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Executive Summary Background & Aims Despite increasing anecdotal evidence that sexual violence occurs at music festivals, to date no research has addressed this issue. This pilot project aimed to establish a research base in this area... more
As the majority perpetrators of sexual violence, it is plausible to see men as responsible for war rape not only as individuals, but also as collective bystanders, facilitators and beneficiaries. Following recent criticisms of individual... more
This report—including interviews with more than 331 workers employed in 32 factories that supply to H&M—documents the experiences of women garment workers at the base of H&M garment supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low-skill,... more
Despite the wide repository of knowledge about conflict-related sexual violence that now exists, there remains a lack of understanding about how victims/survivors of such violence themselves make sense of and frame their experiences in... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Cada 14 días muere una mujer asesinada por su pareja o expareja. Este alarmante dato debería concientizar y sensibilizar a la ciudadanía sobre la violencia contra las mujeres. Sin embargo, y a pesar de la persistente denuncia de las... more
Kenya has a relatively good policy legal framework for interventions on SGBV but shows limited progress at prevention, reduction of incidence and feasible mitigation measures. This situation is attributable to inadequate coordination of... more
Catalina de Erauso was a Spanish nun—turned soldier—who lived in 17th century Spain. Dressed as a man for almost two decades, she travelled to the Colonies to test her luck in the army, where she made the grade of ensign. In 1624 she... more
Les publications sur le "fait colonial" en France se succèdent habituellement chaque année sans faire de grands remous. Or, la sortie du livre "Sexe, Race et colonie" semble faire une exception non seulement dans le cercle fermé des... more
Background: A recent global review of 50 population-based studies carried out in 36 countries indicates that between 10 and 60% of women who have ever been married or partnered have experienced at least one... more
El Sistema Nacional de Prevención, Atención, Sanción y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres (el Diagnóstico) fue instalado el 3 de abril de 2007 y desde entonces se ha mantenido en operaciones, con distintos niveles de avance y... more
This material addresses social interventions with migrant women in the field of gender-based violence. This manual can be used as a reference tool, as well as a practical instrument for training workshops. Its content covers a theoretical... more
The 'Past Sense' Project (PSP) brings together contemporary and historical archaeology, and psychotherapy, to consider the significance of material culture within contexts of domestic and sexual abuse, past and present. PSP will pilot a... more
It is within this precarious context—between bodies and institutions—that we contend feminist communication scholar–teacher–activists should commit to more expansive communication-based theorization and study of gendered violence as... more
While girl-led projects that address sexual violence can empower girls to seek consent and to understand their right to safety, this alone cannot deal with the reality of everyday violence. While girls are told to empower themselves and... more
Over 82 million people were forcibly displaced in 2020, around half being female. Women and girls face specific vulnerabilities in forced migration including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The exact proportion of forced migrants... more
This is a review of research evidence on interventions to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse in jurisdictions outside England and Wales. The report was commissioned as evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual... more
Informed by decolonial feminism, this article explores a transformative justice approach to relationship violence and campus sexual assault in the aftermath of the Larry Nassar case at Michigan State University. The article considers how... more
The present Best Practices Guide, is a collection of existing best practices across the EU and beyond, aiming to tackle sexual harassment in sports. The purpose of this publication is to: - provide best practices in preventing and... more
Objective: This study examines the associations of gender roles and sexual power with the sexual wellbeing of Mexican adolescents. Particularly we look at the role played by adolescent’s attitudes toward gender roles and sexual power... more
En "El Mismo Horror, la Misma Responsabilidad: perspectiva de género sobre la tortura", publicado en septiembre de este año en El Reporte judicial, de la Escuela de Capacitación Judicial de la Provincia del Chubut, Rawson, Argentina, la... more
This paper analyzes the historic 2013 trial against former dictator General (r) Jose Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, but a controversial decision by the Constitutional Court annulled... more
On the last quarter of 2020, a viral post circulated around social media that made people start talking about Gender-Based Sexual Harassment (GBSH), the big elephant in the room, again. The content of the said post was this: what would... more
At the time of writing, the reach of #MeToo continues unfolding. Frank revelations about experiences of sexual harassment and sexual assault reach well into the academic sphere, with stories emerging across disciplines, regions, and... more
The ideologies that keep women from opening up about their experiences with rape and sexual abuse are not located simply in Hollywood of course, but are part of a wider systemic problem the world over. Furthermore, when women do open up... more
Concerns about the criminal justice response to rape have prompted the development of victim advocacy services across a range of jurisdictions, yet research evidence about the nature, meaning and value of advocacy remains limited. This... more
Microfinance programs targeting poor women are considered a ‘prudent’ first step for international financial institutions seeking to rebuild post conflict economies. IFIs continue to visibly support microfinance despite evidence and... more
Indice e Introduzione del volume :
P. Degani, R. Della Rocca, Verso la fine del silenzioVerso la fine del silenzio. Recenti sviluppi in tema di violenza maschile contro le donne, diritti umani e prassi operative, Padova, Cleup, 2014
Across Canada, there is a need to enhance upstream efforts to end all forms of gender-based violence. This work needs to include engaging men and boys to develop healthy, equitable, non-violent relationships. Such work includes providing... more
ROSALÍA RODRÍGUEZ LÓPEZ, LA VIOLENCIA CONTRA LAS MUJERES EN LA ANTIGUA ROMA, MADRID, EDITORIAL DYKINSON, 2018, pp. 436 (ISBN 978-84-9148-920-7) Review by Jaime Vizcaíno in Revista General de Derecho Romano, 31, 2018 RGDR-IVSTEL ISSN:... more
This article seeks to bring the often-invisible labor of interpreters and language assistants at the International Criminal Court and the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia into sharper focus. I... more
Women's experiences of intrusive men in public space, popularly termed 'street harassment', is one of the most understudied yet commonly experienced forms of violence against women. Despite acknowledgement of its importance, an explicit... more
This book (originally in Spanish) is based on a qualitative and quantitative research study that maps and analyzes perceptions of gender-based violence, particularly against indigenous girls in the Ecuadorian Central Andes, in five... more
This paper provides background to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church in Ireland and outlines the particular Irish dimensions to the problem. It argues that a systemic perspective offers best promise to conceptualise the... more
Capítulo do livro 'História dos crimes e da violência no Brasil', organizado por Mary del Priore e Angélica Müller. Aborda-se o tema da violência contra a mulher, interrogando-se o que se entende por essa expressão, sobre sua tipologia e... more
En 1994, le Rwanda devient tristement célèbre à cause d’un génocide d’une intensité inouïe qui fauche près d’un million de vies en cent jours, sur une population estimée à 7 ou 8  millions. Le groupe minoritaire identifié comme Tutsi est... more
Violence against women is one of the world’s greatest public health problems and one of Latin America’s major development challenges. Intrafamily violence is widespread in the region, affecting between 14 and 38 percent of all women... more
This work is based on the inequality that women suffer in public spaces, with fear being a constant in their lives. Women must learn to live to accept a limited and constrained existence. Based on this approach, this research establishes... more