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Από τη δεκαετία του 1970, όταν εμφανίστηκε για πρώτη φορά στην Αμερική ο όρος σεξουαλική παρενόχληση η προσοχή των ακαδημαϊκών και του κοινού στο συγκεκριμένο φαινόμενο έχει αυξομειωθεί ανά περιόδους βάσει ορισμέ- νων ιστορικών και... more
This study established the prevalence and correlates of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) among adolescents and young adults aged 13-24 in refugee and host communities in Obongi District of Uganda as of June 2022. Study design: The... more
Maya Angelou's assertion that 'every life is a flower in the garden of humanity' underscores the inherent equality and sanctity of all human existence, emphasising that no life should be valued above another. Yet, history is replete with... more
Este ensayo busca identificar las condiciones bajo las cuales se puede establecer la responsabilidad en casos de actuaciones colectivas, específicamente cuando estas dan lugar a juicios justificados de responsabilidad simétrica.... more
Violence is an ancient phenomenon that has been preserved over time. The more stressed society is in its material and psychological conditions to provide the population with a dignified life, the more prone to violence there is,... more
In our advanced technological age, forms of sexual abuse and exploitation involving the use of images or videos frequently occur online. The umbrella term used to refer to these forms of abuse is “image-based sexual abuse” (IBSA)—the... more
The Indian Penal Code 1860, is replaced by new criminal law known as the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita which were passed by the Indian Parliament in December 2023.1 The Act were published in the Official Gazette after receiving presidential... more
The Guidelines are directed to practitioners who wish to familiarise themselves with the legal requirements of SGBV crimes under international criminal law. Emblematic international case law as well as commentaries of independent human... more
ABSTRACTThis thesis raises the issue entitled Legal Certainty Against Criminal Actors Who Have Sexual Deviance Related to the Case of the Batik Cloth Fetish. This writing is motivated by the case of the sexual deviation of the kain jarik... more
The Guidelines are directed to practitioners who wish to familiarise themselves with the evidence required to establish legal requirements of SGBV crimes under international criminal law. Emblematic international and selected historic... more
This paper evaluates the potential of criminal law as a remedy to address gynaecological and obstetric violence (GOV). Despite its prevalence, GOV remains underreported due to societal stigma and insufficient legal recognition at both... more
en todo el mundo sufrirá violencia física y/o sexual por parte de un compañero o violencia sexual por parte de personas distintas de su pareja
Во рамките на академската профилација на Правниот факултет при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип, интердисциплинарноста нуди можност за создавање на многу вакви дела на слични или различни тематики, низ кои наставниот и академски кадар... more
The institution of marriage prescribes different norms for men and women. Patriarchal and heterosexual marriage expects husband and wife to follow their set gender roles which is an inseparable part of this institution. It works in a... more
The digital sphere provides a space for minorities to empower themselves, while also exposing them to discrimination and online harm. The effects of online harm on minority groups can cause additional traumatic experiences, which affect... more
RESUMEN Introducción. La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera la violencia de género como un grave problema de salud pública. Una de cada cuatro mujeres entre 15 y 49 años ha sufrido violencia de género a lo largo de su vida desde... more
Outstanding exemplars of Mesopotamian art—the apogee of thousands of years of artistic development, feats of engineering, and artistic accomplishment—Assyrian relief sculptures are as disturbing and trigger-warning-worthy as contemporary... more
Globally, one of the twentieth-century developments is the increased participation of women workers in factories. Indeed, women workers continue to play an essential role in the global economy. But the participation of women in wage... more
While perspectives on gendered and sexual experiences, practices, and norms during the Holocaust have significantly changed in recent decades, questions remain about how to understand and represent these topics, particularly gender-based... more
The purpose of the research is to determine the present status of cybercrimes in Bangladesh and how they differ in terms of gender, age, and profession. It also attempts to clarify the functions of Bangladesh's current cyber laws and the... more
La ciberviolencia en el noviazgo es un problema social y de salud pública, por ello la comunidad científica ha incrementado su estudio, aunque la mayoría se ha centrado en población heterosexual y cisgénero. Debido a esto, el objetivo de... more
A presente tese realiza pesquisa exploratória sobre como são produzidas, disputadas e transformadas as categorias jurídico-penais relacionadas ao crime de estupro de vulnerável. Para isso, analisa 55 acórdãos publicados pelo Tribunal de... more
How Aattam Exposes Shocking Truth Behind Sexual Violence
This short communication is based on a qualitative study investigating the relationship between digital technologies and gender-based violence (GBV). The term, TechViolence Nexus, introduced in this article, offers an in-depth... more
Cybercrime presents an evolving and significant challenge to modern legal systems worldwide. This paper provides an overview of the complexities associated with addressing cybercrime from a legal perspective. It explores the multifaceted... more
This article explores the persistent and deeply troubling issue of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) throughout history and in contemporary conflicts. It examines the roots of wartime sexual violence in wartime, the evolving... more
Allied accounts of the liberation of Jewish survivors of Nazi camps and forced marches near the end of World War II highlight the long-awaited release of prisoners from captivity and the threat of annihilation. Missing from most accounts,... more
The parable of the Prodigal Son is traditionally viewed from an androcentric perspective, focusing on the male characters, such as the father and brothers. However, this article suggests that the original listeners may have perceived... more
An experimental workshop brought together 20 stand-up comedians,environmental advocates, artists, researchers, and professors inYaoundé, Cameroon on 27 and 28 March 2023. Building upon historicaltraditions of les griots and the popularity... more
This open access book investigates the gendered violence and vulnerabilities experienced by Rohingya men and women, drawing on qualitative data from refugee camps in Bangladesh. It shows that in Myanmar, men suffered torture and sexual... more
Dr Andrea Barschdorf-Hager, CEO of CARE Austria Walaa Allahham, Former Humanitarian Worker in Syria Lois Herman, Managing Director of Women’s UN Report Network (WUNRN) Dr Mohinder Watson, Founder Action on Child, Early and Forced Marriage... more
On August 1, 1982, the first-ever field experiment on police response to domestic assault was completed in Minneapolis (Sherman and Berk 1984a), and it seemed to provide support for the deterrent effect of arrest (Sherman and Berk 1984b).... more