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Heimat- und Identitätslosigkeit – diese Themen beschäftigen Schriftsteller, die ihr Geburtsland verlassen haben, seit jeher. Manche Autoren nehmen eine passive, resignierte Haltung gegenüber der Unmöglichkeit eines Ankommens im neuen Land... more
Collana: Geologie Umane, diretta da D. Dattilo per Ferrari Editore.
Autori: Antonio Bevacqua, Cinzia Citraro, Delia Dattilo, Gilda De Caro, Pasquale Lopetrone, Eduardo Zumpano.
In our times, David Malouf in particular has transformed Brisbane into a city of the imagination as well as of bricks and mortar, or tongue and groove. This paper presents some earlier – and largely forgotten – evocations of Brisbane,... more
Brisbane Writers' Festival 2004 World War I represents something of a watershed in the participation of Brisbane women in literary life. There was a rapid increase in literary publications by women during and immediately after the war,... more
The Shadow Theatre or Shadow Puppetry or ‘Chhaya Natak’ of India is an ancient yet powerful example of folk theatre. On the basis of available evidences it has been found to be a predecessor of human theatre. This ancient form of leather... more
The article "Vineta, Sedina, Griffin: A choice of literary examples of pomeranian myths around 1900" tackles the topic of regional myths at the turn of the 20th century in the Pomera-nian region as found – or not – in literary works... more
The article “Between »Femme Fragile« and »Femme Fatale«. The feminine Element as Future Indicator for the Pomeranian Society around 1900 in Hans Hoffmanns Stories From Farther Pomerania [Geschichten aus Hinterpommern]” tackles the topic... more
北魏《真人代歌》内容并不限于鲜卑拓跋一部,甚至不局限于鲜卑一族,而兼有当时其他北方游牧民族事迹。其中《企喻》一章系鲜卑语,历来无题解,根据蒙古语可考知其为“军歌”“战歌”“武歌”之义。联类考察,可知梁横吹曲《慕容家自鲁企由谷》亦杂汉文、鲜卑语成题,涉及慕容鲜卑起源地问题。《真人代歌》中尚保存有与佛教信仰密切相关的作品,其宗教色彩不可忽视。此外,《旧唐书》《新唐书》对《真人代歌》记载的分歧与错舛,有助于确定《真人代歌》湮没的下限年代,亦可资管窥《新唐书》的史料来源与编撰情况,并... more
The status of Cebuano literature in the Philippine literary field has been relegated to a marginalized position due to the outbreak of the Second World War and the implementation of English and Filipino as "Mediums of Instruction. " As a... more
The present paper seeks to study the relevance of ‘ Neem Sahitya’- a genre of Bengali literature that sprang up in the industrial belt of Asansol-Durgapur in the 1970s. This literary endeavour was short-lived and critically underrated.... more
The arid and semi-arid parts of Queensland west of the Great Divide, north of the border with New South Wales and south of the Gulf of Carpentaria – including the Channel Country and the Gulf Country, and towns as diverse as Birdsville,... more
Nagaland is a vibrant hill state located at the fag end of North Eastern region of India. Surrounded by Myanmar, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Manipur from various sides, Nagaland is world famous for its rare tribal ethnicity, natural... more
India's independence from British rule did not bring news of adulterated happiness for the entire native population. The partition of India that followed it brought extreme difficulty for many. Division into two nations on the basis of... more
Hans Hoffmann (*1848 in Stettin – †1909 in Weimar) was considered in his day one of the most important German-speaking writers of his time. Above all, his novellas were highly esteemed, being pointed to direct analogies with works by... more
The Indian short story is not merely a derivative of the Western genre, but owes much to the great story-telling tradition of Indian antiquity. The mythical and legendary tales as well as folktales have provided a fertile soil for the... more
„Klingsor“ gehört aufgrund ihrer leitenden Rolle zu den vielfach untersuchten Periodika, sodass der Beitrag statt einer allgemeinen Präsentation, auf einen in der Fachliteratur implizierten, aber nicht erarbeiteten Aspekt eingegangen... more
Ausgehend von den Raumkonzepten von Kulturtheoretikern wie Michel Foucault, Marc Augé u. a. wird der Roman Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht von Aglaja Veteranyi als „raumorientierter Roman“ interpretiert, in dem der Zirkus als... more
Caste-based discrimination is a grotesque socio-political reality in India. The term " Dalit " (or " untouchable ") refers to a person belonging to the lowest caste in the traditional Indian caste system. Inspired by B. R. Ambedkar, a... more
Caste-based discrimination is a grotesque socio-political reality in India. The term " Dalit " (or " untouchable ") refers to a person belonging to the lowest caste in the traditional Indian caste system. Inspired by... more
Chapter 1 in Benjamin Kohlmann and Matthew Taunton's CUP volume of essays on, among many other things, the "Long 1930s." This chapter recovers English regional writers as part of the history of 1930s literature, arguing that they... more
The review considers the two-volume collective monograph A History of Urals Literature. The Nineteenth Century, edited by Professor E. K. Sozina and published in 2020. This work aims to present a regional literary history that transcends... more
The paper analyses six folk tales on the legendary pirate Klaus Störtebeker. The topic, known from the middle ages, was written down in the 19th century. Five of the works of reference come from the turn of the 20 th century, as the Klaus... more
The article problematizes the use of the term “minority” literature in the literary context, proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. According to the author of the paper, their definition proves to be too narrow and applicable only... more
The book by Roswitha Wisniewski, published in German in 2013, offers the very first thoroughly edited and relatively lengthy review of the development of literature in Pomerania from its beginnings until today. The study shall most... more
What have Cesare Pavese, Beppe Fenoglio and Primo Levi got in common? Apart from their obvious Piedmontese origins, they and other writers coming from the same Italian region share a certain tendency towards multilingualism, which is a... more
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. (Eliot, 1968) All moments of decolonisation in former colonies were... more
The paper "Cultural Changes in Western Pomerania in the Light of Folk Tales (Contributions from 1840-1848 and 1948)" deals with the cultural changes that occurred in Western Pomerania during the 19th and 20th century and resulted from the... more
IN: Spiegelungen. Zeitschrift für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas. Heft 2/2015, Jg. 10 (64). Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet. 47-60. Die politisch-gesellschaftliche Wende in Rumänien brachte auch einen Umbruch im... more
Исследование посвящено образам, сюжетам и мотивам традиционной русской и коми-пермяцкой культуры, которые отразились в прозе о деревне. В их числе - сюжет кладоискательства, вещего сна, прихода нечистого к жене под видом мужа , образы... more
This article explores the poetry of François Jaffrennou, who published under the druidic pseudonym Taldir ab Hernin, as a case study in decolonized multilingualism. Close readings of Taldir’s writing in Breton, Welsh and French reveal the... more
The article "Between Translation, Borrowing, Reinterpretation and Rewriting: Polish and Polish-Speaking Pomeranian Folk Tales" tackles the question of folk tales in the Polish part of Pomerania. Existing since 1945, some of them are... more
Shadow Theatre is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which uses flat articulate figures to create the impression of moving humans. Shadows might seem transitory and temporary in nature but they can be a powerful mode of... more
The present excursus attempts a deconstructive reading of the foundational texts of normative Indian nationalism and problematises them and their epistemic plexus through the critical trajectories of Homi K. Bhabha and Partha Chatterjee.... more
Pomerania’s identities. On Hans Hoffmann's "Der Teufel vom Sande" "Der Teufel vom Sande" was published in 1891 in a collection of short stories which tackled the history and the common image of Pomerania. The text, classified as... more
Writing Region: Robert Kroetsch and the Poetics of Prairie Space (John Thieme) Abstract This article considers the problematics of writing region with a particular focus on the formal strategies employed to represent Prairie space in... more