell P, Kurman RJ. Surface epithelial tumors of the ovary. In: Kurman RJ, ed. Blaustein’s pathology of the female genital tract, 5th edn. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2002:791–904. 2 Dembo AJ, Davy M, Stenwig AE, Berle EJ, Bush RS, Kjorstad K. Prognostic factors in patients with stage I epithelial ovarian cancer. 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Accepted for publication July 2, 2007 2007 IGCS and ESGO, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 18, 465–469